Tag: Taboo phone sex

Daddy’s Snuff Slut

taboo phone sex

Daddy says I’m his muse. Nothing fuels his sadism more than the sight of me and my tight little piggy whore body, he says. I’ve been conditioned for so much of my life to serve as my daddy’s perfect torture fuck doll. Daddy loves recording all the various ways of torture fucking he puts me through. Sometimes, he’ll sew my lips shut so I can’t scream while he slowly cuts away at my flesh and abuses my cunt. Daddy has sewed my cunnie wide open so that I am always accessible to him.

He had me hold my legs up and wide open so he could get a good look at my young cunt. I was told that if I shed a single tear or if my smile faltered, he would sew my cunt up instead. So, I smiled and giggled as Daddy pulled my cunnie lips back and began suturing and sewing me wide open. His cock quivered as the needle went in and out of my flesh and when he was does, he fucked his little snuff whore over and over again.

Evil Babysitter Phone Sex

babysitter phone sexI enjoy babysitter phone sex calls. I hate brats. They spread germs and they suck the life out of you. Why anyone would ask me to watch their devil’s spawn is beyond me, but they do. So, I assume if you ask a dark chick like me to watch your demons, then you want bad things to happen to them. Christmas day, this guy asked me to watch his daughter. He is divorced, and his daughter is with him this Christmas, but he had a work emergency. How he found me, I am not sure. He offered me a lot of money for a last-minute sit, so I knew something was up. When I arrived, it was clear he had no work emergency. He didn’t hire me to babysit. He hired me to be his accomplice. He knows a close friend of mine. That was how he got my information. He has a cock teasing young daughter and he is filled with naughty thoughts. Sound like you? I made her a special cocktail. We weren’t going to snuff this one, but we were going to violate all her tight teen holes. He had rape phone sex fantasies about his daughter that couldn’t stay fantasy any longer. I held her down while he force fucked her. She was drugged, but it still hurt her because she was crying. Her virgin pussy made daddy harder. I don’t think she knew who was fucking her. She was out of it but feeling some of the pain. Daddy tore her pussy and ass up. Clearly, he had months of pent up sexual frustration with his hot teen slut daughter. Her ass was prolapsed, and her cunt was bloody. He gave her a good fucking. I made him pay me more because I cleaned up her fuck holes and well, my silence comes at a price too.

Bodega Blues

Taboo phone sex

I knew right away that I was going to have a problem.  I entered the Bodega and one of the guys standing outside followed me in, I could hear his friends laughing.  I closed my eyes and sighed.  It never failed.  Some drunk asshole thinks just because it’s late out and that I am by myself that I am helpless, or asking to have sex.  Really? Let me tell you something, if you see a woman outside no matter what time of day it is, it doesn’t mean she wants to get fucked.  Especially me. I hardly have sex at all, I am one picky bitch.

I went back to where the beer was and he was right behind me the whole time.  He was talking to me about my tits.  Yes, I know I have tits, and yes I know how big they are.  No need to reaffirm that fact.  I looked at him, pushed past him and went to the counter.  The guy who was working behind the counter knows me, I go in there all the time.  He leaned in close and asked me if I needed help.  I told him that I was fine.  He then asked me if the guy would need help. I chucked then told him that he just might.  He told me to be safe, I waved then left the store with my beer.

I stopped to light a cigarette then started my short walk home.  Now not only was he following me, but the two others where with him too.  I put my earbuds in, reached inside the paper bag and pulled out one of the beers but I didn’t open it.  I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around and he was talking to me.  I just stared at him not saying a word.  Then, he got pissed.  I could tell by his body language that he was becoming agitated, and he was calling me a bitch and a cunt.  Big deal.  If you are going to try to insult me, do better than that.

I took the last drag off my cigarette, snubbed out the hot box, turned away from them and continued on my way.  Then I felt a full hand on my shoulder, he spun me around hard.  I stepped to him, not in a very nice way, I stepped up to him as in ‘posting up’.  He backed up a little but then stepped up to me too.  I smiled slightly and brought the can of beer up as hard as I could and smashed it against the side of his face.  He crumbled down, I stomped on his chest, then his cock. His friends started to move toward me, but I started to walk toward them faster.  They stopped in their tracks, I kept moving toward them, they backed up.  I stopped and just looked at them for a few minutes.

They were no longer moving at all, they were just taking in the sight I guess.  I turned around, picked up my other beer, gave the guy on the ground another good kick to this cock, turned around, gave them all the finger and went home to enjoy my beer.


Snuff phone sex I come walking out of the room and you grab me by the hair wrapping your hand in it tightly and twirling. You pull me up the stairs keeping my head against the wall. I thought you were going to throw me in the cage but instead you slam me on top of it. Pressing my body up against the steel bars you pull up my skirt and rip off my panties. I scream as you kick my legs apart screaming at me to shut the fuck up. I was being a brat and now it is punishment time. You slam your dick dry into my ass. I begin to cry as you tell me to take your dick. My ass tears feeling you ripping inside of me. Slobber and tears run down my face onto my fake big boobies.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasy

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies? I have many. I bet you do too. A friend of mine had only one Christmas wish this year. He wanted to explore a rape fantasy he has had for decades. I thought that was something I could help him with. I just had no idea his fantasy would be so violent. I gave him the key to my place. Not knowing when he might sneak into my place added a sense of excitement to the scenario. Last night, I was deep asleep when he yanked me out of bed. He flipped me over as I was wiping the sleep from my eyes. I heard him take his belt off. Seconds later, I felt the belt across my back and ass. He didn’t hold back. I whimpered and cried with every whack. That was nothing. He had his hands around my neck tightly, strangling me as he fucked my ass raw. He was grunting like an animal. A sweaty, horny animal that couldn’t get enough of my tight ass. When he nutted inside me, I passed out from the lack of oxygen. He slapped me back awake and thanked me for making his dark fantasy come true. Can I make yours cum true too?

Shower Time Snuff

Taboo phone sex

I got home from soccer practice and felt super sweaty, a nice, steamy, hot shower was definitely in order! I got naked, stepped in the hot water and began to soak and lather my sore, teen body with soapy suds. One minute I was rinsing off and the next I was thrown to the bathroom floor. A large whack hit the back of my head making me dizzy, before I could figure out what was happening, I was pinned to the floor by a strange man. I screamed and cried out for help. He punched my head and slammed my face onto the floor and told me to shut the fuck up!

I tried crawling away, but my naked body just slipped on the tile. My attacker flipped me around to look at him and I got so scared. I’ve seen his face now and I realize no one is going to help me. He pulled my legs open as I tried to fight back, but when I did he punched my face over and over again. Then he shoved his hard cock inside me. It hurt so bad but my pussy throbbed in pleasure, I don’t know why. I began to cry but that only made his cock harder. When I was able to, I stood up and tried to run for it, but he grabbed me by the hair and slammed me into my mirror. Glass exploded around the bathroom and small shards imbedded themselves in my skin.

Once again, he pinned me down and shoved his cock inside me. He told me that I was going to pay for being a fucking bitch and he grabbed a large shard of glass and began scraping and shoving it into my skin and arms. The harder I tried to escape, the deeper he stabbed. He thrusted his hard cock deeper and deeper inside my wet, cherry popped cunt and plunged the shard of glass into my neck over and over again, cutting and razoring through my flesh and artery. I bled all over the bathroom floor as he came deep inside my teen cunt.

Ass Rape Porn Sale

ass rape pornI got a gift card to an adult bookstore for Christmas. It was from my mother of all people. She knows what a kinky freak I can be. Today, when the store opened back up, I went in to buy some sex toys. The store was not crowded. I guess most folks were out at other stores shopping for after holiday sales. I enjoyed looking around. I enjoyed the attention too. I was getting a lot of that from the few people shopping with me. There was a couple in the store too. Sexy looking duo. The wife approached me thinking I might be a pro. She wanted to hire me to fuck her husband. I politely declined. I only fuck strangers for coke. They didn’t look like the druggy type. My rebuff, as nice as it was, didn’t go over well. They took what they wanted anyway and what they wanted was me. The woman grabbed my hair and slammed my head on the counter. While I was dazed, they were getting me ready for a homemade ass rape porn. This was a kinky couple. They fisted my ass and pussy. They encouraged other patrons to fuck me too. There was no holiday cheer with these two. They ravaged me while others egged them on. They took toys from the store and shoved them in all my holes. I was gaped and sore. My ass was bleeding, but they didn’t care. The were huffing from spray cans. The higher they got, the rougher I got treated. I was tied down for several hours. Every new customer got to fuck the old whore for free. I was part of the holiday sale: hardcore anal sex sale. The store owner did nothing to help me. The kinky couple abusing me paid him money to look the other way. He looked away until I was covered in cum and bleeding out the ass.

Helping A Family Member

Torture phone sex

What a twat!  One of my family member’s exes is such a dick!   Nobody could stand him and still can’t. Which is saying something because nobody in my family really likes me but they would take me any day over this guy.  At first I thought he would be fun to hang around with, but the more I did I realized what an absolutely douche nozzle he is.  Imagine the most narcissistic person you can think of, now add bad jokes, talking in the third person, what seems to be some serious brain damage, knowing every thing when they really know nothing, and more narcissism on top just for good measure and you will have him.

I do not celebrate Christmas, but as a token I will show up at my Mother’s house and pretend that I am having a good time.  This one family member told me that Saint Douchington would not leave them alone.  They showed me all the texts, all the phone calls, all the snaps, all the voicemails, and all the inbox messages.  If you are going to be psychotic, then hide it and be a Psycho on the down low, not out where every one can see.

Some of the messages were rather benign, but there were some where he was going a little violent, or what he thought was violent.  To me it was on the tamer side, but to my family member it was upsetting.  I would of laughed it off and completely ghosted him, but they didn’t want to do that because they didn’t want to switch phones.  They had trid blocking him, and even went as far as getting a  Protection Order.  You and I both know those are worthless.  I am not sure if it was the wine, or beer, or tequila, but I offered to help.  They said he was too dangerous, I laughed. I grabbed their phone and sent him a text.

He texted me back on my phone.  I played along like he was right and asked him if he wanted to meet up after I was done at the house to discuss the matter because I was really on his side.  Yeah, right.  He was happy too. We met in a parking lot and as soon as I got into his car I smacked him across the face.  It went wrong for him after that.  Incredibly wrong.  When I was done he was whimpering like the pussy bitch he really is and I doubt he will ever be able to shit right again.

I called my family member and told them that I didn’t think he would be bothering them anymore and if he does, they are to tell me right away.  From what they have said though, so far, so good. 

Brutal Pleasure

Snuff pornI went to bed alone in my bed and woke up tied tightly to a post. My clothes were stripped off me. There was a chocker collar around my neck. I had nipple clamps with weights pulling and stretching my fake tits. There was also a clamp with weights hanging off of each one of my cunt lips and my clit. I could not see anybody I was just hearing footsteps walking behind me. I opened up my mouth to speak and I was quickly shut up by a blow with a baseball bat to my back. I screamed and started to cry. The chocker was pulled tightly from behind. I could not breathe as I gasped for air. Every time I squirmed the roped dug into my skin. Four fingers invaded my cunt hole forming a fist punching me from the inside. I was trying to see who was causing me all this brutal pleasure but I never found out who this man was.

We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas

snuff moviesWe’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas
Very very slow
Take a look in at her crying face glistening once again
With bloody knives and red hot pokers all aglow
We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas
Whores on every street
But the prettiest sight to see, is the terror that will be
On our own first floor
A pair of thigh high boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Willow and Phil
Whores that will scream and will die for us both
Is the hope of us both as well
And we can hardly wait for that stupid whore to die
We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas
Very very slow
There’s a tree we can hang her from, one in the park as well
The sturdy kind that doesn’t mind the weight
We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas
Soon the screams will start
And the thing that will make them scream, is the stabbing that you do
Right within her heart
We’re gonna be killing a bitch this Christmas