I was in a snuff porn mood, so I went hunting for a victim. I found one. He was such a pathetic loser. He wanted to buy me a drink, but his credit card declined. He had no game. He had no money. Yet, he still thought he could fuck me. He had all these smooth lines, but they were just words. I knew what to do with him. I wasn’t going to just take his balls. I was going to Lorena Bobbitt him. I am sure you know that means I planned to hack his cock off and film it. Sexual mutilation videos bring quite a lot of money. Surprisingly, the torture sex of men has a large fan base in women. Girls can be sexual sadists too. I should know, I am about as sadistic as they come. We were back at my place when I made him a drink with a knock out pill mixed inside. He was already loaded, so he went down quickly. I tied him up spread eagle on my bed under a sheet of plastic. When he woke up, I had a butcher knife at the base of his dick. I had a ball gag in his mouth, so his screams wouldn’t disturb my neighbors. They are lovely people and I didn’t want to interrupt their sleep. I told him to smile for the camera because I was filming him. He looked so fucking scared. I decided to have some fun. I cut he tip of his dick off first. There was more blood than I expected. He became ashen in color. I showed him the tip of his severed penis head before I tossed it to my pup as a treat. I dissected his cock, making the pain last before I lobbed the entire worthless thing off. He was no man to begin with. He didn’t deserve a cock or balls. I castrated him too. Not that I had too because without a dick he was never fucking again. It was just icing on the cake. He bled out eventually, but I think the shock killed him first. As he laid dead in my bed, I went back out to look for a real man to fuck. The foreplay of sexual mutilation made me super horny.
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Snuff Porn Need
You Really Fucked Up
You stupid fuck. You couldn’t wait could you? I told you how everything would happen, but no, you went ahead without me and now you are calling me, freaking out. I already see that the fact that she is missing is Trending. Oh, and what’s this? It’s Parents are giving a press conference? With Mom crying, and Dad looking pissed off and concerned behind his crying wife. Not only that, but they have a description of your car and half of your license plate. At least you are calling me on the burner phone that I gave you. That is something.
I hear it crying in the background, you are going to have to snuff it out. What do you mean you can’t? So you can shove that dick down it’s throat and rip it’s pussy open but you can’t kill it? What the fuck dude? Alright, alright, calm down. This is what I want you to do, tie it down, tightly. Stuff something in it’s mouth. Let me know when you get that far … and hurry.
Right, now do you have a knife? A spoon? Anything with an sturdy edge? Yup, a pocket knife will work. You are going to get messy so take all your clothing off and put them far enough away that nothing will get on them. Now, I want you to cut it’s eyes out. If you can fuck it, you can do this too. Think of it as you are making yourself two new fuck holes. I swear to the Gods if you puke I’m hanging up, driving down there, and fucking killing you. Now, cut the eye lids off, you don’t want it to be able to blink a yes or no. I’ll wait…
Next, cut it’s tongue out. You figure it out. Make sure your fuck doll is leaning forward afterward or it will aspirate on it’s blood. Now, you want to find something bigger with an edge on it. You found a shovel? It will have to do. Put the edge of the spade right where the wrist meets the arm, then put your full weight down on it. You need to get rid of those hands. Wait … before you do that … did you cum in it at all? That doesn’t really matter actually, you need to clean it. I don’t know, what do you have? Tequila? That will work, make it drink it, a lot of it. Then you are going to have to pour some over what’s left of it’s genitalia, and inside of it. Anywhere you put your cock, spit or sweat. Do. Not. Miss. A. Single. Spot.
Time for the shovel. After, you use it the way I told you, you will have to use a tourniquet so you stop the bleeding. After you are done with that you leave it there, do you hear me? You leave it to wander. Gather everything you have, put it in anything you can find that won’t leak and get into the carpet of your car. Make sure that you do not transfer anything from there into your car. No dirt, no trash, nothing! Great, shove the eyes, tongue, and hands inside that old can. After we are done talking you put this phone in there too. Look around, make sure there is nothing left of you there. I don’t care if you have to crawl, you make sure nothing is left on it, or around it. Put your socks onto your hands, then untie her, then smear her blood anywhere you touched on her, using your socks. You put those in that container too.
Alright, now get in your car, slowly, you need to breath. You drive your car someplace vacant where you are able to get home. When you get home you put those clothes in the washer, you wash them on hot, dry them, then hang them up. In the morning you call the police and tell them that when you were sleeping someone stole the car. Did your wife see you leave? No? She was sleeping when you left? Let’s hope she is still asleep when you get back, or you are going to have to figure out how to explain your absence. That’s on you.
Before you leave the car you go over it, anything of it you see you get rid off. No blood, no hair, nothing, do you understand? Right, I’m hanging up now, but you get rid of that container. Put rocks in it to weigh it down and put it in the river, or bury it, or do what ever, but you never knew me, and I sure as hell do not know you. Get your clothes and go, and do what I said because I sure as fuck aren’t going to be nicked because you were a horny motherfucker who couldn’t wait. Oh, one last thing, you better eat the sim card out of this fucking phone buddy. Good-bye.
Taboo Phone Sex Need for Violent Sex
Taboo phone sex fantasies make me wet. I am a sick twisted woman. I like violent sex. I went to this underground club over the weekend. I was looking for an executioner and I found one. This BDSM club is underground, off the radar and known for violent sexual encounters. Just what I was in the mood for. I knew I found the right man when I saw him towering over me in a leather mask. He put a chain around my neck and dragged me to a room. He never spoke. He ripped my clothes off while he sodomized my ass. He put his strong hands around my throat and squeezed tightly as he rammed his cock in and out of my ass. His balls were huge. They slapped on my ass making a rhythmic noise as I struggled to breathe with his hands on my throat. He was violent. Ass rape porn stars wouldn’t be able to take what he was giving me. He had a spiked cock ring on that was tearing my asshole to shreds. I asked for this. I like pain. I like blood. I don’t know what is wrong with me. When he came it stung because of the tears in my asshole. When he pulled out, he pushed me down. I assumed he was done with me. He used me and now he had no more use for me. I got up and headed toward the door. He grabbed my blonde locks, pulled me back and punched me several times in the face and in the gut. My nose was bleeding now too. He just laughed and pointed at the door. Now he was done with me. I was bleeding and struggling to walk normally because of the sucker punch in the stomach. I wanted violent sex and I got it. I need to be careful about what I ask for.
Fantasy Phone Sex Gets Dirty
Fantasy phone sex can be twisted. I know. I am riddled with dark desires. Sometimes, my dark desires become living nightmares, however. I was getting high with a bunch of guys and we played a game of “Would You Rather.” I said I would rather be gangbanged in a dirty alley than go to jail. I mean, most women would, right? A night of rough sex is better than months, even years of no freedom in my opinion. That has changed. They dragged me outside and decided to see if I really felt that way. They stripped me naked in a dirty alley riddled with trash, glass and hobos. They started gangbanging the shit out of me. I could feel rocks grinding into my ass and back. I think a dirty needle even pricked me. Cocks were rammed in an out of me as I fought and pleaded. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they invited the homeless men over to piss on me and fuck me if they wanted. I had smelly, drunk hobos fucking me. I was covered in their urine. Thank goodness, I was high. It seemed like a bad nightmare more than a gangbang rape porn. I tried to tell myself that it didn’t happen, but the cuts and bruises all over my body tell a different story.
Sexual Depravity
It seems the tables have turned. You surprised me instead. I walked into the house and there you were, with all these little presents all wrapped up with rope awaiting me. You came over to me with a glass of champagne and I told you I would be right back. I put something on for you, because there was a certain way I wanted my gifts unwrapped. When I walked back in, I grabbed my glass then instructed you.
I decided to make a little game out of the whole thing. You had already placed the tarps and heavy gauge plastic on the walls and over the windows. The music was blaring and you had your shirt off. I wasn’t the only one watching what you were doing, the gifts were too. Once in a while they would look at me and I would just give then a little smirk. After you were done setting up, I motioned for you to come over to me.
I told you that for each one you destroyed, I would take off a piece of clothing. If you did a good enough job, we would even fuck. You pulled a chair over and I sat down to watch the show. If the music hadn’t of been so loud I would of been able to hear their screams. Desperate, ear piercing, and full of pain. I watched their faces though. I always watch their faces.
You were in your element. You deftly dealt with them, one by one, those sweet little gifts were unwrapped in the most delicious and horrible manner. One by one an article of clothing came off, until I was wearing nothing but my stockings and heels. As the last of the light went out in the last gift’s eyes I moved toward you. You pulled me to you and we fucked right there on all the discarded wrapping.
We went out and I thought you were a perfect gentleman. We ate, danced, and drank for hours. You were making me laugh and feeling great all night long. You help me in your car and into your house. I am so ready to fuck you. I am thinking I am in for a great night of lovemaking. You let me freshen up in the bathroom and when I walk out you backhand me breaking my nose. I fall to the floor screaming “what the hell!” You keep silent and begin to kick me in the face, tits, and stomach. I try to block your blows but I can’t. I am screaming and crying and you start to drag me down some stairs. I can see thru my teary eyes we are in the basement. You throw me up on a table and cuff my wrists and ankles down. I see a shiny object in your hands and before I can tell what it is you start to gut me like a fish.
Sex with Dead Bodies
Sex with dead bodies entertains me. I enjoy killing a bitch, so you may fuck her warm dead cunt. Jason and I make great partners. He picks out a bitch and I stalk her. He spotted this teen princess at his local coffee shop. She is a spoiled mean girl who comes into his Starbucks daily after school with her posse. We planned everything. I lured her to my car with the promise of a role in a movie I was casting. Jason chloroformed her. We drove her to my kill shack. He had some fun with her alive pussy first. He wanted to compare the difference. I had some fun with her too. Torture sex always makes me wet. I cut her entire body up. I made a pentagram on her stomach. Carved whore on her forehead. Then, I sliced off her nipples and her clit. She kept passing out from the pain until I slapped her a wake. Jason fucked her as I held the knife to her throat. I planned on slicing her pretty throat the moment he came inside her. He could say he fucked a girl, then fucked her as she was dying and fucked her dead pussy without needing to remove his dick from her pussy. He did get blood spatter all over his face as I slit her throat. Me bad. He didn’t seem to mind, however. In fact, he fucked her harder, using some of the blood as lube. She was making some sexy gasping / gurgling sounds as she struggled for air. She was dead a few minutes later. Jason kept fucking her dead body. He said he pussy was just as tight and warm as it was when she was alive. He came all over her dead corpse. We fucked in the pool of blood before disposing of her body. Don’t knock it before you try it.
Ubi Ponat Daemoniorum
I am that little darkness that sits on your shoulder. The one that tells you to go on, nobody will know, take it, hurt it, fuck it, kill it. You try so hard to ignore me, but you cannot. It might take minutes, hours, or years, but you will give in. When you do, I promise it will be the most incredible feeling in the universe. Every day you allow more and more of those little thoughts that I planted to creep in. You lose yourself in them, smiling to yourself. Each time you do, I gain a little more ground. When you are sleeping I flood your dreams with despicable acts of beautiful cruelty. You wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavy, frightened, do not worry, you will come to love those sexually deviant nightmares.
You will welcome those images like you welcome a dear friend into your home. You will start to see them in all things you do. The dark temptation becomes harder and harder to resist. You keep telling yourself, “No!”, bringing yourself back from the brink of committing a vile act of immense pleasure. The point comes where you do not block out my words, you long for them to call to you every minute of every day. You feel something building inside of you, at first it is a want. Then it becomes a need, a craving that you cannot satisfy.
I whisper continuously into your subconsciousness. I become your safe place. Without the dreams, words, thoughts you feel lost, you beg for me to continue. I do. You are mine now, the things that I tell you to do, you do without question. They make you feel powerful, they make you feel like nothing bad can ever happen to you. You carry out the tasks with precision, with glee, with my blessing. I’m the little darkness that sits on your shoulder, until you become what I want, then I will go quiet. You will be left broken, exhausted, unable to survive without my words, the misery will become great, you will cry out only to be met with silence. However, I will return, I will revel in what I have created in you, in your life, the chaos, the pain, the tortured thoughts of all you did for me and that will sustain me until I find another who I want.
My Husband Sold Me for Gangbang Rape Porn
My husband got super pissed at me over the weekend. I have been stealing from our emergency fund to support my habit. He finally caught on and punished me with a gangbang rape porn. He sold me to some friends of his to pay off what I stole. I couldn’t believe my husband was that sadistic. Normally, I get away with murder with him. Not this time and payback was a bitch. He wanted our emergency money to pay back a gambling debt. He had the kind of debt that if he didn’t pay back, his legs would get broken. Instead of broken legs, he sold me to his goons. They fucked the shit out of me for hours while my own husband filmed my ass rape porn debut. There were fists in my ass, several at a time too. These guys were rough on my holes. They didn’t give a fuck about me. I was just a fucking piece of meat to them, a way to even a score. My husband pitched them the idea of making a snuff film with me as the star. Selling it would bring 10 times what he owed them. My own husband was egging on a bunch of bookies to sodomize, torture and kill his wife for money. By the time it was over, I was covered in cum and blood. I was barely breathing. I guess I learned to not underestimate my husband.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
Rape phone sex fantasies are something I hope you have. I love being your sadistic accomplice. I think there are two kinds of women in this world. Worthless whores and sadistic bitches. Obviously, I am the later. I advocate the force fucking, torture and death of worthless whores of any age. Over the weekend, I helped Alex snuff his girlfriend and her whore daughter. She was dating out of her league. Alex was wealthy and educated. His girlfriend grew up in a trailer park, worked in a strip club and doesn’t even know who the father or her devil’s spawn is. She is not the kind of woman who should look a gift horse in the mouth, yet she did. She denied him access to her daughter. She even threatened to call the cops on him. That is when he called me. I have a reputation of helping men get exactly what they want. Alex wanted his girlfriend dead and he wanted to fuck her daughter. I made that happen with a seemingly random home invasion. While I had his stripper whore girlfriend tied up, I ordered him to force fuck the daughter. I made her think everyone’s life depended on it. Making her watch her daughter loose her virginity to her boyfriend was my kind of sick twist. That little girl screamed for her mommy, but mommy had a knife to her throat, so she just told her to be a good girl. I was super fucking wet. This was a hot accomplice gig for me because I knew after Alex had his fun, both sluts would be dead. I told him to do horrible things to that young sweet thing in front of her mother. In the end, I killed them both. I slit the daughter’s throat, so mommy could watch her die, then I killed mommy. I stabbed Alex in just the right spot that he would live. He needed to look like a victim too. I stole some shit, ransacked the place, left Alex bleeding and tied up. I called 911 as a concerned neighbor and the rest was up to Alex. Hopefully, he will stay out of prison, but that would be a small price to pay for getting to finally fuck that little cock teasing slut.