Tag: Taboo phone sex

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Women

rape phone sex fantasiesGirls like me have rape phone sex fantasies too. No, I am not submissive. No, I am not talking about you force fucking me. Just the opposite actually. Last night, I made my fantasy a reality. I bought this super huge dildo to peg a guy’s ass. I didn’t which guy until last night, but my special large dildo was in my purse just in case I met him.  I did. I knew who he was the moment I heard the way he was talking to his wife in public. I waited and watched. Eventually, he went to the bathroom. It was a dark night club, so no one could make me out from a distance. I walked into the men’s room right behind him, pushed him in a stall. I am scrappy. I had his pants torn off as I was putting on my huge strap-on for some ass rape porn in a night club bathroom. Did I mention, I bedazzled my strap-on with razor blades? When I fucked his ass, I shredded it too. His entire asshole was mutilated. I let him know that I could sever his dick too if I wanted. He was going to need medical attention when I was done, but he could live or die. The choice was his. If he wanted to live, he needed to treat his wife better. If he wanted to die, then he could fight me. He wanted to die. He put up a fight; he started yelling something about no bitch telling him how to treat another bitch. He had an average dick, nothing to warrant his cockiness. Well, he had an average dick until I cut it off and flushed it down the toilet. I left him bleeding out on the bathroom floor. I went and joined his wife at her table. We had to celebrate the gruesome, violent death of her misogynistic asshole husband. No woman will have to say me too with me around.


Naughty Whore

I want to be your naughty whore. I want to bring you little innocent brats to take advantage of and use. I love when you finally let me abuse them too. I love tying them up for you to force fuck. I love holding them down while they scream and cry for mercy. I like doing all the girl-on-girl fantasy stuff you and your friends like to watch. I will lick her pussy and her ass while you watch. Get her nice and prepped for your cock, or whatever other things you want to use to stretch out her little virgin holes. I’ll make sure all of your tools are sharpened and ready to slice and dice her exactly how you want. When her body is finally cold and you don’t want to fuck her anymore, I’ll be ready to please your cock. Snuff phone sex

She was so cute after she died

taboo phone sexI found the most adorable little brat this morning so I brought her home for some fun. She was happy to play games with me until she figured out that all the games I wanted to play were all causing her pain. She tried to run away but how could she? She was far too small and weak to get out of my house. I tortured that little whore for hours but I started to get bored with it. So I called a few friends over and let them fuck that little whore to death. She struggled and screamed the whole time and all that screaming got me so fucking wet! I had to get one of my sexy friends to fuck me too I wanted to cum as she died. It was hot as fuck and even after death she was still cute… just a lot more bloody and bruised up.

Hotel Torture Sex

torture sexTorture sex is what got him off. I picked him up in a high-class bar. I was dressed respectfully. I was not looking to be a submissive whore. Not that night at least. I thought we had a connection. He was married too, just looking for a little fun on the side. His hotel room was one of the classiest places I had ever seen. Way out of my league, but I knew it was just sex. When I came out of the bathroom, he jumped me and tied me up to his hotel bed. He just kept laughing about what a whore I was because I came back to a hotel with a stranger. I thought he just wanted to fuck. I was not prepared for snuff sex. He put a ball gag in my mouth so I wouldn’t draw attention to his room. He spent an hour doing all sorts of things to my pussy. He fisted my cunt. He fucked me with a 12-inch fat dildo. He stapled my pussy lips to my flesh, so my cunt stayed open. He pierced my clit too. I think I might have died in his room if it had not been for the front desk calling to inform him his wife was downstairs. He untied me and pushed me out the door super fast. I had to pull the staples out of my own pussy causing a bloody painful mess. I should have said something to his wife, but I was afraid he might kill me if I lingered. I ran down the stairwell to catch an elevator. I was a hot mess. I am sure folks in the swank hotel thought I was some druggy hooker whore. I know better than to try to speak out against men as sadistic as he was. It never ends well for me. I was alive and that was all that mattered.

Snuff Porn Starlet

snuff porn

I was always warned about walking alone at night and yet I did it anyway. Girls like me are always falling victim to the predator perverts especially when near the college campus where the lighting was bad. It was a shortcut and I was tired from studying at the library all evening. Walking across the barren field with my earbuds in and oblivious to everything but my path towards my bed to pass out left me as the easiest prey yet. I felt a gloved hand on my arm grab me rather harshly before shoving me face down into the broken glass and cigarette buds of the dirt path under the bridge. I tried to struggle and scream but a hand was covering my mouth his body was covering mine. I felt a hand rip my panties off exposing my teen cunt and his hard cock pressing against my ass. As he entered my ass rape fantasies began to get real and a cold knife blade caressed my neck. I had no chance and just laid there limp as he forcibly fucked my virginal ass and slit my throat. I bled out from this burning gash as my ass was gaped, ripped and bloody feeling every bit of pain before going into shock and passing out. I was used a few more times and left for dead but it wasn’t over. Alcoholic bums fucked and wanked on me and a couple of frat guys pissed on my cum filled used up corpse before I was truly turning cold and blue. Hours later my corpse was collected and  I was DOA.

Druggy Pain Slut

Evil phone sexMandy got a new man. And when I say, a new man, I mean her new drug dealer she is fucking. She is a coke and pill whore like me. Mandy and I got this pack between us when we get free drugs we share. Her man is a big black dude with a thick BBC. And like most black men he loves watching his black dick disappear in white slut flesh. Right away Mandy mentioned me to him. She told him I was just as much of a druggy pain slut as she is for the right price. Carmine offered us an 8-ball of coke and bag of skittled pills for us to split. Lol, he had us at 8-ball.

Snuff Sex Makes My Muff Wet

snuff sexSnuff sex gets my muff wet. I like watching it, but I love making it too. I will make it with a male or female, young or old, black or white. I just love to kill and torture. I was hanging out the other night with this super hot guy.  He was a Goth like me. Things were going great until he got naked and I saw a teenie weenie. I was like the what the fuck? He told me he had an 8-inch cock. He was a far cry from that. He was standing in front of me like a dickless Marilyn Manson. He was proud of his dick. I told him it was a clit stick instead of a dick. I asked him to leave. I was not fucking a small dick. He tried to force himself on me. Boy, did he have the wrong girl for that. He was about ready to star in my next homemade snuff porn. Before I killed the loser, I cut off his balls and his dick. I Lorena Bobbitted his loser clit stick. At least John Bobbitt had a dick that could be found. I could feed this loser’s dick to my goldfish. He never saw it coming when I grabbed my knife and made a few swipes. Holy fuck he bled a lot for such a small dick. He cried like a baby too. I just made him the girl he should have been born. I was just going to castrate him until he started crying like a bitch. I wanted to make the torture fun last, but he was too fucking annoying, so I slit his throat. I do my best to not engage in a crime of passion, but he had it coming for disappointing me. I have killed for less.

Slave Snuff Slut

taboo phone sex

Daddy found a good buyer for my cunt. All my life Daddy has been grooming me to be the most perfect snuff fuck slave for the highest bidder. I’ve waited in my cage like the perfect slave whore all day until Daddy brought my new master to play with me. Master loves to torment me and torture my little body. Now that it belongs to him, he can do whatever he pleases. First, he peeled my pussy back and slit my clit off with rusty scissors, the pain was excruciating but a good slave whore knows to moan and beg for more! Master slid his knife across my tiny tits and slice off my tiny nipples. For dinner master gouged meat and skin from my thighs and fed me them on a bed of rice. He wants me to eat myself and drink myself slowly to death while he plays with my guts. Would you like to be my master?


GangBang Rape Porn While Waiting on an Uber

gangbang rape pornGangbang rape porn happens at the most unexpected times. I can tie one on when I want to. I love closing a bar down. Normally, I go to my local bar when I can’t find a suitable fuck buddy for the night. The weather stranded me downtown. I was waiting on an Uber ride, but it was taking forever because of the weather. I decided to wait inside this dingy little bar. There were not many people in the place. Enough for me to pass the time until my ride, however. I was doing shots with some crusty old men. It was harmless enough, until the bartender locked the door from the inside and told the guys it was closing time. It was like that phrase was code for fuck the whore. One guy tied me up with rope used in case of needing a window escape. While he bound and gagged me, his buddies got naked and primed their cocks watching their pal tie me up like I was raw meat. These crusty old men turned vicious on me in a matter of seconds. Honestly, I didn’t think they had it in them. They looked old and harmless. They rammed their dicks in my ass and face. They slapped and punched me, one guy even branded my ass with a large W for whore. They came in and on me for over an hour and my fucking Uber ride was still not there. I had no way to escape my snuff porn hell. The men finished when they all came on me, covering me in cum. I got kicked in the cunt a few times before the bartender tossed my fucked, naked ass out the door in the cold just in time to catch my Uber ride. It was an awkward ride home.

I Love Blasphemy Phone Sex

blasphemy phone sexHe made me his blasphemy phone sex partner. He is a Satanist and I am a survivalist. When he kidnapped me, I just wanted to live. We broke into a church and desecrated it the vilest manner. Confession. It felt good. What has God ever done for me? I should worship Satan. He would be on my side; he would look out for me. God has turned his eyes every time I have been ass fucked or gang banged until I passed out form pain. I masturbated my dirty cunt with crosses. We pissed in the baptismal tub. We shit in the pews and wiped our asses with Bible pages as we hailed Satan. We talked about the depraved things we would do to the congregation if one was present. He would force his cock into the tiniest of holes on the littlest members of the church. I would stab the cunts of the pious God worshiping bitches with crosses that had been up my ass as I made them recite Satanic verses. He would carve pentagrams in the flesh of the men. We would sacrifice lambs and goats and make the congregation drink the blood. In the end, we would burn down the church with the mutilated congregation inside as we hailed the dark lord our master for life. I was wrong. Blasphemy sex is fucking hot. Hail Satan.