Tag: Taboo phone sex

3 Little Brats To Fuck

Evil phone sex“Pick three little brats Chelsea” he purrs into my ear. We are sitting in his car, tinted windows that no one could ever see in, me and him up front parked facing the park. There are little ones of all shapes and sizes there and he wants my help picking out his next victims. I look around, curious of my options I want a nice range in each stage of life they are in – the first I go ahead and decide will be the one being cradled by a woman, small as can be with a pink dress on and a matching pink bow in her nonexistent hair. She is as pure and innocent as they come, and I already know he will enjoy fucking her fresh little pussy raw and snuffing her itty bitty life out when he’s done. The next I spot is a girl playing on the swing, her dress keeps flowing up and showing her new big girl panties. Her hair is brown and her eyes are too, she even has her hair braided into two pigtails…he’s going to love that. The last girl I notice hasn’t graduated to panties yet but looks like she will be soon, she is old enough to talk and understand it is wrong but small enough that her fight will be totally useless. I make friends with the oldest two, luring them to the car where he ties them up and silences their screams. The youngest one isn’t as hard as you may think, I just picked her up when her Mommy went to take the other one into the bathroom – she will never see her daughter again. They are all lined up with their innocent small bald pussies, crying and whining against their ropes knowing what’s going to happen is going to be bad. He one by one has me hold them down as he fucks them bloody and snuffs them out as I see their big eyes dim, helping him do it all because if not I’ll be just like them

Bad Babysitter Phone Sex Club

babysitter phone sexI am a member of the bad babysitter phone sex club. I am proud to be a bad babysitter too. I hate little ones. I am not maternal in the slightest. Many people tell me I should get married and birth some brats. Why would I want those little soul sucking germy parasites around full-time? I would be the worst mother. I would sell my brats for money. I would forget them at the mall. I only see little ones for one purpose. To be used and abused. Okay, two purposes. So, anytime I babysit, I have a reason for doing it and it is not because I love the little ones or need the money.  It is because I know someone who loves the little ones and needs the money. Little ones go for a premium price. You can drug them for a little illegal snuff porn making or you can just flat out sell them into slavery. Either is a risk because the last person to see them is always the suspect. I am a great actress. I had this little boy I was watching over the weekend. I know a man who knows some men who love little boys. This P ring of men travel to Thailand yearly to procure young boys because age of consent laws are different there. Rich white men who like young boys pay top dollar, so I ran a little porn studio in this house I was staying in for the weekend. Each man payed me 5 grand to fuck his little tight ass. I should have said higher money because they agreed immediately. Usually, I end up haggling the price of the little ones. They each paid great money to play with a tight virgin asshole. One guy paid double because he wanted to pop that young ass cherry. If you like little boys or little girls, you need a sadistic babysitter like me. I never care about the welfare of a little one.

Torture Sex

torture sexI deserved torture sex. That is what he told me. In my mind, I did nothing wrong. In his eyes, I did everything wrong. He stripped me naked and tossed me in the dungeon. I hate the dungeon. There is no light and creepy crawlies are all over the floor. It is cold and damp; smells musky, maybe even putrid. He left me there over night. I was alone and scared. I tried to sleep, but I was chained up and too cold to sleep. Too scared too. I heard the door open and his heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. He asked me if I was repentant. I said yes for self-preservation even though I still had no clue what I had done. He didn’t believe I was sorry. He smacked my face. Clothes pins were attached to my nipples and clit. He affixed ball weights to elongate my nipples and clit. The weights were heavy, so heavy I felt my flesh tearing. He got the cattle prod and shocked my pussy, ass and tits until I pissed myself. I was trembling. He is so sadistic, he would make a snuff porn with me for not saying God Bless you if he sneezed. He shocked me for hours. It was hours of a cattle prod and his fists. Eventually, he stopped, but he left me in the basement for a few more days to think about my sin. I finally found out what I did to deserve days of torture and abuse. I never asked permission to use the bathroom. Torn flesh, bruised flesh, cracked ribs, burned flesh and likely pneumonia for not asking to use the bathroom. My friends warned me about this man. They told me about his reputation, but I ignored the warnings. I am a submissive whore and I am weak for dominant bad boys.

Snuff Sex Payback

snuff sexIt was snuff sex Sunday. No, that is not what I planned, but trouble caught up with me.  I owed a lot of money to a dealer and he found me. I thought I would get away with it because I used an alias and it was a different state. Somehow, Marco found me, and it was time to pay up. He wanted to know where the coke was. He didn’t believe that I used it all. I took a brick a few months ago. That lasted me 2 months. He thought I sold it and demanded I pay him $10,000. I didn’t have $10 dollars let alone the money to pay him back. He strung me up to a rafter. I was stripped naked and torture sex followed. He didn’t believe that I was that big of a coke whore. He had me pegged as some mastermind, but I am just a huge druggy whore. I didn’t sell his brick. I put it all up my nose. That was the most coke I had ever had at one time. He cut my flesh. He burned my flesh. He punched me. He mutilated my clit. He even pulled out some teeth with pliers. When I still wouldn’t tell him where the brick was, he decided to believe me. He didn’t think any suburban housewife could endure that kind of pain if they were not telling the truth. Little did he know I was a pain slut. Now, I must pay him back what I stole plus interest. I told him I could never afford to pay back that much money, so now I am his whore. I must prostitute myself to pay him back, only I don’t get to choose the Johns. He is my pimp until my debt is settled. I have a lot of fucking to do.

Playing Their Game

gangbang rape porn

I never thought I would be such a submissive little black whore. I remember back when no man could ever tell me shit. Now I am sitting in a room on the floor but ass naked waiting to be fed my next meal. One of the guys keeping me prisoner here decided he wanted to start playing a game with me. If I want to eat for the day, I must quench my thirst first. Every morning for the past week one of the men will come in my room and wake me up with my morning drink. They tell me if I want to eat, I need to drink every drop of their thick warm cum. When Every last drop of cum drips down my throat the men whip me around exposing my tight little asshole. This is when the real fun begins for them, this is how I will earn my food for the rest of the day. They put a blind fold over my eyes hoping my sensation of touch will be heightened. Then the pain comes, tiny splinters piercing my asshole with every inch the rotten baseball bat enters me. The men get much pleasure of watching the blood ooze out of my tiny little asshole. Once they are satisfied, they tell me I can eat once I pick out every splinter from my throbbing bloody asshole. These men really know how to make me a submissive little whore and work for my food. They are recruiting new members soon. I am sure things are only going to get more intense.

Gore for More

Bloody phone sex

Fuck me you piece of shit, I fucking want to be fucked hard I want you to slit my pussy and make it bleed. I want your fucking body to twist me and turn me and poke and prod in me with all types of objects. I am a nasty Gore loving whore, and I can’t get enough. Make me bleed motherfucker make me pay for being such a fucking twat, Tramp. I need to be treated so backed up and badly. Don’t you want to fuck a stiff body? Would you like to fuck a cold hard dead pussy? A pussy that is in Rigamortis will definitely make your hard cock feel like you’re chopping Hardwood. My pussy is a tunnel for demonic Behavior so come on in. I am your white trash skank I love to be treated like a nothing because that’s what I am. Don’t you want this challenge? Don’t you just feel like you need it so bad? The things that I want to do you’ve got to call me so that I can tell you because it is beyond ordinary it is the worst. I am the worst fucking cunt trap bitch that you will ever encounter in your entire life. You’ve got to get some of this action it’s the best ever. Come on motherfucker dial my number right now let’s have some hypnotic sexual endeavors we can role-play about anything, and I do mean anything that’s on your raunchy nasty fucking mind. If you like blood, you will love me because I know how to make all of the tramps bleed. We can take some little ones if that’s what you have a taste for I can feed your thirst I have no taboos whatsoever. You know what to do if you’re really not afraid, you know what to do, and I’m waiting.

Brutall Sexy Motherfucker

Evil phone sex tonight at the club I was digging on this sexy motherfucker. We were dancing and grinding all night on each other not uttering one fucking word to one another. But each of us knowing what was going to happen at the end of the night when they turn on the lights and kick us out the club. Well needless to say when that happens we are heading back to my place for a wild fucking time. Once inside this sexy motherfucker grabbed me by the throat throwing me into the wall hard as hell. Then he pulls his knife out cutting off my shirt at the same time cutting my nipple a little bit. Oh, it felt so fucking good I had hoped this guy was going to use the knife more of on my milky white flesh. Even better I hope he goes all the way tonight and takes my life after he treats me like i am nothing but a piece of white slut trash.

Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn

I was drunk the other night and walking home alone. I know it’s not safe, but I was too drunk to drive. Someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me into an alley. I could see they were white guys. They looked like frat boys. One of them had some Greek letters on his shirt. I fought as hard as I could, but they pinned me down. They called me a whore as they fisted my cunt. I was drunk, but it hurt like fuck. One of the dudes pissed on me. It was me against them and they had the upper hand. They were young for being so sadistic. I struggled to get free but got kicked in the ribs and punched in the belly. I am no virgin, but their fists and cocks in my ass and pussy hurt like fuck. I could feel the blood trickling out of me. I begged for them to leave. They just continued to kick and fuck me. They spit on me, pissed on me and one guy took a shit on my face. They were humiliating me and getting off on it. When they left, I was naked and battered and bruised. I smelled like a sewer. I limped back home, took a shower and put a needle in my arm to forget the whole thing.


Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornHe made me his ass rape porn star for him and his friends. I was high and drunk; my no didn’t resonate well. If it did, they didn’t care. They were punk ass high school boys. They knew who I was. Everyone in the community knows me. I was walking home from my local bar and they were skateboarding. One of them asked me for a cigarette and I muttered something about they were too young to smoke. Then they grabbed me. They started saying things like, “We aren’t too young to fuck you bitch.” They pinned me down on the sidewalk and took turns fucking my ass and cunt. For teen boys, they were brutal. They used their fists and even their baseball bats. They kicked me, spit on me, even pissed on me.  I was fighting until I new it was futile. I have been force fucked before, I will be again. I just let my head go to someplace else until they were done. They were teen boys, so it took longer for them to finish. I smelled like a hobo when they were done. They doused me in alcohol to erase any DNA. I wasn’t going to the cops. I am taboo phone sex whore, shit like this happens to be daily.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for My Baby Sister

rape phone sex fantasies

Master was not happy with me. He is never happy with me. My punishment was to bring him my baby sister. I pleaded with him not to hurt her. She is so young and innocent. She is not the skanky whore I am. Master had his mind set on hurting her tiny holes. He forced me to be his accomplice. I told my mother I was going to take her to a movie. I did my best to make it not hurt for her. I spiked her soda with a roofie, so she would be drugged out. When master saw her, his cock got hard. He saw her young holes and suddenly I didn’t exist. Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? Master sure did, snuff fantasies too. He fucked my baby sister so hard, her tiny butt hole prolapsed, and her cunt was swollen and bleeding. He popped her cherry like he popped mine many years ago. My sister was crying, but I told myself it would be worse if she had not been drugged. Master’s dick tore her holes up. He ruined her. There was no way her butt hole would ever be the same again. He tore up her womb too. He looked at me and told me she was now my problem. He fucked her tiny body up good. I felt bad, but if I didn’t bring him my sister, her would have killed me.