Tag: Taboo phone sex

Gangbang Rape Porn in a Moving Van

gangbange rape pornGangbang rape porn was not on my to do list yesterday. In a rare moment, I was sober. I was out of coke, but I had mom duties to do. I had to grocery shop and take the boys to appointments. I had finished my mom duties and decided to go to the gym. I had a nice work out, but on way out, a group of men grabbed me and stuffed me into a minivan. They were young 20s and very aggressive. I was kidnapped and traveling in a fuck van. One guy was driving, but the rest were in the back of the van fucking me on a dirty mattress. They used my back door like I was their private ass rape porn star. They pulled my limbs in different directions. My shoulder got dislocated; I heard it pop and the pain hit quickly. They shoved cocks in my mouth, pussy and ass while the one guy drove around town. No one would know I was in a rape fantasy mobile. I tried screaming, but no one could hear me. My best bet was to ride it out until they had their fun. I swear they drove around for a couple hours before they pushed me out of the van under a bridge in the seedy part of town. For once, I was not looking for trouble, but it found me nonetheless.

Snuff Porn Mall Brats

snuff pornSnuff porn was on my mind when I saw this gang of mean girls berating a coffee house girl at the mall the other night. They were high school girls. Nothing meaner on earth or more vacuous either than teen girls. The queen bitch was complaining that the barista spelled her name the common spelling. Apparently, that little whore is a Tiffani, but her cup said Tiffany. Slut thought the barista was calling ger common. When she called the barista a stupid whore, I killed her in my head a few times over. Mean girls like that just grow up to be meaner girls that the world doesn’t need. I knew how to lure them away. You play to their vanity, to their sense of entitlement. I told them I was a talent scout for a horror movie. Girls like them always believe me. I took them to my cabin in the woods. I gave them drinks spiked with high levels of gelsemium, which is a toxic plant that causes paralysis. It is felt quickly too. They couldn’t move. They fell to the ground with a thud and I used their bodies for torture sex. I cut up their perfect, pretty faces. I sexually mutilated them. They could feel the pain, but they were powerless to fight or do anything about it. I could see the tears of pain. I carved names like whore and slut and bitch in their flesh, then pissed into their wounds. I was enjoying every moment too. I tortured them for 24 hours before I slit their throats and fed them to the wild animals. No one will find their remains because when the coyotes get done with them, I will burn their bones if any are left. The world will thank me for getting rid of more teen bitches.

Slut sacrifice

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is some good fun. I like to take a young whore and sacrifice them. See you in hell slut. I especially have an appetite for those goody goods that are bad apples. Nothing better than ruining a hypocrite slut. I know a slut when I see one. I see the act and show you put on is all for pretend. You are a cum eating slut. I see you at sex parties. I choose you to ruin and sacrifice. I like holding you hostage and torturing you and making you plead. You will never be more than a dumb cum slut. I get such satisfaction ruining your holes with a nice sharp blade. I enjoy Cutting out your clit. I love snipping your nipples. I admit it’s too satisfying. Your blood-curdling screams are music to my ears.

Torture Sex on Tinder

torture sexTorture sex is something I am no stranger to as a pain slut. I was a cutter as a young girl. I loved being in control of my pain. Now, I am rarely in control of my pain. I run with a bad crowd. I love bad boys and I have daddy issues, which means I lack good judgement when it comes to men. I met Charles online. It was Tinder, and I was looking for sex. I wasn’t looking for violent sex, however. I don’t always want to be abused, but because of my issues, I don’t judge character well. The signs were there in hindsight that Charles was a sadistic man not looking for casual sex. He didn’t want to fuck, well he didn’t want to fuck gently. He wanted to torture me; he wanted snuff sex. He told me he is in trouble with the law. He fucked some street hooker who lied about her age and she blackmailed him. He assumed the law was on his side because she was a street whore, but he was wrong. He didn’t pay her, and she called the cops. Funny, she was a buxom blonde too, just much younger than me. I should have realized that when he told me the story, that I was going to be the surrogate for his rage. He sodomized me with such force and anger, my asshole prolapsed. He choked me as he fucked me too. I still have purple ligature marks around my neck. I signed up for casual sex, but he wanted to fuck me to death. He damn near came close too. My ass is prolapsed, my neck is purple, and I can barely walk today. Just another day in the life of this fucked up taboo phone sex whore with daddy issues.

Worthless crippled cock

Fantasy phone sexWhat the fuck am I supposed to do with such a handicapped and worthless cock like this while we have kinky fantasy phone sex?! It’s absolutely disgusting and I can barely even look at it! I am seriously laughing my ass off at how pathetic it is! It’s merely half of a shaft, are you really even a man?! It looks more like a cunt to me you stupid fucking bitch! You make it way too easy to degrade and humiliate you in the worst of ways! I wish I gave a single fuck about you but I don’t! Get on all fours so that I can put this collar and leash on you before we head out to the local shopping mall so that I can show you off like the pet that you are. Everyone needs to see how you are my property and that you belong to me! Who the fuck else would want your small half of a penis?! Having you wrapped around my finger makes my pussy wet. You are sub-human and deserve to be put on display for everyone to see & enjoy and laugh at! You’re stuck in your castration chamber with all of the blood & guts that are oozing out of your gross half shaft. It’s a gaping open wound right where you sorry ass excuse of manhood used to be. You look so much better with a vagina hole you dirty little bitch! Say thank you to your Angel Macey for ridding you of that sickening lump of skin that you liked to call a cock!

Chop Chop Daddy

Torture phone sex


I am a cunt Bunni motherfucker I love sadistic shit you can shit on my face if you want to. I love being nasty for sure and there is no taboo that I won’t do I’m into all the worst things. I will cut your mother up if you want me to, do you hate that fucking bitch and you want to get her back I will make sure I get her back for you. Because I know how to please a motherfucker better than any other whore in this world I will make you have nightmares about me. I can tell that you’re a sadistic lover and you want to get nasty I can tell you want to get out of control. Have you ever had a thought of chopping off your father’s cuck? I will make that happen, and I will fry it up in a pan I want to eat your father’s cock with asparagus. While I do my bad things, I will get rewarded. Have you ever thought of your dad as a mother fucking stupid ass Twisted fed, and you want to pay him for all of the money that he’s been holding out on you? I’ll drag your father down the street in my truck I’ll show him just how bad I am I will make him bleed. I will tie your mother up and feed her your daddy’s cock. I will slice it up into little pieces like lunch meat. You need a twisted slut like me to make all of your sadistic dreams come true I know how to do it so well. Have you ever thought that you’re going to be having fun in the most undesirable way known to man? You are special to me you make me want to do some fucked-up things, and I will do them for sure. Call me. I’m the one you need if you’re going to cause a nightmare to happen in your parents home. I’ve got a special for Sunday. I am going to show you how to do some fucked-up things, and we can get religious too.


Bloody phone sex

I got a real treat for Easter

taboo phone sexI got a real treat this Easter; a sweet little innocent girl from the ultra orthodox church down the street for me to play with. I decided to really go with a perverse celebration, I crucified that whore just like her precious Jesus was crucified. I stripped her naked and fucked her little holes open with a huge strap on cock and beat her bloody. Then I put a crown of thorns on her head and nailed her to a big wooden cross. Boy did she scream and cry about that! Every hammer thrust on those nails was like an instant orgasm for me, her screams just added to my pleasure I was like a beast in heat the whole time I was crucifying her! I was so fucking turned on that I had to call a sadistic friend of mine to come and fuck me at the foot of the cross while that corrupted innocent’s blood dripped down on us.Do you think her God will resurrect her too… or will she just rot on the cross like Jesus should have rotted?

Ass Rape Porn Easter

ass rape pornIt was an ass rape porn Easter. I was looking for some blow to celebrate the holidays. The guys that were going to give me the blow, punked me. They had no blow, just devious plans to sodomize me. They were high on something, but by their looks, my guess was they were crack heads. I just snort lines of coke. I know I shouldn’t sound like I am better than them since I am a submissive whore, but these guys were not who I wanted to party with on Easter Sunday. I had told my family I was going to the store, and I snuck downtown to score some blow. I came home with no coke and a gaped, swollen asshole. When I arrived, they were waiting for me. One of them jumped me while the other one put chains on me. I was restrained before they stripped me naked. They informed me they had fisting fantasies. These crack head bastards fisted my ass until he was gaped wide open. It was so big, they could put their entire fist inside me without touching the walls of my asshole. Luckily, they grew tired of fucking with my asshole. They let me go, but I had to waddle home to my family with an ass gaped so wide I would never shit the same way again. I guess I should never try to score coke off Tinder.

Fuck Me Up

Torture sexI love how men will say they are tough but when it comes right down to it they are too chicken shit to fuck me up the way I need to be fucked up to get off. Either they are afraid to do it or in the mindset of respect my body. Fuck that I am a drug whore and the only way I can get off is with intense brutal pain. I can’t even get wet unless my body is absorbing pain. If I have to I will bite your dick to get you to hurt me back. I need you to pound on me like I am a six-foot dude. I crave for the blood, welts, and bruises you will give me on my body.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies

taboo phone sexWhat are your taboo phone sex fantasies? I could write a Russian novel about mine.  I have snuff fantasies about killing young ones, old ones, anyone… I have a wicked desire to castrate almost every man I meet. I want to kidnap and torture a bimbo slut. I want to bleed out all the mean girls in the world. I want to traffic small girls so I can profit off their tender age flesh. I want to watch a male accomplice split the pussy and ass of a young one in two. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. Every day, I meet several people that I want to do very bad things to.  I talk to them too. I wish there were more accomplices in the world but finding a man that is worthy of my time is hard. It is also difficult to find a man who can match my sadistic needs. I was hanging out with Ivan last night. He wanted to fuck a super young girl, torture and kill her. He vomited at the first cut to her flesh. What a wuss. The young girl, however, she fought like a champion. She had balls. He was a disappointment. So, I gave her a knife and let her castrate the loser who had rape phone sex fantasies about her. She was young, but she had a lot of anger inside, anger she took out on her kidnapper. I think I just found my latest accomplice. Girl power.