Tag: Taboo phone sex

Ass Rape Porn Star for a Day


ass rape pornAss rape porn was on his mind again. It always is. He calls me his anal whore slave. I hate when he fucks my ass because he is long and thick, and it always hurts.  It hurt more today than usual because he used Ben Gay as lube. Like who the fuck does that? He had just fucked my ass raw. He tore the flesh in my ass. With those holes in my flesh, the Ben Gay stung like a mother fucking swarm of bees was loose in my asshole. I thought he was done with me after he came in my ass. He wasn’t the only one fucking my ass. He had a bunch of friends over. Mean men. Men with big cocks. I was fighting. I know better, but I was in pain. Pain beyond the comfort level of even the best pain slut! He had to tie me down to his work out bench and gag my mouth because I was screaming. One man after another fucked my ass. Not with only cock either. Fists, baseball bats, beer bottles and one guy used a rolling pin. My ass was battered, and I think permanently damaged. I must buy him a new work out bench he says because I ruined it with blood, shit and cum. In my defense, I was not expecting to make a gangbang rape porn.

Show Me What Your Capable Of

Snuff phone sex

Anyone is capable of anything which is what I believe. You may look at me and think that you don’t have it in you to hurt me. I’m so beautiful, you would never want to cause me harm. So don’t think of it that way, instead think about how you are willing to do anything to put a smile on my face. There, now go pick up the sharp pretty knife there and take a nice long slice down my chest. Listen to my breathing get faster and look at the bright smile on my face as I see my own dark red blood dripping down my stomach. Feel that twinge in your pants, that powerful feeling is turning you on isn’t it? Don’t let it scare you, instead let’s see exactly what you are capable of.

Snuff Porn Life



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I was born into the snuff porn life. My daddy sold my holes to dangerous men before I could even walk. It is amazing I ever survived. My memory of those days is blurred but I have scars on my body and messed up girl parts because of it. Some one found out what daddy was doing and called the authorities on him. I was in foster care as a teen girl, but I didn’t fare any better there. I was pimped out daily to pay my way. I am an adult now, but I am still paying my way. Every man I meet, shares me with some one and pimps me out for violent ass rape porn. Last night, this guy I live with said he was no longer paying my way. I needed to earn my keep. It was just like daddy and my foster parents all over again. I knew I was in trouble when 20 black men arrived. They gave my man $100 a piece. That seemed cheap for what they got to do to me which was what anything they wanted to do to me. They sodomized me, fisted me and joked about knocking me up with their nigger seed. My pussy is gaped open. My asshole is prolapsed. I can barely walk today. But my rent is paid. Paid the only way I know how.

Snuff Porn Whore

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I was born to be in snuff porn. That is what daddy always told me. I ran away from home thinking I could escape cruel men like him. I have not been so lucky in that department.  I have come to accept the fact that it is me. I am a worthless whore, not a special princess. I don’t deserve to be treated well by men. I went on a modeling gig this week. The ad was for a young girl who didn’t mind bondage. The pay was $500. That would help me pay the rent. I figured it was easy money, but it was anything but easy. I arrived at the address I was provided. It was an old warehouse by the river. I could smell dead fish. It was dark and creepy. I knew I was in trouble, but I ignored my inner voice. I think I have a death wish. I just put myself into too many dangerous situations. I was surprised there were people there. Maybe it was legit after all? Nope. They jumped me. They force fucked my mouth. They fisted my ass. They put wine bottles up my cunt and laughed at the stupid whore who answered their ad. I think all I deserve is to be treated like a whore. Do you agree?

Snuff Sex Fever

snuff sexSnuff sex was on my mind late last night. I had an itch that needed scratched. I got out of bed, got dressed and went cruising for a victim. It was around 2 am, which meant plenty of drunk bitches and bastards around. They make the best victims. I was in the mood for a drunk bitch. The city was full of them too. Drunk coeds in short skirts and high heels stumbling all over the sidewalks. I found one alone and snatched her up. She was easy prey too. She thought I was an Uber. I put her in the back of the car and thought if only you were with me. You could have added a dark sexual component to the kill. I took her to the lake. I have a kill shack there no one knows about. Only hunters go there or people like me who want to do bad things and never get caught. She passed out in the back of my car making it easier for me. But I like the thrill of the kill. I tied her up on a dirty disposable mattress and waited for her to wake up. I wanted her to know I was going make her a snuff porn star. I fucked her cunt with a knife. Stabbed her whore pussy, killing her from the inside out. The more she fought, the wetter my cunt got. I sexually mutilated her body and tossed her to the coyotes. I burned the mattress in the fire pit. No one will miss another drunk coed skank. Next time just promise me, you will join the fun.

Snuff Sex Pussy Reward

I love watching a dead young bald pussy get violated and that sweet things first time is in her dead and buried corpse, how fucking lucky for that gothic tramp. I fucking hated this little bitch and she died of cardiac arrest in her supposed slumber. But it wasn’t that really, it was the fact she was freaked out since I told her she would have to give her innocence up to a beast in order to join our coven. She was really wanting in and well if it’s what she wants then she best prove herself to our lord of the dark and his guardians.She didn’t make it to her initiation and we had to go dig her up and take her on her desire to serve the dark side she was grave robbed and my lover took her cold dead cunt for his own before we gave her over to the real beasts.

Snuff sex

Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sexHe told me I was his accomplice phone sex partner this time. That was a first. I have always been his fuck slave or punching bag. I have never helped him victimize someone else before. It would be nice change of pace. At least I thought so until I knew what he had planned. I had to kidnap a little girl. A very young one too. I am not talking about some hot teen slut who knows her way around a cock. I am talking about a tiny tot with tight pink holes. I know better than to say no to him. No will get me dead. It was her or me. I lured her away to the van. We drove her to a no tell motel. She was passed out from a special cocktail I gave her. He wanted me to prep her for him. So, I did. I fingered her tiny holes and licked them too. She tasted sweet. So very sweet. I felt guilty for enjoying myself. She was crying for her mommy and daddy. I knew she would be dead soon. He would fuck her then kill her.  But it wasn’t me who would be dead for once.

I was his unwilling snuff porn victim

snuff pornI was his unwilling snuff porn victim. I was minding my business eating my snow cone on the park bench. I knew my skirt was a little short and When I saw him smiling, I might have uncrossed and crossed my legs making it ride up a little more. He looked like he had money and I wasn’t above fucking for a little cash. Then my world went dark. I woke up in a dark trunk of a vehicle. I tried screaming, but there was a ball gag in my mouth and blood was running down into my eyes. It felt like forever before I was pulled from the trunk and brought down to the damp basement and threw on a dirty old mattress. Lights flickered and my clothes were cut off. Men flooded into the room and I was being forced fucked. My ass was stretched, and my pussy was pounded until my stomach ached. Bits of dirty rope held me in place as I was gagged by cocks covered in blood, my blood. My ass and pussy had become one hole. Blood pooled under my ass. I saw a flicker of light glint off a blade before my heart was cut out of my chest. Maybe if I hadn’t been such a willing whore, I would still be alive.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Story

kidnapping phone sexI have a kidnapping phone sex story for you. I was hitching on the side of the road after my car died. It was broad daylight. Honestly, I thought I could walk to the nearest gas station, but I was getting over heated. It was over 100 degrees outside. I took a ride from an older man. He looked harmless. Looks can be deceiving. I was not in his car for more than 10 minutes when he jabbed a needle in my thigh. I guess I passed out because I woke up chained and shacked in a dungeon. It was an underground prison. I started screaming. He came down and told me I was his prisoner now. He told me this story of losing his last whore to snuff sex. I was scared because I had no clue where I was or what this man could do. He entered my cell to skull fuck me while I was chained to his cell door. I was gagging and struggling to breathe. I was trapped, however, with nowhere to go. When he undid my chains, I thought maybe I could escape, but he made it clear if I even blinked, he would slit my throat. I let him fuck me for days. I never fought because I was positive that he killed his last captive because she fought. I just wanted to live, so I put up with the ass fucking, skull fucking and cunt fisting. Eventually, he would let me go and he did. He drugged me again and I guess drove me to a corn field and dumped my naked body. A farmer and his ranch hand found me while shucking corn. I had no clue how I got there or how long I had been there. I guess the lesson here is never take rides from strangers.

First day of school

taboo phone sexIt was the first day of school this morning and a lot of these little brats were headed out to bus stops while it was still dark outside. So I went out hunting and found one little bitch standing all alone. I offered her a ride and she was dumb enough to accept so I took the little brat back to my place and knocked her out. While she was unconscious I stripped her naked and tied her to the bed and called some friends over. They all took turns fucking all her tender holes and beating her. She got fucked over and over until she was all bloody and beaten and near death. Then I slit her fucking throat and let her bleed out. I decided to return her to where I found her so that he parents would be able to see what had been done to her, I thought it would be a nice touch.