I was shopping, not looking to star in their gangbang rape porn. This skater boy asked me for some smokes, but I didn’t have any. When I went to my car, he followed me out. He shoved me in my own trunk and stole my car. I was trying to call for help from my cell, but I was not getting a signal in the trunk of my car. Where was this little punk taking me and why? The road was bumpy, like a gravel road. I figured we drove for about twenty minutes before the car stopped. I heard other voices. When the trunk opened, there was a gang of teen boys surrounding me. One boy pulled me out of the trunk by my hair. He dragged me kicking and screaming into the woods. Him and his friends sodomized me, and force fucked my mouth and pussy. I tried to fight, but they told me I was a stupid cunt who didn’t deserve to live. I thought they might kill me, but they just wanted to get their jollies. One of the boys filmed my violation. I was a hot mess. Cum and sweat and smeared make-up all over my face. Gaped holes with cum oozing out of them. When they couldn’t cum anymore, they just left me exposed and vulnerable in the woods. I managed to get back to my car, but I was covered in so much cum, I was sticking to my leather seats.
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Gangbang Rape Porn
Blair fucked up
Oh Blair,Blair, Blair, did you really think that your dried up old cooze would take my man away from me? Look at you and then look at me there really is no comparison at all. I am young and sexy and wicked and you… well you are just old and worthless subbing yourself out to any man that would pay you. Did you really think that a man like mine would give up this perfection to go to you?? He was just stringing you along so that we could get you down here in my basement to torture your dumb ass to death. How do those ropes feel? Nice and tight I hope. I love seeing you all tied up like this, struggling to breathe begging for your life. It must be so terrifying for you. That’s the part I like best, seeing you afraid, watching you suffer, knowing that you are going to die today. It could be worse, at least I allowed you to have one final orgasm before I snuffed your life out, honestly it was more than you deserved. Women like you never learn that you should never try to take something that doesn’t belong to you and that’s why you had to die.
Kidnapping Phone Sex Slave
I was out jogging when a car almost ran me off the road. I fell into a ditch. Before I could pick myself up, a guy got out of the car and put a bag over my head. I was squirming to get out. I ended up getting conked in the head by someone. I woke up in a little cell. It was like a go go dancer cage, but not as glamorous. I could barely move around. I was trying to get my bearings when a guy came down and rattled the cage. He reached his hands through the cage and pulled me back on his cock. He fucked my ass through a cage He was strong. His grip on me was tight. After he came in my ass, more men came into the room and fucked me the same way, through the cage. I was a captive. After a couple hours of being sodomized, my captor told me he was selling me to the highest bidder. He just wanted my holes used first because the man who bought me wanted a dirty used-up skank to fuck. I was kidnapped and sold to this guy who said I was too pretty to fuck. He took care of that. He carved my face all up. Wrote whore in my flesh and fucked every hole I have. He didn’t even care that I was bleeding. He liked fucking a carved up old skank more.
Castration Phone Sex
This is my castration phone sex chair. It is an old electrocution chair from my grandfather’s prison. I inherited a lot of prison memorabilia when the prison was shut down for cruel and unusual punishment. It was a private prison. Only the worst animals were in this place. My grandfather took some liberties with experimentation and executions. I think I inherited my sick mind from him. This chair that killed at least 100 of the sickest killers in the world, now castrates the biggest losers in the world. It resides in my dungeon with other torture devices. I modified it for castration. I have a long board that comes out from under the chair seat. The board has a hole in it so the cock and balls can be separated. I simply affix a castration band to the balls underneath to cut of the circulation, then I cut, chop or saw off the balls. I have a variety of blades from smooth cuts to jagged, rusty cuts. I can stop the bleeding, or I cannot. How I castrate you, depends on you. Whiney annoying bitches get castrated brutally. Guys who accept their fate, get castrated humanely. I have fun either way because I am using my grandfather’s prison equipment for the greater good. Not all men deserve to procreate and orgasm.
Murder and mayhem excite me
Murder and mayhem turn me on, seeing the bloody bodies and all that carnage just gets me wet as fuck. So when I had the opportunity to grab a gun and go shoot a bunch of people I was very excited! I went to this resort where they made any fantasy come true for you so they gathered up a room full of people and let me go in there and shoot them till I had killed them all. We’re talking hundreds of people all in one room just like shooting fish in a barrel, they had no chance to escape at all! It was almost too easy but still really fun. After they were all dead or dying I found a sexy stud to come fuck me in there where we would get all covered in blood. We fucked all over the victims, we even fucked some of the almost dead people too it was so fucking hot! Best day ever as far as I’m concerned.
Brutal Anal Torture Sex
Anal torture sex is something I don’t always enjoy. I can take a hardcore ass fucking. I have been an anal whore for decades. When I am broke and need coke money, I often sell my asshole. Married women rarely give up the ass, so I can make $100 an ass fuck. I just bend over the car or alley wall and take the cock up my ass. This dude said he would pay me $300 to ass fuck me for an hour. Why would I say no to that? I should have said no. He was creepy looking, smelled of bourbon and had a thick cock. Still, I could deal with all that. He shoved me over his car hood in a dark corner of a parking garage. I knew something was wrong because it didn’t feel like a cock in my ass. That was because it was a bottle. A broken bottle. I started to scream for help. This was not what I agreed too. He put his hands around my throat to let me know he could snap my neck in an instant. I could have my ass shredded or I could die. I went with being a dirty ass rape porn star for 58 more minutes. My asshole was prolapsed and bleeding. He laughed at the fact that he ruined my ass. Joked about me needing a good proctologist to put my asshole back together. Blood and fecal matter were running down my legs. No way I could fuck anymore tonight. I was ruined. I might be ruined permanently. At least I had $300. He paid me like he said he would. I wobbled out of the alley and found a dealer. I got high in a dark alley trying to forget the awful things I do to get high.
What I did last winter
It was cold winter night when I killed off a little bitch that was having fun with my boyfriend. Now I am dealing with a bit of skank all over again. I will have to put this new bitch in her place. Luckily I have all the footage from that winter night. I decided I had to share my capabilities with this new slut. I wasn’t going to kill her off quickly. I was going to make it a slow, painful death. Heck, I might even keep her alive for a couple of months and have her killed of this upcoming winter. It would be a nice touch as a reminder of what I did last winter. You have been flaunting your body in front of my boyfriend all summer. You will look bet decapitated and used for snuff sex relief by all the guys I know.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
The pain in my ass is making me scream, this only angers you more. You start yelling “shut the fuck up you stupid whore” while wrapping a cord around my neck. Burying your cock deeper into my raw ass. I’m crying and choking, I can’t breathe at all and all of a sudden I feel your fists on the back of my head. I start to see black and know I am going to pass out soon… from you choking me, from you punching me. I can hear your slurs of hate towards me. You want me to suffer, you want to violate me. Your not done with his torture and humiliation. You want to make sure I know my place, make sure I don’t forget I am nothing but a fuck toy. My only purpose in life is to be a cock warmer with all three of my holes. I don’t know when it happens, but I black out – waking up with you forcing your cock all the way into my throat. Fucking it just like my ass, I can taste myself on your cock, feel you forcing it all the way down my throat and yanking my hair to force it in deeper. I am starting to gag violently, but this doesn’t stop you – if anything this encourages you. I feel like this makes your cock harder, struggling against you but knowing there’s no use. I can taste your precum, it makes me wet knowing I am pleasing you which only proves that I really am only good for being a fuck toy. You slap my face as you push your cock to the back of my throat, coating it with your warm sticky load. You’re laughing and moaning and telling me to “choke on it bitch” and I do…because I always do what I am told.
Snuff Porn Starlet
I was not looking to be a snuff porn star that night. I went to this new fancy club. I met a cute guy there. I mean he was super cute. He seemed so normal too. I didn’t get any weird vibes from him but that all changed the moment I woke up in his trunk. He spiked my drink with something because one moment I was dancing with a cute guy and the next moment I was bound and gagged in the trunk of a car. I tried to escape, but that wasn’t happening. When he let me out of the trunk, he made sure I knew he could kill me at any moment. I was shaking like a leaf. He carried me over his shoulder like I was a sack of dirt for his yard. He tossed me on a dirty mattress and took his clothes off. He was going to fuck me. Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? I thought why is he doing this? I would have fucked him in the club. It quickly became clear he doesn’t like willing girls. He punched and slapped me, he even bit my nipples until they bled as he fucked and choked me. I passed out at some point. Woke up with a dog licking my face and his owner standing over me yelling at me about his fishing cabin not being a hooker’s paradise. I asked for help, but he told me to get out or he would call the police on me. There are no good guys left in the world.
Ass Rape Porn Star for a Day
Ass rape porn was on his mind again. It always is. He calls me his anal whore slave. I hate when he fucks my ass because he is long and thick, and it always hurts. It hurt more today than usual because he used Ben Gay as lube. Like who the fuck does that? He had just fucked my ass raw. He tore the flesh in my ass. With those holes in my flesh, the Ben Gay stung like a mother fucking swarm of bees was loose in my asshole. I thought he was done with me after he came in my ass. He wasn’t the only one fucking my ass. He had a bunch of friends over. Mean men. Men with big cocks. I was fighting. I know better, but I was in pain. Pain beyond the comfort level of even the best pain slut! He had to tie me down to his work out bench and gag my mouth because I was screaming. One man after another fucked my ass. Not with only cock either. Fists, baseball bats, beer bottles and one guy used a rolling pin. My ass was battered, and I think permanently damaged. I must buy him a new work out bench he says because I ruined it with blood, shit and cum. In my defense, I was not expecting to make a gangbang rape porn.