He told me I could be the next great snuff porn star. He wanted to audition me personally. He asked me if I had been an actress before. My only acting experience is on the phone. As a phone sex slut, I have been many things to many different men. I was stupid to believe he was a director and I was the next Marilyn Monroe. I honestly thought this guy wanted me for fetish movies. I have a long resume of fetish modeling. I thought he wanted to make some fetish porn with me as the star. He just wanted me for his private 8MM film. It would be my one and only film. I agreed to a casting couch audition thinking he was legit. The moment I was naked, his hands were around my throat. A camera dangled above my head catching the struggle. He was killing me himself for a homemade snuff sex film. I wondered how many other pretty ingenues fell for his line. Was I the first? Was I special in that I was the only one? I fought as long as I could, even scratching his flesh until he bled. But in the end, he was right. I was born to make a snuff film. One glorious snuff movie.
Tag: Taboo phone sex
My One and Only Snuff Porn
Mutilation Phone Sex
I found a two stupid whore and I’m thinking of ways I could torture her for the video I’m making. I want a video that is a compilation of the different whores I’ve tortured and killed this year. So far I haven’t gotten as many as I would like. This one got lucky that I didn’t have all of my usual tools with me.She was easy enough to abduct. I told her we could do a few lines of coke and fool around and she came right to my hotel room.Sluts will do anything for a buzz. I started by handcuffing and gagging her. She thought we were going to hook up, but I had other plans. I took her into the bathroom and hog tied her like the nasty animal she is. I didn’t have a strap on to fuck her with, so I plugged in an old curling iron and let it get red hot. The smell of burnt flesh filled the room as I shoved the red hot iron deep in her pussy. She tried to scream but the gag muffled the sound. I couldn’t wait to really mess this bitch up, I was just getting started.
Knife Play Phone Sex
There are a 1000 different ways knife phone sex calls can go. My knife is my BFF. I have way more than a hundred knives too. I have a knife collection so vast that it would put me on the FBI’s radar. I find that a knife can be a quick death or a slow and painful one. I can scar you or kill you. I can disfigure you or castrate you. I can kill you any way I want with a knife. Stab you in the heart. Slit your throat. Gut you like a pig. Exsanguinate you. I can stab you in the ass or cunt and make you bleed out. I can castrate you and make you bleed out. I can kill you with a thousand cuts or just one very precise cut. My knives don’t disappoint me like the human race does. Now I can kill you with my knives or if you are my accomplice, we can kill a victim of your choice. My blades enjoy tender age flesh or tough old flesh equally. A gun kills instantly but a knife allows you to enjoy the torture sex. I ever need to worry about a knife jamming up, locking or being out of bullets either. I don’t care what your weapon of choice is because when you are with me, we are hunting and killing with very sharp blades.
Your Balls are Mine!
I want to tie you down and seductively cut your balls right off. My naked body oiled up and sliding up and down your body as I tell you how much better off you will be without those testes swinging between your legs. I offer you one last chance to release your sperm into a fertile young female. Sweet young pussy just ripe for the implantation of your seed. I felt that dick get hard against my bare ass cheeks as I cut your chest with my fingernails. I leaned down to suck the blood off and to tell you that my victim was ready for your seed. I motioned to the shadows and a frail slutkin came into view. She was scared but hopeful of carrying your seed. She had already been informed that the only way she would live would be to be a breeding whore for me. I popped her down on your cock and you gave the loudest grunt as you released all of that baby batter inside her. While she still rode you I sniped your man hood off and burnt your now sterile self closed. Your eyes as I fed your balls to my unwilling victim is something I will never forget!
Snuff Porn Audition
It was a snuff porn audition. I knew it. I was scared. I didn’t want to be there, but I was blackmailed into it. My stepson said if I didn’t meet his friend, he would tell my husband that I am still using coke. My husband would divorce me if he knew what a coke fiend I still am. With the snuff director, at least I stood a chance of survival. With my husband, I would be single and homeless. I took my chances. I met my stepson’s friend in an abandoned warehouse on the docks. I had no idea what to expect. I knew it wouldn’t be pleasant whatever his intentions were with me. He had a film to make. A gangbang rape porn that was fully cast expect for the leading whore. My stepson owed this guy a favor, and I was the way the debt was settled. I was standing in front of him scared. I had on a trench coat because I was naked underneath. It was like a security blanket, but it was stripped from me quickly as the men made themselves known. Over 100 guys were going to fuck me. I could be fucked to death. These guys were huge. Their cocks were bigger than porn stars. With a snap of the director’s fingers, I was being torn apart like a wounded animal who met a pack of blood thirsty coyotes. They pulled my limbs, fucked all my holes, slammed me on the floor repeatedly. I was bleeding from every hole. These beasts fucked me savagely while the director filmed it. I should not have let my stepson blackmail me. In the moment, I thought it would be a miracle if I survived. I did, but only because the deal made, I survived the snuff sex. My stepson wanted to use me again.
She should have been smarter
I found some stupid whore all passed out in this bar I like to go to. She was there alone and wasted as fuck how stupid is that shit? I just dragged her ass out the bar and took her home and she was too drunk to even know who I was or where we were going so it’s her own fault that she ended up tied up and naked in a stranger’s house don’t you think? She was cute tho so I called some of my friends and set up a little gangbang. They paid me and they got to do whatever they wanted to little miss drunky. At first she was too fucked up to resist but as she sobered up she actually tried to fight them off. She was tied up so that was kind of pointless but it was funny to see her try. They fucked her till she was just a sobbing mess covered head to toe in cum. I left her there for the day I’ll hose her off later and the paty will begin again, I wonder how long she will last?
Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies
Taboo phone sex fantasies run through my head all the time. I want to be owned as a slave. Kept like a pet in a cage. A collar around my neck that says, “Whore.” You lock me up when you sleep or leave because I cannot be trusted left to my own devices. You let me out when you are home and fuck me how you please. Share me with your friends too. Share me with strangers if you prefer. Hurt me. Abuse me. Punch me. Slap me. Force fuck me. Choke me. Strangle me. Burn me. Cut me. Brand me. Tie me up. Gang bang me. Piss on me. Pierce me. Stab me. Suffocate me. Kill me. I am a twisted girl with twisted desires. It makes my cunt wet to be your dirty slave. Nothing makes me happier than catering to your darkest desires.
Stupid Whore
I’m such a stupid whore. I ran off and got myself into a bad situation. I agreed to meet a guy for sex. He found my ad online and knew I needed some quick cash. We kept details to a minimum because I thought it would be like every other trick I’ve turned. We met at a truck stop. I was ready to start sucking his cock but he had a better idea. We got out and went around to the back of the trailer. He swung the door open, just enough for me to peek inside. Next thing I knew, I was strapped down, straddling a saw- horse. Chained at the wrists and ankles. My pussy and asshole on fire from being fucked and abused for hours. I could feel his warm, sticky goo dripping down my leg. He was back behind me with a length of barbed wire. He pulled the barbed wire tight around my throat and started to strangle me, as I passed out. I’m know I’m going to pay for being such a stupid whore
Evil phone sex
“Please, please I’ll do anything!” I was pleading, desperate and pathetic. He smirked at me as he pressed the branding iron onto my skin, burning the word whore into my tender tits. I was screaming like an animal, I didn’t even recognize my screams and I felt so far away. The pain continued and I felt my vision start to get black around the edge. I was passing out quickly. I wasn’t out for long, he woke me up by shoving his cock all the way down my throat. He was shoving whatever he could into my pussy and my ass, as I squirmed and gagged on his dick. I wanted to die, I just wanted it all to end but I wasn’t going to get that. He grabbed a rope and wrapped it around my neck as he continued to violently fuck my throat, I was gagging, drooling and even puking a little. He pulled the rope tight screaming at me “you wanna die you stupid Cunt!?” I was trying to get it off of my neck but he was choking me too hard. “That’s right bitch die you fucking whore choke on this cock, die doing what you’re made for slut.” He pulled it tighter and I felt myself losing conscious foaming at the mouth.
Snuff Sex with a Little Girl
He wanted snuff sex with a little girl. I am the maker of taboo dreams. I know where to go to snatch up little girls. In this age of self-absorption, women are paying more attention to their cell phones than their little girls. That makes it easy for me to snatch a little one up in plain sight. I rushed the little angel to my kill shack before the Amber alert even hit the airwaves. My accomplice was waiting with a hard cock and his dark mind racing with evil thoughts. I shoved the little girl on his hard cock. She let out a loud scream as his dick pierced her little virgin slit. Her virgin blood was lube for his big dick. He was splitting her in two and it was fucking hot. The more she screamed, the harder he fucked her. I tortured her little nips and clit, making her cry more. We all knew she was not surviving this. She even knew it. She started saying a prayer to God. I smacked her across her face. God wasn’t helping her survive. No one was. My accomplice fucked her ass, ruined it. He skull fucked her with his bloody, shitty dick and when he came, I snapped her neck like a chicken. He fucked her dead body and came again.