Tag: Taboo phone sex

Torture sex

Torture sex“No! Please no!” My screams were useless, he had his mind set up for torture sex, and that’s what I was going to get. I already couldn’t handle the pain and torment he’d given me, I figured this must be how I die. He’s got me dangling by ropes, clothes pins all over my body, my tits are bound a butt plug far too large has been forced into my mouth. He has a shock collar around my neck, and he’s been slowly torturing me. He keeps fucking my mouth, making me feel like I am dying on his dick only to electrocute me back to the present. He’s got weights on my nipple clamps and keeps slapping me around. He’s been smoking cigs and keeps putting them out one by one all over my body. My screams are unheard, my cunt lips are swollen and my body is black and purple. He brings out something else, something terrifying a dildo with sharp things all over it. Is he really going to fuck my pussy with that? I will bleed! He doesn’t care, he wants me to hurt wants me to have this punishment and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Kidnapping Phone Sex Fantasy

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex calls are a crap shoot. I never know what is going to happen to me. That is what makes it hot as hell. I found myself alone on a dark road with a flat tire. There was a huge castle that I could see about a mile away. I decided to walk there. I had no cell reception. I couldn’t call for a tow. I thought maybe the house had a phone I could use. A butler old as fuck and creepy answered the door. I was hesitant to go inside because it felt off. Before I could turn around, however, the creepy butler had my arm. He was dragging me down a corridor. I saw women laying on the floor. They looked half dead. Pale and weak. I swallowed hard as the butler dragged me into a room. It was dark and damp. It smelled like death. There was a man standing in front of a desk. A mirror behind him, but he had no reflection. I was in trouble. I was certainly doomed. I was going to be be vampire food like the girls I saw half dead. They had been drained of blood and I was next. I knew he was the reason for the disappearance of all the young girls in the area. I walked right into his trap. I knew I should run, but he had a hypnotic spell on me. I was weak and powerless as he walked towards me. He told me he was going to kill me, but that didn’t make me scared. I wanted to be with him for eternity. That was not what he wanted, however. He granted me one last orgasm before he killed me. He bit into my neck. Blood spurted everywhere and I got weak and cold. I pleaded to be turned and he did. I am now a sexy vampire, trapped as a beautiful blonde goddess forever.

Dark Sex Nightmares

Sadistic phone sex

Let’s get twisted tonight I feel like Fire and Ice I want to be hot and cold all over you. Can I straight razor slit your little girlfriend because she’s sexy when she’s bleeding and she looks so good when she’s crying tonight? I can fuck you in front of her while she is screaming from the pain she’ll go crazy, and I love it. I’m a terrible slut. I want to fuck you so bad I want to be the one that is the worst of them all. Yes, my body is fantastic see my tits they’re so big, and they do the best things of all if you want them to. I will feed you my cream from my pussy, and I will pour my squirting cunt juice all over your girlfriend. She looks scared she looks terrified; I don’t think she’s okay. Look she’s bleeding, and she’s hemorrhaging. Your poor girlfriend is going through this like she’s already and hell, and she’s on her way. Love guy her tears I want to lick them I want to drink her blood. Why don’t you slap your girlfriend and her face with your cock? I really think that would turn me on. You are fucking the darkest bitch in town I know that that’s okay with you. I’ve heard of the rituals that you’ve been dreaming of doing all the time I can teach you how to be the devil. Would you like to go deeper go darker be wicked would you like to feel the excitement? Let’s go to the bottom of the brimstone together you, and I look in my eyes, I’m ready for the devil in you.

Snuff Porn with an Old Bitch

snuff pornHe had an unusual snuff porn request for me. He wanted me to help kidnap his mother. I don’t get too many gigs to kill mothers; well not mothers in their 60s. I didn’t ask questions because he paid me. All I cared about was the money. It became clear he had some deep seeded resentment for his mother. He wanted the most violent torture I could imagine. He had no idea who he had hired. I am so violent I make Jigsaw look like an amateur. I kidnapped his mother while she was sleeping. Old bitch didn’t even have any teeth. He really had mother issues. Again, I didn’t feel sympathy for the old bitch. I knocked her out, so I could get her in my trunk easily. Truth. She was lighter than a sack of potatoes. She woke up tied to a table with a scared look on her face. I started carving her flesh off her body. I was like a hungry cannibal. I carved her flesh off her body like she was a turkey. Her screams were deafening, but they couldn’t be heard deep in the woods. I took my time with the torture. I wanted her to feel the pain. Well, her son did. Right before she took her last breath, I showed her a picture of her son so she knew who wanted her dead. She had her son to thank for starring in my snuff sex film.

Medical Torture Sex

torture sexMy gynecologist was into torture sex of my girl parts. I had no idea. I signed up for some medical experiments for extra cash. I was desperate for money to get some drugs. The ad seemed harmless. The ad made it appear it was just a few medical experiments. The ad was misleading. I was sexually tortured. First, their was the breast exam from hell. My boobs were squeezed so tightly that I thought my boobs might pop off my body. If I had fake tits, I would have popped the fun bags. Dr. Demento used vice grips on my tits to see if I had real or fake boobs. My tits were black and blue almost instantly. He quickly moved on to my pussy. He put a sounding device in my urethra that made me scream in pain. That was followed by being opened wide with a speculum. He started inserting various sharp objects in my pussy. He said he was getting cells from my cervix, but this was medical torture for his own pleasure. The more pain I was in, the more I cried, the harder he got. My pain fueled him to delve deeper into his medical fetish. He said there would be some pain involved, but I had no idea how much pain. When he was done, he fucked me. I had a bloody cunt and bruised tits, but that just turned him on all the more. What a sick medical fetish phone sex call. 

Gangbang Rape Porn Sissy Slut Victim

I hate groveling fools, and especially hate ones that want to be like me. There’s a fucking trend of guys wanting to be sissy fags and it really makes me laugh, some of the images I see and all I can think about is how I can bank on this twisted shit, ya know a hot gangbang rape porn of some little pink girly dressed male in the wrong place. Like one of my favorite films Suburbia. It’s a punk flick of some great fucking bands and they squat at a house, do drugs, get drunk be fucking punks, ya know. Well, at a show some fucking dumb “Normal” blonde bitch is there dressed in a pink fucking prom dress or some shit. Well she could be the sissy and all the punks just go to town fantasy raping the dumb cunt as it was surely a wet dream of hers but she was terrorized and laughed at. That is kinda an awesome epitome of how I would see this Sissy faggot. In the middle of a mosh pit and getting gang banged and pounded by the grittiest of punks. In the middle of the show and the band even stops to watch her getting banged and being called a faggot while pissing in her face. I would be there instigating the guys to do more damage and finally go up to the bitch with a strap-on that was massive with a blade and give her fuck hole my all as I slit her throat.

Gangbang rape porn

Ass Rape Porn Star

ass rape pornWhen you are known as an ass rape porn star, men are always pushing your boundaries. I was doing a fetish shoot this week that got way more extreme than I signed up for. The director wanted to film my ass getting fisted and fucked by a few men. Fine. I have done that in my sex life, so why not for the camera for some money, right? One of the guys started calling me a whore and joking about my loose asshole. That is when the director had a brilliant idea as he called it. It was not brilliant. It was painful. It was anal torture sex. He brought out this fuck machine, but instead of using a dildo on it, he affixed a baseball bat with a wide base. Holy fuck my ass got assaulted. He rammed it in full speed. It was sodomizing me so fast and hard, I knew things would get ugly. And they did. I shit and bled everywhere. They were laughing at the dirty whore who couldn’t control herself. The smell was awful. I wanted to die from the pain. My ass was prolapsed and bleeding. They just laughed at me. When they took the baseball bat out of my swollen asshole, the pushed me to the ground to lick up my mess. I felt like I wanted to die all over again.

I’m Always in a Sadistic Phone Sex Mood

sadistic phone sexI am always in a sadistic phone sex mood. I laugh when guys ask me if I have any limits. I have only one limit and that is I am never a sub or a victim. I can’t even pretend to be a victim. It is not how I was born. I am a bitch in charge, or I am your accomplice. No in between. I got a call last night from a guy who wanted to hunt and kill me. He wanted me to act scared. I could only act sarcastic. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He spammed my phone for an hour, which is never the way to get me to do a call with you. I was pissed to start when I agreed to do his call. He didn’t exactly get the call he wanted because the hunter became the hunted. I warned him. Some small-minded idiots think that they call the shots because they are paying. Maybe with a site other than a snuff sex site lol. I ended up killing my caller, castrating him for my amusement too, but he came so hard. I think he was just testing me. To see if I am a greedy whore pretending to be a sadistic for money or if I am really an evil bitch. I really am an evil bitch with no moral compass. This is your one and warning.

Labor Day GangBang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornI made a Labor Day gangbang rape porn. No, I didn’t want to do. It was not my choice. It was a family cookout. That included my stepson. He brought a bunch of his friends. His father was not happy because the boy runs with a bad crowd. Oh boy, do I know that! One of the guys in his posse has sodomized me several times. He is a sick fucker with a milf fetish. He has this violent fantasy about taking his mommy by force. My stepson encourages his naughty mommy fantasy and makes me be his surrogate mommy. My husband and I tried to get him and his friends to leave, but they wouldn’t budge. It was late and we needed to go to bed and get our boys to bed since they had school today. I thought my stepson and his friends would just hang out in the back yard and drink until they got bored. They did until they decided to pull me out of bed for some ass rape porn. They were drunk and stoned and feeling violent. My husband is a sound sleeper. I didn’t scream because I didn’t want my two young sons to witness the violence their half-brother was going to subject their mommy too. I didn’t want them to have any ideas about how they could treat their mommy when they get older. My stepson bound and gagged me on the picnic table where our family ate just hours earlier; then he ordered his friends to fuck me. They took turns violating my holes in my backyard in my gated community. While other mommies were sleeping, this mommy was getting sodomized under the moonlight by a bunch of drunk frat boys. No one really knows what goes on behind the white picket fences.

I couldn’t let him live

taboo phone sexI was redecorating my apartment when I noticed a little red blinking light in the corner behind a bookcase I just moved. Upon further inspection I found several other little blinking lights in several rooms so I was pissed. I acted natural tho, like I hadn’t seen a thing, it was obvious that the old pervert that owns this building was filming me and probably several others what a massive invasion of my privacy! I do a lot of sick shit here I don’t need some pervert filming it what if he went to the police? I had to lure him in so I dressed up all sexy and called him to come and fix my sink. It was obvious that he had been checking the cameras before he came over, he looked like a mix of excited and nervous like he loved my outfit but was scared that I was on to him. I poured him a drink, drugged of course, and when he passed out I tied him to my bed and went off to his apartment to find all his tapes. Little bastard had everything right out in the open too it was easy to destroy everything and make sure that no one would ever be able to see into my house again. Then I went back to my place and killed that stupid little fuck slowly, dragged him back to his place and lit it all on fire. I knew the fire wouldn’t spread beyond his apartment it was a tidy little clean up of a very big problem.