Tag: Taboo phone sex

Ass rape porn black hoe

ass rape pornAss rape porn is how it started. This white guy I was dating would always watch it. I kept catching him watching it. I was upset at first, I wondered if the only reason he was with me was to force fuck a black ass. Then one night in bed when we were cuddling as usual I felt his hand running up against my cheeks.

Before long his finger was sliding in my ass. I’d never done anal before. I thought it was gross and dirty. So even is little finger hurt. By that point I was resolute that I wanted no part in it. I told him to stop and he removed his finger.

Then without saying a word he grabbed the lube we kept in the nightstand and rubbed it on himself. I knew exactly what he intended to do. This ass hole was going to rape my ass just like on his ass porn videos.

He rolled me on my stomach and filled me up ripping me and ravaging me. He buried my face in a pillow to muffle my screams. At first I thought I’d never forgive him. And then I came.

Taboo Phone Sex Ghost Story

taboo phone sexI have a taboo phone sex story to share that is appropriate for Halloween. My own Blair Witch story. My stepson kidnapped me the other night. I was asleep in bed and he snatched me up and took me to this abandoned house with a history of hauntings. I was not sure if it was urban legend or not, but I didn’t want to find out if it was truth or fiction. He said he would win money if I stayed in the haunted house all night. Fuck that shit, I told him, and I tried to get out. He was not alone. His friends grabbed me and used restraints to force me to stay. I was bound to a chair in an abandoned creepy house. They joked that I was going to be the ass rape porn star of a ghost or demon. I almost pissed myself. I knew they had cameras set up, but I had hoped they would stay. I was scared. This house was the scene of a brutal family murder decades ago. The house could never be sold because of its murderous history and today it’s a dilapidated scary house right out of a horror movie.

ass rape pornThey left me there. I tried to think of other things as the time passed, but I was shaking. I felt weird things like hot and cold air. I swore it felt like someone was groping me, but I saw no one. Then, I knew I was not crazy. Hands were around my throat choking me. I saw no one.  I felt a presence, however. A strong demonic presence. Something entered me. My body shook and convulsed from a violent fuck, but no one was visible. No one was in the house.  If my stepson was punking me, I didn’t know how he was doing it. For hours I was ravaged by an unknown presence. Ghost fucked. Demon fucked. I didn’t know what, but I was fucked. As soon as the sun rose, the presence was gone. My stepson and his friends came back for me. I was chained as they left me, but I was covered in bruises and cuts. They played back the video and saw me thrashing about as I was being assaulted. I was not crazy. I was part of my stepson’s private Blair Witch project. I have no idea who or what assaulted me, but I vowed I would never go near that house again.

fantasy phone sex

Sex with Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesI was at a Halloween party with this guy who said he loved having sex with dead bodies. I thought he was joking until he showed me his morgue ID. He works at the county morgue. I have heard about creepy shit like this, but thought it was just urban legend. He asked me if I had ever fucked a dead man. I had never even thought about it until he told me when the cadavers first come in, the men have hard cocks from rigamortis. I started thinking about all those stiff dead dicks attached to men who couldn’t hurt me, who couldn’t shame me either. I know I am a taboo phone sex slut, but this was extreme taboo even for me. We got high together, and he took me to where he works. Signed me in as a visitor. I was walking around with the dead. I was scared and aroused at the same time. He found this black young gang banger who was shot just hours ago. He was on the slab awaiting process of the body. My new friend processes cadavers of crime scenes. He worked quickly to get the DNA evidence he needed for the police so the cock would still be stiff as a board. When he was done, he told me to hop on the cock and take it for a ride while I could. My morgue buddy jacked his cock watching me fuck a dead man. The dead man’s cock didn’t feel dead. It was warm and twitching inside my pussy. I felt wickedly sinful. I had never even thought about necrophilia before. Now, I may never stop thinking about it. I came so hard and so did my buddy. He didn’t mind sloppy seconds because there was no cum in me. Dead men can fuck but they can’t cum.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies of Mommy

rape phone sex fantasies He had rape phone sex fantasies of his mother. I helped him. I hear all the time from callers about their cock teasing mommies. Or worse, domineering no more wire hanger kind of mothers. I have an easy answer for that. Revenge. Force fuck your mother. Torture your mother. Degrade your mother. Make her pay for denying you her pussy or affection or both. There is nothing worse than a mother who lacks maternal instincts. That is why I will never be a mother. I have zero maternal instincts. I have no problem, however, helping you explore your anger, even hatred, for your mother.  Tom is a 40-year-old man with mommy issues. His mother smothers him, controls him, ruins his relationships, guilts him and denies him her pussy. I helped him with the revenge. I wanted him to kill the old hag, but he just wanted to fuck her. She walked around the house half naked when he was young. She had many a lover over and flaunted it. She had him wash her back as a teen boy then scolded him for getting a boner when he saw his mother naked. The bitch needed a lesson. He was paying for my assistance. I was his accomplice phone sex partner, so I went with the program. I broke into her house in the middle of the night and set the scene. I blindfolded her. I even gave her a roofie to cloud her mind. Her son joined the party in a BDSM mask and forced his cock in all her holes. First time was privy to such an old bitch getting dicked. It was more enjoyable than I imagined it would be. The bitch had it coming. Women of any age just can’t get away with cock teasing men all their lives. You reap what you sow bitch.

Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sex

I helped snatch up a group of brats for a guy I know. I pulled off the absolute perfect plan and got paid for doing it, twice! I met a guy on the internet offering me a big wad of cash for 4-5 little fuck sluts for a snuff film he was making. I came up with this plan years ago but finally had everything I needed to pull it off. I got a job as a limo driver and had permission to use the car to make extra cash on the side during my down time. I waited until the week before homecoming. I knew small towns go crazy over that shit. I placed an ad in a random paper, advertising a limo service for the night of the dance. I got a client booked within an hour. A group of little assholes, the perfect age range and everything! I made them pay me $500 to pick them up and bring them to the dance. I picked them up and laughed to myself as they made shitty little comments to me. I rolled up the privacy screen and flipped them off. I will have the last laugh anyway. These little pricks just thought they were going to the dance. I put the limo in park and got out to open the doors. The windows were blacked out so they had no idea where we were. I opened the door for them and as they stepped out of the car, they realized we weren’t at the dance. They were in the warehouse in front of a group of rough looking men.  These guys were going to use them, torture them and eventually snuff them out and dispose of them like trash. The guy in charge handed me an envelope and I glanced inside. I slid in the $500 I was paid for the ride and laugh to myself as I get back in the car. Just another day on the job.

Young Voice Phone Sex Victim For Abuse Sex

Sometimes a man just needs a little whore to make his day and that requires a young voice phone sex victim to accommodate him and know her place as one with a vagina should. I’m a pain slut that gets off on being abused and have no real aspirations in life than to be the whore for all of mans needs. My body is sculpted by a male plastic surgeon for the pleasure of men. I am constantly victimized because that is my place. It has been fed into my brain from a young age by my daddy and I will always be here as the receiver of cock. The receptacle for cum, a urinal for piss and a toilet for shit. My whore body is built for a mans pleasure and I am never to really deny any man from taking his use of me.

Young voice phone sex


My Stepson’s Ass Rape Porn Star

ass rape pornAss rape porn is all he watches. He would be my stepson. He gets high and watches violent porn. Since he hates me, I am always the object of his anger. If not a punching bag, my asshole is getting the brunt of everything. That was the case last night. My husband asked me to bring his son a check. My son gets an allowance from daddy because he is a loser who can’t keep a job. I know I am hardly one to talk. I am a druggy whore. But at least I have a job. I know being a taboo phone sex whore is not a job to many, but I don’t need an allowance from daddy. I didn’t want to go because I knew the outcome would not be good for me. It never is when I must encounter him. I tried to slip it under his door, but he heard me. While I was bent over, he opened the door and yanked my arm, putting me off balance. I fell. He tied me up like a beach ball and force fucked my ass for hours. I had no choice in the matter. With him, fighting never goes my way. I don’t think there is anyone who hates me more in this world than my stepson.

Fantasy Phone Sex: I Love Vampires

fantasy phone sexI have a sexy caller who likes vampire fantasy phone sex calls. I have long lusted after sexy vampires. When I was a young girl getting abused by daddy, I watched a movie called Fright Night repeatedly wishing the hot vampire would turn me and take me away from my asshole father. They made a remake with Colin Farrell as the vamp, but he wasn’t as hot. As an adult I was obsessed with Eric on True Blood and always wanted an eternal life as his bitch. Something primal and dangerous about vampires that I find attractive. I think its their power and the fact that they can kill me. I can be their snuff sex victim forever. Never age past the age I was turned. I know vampires aren’t real, but I wish they were. I would gladly be vampire bait for a sexy vampire like Eric or my sexy caller. I am easily addicted to powerful, deadly men. Being an eternal submissive whore is just so fucking hot. Do you agree?

Suffocation phone sex

Suffocation phone sexYou ever had to do Suffocation phone sex and it turns out the guy you were on the phone with is actually inside your house, waiting for the perfect moment to bust up in your room and give you a proper smothering. Well, that happened to me last night. I was on the phone pretending to be losing my breath as he beat me and suffocated me. But he was not far at all, coming out of nowhere going straight for my neck and mouth. I don’t even have a chance to fight back, he is strong and already knows exactly what he is doing. I am shocked and cannot even get a word out as he goes for the kill. I am gasping, gurgling, choking and even blacking out. Every time I lose consciousness he lets me breathe a little and I go back to fighting before he does it again. His eyes are dark and he looks like his plan is to kill me. Somehow I survived it, but my neck is all purple and I don’t know how he got into my house or when he will be back to finish the job.

Black Pain Slut Needs To Be Punished

taboo phone sexBlack pain slut craves to be used. I’ve seen you watching me. I’ve been teasing you for weeks. Coming outside in my underwear to check the mail. Leaving the house on weekends in skimpy dresses with no panties on and bending over in clear view of your window so you get the perfect view of my tight juicy black ass.

I leave my window open and get undressed in front of my living room window for you and all the neighbors to see. Does that make you jealous? That I’m showing off your ass and pussy to the world? Then maybe you should come claim it and punish me. Use your pathetic black pain slut. Make me scream. Make me regret it. Punish me.

You want to show me what that type of behavior gets me in life. I can feel how angry it makes you seeing my black slutty ass flaunting around town. Use your anger. Release it inside me.
One night after I stumble in and pass out on my living room couch in a short red dress with no panties on underneath as usual you sneak in.

My door is unlocked. You see me laying there vulnerable and passed out. I’ve been begging for it for so long taunting you and teasing you.

What are you gonna do about it?