Tag: Taboo phone sex

Kidnapping Phone Sex for a Gangbang

kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex took a precedent over cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I was driving home from the store, when I saw a young couple stranded alongside the road. It was snowing and the day before a holiday. I had to do the right thing. I got out to see if they needed me to call AAA or if I could help change a tire or something. The guy punched me in the gut and pushed me in the trunk of his car. I was not alone back there. There was a decaying corpse. I couldn’t tell gender, only that it had been dead awhile by the smell. I wanted to scream, but maybe that is why the corpse in the trunk is dead. I was scared. I peed myself from fear. It seemed like we drove forever on a bumpy road. When we finally stopped, my heart started racing faster. Honestly, I thought I was a dead woman. Why? I had no idea, but there was a strong indicator decaying in the trunk that I was next. When the trunk opened, the man pulled me out and dragged me across the dirt road into a little house. I was tied up and left on a bed. Naked, of course. I could hear cars coming up the dirty road. Lots of cars. Gangbang rape porn for Thanksgiving? Suddenly, all these big men flooded the room I was in. They fucked me raw. My ass prolapsed. My cunt bled. No one cared. My kidnapper and his woman were collecting money from these men to fuck me. They joked about how I was buying their Thanksgiving spread and Christmas gifts. I wanted to ask about the corpse in the trunk but was too afraid. I just kept quiet and let them fuck me until they were done. Done at least for the moment.

That Special Flavor

cannibalism phone sexI’ve never been a fan of Thanksgiving until I met him. He was a nice man with a taste for flesh. I’m not talking about turkey flesh either. He likes tender flesh of the female type. And with Thanksgiving coming up, he asked me to go hunting with him. Just like most people go look for the perfect brand and weight in a turkey, his taste was the same. He wanted a plump, but not fat, brand name specimen. The goal was to have her before Thanksgiving so he could prepare her for the feast. She had to be clean, shaved, smooth, and ready to be oiled down. He had tried the Cajun injector before but he had a preference for just the basics. Salt, pepper, and real cream, and some of his special marinade. He injected it himself in every hole to make she was properly tenderized. I knew she would scream while the roasting part happened but I didn’t realize that it would arouse me so much. I felt her pain clear down to the depths of my pussy and I craved to be injected, too. But he was saving it for the grand finale. That first crispy taste of golden skin followed by the squirt of juicy female goodness in our mouths. Finger licking, cock sucking good. I can still taste it now. I’m ready for the hunt when you are.

Strangulation Phone Sex

strangulation phone sexStrangulation phone sex chokes the life out of a girl. I am a fan of erotic asphyxiation, but it is a dangerous fetish. I met a guy on an asphyxiation site. We hooked up last night. It was a risk, but a risk that I was willing to take because I get off so hard with it. I am a pain slut. He promised to not go easy on me. He had fantasies about strangling a girl. I wanted to be that girl! We got together last night. I had him come over to my house. I had a variety of ropes, belts and scarves to use, but he preferred his hands. He put his hands on my throat as he kissed me and ripped my clothes off with the other hand. I was fucking drenched at the thought of him fucking me after I passed out. I lost consciousness quickly. He woke me up with smelling salts. His cock was buried in my ass when I woke up. His big hand around my throat. He said I was turning blue and purple around my neck already. That turned him on more. He fucked me harder. I spent the night passing out and being revived. My ass, pussy and neck were all abused. I loved every moment of it too.

Alien Dream Fuck

Fantasy phone sex

Getting fucked by an alien is just so good I can’t wait for my alien man to fuck me hard with his big fat fucking cock. I can take it and I love it and he loves to fuck me just like it out of this world. I’m a hot fucking bitch and I’ve always liked Strange Love so this love is the best of them all. I love it when my alien boyfriend fucks me and anyone else that I demand for him to fuck just like he fucked my neighbor. My neighbor is such a fucking fag I knew that he would know how to appreciate a big fat 16in bone hard super strange cock. My neighbor is such a fucking faggot sissy boy. He loves to get blindfolded and fucked until he’s unconscious. I am going to climb on top of his face is what I was saying while he was being fucked like a madman by that big fat strange green cum cock. The abuse was amazing and I loved every fucking second of it. Have You Ever Wanted and needed and lusted for an out-of-this-world experience? I have I always do that’s why my dreams and my fantasies seem to take me over. Come with me into one of my Dark Twisted alien fantasies we can have so much fun. Be my fucking sissy be my goddamn come eating faggot.


Sex with Dead Bodies is the Only Way to Fuck

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies is uncomplicated for me. I can get off and be done with it you know? A man serves me no purpose except as an accomplice. And that is only because he is paying me and helping me to kill. When it comes to romance, I have no interest in that. I like to fuck. But I don’t enjoy pillow talk, foreplay or snuggling. That is why when I find a man I am attracted to, I kill him. I am just like a praying mantis. I must be patient. It takes a couple hours for rigor mortis to kick in. Postmortem rigidity does wonders to a cock. It is the only way for a sick bitch like me to get off because as soon as one of you morons starts to talk, I have lost all desire to fuck. I was horny last night, and the morgue had nothing I was interested in, so I went hunting. I found Trevor, a handsome black man with a huge bulge in his jeans. I spiked his drink, took him home and killed him. I waited about 2 hours and that black cock was as hard as it ever would be again. I rode him until I came so fucking hard. I got laid and now I have some dark meat for Thanksgiving dinner too. That is what I call a win-win situation.

Midnight Ball

castration phone sexYou begged me to cut off those worthless nuts. I laughed at you and asked why you would do such a thing. I was filled with glee when you told me what I already knew. You are a worthless, no dick loser. No one would ever let you fuck them so your best option is to just end your misery and become a sissy. A panty wearing slut who bends over for every hard cock that demands you to. A cum dump for faggots and big hairy guys who love young boys.
I sharpen my knife and watch your face. The potion I had given you is starting to take effect. You thought it was something to numb the pain. But it was actually my own recipe to stir the demons within you. You’ll hallucinate as waves of terror wash over you. I’ll appear as a monster, ripping your worthless member and sac out by its roots, and dancing around the fire with them. Howling at the swamp moon, we’ll celebrate your castration by restraining you and allowing the Cajun savages of the night to take turns penetrating your tight virgin ass. You’ll awake later with no memory of the whole thing except a man-pussy full of cum and a bloody stub where your manhood used to be.

Our thanksgiving is special

taboo phone sexOur thanksgiving day celebration around here is very different than most. We don’t eat turkey we eat young girls instead. I get a very young girl, a healthy one with no drugs in her system and I plump her up for a few weeks. Then we shave her and clean her and rub her with oils and spices and pop her into the oven. The real fun is watching her slowly die in the oven as we slow roast her, the girl always starts off screaming and trying to get out but she is all tied up and completely helpless so all she can really do is lay there and suffer. Eventually she dies and starts to get fall off the bone tender while the skin gets nice and crispy. That’s when we finally pull her out and get to eating. Eating girlmeat is an acquired taste only for the most twisted people, do you think it’s something you would enjoy?

Snuff Porn Captive

snuff pornHe told me I was his snuff porn doll. I knew he meant it too. I was chained up in his bedroom. I was there for several days. I owed him money from a bad debt, and he was collecting with a pound of flesh. My flesh. He said I was too pretty to fuck, so he beat me black, blue, and purple. I hate when men hit my face. Most guys don’t want the bruises they give me to show. Most men don’t want to ruin my face. My face and my tits are what make money. He was not most men. He was a sadistic man, a heavy misogynist, and a violent man. I would be lucky to survive him. I almost didn’t, however. He punched me so hard in the face, I tasted blood. He laughed as I cried. I tried to fight back the tears, but he was making me ugly with his fist. He took turns between fucking and hitting me.  The harder he hit me, the more he fucked me. Punching me made him horny or perhaps it was my crying. It didn’t matter, I was being abused and he was amused. I was saved by the bell. Literally, saved by the doorbell. His wife came home early from her trip, wondered why the door was deadbolted. She unwittingly saved my life. He forced me out the window and down the fire escape. I guess I need to be cognizant of who I owe money too.

Fuck Thanksgiving turkey

snuff phone sexThanksgiving is such a fucking joke. All of that family BS. All of that festivity and fake cheer. When all family really wants to do is get drunk and fuck each other. I remember growing up, I had this older pervy cousin who used to try to get in my panties. After all of the adults got drunk, I went outside and he followed me. It was dark. I headed for the woods that were so familiar to me. He was angry, crashing through the brush, calling me a tease and a whore. He didn’t know that my place was booby trapped. I had been practicing dark magic since I was young. I had some sacrificial hens in a cage out there and some rabbits. I heard him scream as he stepped into a noose trap that jerked him upside down. I had him now. He would be my first human torture. I grabbed a chicken and headed his way. He was already crying and begging when I got there. My evil side came out. I cut the chickens head off in front of his face, as she spurted blood all over him, twitching as her life blood drained. He thought he was going to get some pussy, thought he’d take it by force. My rage boiled. I gave him a little fowl for thanksgiving instead. I punched him in the face, forcing him to open his mouth. I shoved the bird’s neck down his throat, throat fucking him with the bloody carnage. Saliva and blood poured down his face. Don’t mess with wicked little girls who love to play alone in the woods. He never touched me again. You ready to be my next victim or do you have someone special in mind? Happy “Fuck-a-bird Day.”

Blasphemy Sex

blasphemy sexI am a blasphemy sex bitch. I don’t believe in God so why the fuck would I care if I took his name in vain? I do more than just curse the entity so many stupid fucks think is their salvation. God is the biggest myth out there. The oldest one too. Churches just perpetuate the myth to rob people of their money. I have a partner in crime when it comes to the desecration of holy vessels. We busted into a church last night and had a little party. We picked one of those mega churches. It is bullshit. Preachers and church officials living high on the hog, while their congregation is poor, giving their last pennies to the bullshit church. My friend and I did things only Satan would approve of. We pissed in the baptismal chamber. He shit on the Bibles. I fucked my cunt with crosses. We ransacked the place. We vandalized the walls with things like Hail Satan and 666 Rules. We left porn pictures all over the place too. Pictures of young girls getting sodomized by horny beasts. I love blasphemy phone sex. It gets my cunt wet to destroy something the stupid masses find holy. Fuck God. Fuck Jesus. Fuck the church. Hail Satan.