I love fantasy phone sex calls. I have two sides of me. I am a gfe bad ass bitch and a submissive whore. I have daddy issues. The reason I like it so rough is because my early years were spent as daddy’s sex slave. I was not a happy girl. I ran away as a young teen and straight into the arms of men as bad if not worse than daddy. My shrink says I pick bad men because I am hoping I can change them, make them love me and see me as a daughter not a sex slave. Maybe that is true or maybe I just am a glutton for punishment. I think in my subconscious I conflated pain with love, and I need to be hurt to feel loved. Fucked up, right? My messed up daddy issues, however, have made me a pain slut. I need pain to get off. I get on these dating apps and I slide right over the men who want to treat a woman like a princess. I might deserve a good man, but I do not want one. I want a man like daddy. One who sees me as a snuff sex slave. One who will not hesitate to take what he wants even if I am not in the mood to give it. One who will shame and humiliate me rather than whisper sweet nothings in my ear. One who will hurt me instead of hold me. One who will chain me up instead of letting me have my space. I do not want to be a girlfriend. I try to be a bad ass gfe but it feels fake. It feels unfulfilling. That is because I was born to be a submissive whore. Think you might be the man of my nightmares?
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Your Fantasy Phone Sex Slave
He wanted me more
I met a man as sadistic and cruel as I am. He is tall and handsome and has a cock so big it almost hurts when I fuck him, the only problem is that he is fucking married to some bitch. Well, I won’t stand for that type of thing, if I am going to be with someone he will be faithful to only me or he ends up dead with his whore.I told my new lover that he had to choose and he of course chose me. We decided to kill his wife so that he wouldn’t lose any money in a divorce. It was so fucking sexy, he let me into their house late at night when she was asleep. We tied her to the bed and gagged her and spent hours torturing her fat flabby body. She was crying the whole time, if she wasn’t gagged she probably would have begged for her life but we didn’t give her that chance. We murdered her in her own bed and then fucked right next to her dead body. We were covered in blood it was hot as fuck. We took the corpse out to the woods and buried it, good riddance too now he’s all mine.
Why I Prefer Knife Play Phone Sex
Knife play phone sex is near and dear to me. I am a cutter. I do not cut myself. I cut others, maybe even you. I love the sight of blood. I like the sound of skin tearing. I like cries, whimpers, and screams. Sure, I could shoot some one dead but no fun in that for me. One bullet and a thud. It is over quickly. A knife, however, can inflict pain for hours. A knife can do a lot more than a gun. It can castrate a tiny dicked tool. It can stab the cunt of a trailer trash whore. It can dismember body parts. It can skin the flesh off a person. I can gut a little whore like a pig. I can disfigure a vain cunt. A knife is perfect for torture sex. A gun is what a hothead uses. I do not partake in crimes of passion or anger. I do not just stab a person. I plan it out. That is how I have never been detected. I plot. I hunt. I observe the patterns of my prey. No rush in killing either. I take my time, so my victim feels the pain and feels the impending death. That is what gets my cunt wet. I am a hunter. I get off on stalking and planning some little slut’s death or even some grown ass prick’s death. You can have your guns. I will keep sharpening my knives and planning my crimes. Care to join me?
My Taboo Phone Sex Fear
What are you afraid of most? For this taboo phone sex slut, it is spiders. I hate the 8-legged freaks. I have this recurring nightmare of being covered in mutant spiders. You know, the big hairy tarantula kind. My stepson who hates me, recently discovered my fear and used it against me. With my husband out of town for a week, my stepson has free range to torment and torture me. Two nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and screamed bloody murder when I felt something crawling all over me. I thought it was a bad dream, but my bed was covered in spiders. I felt like I was in some B SyFy channel movie. I tried to swat the 8-legged freaks off me, but I became paralyzed in fear. Then panic hit and I could barely breathe, and I certainly could not move. I heard laughter. My stepson was in the corner of my bedroom stroking his dick. He was enjoying my fear. I thought I might have a heart attack. Spiders were falling from the ceiling. As my heart rate accelerated, I peed myself, but I was still immobilized with fear. He just laughed and jacked off. I screamed loudly and one got in my mouth. I was hyperventilating, sure I might stroke out. I begged for mercy. I told my stepson I would do anything he wanted if he could get them off me. He dragged me to the basement with hairy spiders still clinging to my flesh. He turned on the water hose and killed them. I worried about them still in my bedroom and in the house. I knew I may never sleep again. My skin bruised from the force of the water hose, but that was better than the feel of spiders crawling on my flesh. He asked me if I was going to be a good fuck pig and I nodded yes. I was still too freaked out to utter a word. If he was trying to scare me into being his sex slave, it worked. Ass rape porn was what was next. He sodomized me for hours. I laid there like a rag doll while he gaped my ass. He could have done anything to me at that point. Anything was better than spiders. I slept in my car and called the exterminator the next day. I will forever sleep with one eye open now.
She died slowly
I wanted to kill a whore slowly, I’m always getting carried away with the blood lust and killing them far too quickly. I wanted to really take my time so I figured if I took a step back and watched the bitch die in another room I could keep myself from killing her too fast. I got a vacuum bed and put an unlucky little whore in it. She was naked and terrified, she begged for her life but I showed her no mercy. I sealed her into that bed and took slowly all the way to the end. I was able to watch her struggles from across the room, she was fighting for every breath and I just kept on slowly taking more and more air until there was none. It took several minutes for her to die and as I watched her I was overcome by the need to rub my dripping wet pussy. I was more turned on than I had ever been before. Once she was dead I sat on her latex covered face and rubbed my pussy all over it until I came. I loved it, I want to try it again with someone even younger next time…
My Snuff Porn Got Real, Too Real
I auditioned for a snuff porn a couple days ago. I needed the money. I knew it was staged, but I could likely get hurt or ruffed up still. When you do these kinds of films, you must sign a waiver letting the studio out of liability. Some directors want their films looking so authentic, that a starlet like me may end up black and blue. I was lucky I emerged breathing this time. I did not sign a waiver. That should have been my first red flag. The movie was not being made in a studio but an old abandoned house. That was red flag number two that went over my head. Honestly, I was so desperate for money that I ignored that little voice in my head. I was told this was a scary snuff sex movie. The premise was that me and another girl were spending the night in a haunted house to win some money and we were being stalked by a serial killer. We think its just fake scares orchestrated by the promoter of the contest, but it is a real serial killer. This movie was just the same. This sexy blonde bimbo had an equally sexy blonde bimbo co-star and we thought we were just fucking each other in a creepy house, then suddenly some crazed man jumped out. We thought it was part of the movie, which is was, but this man was trying to kill us for real. We ran naked through the house trying to escape. He caught my co-star and chopped her limbs off with an axe. In that moment, I was never so scared. I realized this was not some staged snuff film. I was fighting for my life. As he came at me with the axe, I ducked and tripped him. Then ran naked out of that hell hole. I ran right to road and got rescued by a stranger in a Ford pickup. I am lucky I got out alive. My co-star did not fare so well. Anyone can make snuff movies these days and not all are staged.
Listening To Them Burn Makes My Pussy Wet
Last weekend was fabulous. Memorial Day weekend and with everything opening back up the lakes and bars were packed full of drunk stupid people. Easy targets for me and daddy. We picked a dock close to the house and sat down to watch. We were looking for nice young coeds. Preferably the real bitchy ones because those are the best to play with. We found a couple of cute little girls stumbling back to the car. I caught up with them and told them how cute they were, how much I likes their shoes blah blah blah. And then I told them they really should not drive, there was a check point ahead and I drive for Lyft and could gladly get them home. Total dumb shits they hopped right in the car and off we went. I took a dirt road on the left and headed up the hill telling the girls it was a short cut. We reached the top where cell service is non-existent, and I stopped the car. Told them I must have a car issue and we all got out. Daddy jumped from behind the trees and I helped him as we stripped them down and tied them up. Daddy had his way with those young co-eds, violating every hole that they had. They cried and begged but nobody could hear them. By the time he was through with them they were beat and bloody and full of cum. Daddy knows how I like that and then told me they were all mine to play with. I continued torturing those two, cutting them in to pieces nice and slow. Drawing the pain out until I got bored with them. I then slit their throats, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. The smell of burning flash always makes my pussy so wet and me and daddy fucked as we listened to their bodies sizzle.
Castration Phone Sex: Don’t Fuck with the Wrong Bitch
Castration phone sex desires are stronger in me the longer I am being told to shelter in place. I am a gypsy. I am used to being out hunting for a fix. A fix for me is killing someone. I have always practiced social distancing expect maybe when I am plunging a knife into someone or I am taking off a pair of worthless nuts. Last night, I wore my skeleton face mask to castrate a complete loser. He is an Internet stalker. Been harassing me for months. I had computer issues awhile back. When you look at as much snuff porn as I do, you pick up viruses. This Geek Squad loser had access to my computer to fix it and he ended up stalking me. Lucky me, he likes Goth girls who hate everyone. I tried everything to get him out of my computer, but he was holding me virtually hostage. I agreed to meet with him. He fucked with the wrong bitch. He needed neutered. The virus worked in my favor because we cannot meet in bars and restaurants. He was going to cook us a romantic meal. Barf. I played the part, but I spiked his beer. Until he was incapacitated, it was hard to hide my bitch face and act like I was into this loser. Once he was out, I stripped him naked and tied him up, so he could not escape. Too bad he was a creepy as fuck stalker and an internet hostage taker, he had a decent sized cock. But no way I was fucking a man who thought he could force me into dating him. That is a Life Time Movie in the making and I am NOT the Lifetime Movie type. When he woke up, he was shocked to see me in control. I let him know this was his fault. His actions alone led to his castration. I cut his balls right off with one swipe of the rusty serrated blade. He screamed like a bitch. I picked his balls up off the floor and shoved them in his mouth. I was laughing loudly. I left him to bleed all over the floor. If he survives, he will have learned to fuck with me and he will never orgasm again.
Just another Sadistic Phone Sex Sunday, Not My Funday
Sadistic phone sex Sunday started early. It was around 2am when my stepson dragged me out of bed kicking and screaming. His dad is out of town. I knew this would happen; I just thought it would happen in the morning or late afternoon. He dragged me to the basement kicking and screaming. Not sure why I protest every time, it is a weekly occurrence. It is not that I am willing when it comes to him. It is just that I have accepted that I cannot change the way things are with him. I am complacent. I fought and I pleaded in the beginning, and the outcome was the same as if I was complacent. I think he enjoys it more when I protest, so I try not to fight. I hate my stepson. He is an entitled brat with mommy issues. He hates me because daddy traded in for a younger model. It devastated his mother and she took it out on him and now he takes it out on me. It is revenge that makes him treat me like shit. He blackmails me so I cannot run crying to daddy, or my nice cushy life is over. I let him string me up in the basement. He put a ball gag in me so I would not wake anyone in the house. His half-brothers were sound asleep. I know if they knew what kind of abuse I suffered at their big brother’s hands, they would try to kill him. I tried to be quiet for that reason alone. It was hard last night because he beat me with a belt buckle so hard, he cracked a rib. He cut me down when I was gasping for air, but instead of letting me go, he kicked me and fucked me. Left me on the cold concrete slab with bugs crawling around. I was handcuffed and ball gagged. I was not going anywhere soon, and no one was coming to save me.
Torture Sex on a Yacht
I went looking for trouble and found torture sex instead. I answered an ad I saw looking for a buxom blonde stripper. It was a private gig. All the clubs are closed now and honestly, I needed the money. It looked like a harmless gig. Some wealthy guy with a yacht throwing a party at sea. I wanted to be on a yacht. I have been cooped up inside for too long. Some fresh air, sunshine and horny men was just what I needed. When I arrived, everything seemed copasetic. This looked like rich married men wanting some action after a few months stuck at home with their wives. That was part of it, but their idea of fun was more like something out of one of the Hostel movies. They waited until we were out to sea to show their true colors. I was in the middle of a sexy striptease when one of the men used a cattle prod on me. Shocked the piss out of me. I was convulsing on the floor like I had a seizure. They all kicked me when I was down. They stopped for a second and the man who hired me started counting. I was not sure why, but when they backed off, I ran. I was on a yacht, not many places to go, but they clearly wanted to play cat and mouse. I thought I found a good hiding spot, but someone found me, and the game was over. They tied me to the stripper pole and whipped me. My skin was blistering and cracking. They did not stop there. They paid for me and they were going to fuck me too. They just saw me as a dumb whore no one would miss. They acted out their rape phone sex fantasies and tossed me in the ocean. I think they thought I would drown, but no one with tits as big as mine drowns. Luckily, we were only a couple miles out from land, and I washed up on the shore. They probably think I am still dead. I hope they do because if they find out, I doubt they will fail at killing me again.