Tag: Taboo phone sex

He had it coming

taboo phone sexI went on a date with this sexy ass guy and I was so into it. He was tall and handsome and in great shape, his body was literally perfect and all I could think about during dinner was getting naked with him and fucking all night long. But when it came down to it and he took off his pants his cock was the size of a fucking tic tac! I fucking hate man with tiny cocks, seriously what is the point? I was pissed off and I felt like he had tricked me and if there is one think I won’t ever stand for, it’s that. I made him think I was still into him and as he went down between my legs I wrapped my legs around his head and let him eat my pussy. I squeezed my legs tighter around his head and crossed them together behind his head so he had no escape. He was struggling to breathe so he started pulling at my legs and trying to get away but I held on tight until his struggles ceased. The fact that I killed him by smothering him like that had me so wet I am pretty sure I may have drowned him too, all I know is I came all over his dead face and left him there with his tiny penis exposed for everyone to see. Now I need to go out and find a real man to fuck!

Taboo Phone Sex Whore and Dumb Bitch

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex whores who make snuff films and get high are popular, especially in times like these.  I answered a want ad for a snuff actress. I saw the ad on the dark net. The pay was too good to pass up and as usual, I needed drug money. Cannot be a party whore without party favors. I have done all sorts of staged snuff films. I often end up black and blue, sometimes even bloody, but I heal quickly. This film was a rough anal porn. I am the queen of anal sex movies. I can take anything up my ass from baseball bats to broken bottles

When I showed up at the address provided, a guy tied me up immediately. No script was provided, which should have been my clue that this was not going to be a staged film. Everyone in the industry uses a script for ass rape porn movies. He told me I had no lines. He said my only job was just to look scared and scream in pain. I should have been a scream queen because I have some lungs. Once, my costars started using my body as a punching bag the screams turned real. There were several men with their cocks out and their fists clinched. They went Mike Tyson on my tiny frame. Punch after punch I screamed louder, but that was nothing compared to the noises I made when they began brutally torturing my ass.

They shoved baseball bats, fists, guns, wine bottles, hammers, and even a rolling pin up my ass as they skull fucked me. I regretted the gig. I felt blood running down my ass. When they were done, I had to bend over so they could fuck my prolapsed ass back inside. I realized there was no camera anywhere. When I asked about payment, they kicked me. The man I thought was the director called me a stupid whore as he tossed me out on to the street. I gave them free anal torture sex like the dumb bitch I am.

Some Little Ones To Abuse For The Weekend

accomplice phone sexI showed up at the door for my weekend of watching the couple’s little brats. They had hired me so they could go away to some resort or something. It was a nice paying gig and some cute little things too, so I was all about it. I have always had a fascination with those small soft bald cocks and balls between those young boys’ legs. Of course, little girls are great too and I can just eat them up. Anyways, the couple left and me and the sweeties headed to the pool for a little fun. I suggested that we swim naked just like the mermaids do. Easily manipulated they agreed, and I coated their soft bodies with sunscreen, making sure to get all those creases if you know what I mean. We played in the pool as I took turns holding them against my body and throwing them around. I love using their feet and hands to get myself off without them even knowing what I am doing. That is true pervert gold right there. So as night came and they were bathed and clean and in bed I stood there watching them, knowing I was going to totally abuse their young bodies tonight. Want to join me? I can always use an accomplice who is as kinky and naughty and sick as me.

An Ass Rape Porn Kinkster Tale

Ass Rape PornI love how men get fixated on ass rape porn and become a serial sexual assailant. One time is never enough after that fuck stick gets off to fucking a tight ass of a young lady against her will. Now this accomplice did have a serious snuff addiction before and even now. He loved to have girls screaming as they were forced fucked. Pain echoing off his walls made him so hard, and he wanted his next victim. I waited in the van as we scooped out the parking lot of the grocery store. Those younger, more attractive ones always waited until it was late to shop. 

 I have to admit, he had a nice dick. It was long and thick, the kind I would have gladly sucked even if he wasn’t as deviant. A slow torturous death and rape fantasy always gets my cunt pumping. I’m the taboo phone sex sadistic that enjoys real life pain and reliving it here for you so I know you understand.  

She was blonde, tall and fresh faced. Being in a hurry would be her undoing. He told me to go! As she was reaching down in her bag, he blinded her with the car lights so I could sneak up behind her and put a cloth over her nose. Screeching tires and open doors; we were gone in a flash. We drove 100 miles with me in the back seat, stunting and molesting her as he jacked off his cock.  This was my payment for being a good accomplice. I love nice pussy! When we got to his invalid mother’s house I pushed a gun into her side and made her climb to the attic. He set the tripod and camera up and proceeded to make her ass his 100th victim.  His snuff porn would be the best yet, bloody and lots of pain! A celebration of sadism at its finest!

I Love Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phone sexI love accomplice phone sex calls. For one, it is a break from the violent attention on me. I know that sounds bad, but some of you are extreme on me. I like the chance to be extreme on some one else occasionally. I know what my man likes. I have aged out for him which is why he uses me like a fucking whore. My princess days are over. He sometimes gets a hankering for something super young. I used to feel bad about leading a little innocent girl to a brutal demise, but I have come to believe it is all about survival of the fittest. If he is sodomizing and killing some little brat, at least he is not sodomizing and killing me. Callous, I know, but I am still alive despite the violence I have endured. So, when I knew master wanted something young, I got him just what he wanted. I held her down while he forced his big cock up her tiny cunt. He ripped her pussy in two. She had a gaped hole that was bleeding. She was crying from the pain. She was begging for mercy.  Mercy would have been for me to dope her up with smack or suffocate her, but if I put her out of her misery, master would have put me out of mine. I just did as he told me. I filmed him violating her tiny holes. That kind of snuff porn goes for serious money. I knew I would not see a dime, but if I helped, I would live. So, I did my part. I held the tiny girl down as master used her fuck holes. When he was done cumming in her tiny holes, I suffocated her and buried in the woods. I do as I am told. That is how I survive.

Castration Phone Sex Makes Me Tingly

castration phone sexI do any sick fantasy well, but I do enjoy castration phone sex more than I should.  The thought of a loser being so self-aware that he knows his balls need to be removed makes me all warm and fuzzy. Yes, I know something is wrong with me. I have heard that since I was a little girl. I used to castrate my sisters’ Ken dolls. I also beheaded their Barbie dolls. I am the black sheep of the family. I take after my great grandfather. He was the head of a private prison that experimented on prisoners for profit. They were guinea pigs for pharmaceutical companies giving my great granddad kickbacks. It was cruel and unusual punishment, but these were the dregs of society, so I never understood why anyone gave a fuck about how they were treated. I was just a little girl, but I understood that those men did not deserve the same rights as me or my grandpa or you. When I was a teen girl, I got to assist him. I was set to inherit his prison when the Feds shut him down. I did get all the prison’s content including the electrocution chair. It was made in 1952 way before I was born. I use it for castration and torture sex now. As much as I love castrating men on the phone, the real deal is what gets me wet. It is just that guys I castrate in my grandpa’s old execution chair do not know they deserves to have their nuts gone. The losers who call me, do. I do not need permission, however, to remove some one’s balls or sexually mutilate their sex organs. I do it for the greater good. Small dicked assholes do not need to reproduce more small dicked assholes.

She was too stupid to live anyway

taboo phone sexI killed a bitch yesterday but honestly, she was too stupid to live anyway. Anyone that gets that drunk in public deserves to be used like that, don’t you think? If she didn’t want me to fuck her little holes and kill her than she shouldn’t have allowed herself to get so fucked up that she would pass out in the street. She came right home with me with no hesitation at all and when I stripped her she didn’t even try to fight. I used my biggest strap on cock to fuck her holes, she started to try and fight once I shoved it up her ass but she was easy to subdue. I beat her to death with my bare hands, it was nice to be all old fashioned for once. Getting all that blood on me turned me on so much that I had to sit on her face and suffocate her with my pussy. She died as I came, it was bliss.

Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornI am no stranger to gangbang rape porn. I am known as an anal slut. Men have been giving me hardcore ass fuckings since I was a teen girl. Fisting-done that. Anal gangbangs-done that. Huge objects up my ass-done that too. What I have not done, well not done often, are female gangbangs. I was traded to a group of women to settle a debt for my stepson. He often gets coke and smack from this bad ass biker bitch. I am more her fancy than he is, so he cannot trade his cock for coke. But he can trade his whore stepmom. Not my first time with her, but this was the first time there were a bunch of other women with her too. This was some sort of initiation for them. It could have been worse. It could have been snuff porn. Instead, I had to endure a bunch of newbie biker chicks sodomizing my ass to get their badge of honor. It was something I would see in an episode of Sons of Anarchy. I was high, but not high enough. Women are crueler to other women than men are to women. They fisted my ass repeatedly. They spit in my ass and even poured their dirty beers with cigarette butts in them down my gaped asshole. It got me drunk. It made me feel like such a gutter slut. By the time these dyke bitches were done with me, you could see through my ass and out my mouth. I was that gaped open. Man, I could barely walk to my car and sure as hell could not sit on the seat. I was fucked up. I called my stepson. I mean he got me into this mess. That was a bad idea. Him and his friends just fucked my gaped asshole some more.

Forced Fucked and I liked It!

snuff pornYou knew what slut qualities I had hidden inside me from the start. Bent over the hood of your car in the church parking lot you took what you wanted. And what you wanted was forcing me to take that cock deep inside as I cried out. You chose me because you knew the potential a bitch like me had for fucking and being used. My body was racking with sobs, but my pussy was slippery and wet. My cunt contracted around your cock as you pushed deeper in me and bit my back. You wanted me here in this holy place so I could know that I had giving up everything in one night. My faith My virginity and my first orgasm. You wanted to make a girls first time last a lifetime in her mind. I knew I would feel you every time a man fucked me for the rest of my life. I would always come back to this day and how my body betrayed my mind. I felt you get harder as I ask you to stop. And when you grabbed my throat and came in me, I pushed back on you and made my self orgasm around your violent cock. I would never forget you or your cock. I would spend a lifetime trying to get this night back.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Good Old Boys

rape phone sex fantasies

Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? You would think I do with the stories I have to share. I decided last night was a nice night. The perfect night for a drive. I get cagey feeling staying at home, so a long drive, some good tunes and some primo weed, sounded like just what my doctor would order. I had been in the car for about 100 miles when I realized I needed gas. I was on an old country road, so the first place I saw, I pulled over. It was a little Ma and Pa gas station. I felt like I was in a horror movie. Turns out, I was. Some guy who looked like he was fresh out of the movie Deliverance pumped my gas for me. Full-service gas in 2020? I was flabbergasted, but I let him do his thing. I asked if there was a bathroom and of course it was on the side of the gas station. It looked like a bathroom out of the first Saw movie. As I exited the bathroom of horrors, Bubba and some equally looking redneck friends shoved me back inside. My nice drive in the country turned into a gangbang rape porn. They tied me up and stripped my clothes off. The smell of dirty toilet water made me gag. This was not a place I wanted to be naked in. It killed me to hover over the stained and broken toilet seat to pee. Now, I was sucking redneck dick and getting sodomized by the boys from Deliverance. I swore I heard banjo music even though I was nowhere near a river. I tried fighting. I clearly new I was better than some redneck good old boys from the country. They decided to fuck the attitude out of me. They saw me as a piece of ass, nothing more. The bounced me around until I was covered in so much piss and cum, I fit right into that dingy, gross roadside bathroom. I just can never escape being a taboo phone sex whore.