Tag: Taboo phone sex

Anal Torture Sex with Two Louisville Sluggers

torture sexWhen you are an anal torture sex whore, you are used to large things in your ass. The largest and weirdest thing anyone put up my ass was a baseball bat. Now, a baseball bat might not sound that weird to you, but it was not one bat, but two Louisville Sluggers up my ass at once. The thicker base end is what she put up my ass first, not the handle. Yes, I said she. It was payback. I had fucked her man, just because I could. I know it was like a country western song. Well, being a cocky bitch, I assumed she had no clue I fucked her boyfriend for a week while she was out of town. When I saw her at this club, I bought her a drink. She set me up. She was there for revenge. She drugged me and I woke up in some dark and damp basement, spread eagle, bound and gagged. I am a seasoned anal torture sex slave. I mean I have had 15-inch black cocks in my asshole as well as fists. I did not think she could do anything to me worse than what had already been done to me in the past. I was wrong. I should not have underestimated a woman scorned. Instead of taking a Louisville slugger to both taillights, she took two Louisville Sluggers to my asshole. No lube of course. She double deckered them and rammed them inside me like you would spear a pig about to be roasted over an open flame. She was calling me a whore and cunt the entire time too. Her goal was to ruin my asshole. She wanted to ruin my pussy too.  Since her boyfriend fucked my ass for a week because she does not give up the booty, however, her focus was on destroying my ass with two baseball bats so he would never fuck my ass again. I have had my share of anal torture sex in the past, but this was it. I was done. I was ruined. I never felt pain like that before. She scrambled my insides, prolapsed my ass and left me bleeding and shitting all over the floor. She got her revenge.

torture sex


Roasted to perfection

taboo phone sexI found a sweet little innocent girl to feed my most taboo fantasy and she was delicious. My friend and I share a love for tender young flesh and this little whore was perfect. She was a little plump and young enough that the meat wouldn’t be tough. She was so scared, all that fear would season the meat too so I made the fear last as long as possible. We shaved her and cleaned her before my friend took advantage of all those tender little fuck holes. She was screaming her head off the whole time but that only made his dick harder. When he finished fucking her we oiled her up and tied her up with butcher’s twine and popped her in the oven. She roasted slowly for hours before she finally died, and when we finally served her up the meat was so tender and flavorful. I even made a little to go box up so that I could leave a delicious meal at her parents house. I hope they like the way their daughter tastes.

All Tied Up

taboo phone sex


He was alone this time. He had me tied in multiple places. My legs were spread open to where I couldn’t close my legs. My arms stretched out and tied to the ceiling. He said he was going to gag me but then changed his mind. He says he loves hearing me scream and cry when he is shoving his hard cock deep inside of me. He really loves it when I beg for mercy. I beg him for no more. I don’t know how much more my poor abused pussy can take. I don’t even know how long I have been here. The days run together and I have no sense of time. It’s nothing but darkness in this basement. I’ve pretty much forgotten what the sun looks like or feels like on my skin. I just hope as long as I keep him cumming and be a good girl, that maybe one day, I might get to go home.

Sex with Dead Bodies Because a Heartbeat is Overrated

sex with dead bodies

A heartbeat is overrated. That is why I prefer sex with dead bodies. The dead do not spoon. The dead do not want to know how your day was. The dead do not cheat on you. The dead do not argue. The dead do not try to control you either. When I was a young girl, I was a serial killer in the making. I did not harm animals, though. It is not that I do not value life. I just so not value HUMAN life. And with the way the world is now, I value it even less and I did not think that was possible. Every week, I hunt a few trolls on the Internet and have some sex with dead bodies. It is so easy to catfish a troll, especially in times like these. Internet trolls are basically the same. Underachieving males who cannot get over how bad their lives turned out. Now, they are middle-aged, hiding behind a computer and feel threatened by strong dominant women. I have a fake profile. I am not on social media because I give a fuck what you had for dinner or what your fuck trophy did at school. I am on social media to stir up shit and hunt. Bruce was my latest victim. I had been watching him bully women for weeks who did not agree with him. He was easy to catfish. My fake profile does not look fake. I have years of pictures and over a thousand “friends.” Mostly losers like Bruce who troll women to make themselves feel better about their sorry little lives. I am not Pro-life. I will kill anyone at any age who gets on my nerves. But I chimed in that he was so right. Fed his tiny little ego while I plotted making his heart stop beating. We met up Friday night. He was repulsive. A fat fuck with a dick as small as his pea brain I was certain. I skipped the sex with dead bodies fun with him because even when I stopped his heart, he still grossed me out. He never saw it coming. I made him think he was getting some Goth pussy, but I gutted him like the pig he was instead. I castrated his loser balls too. He screamed like banshee. I will admit, my cunt got wet. Not from his screams. Not because of any necrophilia fun. My cunt got wet because I stopped the heartbeat of a complete loser and his heartbeat was overrated. Is yours?

sex with dead bodies

A Bloody Fucking Mess

accomplice phone sex

Sometimes daddy lets me bring a friend along to play with us. So, I took my good friend who is just as perverted and sadistic as we are. Did I mention she is also a hot piece of ass too? Well she is and that makes it all the more fun. We headed out to find a boy toy to use and abuse before, well you know. Didn’t take long, there is an ass at every corner bar and we quickly zeroed in on the leader. A cocky nice looking but completely stupid hunk of meat. I smiled at her and she nodded and then we put our charm on display. The thought of two girls was all it took to lure this dude back. Now daddy was anxious, but I wasn’t going to let a good cock go to waste. We got that dude hard and had an incredibly hot threesome. After we had had our fill, I sucked him hard one more time. He thought he was going to go another round, but his thoughts were crushed when daddy came out from the closet with his blade and stuck it deep inside his back. As he lay in pain, we stuck a dildo covered in icy hot up his ass and rammed it deep. We cut off his nipples, whipped him with a paddle and finished by taking a meat tenderizer to his balls before completely castrating him and slitting his throat. It was a bloody fucking hot mess.

Cock and Ball Pain ending in Castration phone sex

Castration phone sex

I would love to torture your cock not just any torture either. The slow destructive kind that ends up with your balls and cock in a mince meat pile on the floor. Some nice sharp heated wires threaded through your balls makes my cunt ache so bad. 

You want me to hurt your dick? That I will. Three long nails what they used to crucify Jesus shoved through your dick. Just call you porcupine dick. Driving each nail through your hard cock. The blood spill would be enough and seeing you in agonizing pain. But I want more. I want to take the pliers and pull every tooth out of your mouth.

You will have a bloody gapping mouth that will be perfect to such my accomplices cock with. Oh and to suck my clit with too! Bloody mouth full of pussy and cock, you like the sound of that? Well I like the sound of your gargling your own blood as I take a hammer and concrete block to be each of your nuts. Smash them like grapes or eye balls.. oh that gives me an idea.

Let this bitch of darkness gouge out each pretty eye and smash them too. After I will slowly dismember you and cook you in my big oven. Your blood is on my hands and it makes my pussy squirt!


Taboo phone sexDon’t let the pretty picture fool you.

You think I look sweet and pretty? Like that girl in high school that wouldn’t give you the time of day. Was she a cheerleader? Prom queen? I look just like her, right?

What would you do to me now? If you ran into me at a restaurant, if I was still that stuck up princess, acting like I didn’t even know your name?

Would you drag me by the hair into the men’s bathroom and fuck me by the urinals until I screamed your name? Until I could never forget it again?

Would you choke me with your giant cock until me pretty perfect face was covered in tears and smeared mascara?

Would you force your cock inside my tight ass so I could feel the pain that I made you feel?

Would you rip my ass wide open with your thick cock until I collapsed on the floor crying and pleading. And then take a picture of my pathetic body as you cum all over me, just to send it to the high school reunion committee?

I deserve it. I deserve to be punished like the filthy cum slut that I was then and the whore that I have turned into! So go on! Do your worst! Get even!

If you think your finally man enough.


Medical Fetish Phone Sex

medical fetish phone sexMedical fetish phone sex is painful. I know this back-alley doctor. She lost her license to practice medicine when she was prescribing Oxy to herself. My kind of doctor. Now, she does botox and gets rid of buns in the oven off the radar. She also pays druggy whores like me for experiments. Painful and violent experiments for folks who pay her for Hostel type experiences. She knows I need coke money and that I am a pain slut. I have survived torture and mutilation at the hands of her private clients. I figured one more time would not kill me. The money was too good to pass up even if I ended up disfigured or sexually mutilated. It started off fine. Painful, but not much I could not handle. They had me hooked up to electrodes. Some sort of shock therapy involving orgasms. They called me Pavlov’s Dog. I knew what it meant even if they thought I was too dumb to get it. They were trying to see if they could condition me to cum with pain. Joke was on them. I was conditioned for that ions ago. I played along because I wanted the money to score coke. My dealer would be so shocked when I paid with cash instead of ass. My experimental doctor wannabees kicked the torture sex up to 11. My flesh was burning. I think my clit was smoking. I cried. I grimaced. And I pleaded for it to end. Burning the flesh off my body is nothing new, but I am not as dumb as people think. I know if I act like the pain is nothing then the pain will become something. Those crazy bitches thought they were scarring me for life. We both know you could do far worse to me.

Fantasy Phone Sex Lover

fantasy phone sexI have some sexy fantasy phone sex callers. I love creative dominant men. Earlier this week, I was leaving a building after an appointment. I entered the elevator. Suddenly, I felt a chill. Just something felt off even though I was alone in the elevator. The lights flickered, the elevator shook, and I thought my off feeling was that the elevator was about to plummet me to my death. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. How could that be. I never saw a person in the elevator when I got in. He spoke. I turned around and there he was in front of me. A tall, dark, handsome and mysterious man. I gasped when I realized he had no reflection in the mirror on the ceiling of the elevator. I closed my eyes, opened them back up thinking I was hallucinating. He was still in front of me, still no reflection. I started to back up to push the emergency button. He showed his fangs. I knew what he was in that moment. I still thought maybe I was in some strange erotic dream. He told me I belong to him now. I was frozen in my spot. I felt fear and arousal at the same time. I did not want to die, but he was offering me immortality. And one last hard orgasm. A cum before death. It was not a choice for me. He was in control. I could fight and be vampire food, or I could give in, have the best orgasm of my life and live for eternity as a vampire. I chose the latter. I tilted my head to accept his fangs in my flesh. He was masturbating me as he slowly drank my blood. He showed restraint, so that I could cum. It was a hard cum. I begged to service him in immortality. He could have exsanguinated me; turned my body into dust. Instead, he drank just enough of my blood to turn me into his vampire lover for life. What is your snuff sex fantasy?

I killed him slowly

taboo phone sexThis guy was such a loser, I’m sure you know the type, little dick terrible personality and an undeserved ego. He was trying to hit on me and just not taking no for an answer even tho I am clearly way out of his league. He was on my last nerve but I couldn’t kill him right there at the bar so I somehow swallowed my rage and allowed him to think I was into him. I took him back to my place and that was it for him, he signed his own death warrant by coming with me and he didn’t even realize it.  I told him that it was always a fantasy of mine to tie and guy up and blindfold him and he was only too eager to allow it. I tied him tightly and that’s where the fun really started. He thought I was sucking his cock until I ripped off the blindfold to reveal my accomplice sucking that dick, he reacted in shock and told me to let him go but I didn’t. Instead I tortured him while my friend force fucked his tender little asshole. We left him there to see if he will die or live on to be tortured some more tonight. I wonder how long he will last…