Tag: Taboo phone sex

Evil phone sex slut Stephanie

evil phone sex slut


Boss man had another job for me today. He knows he can count on his favorite, evil phone sex slut to help him, no matter what. Today, he had his heart set on this pair of young twin sluts he had seen in his neighborhood. After hearing how old they were, I knew it would be easy to lure them into getting into my car with me. I pulled up as they were washing their car in the skimpiest little bikinis. These stupid little whores are going to learn a lesson about dressing slutty and prancing around. I got out of my car and asked if they could help me find my lost puppy. I showed them a random picture that I found on the internet and the stupid sluts fell for it! They hopped right into my car, giggling and laughing and determined to help find my little pet. They didn’t seem to notice when I turned out of the neighborhood and started driving them to their untimely fate. By the time we got to the warehouse, where the bossman was waiting for me, the little sluts were starting to worry about where I had taken them. I can’t tell you exactly what he did to those tiny bitches but I can tell you that I was so fucking wet, listening to the blood curdling screams as he snuffed them out. Bossman got his fill, but I’m still in the mood to play…

Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex is my favorite. Why? That is simple to answer. Because I am not the victim! When I am your accomplice, we are focused on hurting someone else. I can sit here and tell you that because I am a submissive whore, I am just going along with a master to stay alive. It used to be that it was survival of the fittest kind of thinking, but that has changed. I like being the helper. I am very good at luring away young ones from the mall or the park. Justin is one of my masters. He has this predilection for young boys. I thought I was luring a little boy away for him so he could fuck his little boy ass. Maybe suck on his hairless willy. That was part of it, but when I brought the boy back to his place, he made me do things to the boy. I did not want to play with a little boy. I like big cock. He told me that I would die violently and extremely painfully if I did not do as instructed. I started sucking the boy’s pee pee. He pissed in my face. The boy was scared and not willing to be molested, so master had to restrain him. I sat on his face and made him eat my pussy and ass. I fingered his little boy butthole. I did everything master told me to do, even insert the boy’s arm in my cunt. I did not have rape phone sex fantasies for a little boy, but master made me rub my bald cunt all over the boy. I did not know master was filming this for his spank bank and to keep me in line. After a couple hours of molesting the boy for his pleasure, he fucked his ass hole so hard it prolapsed. While the lad was passed out, master showed me the video of me molesting the boy. He told me to get him a little girl next time and if I ever disappoint him, he will make my illegal video viral and send it to the police. I am now forever his taboo phone sex accomplice.

Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sexHe inquired how I got into knife play phone sex. My love for knives is hereditary on both sides of my family. My great grandparents on my mother’s side were circus freaks. They threw knives and swallowed them for traveling carnivals.  I inherited their knife collection, and it is massive. On my dad’s side, my grandpa was a prison warden. He confiscated hundreds of handmade knives from prisoners over the decades. I inherited them. Knives made by some of history’s most hardened criminals. I have over 500 knives in my possession and they all have a story. They all have a past and a present because I use them frequently.

The other day I picked up a tool who thought he was going to fuck me.  I invited him home for some fun. He thought it was fucking fun, but I knew it was knife fun. He was perfect for an impromptu snuff porn. I told him my fuck shack was in my basement. It got his dumb ass down my stairs where all my knives were waiting for him. He fell down the last couple stairs. I thought he killed himself and robbed me of the fun. He just knocked himself out. It saved me the work of having to drug him. While he was semi conscious, I broke out my knife collection. I used one knife to castrate the loser. I had him tied to my mutilation table where I cut arteries and slit throats. I had not planned any of this, so my castration chair was not ready. I used nothing to numb his balls or stop the bleeding. What was the point? He was not going to live.  I cut all his major arteries using a different knife for each one. I sat back, masturbated and watched the loser bleed out. I know my grandpa on my dad’s side would be happy to know how I used his knives.

Bondage Phone Sex and Anal Torture

bondage phone sexDo you enjoy bondage phone sex fantasies? I love to be submissive to men. Sometimes, I must be submissive to men. Not my intention or preference, but there is a female lesbian drug dealer who I must interact with on occasion. When there is no men who will trade pussy for coke, I know she will. She is a sadistic ghetto bitch. She thinks I am fine but resents me for having  the picket fence suburban life. Life is not always greener on the other side is something I tell her often. She still thinks I have a charmed life though. When I showed up at her door, she told me it was going to cost me. I knew it would. She loves to make ass rape porn videos with middle-class white housewives. She says men pay bank to watch videos of women who could be their wives getting anally tortured. I begged for a bump first and she gave it to me. She told me I would need it for what her viewers wanted today. She has live streams, and she goes by what her audience wants to see. Yesterday, they wanted to see a soccer mom get anally tortured. They bid on what she would fuck my ass with from butt plugs to baseball bats. I kept thinking of the coke as she sodomized me with everything and anything she could find in her house. She made bank but I did all the work. I knew not to dare ask for a portion of the money she made off my asshole. If I pissed her off, there would be no coke for me. I was not going through all that anal torture sex to come home with no coke. I swallowed my pride. Thanked her for using my asshole and left with a bag of coke to get me through the weekend. The things I do for my medicine.

please help me!

snuff porn



Most girls lose their virginity at a high school dance, I guess. Not me. I lost my virginity in an alley next to
the liquor store. Four men saw me walk by in my hot little cheerleader uniform and decided they
wanted some tight cunt. They pulled me in and the next thing I knew, my tiny snatch a nine-inch cock
ramming into it.
Those guys fucked me for hours in that alley and decided they wanted even more. I ended up in a dingy
warehouse where they chained me to the wall. Then, they had fun sticking everything they could find in
my cunt, my ass, and my mouth making me all bloody.
They tortured me for days on end.
My ass was stretched into a gaping hole and my pussy felt like it was split apart. They brought a lot of
friends, too, and it was twenty-four hours a day of getting my ass, my cunt, and my throat fucked by
massive cocks over and over.
If I complained, they burned me with cigarettes until my back was just covered with angry red burns!
They spanked me with belts, wood, and their hands, too.
I’ve been chained to the wall for almost a year now, and the men keep showing up to fuck my little snuff
teen cunt and my poor abused snuff teen asshole. I try not to complain but I end up with burns every
day too.
All I eat is cum when the men decided to get off in my mouth. At least they piss on me all the time so I
can drink something.

Anal Torture Sex

Anal torture sex is something I am no stranger to; however, it is mostly men who are administering my anal punishment. I fucked over the wrong bitch apparently. I did not even know I had done it either. A couple weeks ago I met a hot man at a club. He had no ring on his finger and he forgot to mention a wife. I thought he was single and just looking for a one-night hot encounter. I was half right. I was at a different club last night and met this cool chick. Well, she was cool until I realized it was a set up. She spiked my drink. I woke up bound and gagged in her basement. She was yapping about me banging her husband last week and I tried telling her she had the wrong woman. She showed me a picture of her man, and I realized he had failed to mention the fact that he had a psychotic wife at home. She did not believe me when I said I did not know he was married. She had done her research on me. She knew I was a sugar baby and a GFE to married men. She would not have believed me if I protested more, so I just apologized. She took a baseball bat to my ass. She put a ball gag in my mouth to muffle my screams. I think her husband, the man I fucked, was upstairs clueless that his crazy wife was extracting revenge in their basement. She pushed the baseball bat up as deep as she could until it bottomed out and I shit myself. My asshole came out with the bat. I was prolapsed. I was bloody. I was shitty and I was sorry. I was verbally sorry to her for fucking her man. In my head, I was just sorry she was a crazy bitch who exacted revenge with ass rape porn.

Raised on Snuff Porn

snuff pornMaking snuff porn is more fun than watching it. I grew up watching horror movies and visiting violent crime scenes. I was obsessed with serial killers. My grandpa was the sick influence on me. My parents were normal. They were boring. Grandpa was an executioner. He was the legal kind because he was the warden of a private prison that was forced to close down in the 80s because of kickbacks. My grandpa was the executioner as well as the warden, but since he was taking money from big pharmaceutical companies to use prisoners as lab rats, his prison was taken from him. I inherited all the belongings in the prison including the electric chair he used to shock his criminals to death. It is now my castration and torture chair. One of my earliest memories as a little girl was watching the execution of a man who had killed and tortured 16 women. He dismembered them too. I hated to see him die because he killed hookers and drug addicted lot lizards. He was draining the pool. My grandpa thought he was a hero. I grew up idolizing men like my grandpa and that first man I ever saw executed. I am now a snuff sex expert. I kill much in the same way that executed prisoner did. I target small dick losers, cock teasing cunts, snot nosed brats and bitches and tools. I too drain the pool. Not everyone deserves to live, right? I am sure you know some one who should die or maybe you have the death wish. I am not too particular with who I snuff, especially these days. I just like to kill the dregs of society and there are so many. I love it violent and painful. Age does not matter either. The younger the better because I can stop the growth of a cock tease or a bitch with one stab of my knife. Are you twisted enough to be my taboo phone sex partner?

The Beast and the Whore

The first day was torture as he slammed his thick hard cock into my tight cunt for hours!Taboo Phone Sex

It was by far the largest beefy cock I had ever seen and I thought it would split me in two!

I began to see why he abducted me, leaving me in the dark damp basement, imprisoned behind bars, let out only to feed his sexual cravings!

I felt sorry for him, knowing that any girl that would have come face to face with that massive fuck stick, surely would have run screaming or died choking!

So each day, as he yanked my small body from my cold hard prison, I took every inch of his freakishly large punishing cock!

I let him pound my tight cunt!

I even backed up further onto his throbbing dick as he plunged it into the darkest depths of my juicy ass!

And when he yanked my head back and gagged me with his bulging head, I gulped every drop of chunky cum!

I began to love his torturous fuckings and would beg him for more!

After all, Even Quasimodo deserves a good whore to fuck!

Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice is Better Than Being a Victim

taboo phone sexI live for taboo phone sex callers. I am cross listed on two sites at this company because I have two sides to me. I can be a cock size queen into small dick humiliation and GFE calls, or a submissive whore who wants to die a painful death. Sometimes, guys ask me if I suffer from multiple personalities because my head can turn a 180 better than Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Variety is the spice of life, right? I dig being versatile. I can even be an accomplice, and that is where I excel. I am helping this wealthy man make his P dreams cum true, for a price of course. My rate to help you fuck a little girl, however, is much cheaper than going through sex traffickers or traveling overseas. When you look like me, you blend in anywhere, especially at the mall. Folks just look at me and think trophy wife spending her husband’s money or shopaholic. No one thinks I am there scouting out tender age talent for snuff movies. I found a girl that was perfect for my client. She was a little blonde girl. She still had some baby fat in her cheeks and a bubble butt. Just what he likes. I spiked an Icy Freeze and gave it too her. I followed her as she got woozy and then helped her to my car. I told her I was taking her home, but I took her to my client who loved her. He paid me more money than we agreed on. The only catch was that I had to watch him fuck her. Hell, yes. It is nice to watch men who usually violate me, fuck someone else. He ravaged her cunt too. I knew he was going to kill her, but I still cleaned her bloody cum filled cunt with a smile because for once, it was not me being violated.

Gangbang Rape Porn Sundays

gangbang rape pornSundays were always gangbang rape porn days when football was on. My stepson would bring over a few friends and they would take turns on me while watching the game. Now that football is over, I have been enjoying quiet Sundays. Today, was not quiet. I thought I was going to have a day to myself to cook, clean and get high. My sons took the boys hiking for the day since it was nice out. It was going to be a perfect day. My stepson was in the house when I woke up. That killed my perfect day. I was just lucky it did not kill me. He needed to make some money fast to buy this used classic car. He had the idea to live stream a dirty milf whore getting gang banged. He did not care that I had plans. He did not care that I was not in the mood to be used. That was because I was out of coke. He pulled out a bag of powder and I was in. Not that I had a choice anyway. My stepson always takes what he wants.

Before I could brush my teeth and wash my face, he had ten friends over and the film camera set up. He yanked me out of the bathroom by my hair. He dragged me down the stairs and tossed me into the middle of where the boys were standing naked. He said action and they started groping me and shoving fingers in my holes. I fought them for a bit but that just gave them more pleasure for their rape phone sex fantasies. It was a live stream, so I heard the Bitcoin payments as they got rougher with me. They punched me, kicked me, pissed on me and fucked me. Fucked all my holes, sometimes a couple dicks in my ass or pussy at the same time. I put the fun in Sunday funday for them, but they rendered me useless for the day. I am too sore to clean or cook, but I am never too sore to party. He left me a bag of coke after him and his pals left.