Tag: Taboo phone sex

Fantasy Phone Sex Home Invasion

fantasy phone sexI love a hot fantasy phone sex caller. I have a regular who enjoys home invasion fantasies. They get me wet too, even when depraved and violent. Our call this week will have me masturbating for months. The set up was that I am a single mom with a small boy. I live in a crappy apartment. I was asleep when a masked intruder busted in my room. He had come in through a broken window on the fire escape. He held a knife to my throat. I screamed which woke up my son. I had no choice. I had to be quiet so he would not hurt my boy. I was praying my scream did not wake him, but he came running into my room. I told him to go back to bed because mommy had company. He looked at me confused. My attacker made him stay. He said if my son cried, he would die. I was scared for myself and my son. The masked intruder sodomized me at knife point. He called me names and threatened my young son who was struggling to hold back the tears. He knew if he cried we might both die. He made my son watch as he violated my holes. It was a brutal home invasion phone sex fantasy rape, but it made me so wet. What is wrong with me? I just hope someday it happens for real. I know my horny boys would never cry though. They would watch mommy get violated and jack off.

Snuff Porn Date

snuff pornI am a snuff porn maker. I rarely “date” because I am a sick bitch.  I am not a roses and candy kind of gal. I do not do the traditional things women do to try to catch a guy. I do not watch sappy ass flicks like The Notebook or Titanic. I do not eat at fancy restaurants. I do not dress seductively to trap or entice a man either. I want to hunt, kill and eat humans.  It is hard to find like minded men.  I met a new man online who has made me reconsider my single for life mantra. You never know if men online are the real thing or just catfishing you. After a month of some hardcore texting about what we like to do to young girls, we planned to meet.  He booked us a cabin in the woods. He knew I had one of my own and was fond of seclusion. I met him there because if he was a dud or a poser, I wanted an escape route. I also brought my knives in case I had to kill him. When I arrived, the cabin was decorated with dried up rose petals and only candlelight lit the cabin. It was rustic. There was a bottle of rare bourbon on the coffee table. I love bourbon. The kicker was the trail of blood that led to the bathroom. I felt like a young girl on an Easter egg hunt. I followed the blood drops and discovered a young girl bleeding out slowly in the tub. She was my present. He snatched her from the mall and brought her here for us to torture and fuck. He knew just how to cut her so she would not die too quickly. She was bound, gagged, but alive. Not for much longer though because we had some fun with her. I watched him fuck her young tiny asshole and I fisted her bald tight cunt. We ruined her holes before we stabbed her a few more times and let her bleed out in the tub. I then tossed her carcass to the wolves. Best blind date ever.

All In Good Faith – Molestation Nation

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

My sweet son Bob has a deep, dark fantasy. It’s full of violent rape fantasies where he has his own way with his little sister Faith. Faith was born for my boy to marry, to breed, to use as he sees fit. She’s a slutty little thing, and so we decided to teach her a lesson or three about power and control. Bob’s in control of what happens to that stupid little slut, and I hold all the power. He’s hot after my own pussy. But I trained him to masturbate and cum to young girls. His favorite young girl just happens to be his sister. He’s one of those james, you know what I mean. Men who are classy, but have nasty fantasies! I call them james, like dames but with big cocks.
Teen Rape Porn
We drugged Faith, knocked her young little body out with enough sedative to put down a horse, and called up the Bang Gang. Yeah, I mean the gangbang, but these guys are packing some seriously thick cocks. Thick enough to stretch my son’s slutty little wife out. Thick enough to fill her up with gooey, dripping cummies that Bob could play around in when they were done molesting and acting out my sick rape fantasies on her little body. My sweet princess had a cock in every orifice, and Bob just stroked his cock as we watched.
Gangbang Rape Porn
Of course I was rubbing at my pussy. I let one of those big sexy guys come up and fuck me during this molestation nation session, and Bob got to watch even though he desperately wanted to be the big man fucking my tight Mommy hole over and over and over again. Bob had to go and settle for the well used, cum dripping cunt his sister Faith seemed to be offering him in her little drugged slut state. He slid his cock in her, slapped her, and said “I love you, my stupid cunt wife! I love you Faith!” As he came hard in her, and our little girl awoke covered in cum.

Gothic Phone Sex Fantasies

gothic phone sexI love Gothic phone sex fantasies. The fantasies that seem like they are straight out of a Bronte or Mary Shelley novel make my cunt wet. Add a twist of the macabre and I am doing anything for you. I have a lover with some dark Gothic fantasies. Often, he is a vampire draining my blood from my body to either turn me or slowly kill me by feeding on my blood. This time, his fantasy was me being ravaged by Satan’s beasts. I was a little scared because his mind can go dark when he is with me. He loves creative and violent ways to kill me. He tossed me in a dungeon. I was naked and afraid. I was excepting BDSM and torture. I was not expecting to make a gangbang rape porn with Satan’s beasts. They ravaged my body. They slobbered all over me while they fucked me. These were beasts from Hell. Big werewolf loving creatures with fangs and sharp claws. Big slimy dicks with little shards of glass on their dicks that ripped my cervix apart as they fucked me. My insides were being ripped apart. Their beastly cocks were like 2 feet big. These were creatures of a dark time ions ago. They were summoned by a demon to accept an offering, a human sacrifice. I was turned on by the creativity of my master. He had clearly researched demonic beasts. He knew about human sacrifices to evade eternal damnation. He summoned the hounds from hell to murder me for Satan. I was shredded into pieces by the beasts’ sharp claws. They fucked me and devoured me. It was a hot fantasy phone sex call. One that left me masturbating to Gothic dark fantasies. I always enjoy being the victim of a creative and violent mind.

Evil Phone Sex Fantasies

evil phone sexI love evil phone sex calls. Some of you guys have some wickedly hot dark fantasies. I am cross listed on this company’s snuff site and another site because I have dark fantasies too. I am a dirty soccer mom who likes to party and explore her dark side. I am sure I am not the only coke addicted suburban mom who gets high and lets her freak flag fly. It is just when I do get high and start to get freaky, I want a companion or an accomplice to explore with. The weekends are the most fun for me because I am partying and many of my callers are too. This taboo phone sex whore has not had a fantasy yet that was simply too dark. I am sure one of these days I will though because men are always stepping up their game with me. Last night one of my regulars called me. He likes that I am an anal whore. He got rough with me. Now normally my calls are fantasy calls. I am pretending to cut, stab or strangle myself. When it comes to calls that want me to fuck my ass, I am usually really fucking my ass with something. Since I was so fucked up, I grabbed my son’s little league baseball bat, lubed it up with KY jelly and rammed it up my ass hole as far as I could. I was grunting, moaning and screaming like a hurt animal. I felt the pain in my ass last night, but nothing like I feel today, LOL. I was just too fucked up to feel the full impact of that bat up my ass. I am still fucked up, but not like last night and I feel what I did to my ass. I do not think my asshole will ever be the same again. If you want a call that seems real baby, just call me when I am partying which is just about every night. I get high and do whatever a man wants.

Nasty Deal With Coworker

Torture sex


Working with men when you are a horny slut is never easy. Especially when you want to get your way, I made a deal with a coworker. I was going to do whatever he wanted so we could be partners in a project. He came to my house to discuss our project and deal, I told him I would do anything he asked even using my body. This peaked his interest and he right away wanted me naked. I he wanted to suck my toes and get them all wet and slippery so I can use my feet to stroke his cock. When he was throbbing and leaking from the foot job, I was giving him he wanted to feel my asshole milking his cock so I bent over and spread my ass cheeks reminding him about our deal. As he was pounding away at my asshole my son only in a diaper walked in woke up from his nap. He looked at him and reminded me that I was going to do anything. Including taking my sons diaper off and holding him down as he used him as a cum dumpster. I did as he asked and as I held my son down and covered his mouth, I watched him shove his cock into his tiny asshole. He didn’t stop until he filled him up. As he left, he winked at me and told me we were going to do this again.  

Knife Play Phone Sex: 31 Days of Terror

knife play phone sexWith October right around the corner, knife play phone sex picks up. Personally, I love knives. They are my weapon of choice because they are versatile and require skill. Anyone can point a gun and shoot.  A gun just shoots. But a knife can do a million things. October is my favorite month. It is Halloween month. The month of my idols Michael Myers, Leatherface, Jason Vohrees, Norman Bates…. They inspire me, but they are fiction. I am reality. The death and destruction I carry out with my knives is the true stuff of nightmares because I am a living and breathing human. I have not been reincarnated or brought back from the dead. I am about to kick off my favorite month with 31 days of terror. No, I am not watching horror movies. I am making them. I will kill some one every day in October. I will use a different knife out of my collection. I will kill a variety of people. The key to flying under the radar is to never kill the same type or person. Never kill in the same exact pattern. Most of my killings are noticed, but never linked because they lack a pattern. The only thing consistent about my snuff porn is that I like to use knives, but I literally have thousands of knives in my collection.  I kill the young and the old. I kill black and white. I kill women and men. I kill for pleasure and profit. I kill alone and with an accomplice. Never any pattern. My rules are not to kill folks I know and to not kill in my hometown. Anything else is fair game. Do you want to help me with my 31 days of terror? I bet you know some sweet young piece of ass you would love to snuff after you fuck.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

medical fetish phone sexI like medical fetish phone sex. Why? Because it can get so perverted. Not to mention painful. I like pain too, but pain involving my girl parts is never fun for me. I have this guy I see sometimes. Why I do not know because it never goes well for me. Ever. I like bad boys. He is a doctor. Well, he was a doctor until they revoked his license for molesting women. He was a gynecologist. He performs back-alley abortions and gives women face lifts and Botox injections too. I do not need any of that. He likes to get high though and give me gynecological exams. I should say force me to have them. I get high, and he overpowers me. He forces me into stirrups and straps me down to his table. He cranks up the speculum and shoves all sorts of painful instruments in my cunt and pee hole. Last week, he put a pair of forceps in my cunt and pulled flesh off my vaginal wall while he shoved a sounding device in my urethra. I am not sure I ever screamed louder. He laughed as he kept putting sharp tools in my cunt where no sharp objects should ever be. I am a glutton for punishment. Nothing more than a torture sex doll. I get myself in the most awful situations willingly. Good thing I do not want brats because I think I got a free sterilization thanks to my demented doctor.

Bad Babysitter Phone Sex Club

babysitter phone sexI like being part of the bad babysitter phone sex club. I rarely babysit, but I needed some coke money, and I was desperate. I know what you are thinking. How much babysitting would I have to do to buy some coke because that shit is not cheap. Hear me out. And please, keep my dirty secret. No one was wanting to fuck me in trade for coke. My boring husband will not give me coke money either. I thought I would earn money off some sweet young girl’s holes since mine appear to be to used up. I sat for this rich family who thinks I am just soccer mom. I am that, but I am also a druggy whore. I know some men who like sweet young pussies and pay handsomely for access to them. I called a guy and texted a picture of the little girl I was watching all night. He made me a generous offer and I got her ready while he was on his way over. I spiked her Kool-aid with Benadryl and whisky and she was out like a light. I needed her knocked out so my friend could diddle her without waking up. He was paying me to just finger her bald cunt and put his dick in her mouth. He wanted more though. He wanted her to be his ass rape porn star. He gave me enough money to score coke for a month, so I let him force fuck her tiny rosebud. The parents would be less likely to notice a fucked up butt hole. It goes back to normal after a few days. I have had my ass brutalized for decades, so I know. It was hot watching him pound her little pink rosebud. It was hotter finding a new way to make money.

He Tried Snuff Sex with the Wrong Bitch

snuff sexHe wanted snuff sex with me. It did not go as he planned, however. The idiot had no clue who he was messing with. He tried to kidnap me so he could fuck me and kill me. He did catch me by surprise and that never happens. But once he took me to his place, the surprise was on him. While I was tied up in the trunk of his car, I managed to cut the ropes on the knife in my back pocket. He did not think to pat me down for weapons before kidnapping me. When he opened the trunk, I clobbered him over the head with the jack in his trunk. Now, I caught him off guard. He thought I was some little wallflower. Wrong. I am a bad ass bitch and I do not take kindly to men who try to harm me. He woke up naked and tied to his bed. I was straddling his body with a big ass knife from his kitchen. He tried to apologize and say it was all a mistake. You do not grab a woman out of a parking lot, bind her hands and stuff her in a trunk by mistake. I cut off his balls with no warning and informed him I made a mistake. He was bleeding all over his bed. I let him bleed out a bit before I heated up some water and used the bottom of the tea kettle to cauterize his wound. I was not going to kill this man. I wanted to leave him with the memory that his actions have consequences. He was not going to the cops. I merely defended myself. I carved a P in his chest deep enough to leave a scar. I wanted anyone who would see him with out a shirt to know he is a predator. I tortured him for hours. Took his balls and his dignity. He messed with the wrong bitch.