Tag: Taboo phone sex

Tis the Season to Make Snuff Porn

snuff pornHe wanted to make some snuff porn for the holidays. Sort of a naughty Santa thing. I thought I was going to be his star, but he wanted something much younger than me. I was able to find something he wanted. She was unattended at the mall. I suspect she just got lost as she was too young to be alone anywhere. I grabbed her and brought her to my client’s warehouse where he makes his deadly films. I felt guilty. She was a cute girl. It is the holidays, and it would be her last Christmas. Instead of being excited to see Santa, she was going to be terrified of him. But it is not my place to be a savior. I am an accomplice and in the snuff sex business it is the survival of the fittest. If I did not do my part, he would have killed me. He was dressed as Santa. He said he had investors and fat cats who pay good money for holiday porn. I strapped her down. He stripped her and fucked her while dressed like Santa. He tore her tiny holes up. Her little pussy was bleeding. Her little butthole was prolapsed. She was bleeding and crying. He was being a savage Santa to her tiny holes. I was turned on honestly, but guilt ridden too. She could have been me years ago. If my father had the contacts, he would have sold me for a snuff film too. He would have no remorse profiting off my body either. This guy was double dipping. He was streaming the snuff flick and participating in the death and destruction of a young little girl. He was loving it. He had no remorse whatsoever. I was paid for my assistance as the talent scout, so I felt less guilty holding that bag of cash. More girls will die before Christmas because he is on a 12 days of teen rape porn before Christmas marathon. I need to find him another angel for tonight.

Torture Sex for your dick

Torture sexTorture Sex for your dick like no other! I enjoyed my victims dick sticking straight up in the air for me, as I slid hot sounds down his pee hole! The pussy wetting sounds a man makes as his cock is getting tortured! For the love of the Dark Lord, I give this cock the much deserved punishment it needs! My, My look at all that cock jerking and precum. Your dick seems to love when it gets hurt, are you a lowly pain slut? A man who needs the utmost searing hurt to get off? If I stab my nails into the side of your cock while squeezing and twisting those balls, are you going to erupt for me? Oh, baby, there are so many things I can do to you. Like stick my extra large and thick strap on up your ass as I deliver the pain punishments even more intensely than you ever imagined! Would you like to be my torture slut, and perhaps, just maybe my ass rape porn star? I don’t think you will “Like” it at all, But I will get off on it and that’s all that matters! I’m sure I can find some big black cocks to help me out with your ass initiations! Don’t be shy now, Let Mistress Jez Work you over!ass rape porn

The Ass of an Ass Rape Porn Star

taboo phone sexThis is what the ass of an ass rape porn star looks like. It is not pretty. Some guys like a used up ass. Some simply do not care because they plan to make my ass look worse or they are just using me to nut. I encountered a guy last night who wanted take photos of my prolapsed ass. He wanted to fuck me too, even torture me a little more, but he began with pictures. I bet you re wondering why I would do something like this. Why I would let men ruin my asshole for their pleasure. That is easy. I am a coke fiend. I need my coke more than I need respect or a pretty asshole. Since my husband keeps the finances on lock down, I must get creative when it comes to scoring coke or earning money to buy coke. This guy made me some promises, so I let him torture sex the shit out of my already used asshole. It began with pictures. Then he wanted to see what else he could do to my asshole. He put Icy Hot on my prolapse, and my asshole and my eyes started to burn from the pain. That shit was intense even for an anal whore like me. That was nothing compared to what came next. He picked up a stick. A dirty stick that was on the ground of this abandoned house where we were partying. He tried to poke my asshole back inside, but what happened was he ripped my anal wall. I could feel the blood trickling down my ass and leg. He just laughed and snapped more pictures. He picked up rocks and stoned my ass too. There was nothing off limits to him. I put up with it not just because I am a taboo phone sex whore, but because I wanted coke. I got my coke, and my ass was ruined a little more.

Slice Her All Up!

bloody phone sex

I helped one of y fucked up friends find a sweet little cunt to fuck up! we took her out of a bar after dosing up her drink and chained her up. She wouldn’t even be able to move without piercing herself without our help. once she awakened and realized so, I sent him in. He had an assortment of tools and toys and drugs. He first stuck her with a needle to fuck her up some more and took out a sharpened knife I gifted him. He began slowly and hard. Her screams were loud and pleasing to my pussy. I felt myself get wet quickly and knew that hard cock I would be getting after will be so good!

Castration Phone Sex Fun

castration phone sex

Castration phone sex for Christmas is what many men are getting this year from the Satanic Santa. I have been inspired by this story I read online about a guy who met a man on Grindr just to kill him, castrate him and eat his balls. I have eaten testicles before. Sheep and man. I have never used a dating app, however, to kill my victim. That is because I have a code I live by. It is true that I hate most people, but I do not just kill and maim based on convenience.  I kill and torture based on folks who deserve it. Just because some looser is on a dating app, does not mean he deserves snuff sex. Since I was inspired, I decided to get on Tinder and see what trouble I could stir up. I could not use my real photo because that is direct road back to me. I found this hot bitch from high school who I hated. I used some of her social media profile pics to create an account. As luck would have it, this tool from high school who made my life difficult was the one to swipe right first. He wanted to reminisce about high school. This was perfect. I have some high tech skills, so I made it look like I was using my high school nemesis’s IP addy. I met him at a no tell motel. He got the room, I showed up at the door. I flashed my fake badge to get inside and I tazed him in the balls. He pissed himself. When he came too, he was naked and strapped to the desk chair. He did not even remember me. I had a castration band on his nut sack because I was going to castrate him and eat his balls before I killed him. I wanted him to watch me devour his testicles like they were rocky mountain oysters. I took my time cutting his balls off too. I savored every minute so he would feel the pain. That was the most fun I have had in a while. Killing him was just bonus.

Violent phone sex slut Stephanie

violent phone sex

If you want a soft and sensual experience, then you’re in the wrong place. This evil and violent phone sex slut isn’t just looking for a wild and hot fuck. I’m looking for a man that’s not afraid to help me make my most evil, bloody dreams come true. I can torture you or you can help me torture some disposable, junkie slut that we pick up in a downtown back alley. I don’t have a weapon of choice and I’m not particular about who I inflict pain on. I just want to see flesh ripping, smell the blood in the air and hear the screams that make my whore pussy so wet and get me so hot! I’m in a freaky mood and I’ve always wanted to get my slutty holes fucked under a shower of blood spray. You string that slut up and I’ll make the slice. I know the sweet spots to hit that will keep a nice spray going for a few minutes while you force fuck my holes. Cut her down just before she bleeds out so that I can cut into her chest and work at carving her heart out. I’ll destroy my bloody, mutilated victim’s chest and watch the life drain from their eyes while you fuck me in the ass. This twisted slut has no limits. I want to see how dark and evil you can get.


Slice Me Up

bloody phone sexMy kidnappers have entrapped me in an open, steel bar cage with no way of relaxing without penetrating my wrists and risk killing myself. There doesn’t seem like there is any other way out anyways though. I’ve been here so long, it’s not like it matters anyway. Until someone came in with the slamming of the door in the darkness. He has a full beard and dark eyes. Tattooed arms full of dragons and he took in my naked, freezing cold body. My pussy had been shaved as well as everything else. I heard a whimper rise out of my own throat and a weak little ‘help me’ was all that could be heard before he drew a knife out of the sheath on his him, then the sounds I made were nothing but screams of slicing murderous gasps and shrieks as I felt the hot and searing feeling of a knife slaying me alive.

Do You Have Rape Phone Sex Fantasies?

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies are okay with me. In fact, I like them. I encourage them. At least on the phone, I do. My daddy force fucked me all during my youth. So did his friends. When I ran away as a teen girl, I said no one would fuck me against my will again. That did not go so well for me. Men cannot control themselves around me. I bring out their animalistic desires. I was at a club last night with girlfriend. Last time I went clubbing, I was drugged, and gang banged. I decided to take a chance again. I figured lightening does not strike twice, right? Same club. But I knew the odds of anything bad happening again were slim to none. I was dancing with this one nerdy guy. He was a hot nerd. This asshole kept trying to push his way on to the dance floor with me. I told him he was being rude, and I was not interested. I was trying to avoid the bad boys. Bad boys never treat me well. I thought the jackass got the picture, but he followed me to the bathroom. It was an individual unisex bathroom and he pushed me in and locked the door. He said I needed to stop being a cock tease. I kneed him in the balls because I was not going to be a victim again. He slammed my head against the mirror, cutting my head. With blood trickling down my face, he pushed me up against the sink, yanked my panties off and shoved a bunch of fingers inside me. He shoved his dick inside my ass, choked me and fucked me savagely for 15 minutes. He left me with marks on my throat, cum in my ass and blood on my face. I was gone so long my nice guy was not in the club anymore. Even when I am trying not to be a taboo phone sex whore, bad boys find me. I do not think I am worthy of a good man. Do you?

Torture Sex in an Alley

torture sexTorture sex I am no stranger too. Does not mean I like it though. I like fucking and I like partying. But anal torture always hurts way too much to enjoy. And men love to destroy my ass. I was not looking for trouble last night. I mean I was not out of coke for once. I had plenty. I just wanted out of the house, so I went to this local dive bar. I was drinking and playing pool. I would have fucked any of the guys in the bar, but no one was coming on to me. Someone drugged me though. I can handle beer and I was not drinking anything else. Suddenly, I was in the bathroom puking my guts out. I must have passed out. I do not really remember much. I woke up in an alley tied up like a package. Three men were on top of me fucking my holes. I smelled like stale beer, cigarettes, and puke. I was not really with it. My head was foggy. I could feel how sore my ass was though. These were not the guys I was drinking with. I did not think so at least. They were younger. I was trying to get information from them, but they just saw me as some ass rape porn star, not a woman. I was in an alley somewhere. My guess was that I was drugged and either dumped in the alley, or I was jumped going to my car. These boys either planned this or got lucky. I was becoming clearer in my head and started screaming. I told them to stop fucking me. I yelled for them to get off me. They just smacked me around and fucked me harder. At one time I had all three dicks in my ass at once. Someone heard my screams and called the cops because the sirens scared them off. I have no doubt they would have killed me if the cops had not come. Even when I am not looking for trouble, it finds me.

Knife Play Phone Sex with a Protege

knife play phone sexI have a young protégé Amy who I am training in knife play phone sex games. She is the young daughter of one of my sadistic accomplices. She is a natural. She has a thing for sharp objects. She called me in a panic last night. She was at her first babysitting gig, and something went awry. She texted me 911 which I knew to be an emergency. She is my mini me, so of course I went to help her. I had no clue what to expect, but I was blown away when I arrived. It was a horror house. Something straight out of a Rob Zombie or some 80s slasher film. Blood was splattered on the walls, floors and ceiling. I asked her what went wrong. As I looked around, I saw the little girls she was watching covered in blood like the Shining twins. They had clearly been stabbed to death. I walked around the house and saw the dead parents, well the woman was still gurgling, so almost dead parents. I asked what happened. The parents came home early and found Amy molesting their daughters. She was fucking their bald cunts with their Barbie Dolls. That’s my sick bitch. She panicked and stabbed them all. I need to work on her impulse control. She made a huge mess. DNA everywhere. I had a plan. I always have a plan. We had to stage it as a home invasion after she left. No one would suspect a girl that young of such violence anyway. The little girls, I dragged to their beds and fucked their holes with a dildo with a condom. Same to the mom. It would look like the attacker sexually assaulted all the women with a condom on so no DNA. Cops would never think a woman, or a young girl, would be capable of such brutality. I gave Amy a lesson on staging a murder. We had fun. I wish I had been there for the snuff porn, but it was a joy to see the carnage my young protégé is capable of. This is just the beginning.