When you need a dark bitch for accomplice phone sex, you know where to turn. Yes,I have a habit of helping men destroy little crotch goblins and teen whores. Its a passion of mine that I find erotic and enticing. Last week, there was this girl who thought she could blackmail a client of mine. Nobody does that but me! Besides I loved helping him stick his bigger than life cock in the smallest of holes! Too bad he knocked this one up, I asked if he wanted me to keep her and sell her slutkin on the black market. But no he needed all evidence of cheating on his wife with the babysitter erased, and so she and the brat inside would need to be incarcerated! Now, this little bitch thought she could milk my main squeeze and I had to execute her! Little doe eyed, slim slut was going to be my new play toy. I arranged a swift pickup for her by my man. She wasn’t even scared as he told her he has a large stash of cash with her name on it. Injected, knocked out and laid at my feet. The cash was for me to use his lil’ cum dump for the last time! I made sure he fucked her before I sliced her up, and after I did as well. We all love a nice slut for sex with dead bodies!
Tag: Taboo phone sex
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies on New Year’s
I made his rape phone sex fantasies come true New Year’s Eve. I was all glammed up and working at the strip club on New Year’s Eve. I met this guy who wanted to keep partying with me. I did not know him. He was not a regular at the club, but on holidays we get lots of new guys. Out of town travelers, lonely hearts guys and the like. He was handsome and seemed rich. He paid a lot of money for the VIP room with me. I figured he was stressed out by the holidays and wanted to party with a sexy blonde stripper. I took him home with me because he told me he was staying at his parents’ home for the holidays. I was dumb to let a stranger in my house. The moment I opened the door, he shoved me inside with such force that I fell on my foyer floor. He took his coat off and got on top of me to pin me down. I was scared. I did not know him, and his personality did a 180 on me. He started calling me names. He ripped my clothes off, smacking my face and my tits. He bit my left tit so hard that he drew blood. I was foggy from hitting my head on the floor. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong. I could not over power him. He shoved fingers in my cunt and ass. He laughed that I was not that tight. When he shoved his dick into my cunt, he choked me. My pussy was not tight enough for him, so he made me an ass rape porn star. He fucked my ass with his cock and his fist. That gaped my asshole. By the time he was done, I was black and blue, and bleeding from my asshole. Not the New Year I envisioned.
Bad Babysitter Phone Sex Accomplice
Ring in the new year with some bad babysitter phone sex! This trashy milf can get any young morsel you want. No one suspect that a soccer mom is a P accomplice. I have this lover. He is a drug dealer. He fucks me for coke. The other night, he asked a favor. Less of a favor and more of a demand. I know if I do not deliver what he wants, I get no coke. I may also get murdered. He wanted a young girl to fuck for the new year. I snatched one up at the park. A super cute little girl playing alone. I lured her away with my puppy. And I lured her right into danger. He was so happy that I got her a pretty little thing, he gave me a huge bag of coke for the holiday weekend. I can party like a rock star. I was getting high as he fucked the shit out of his little holiday present. She was fun size. She sat on his dick and when he thrust into her tiny fuck holes, her entire body convulsed. She was screaming and crying for her mommy. I told her I was her mommy now. That made her crying harder. I like bringing men little playthings. I always get coke when I do. And my need for coke supersedes any brat’s right to live.
Castration Phone Sex Through the New Year
Castration phone sex Christmas? Christmas may have come and gone, but I am still castrating losers. Ball removal is my gift to me. I have quite the collection this year too. I have severed more testicles this month than I have all year. I had no clue there were so many losers around who needed to part with their balls. I met one such loser at Walmart last night. I hate going to Walmart. Only the dregs of society shop at Wally World. My phone charger died on me, and it was the only place open in the middle of the night to get a new one. I sucked it up and the first person I meet is a douche bag player who thought he could pick up a Goth chick in Walmart. I would never date or hook up with some leisure suit Larry I met at Walmart. He stalked me. He harassed me. And when he got pissy after I rejected him, I decided he need a free ball removal. I was not even going to charge him. This castration was on me. I played his game. I got him to think he was in control luring me back to his apartment. I know he thought he was going to bang me. I mean I am not desperate. I am never desperate. He did not deserve to live thinking I was going to fuck him. Men are so delusional. I do not pick up guys in Walmart. I spiked his drink when he was not looking. He woke up tied to a chair naked. I stuffed my panties in his mouth which was as close to my hot pussy as he was going to get. Torture sex ensued when I whacked his balls off with a kitchen knife. I could have cauterized the wound, but he annoyed me. I mean who hits on women at 1 am in a Walmart? No man that deserves to reproduce. No clue if he bled out or if he was able to get some help. I left his severed balls on the table with a Christmas bow. If he survives and gets his balls reattached, they will never work like they once did. I made him a eunuch for Christmas.
Snuff Porn Accomplice
Snuff porn is more popular doing the winter months. Not sure why, but I have been busy helping men find the perfect victims to fuck and snuff. The word has spread that I am a great accomplice. It is true. I went from victim to accomplice, but not quickly. I was a lowly slave for two decades. I bought my freedom from my owner by bringing him sweet tender age girls to destroy. I told myself it was what I needed to do to stay alive. Survival of the fittest, right? Over time, I grew to like it. The world needs fewer teen sluts. I have good skills at luring young girls away from their flock and straight to their death. I know what my clients like. I also know how to lure a girl into danger. Young schoolgirls do not look at me and have stranger danger. They see a tall pretty woman and believe my bullshit about being a model or talent scout. I lured a shy girl away from the mall last night and straight to her death. I played to her insecurities. The skills I have in making young girls feel safe and special, is what makes me the perfect accomplice phone sex partner. This blonde girl was a bit chubby and awkward. I bonded with her and convinced her I could take her from a caterpillar to a butterfly with a make-over. I took her to my client’s remote fishing cabin. This time of year, we could drop her in a fishing hole and she would decay before spring. My client fucked the shit out of her. He loved it too. He popped her cherry because there was blood all over his dick. He fucked her like a rag doll. Once he nutted inside of her, he slit her throat. It was a quick kill but a slow death. That little whore took hours to bleed out. He fucked her until she was dead, then he fucked her some more. I did good. He said I was the best accomplice ever.
Taboo Phone Sex, Or Bloody Love?
Tell me, is it just taboo phone sex, or is it a sadistic bitch who’s finally found a like-minded match that loves the slaughter and the chase just as much as I do? I think we both know the answer. You’re obsessed with me. You worship the very ground I walk on, and we both know you’re trapped in denial about how badly you want to spill the guts of some young slut with me, want to listen to her pant and scream as she begs for, at first, her life.
And then, she’ll be begging for a quicker death than what me and my beloved planned to give her. I wanted to make snuff porn with her tight, little body. I wanted to perfectly capture the way she begged for Mommy to please come and help her while I used a hook to disembowel her. That would come last, and my sweet lover would cum first in her mouth, then in her sodomized ass, and finally in that untouched young cunt she was sporting for us.
I helped him, holding her frail, bound body up and whispering in his ear as he begged me to hurt her one more time so he could feel the throes of death, pain, and suffering milking his cock in our super fucked ass rape porn fantasy sprung to life.
Sadistic Phone Sex Christmas
I had a sadistic phone sex Christmas. Not my choice. My husband made me deliver some gifts and food to my stepson’s house. I did not want to go because I knew he would not let me leave. I know my stepson better than my husband. My husband thinks his son is a good man with a great job. I know he lost his job over three years ago because he was stealing money for his coke habit. If you think I am a coke whore, you should meet my stepson. The only way he makes money nowadays is pimping me out to friends or streaming him violating my fuck holes to a paying audience. If I stepped foot in his apartment, I would not be leaving anytime soon because when he sees me, he sees dollar signs. Christmas was no different. He snatched the presents and food from my hands and tied me up. Stripped me naked and turned on his camera for a holiday snuff porn. Men were in a generous mood tipping him to torture me and fuck me hard. He did not hold back either. He pinned my arms behind my head and put a spreader bar between my legs. He used me for a couple hours. Fucked my ass and mouth. Smacked my tits and even burned them with hot candle wax. He would still be torturing me if his father had not been blowing up our phones wondering where I was. I went back home with cum oozing out my pussy and ass and my hair and make-up a mess. I looked like I had been gang banged in an alley. Nope. I was just fucked and abused by my stepson on Christmas day. My husband saw the way I looked and asked no questions. Maybe he was in on it. Maybe he has always known what naughty things his son does to his red headed stepmom.
Sick Slut Fuck
There is a dirty whore ready to be used, and that’s me! Here for you ready to be used up like a little pretty fuck slut. I start rubbing your cock and feeling it grow. It gets harder, while I get wetter without knowing what you really have planned for me. You pull my wrists down tight and hold me back. I start asking you to stop but you don’t. You don’t stop until I’m screaming and begging you to stop. I’m bleeding all over you and the bed. Then you turn to my ass hole and shove your blood-covered cock into my tight shit hole next! I’m screaming even louder, bound and helpless as you clean off your cock with my mouth!
Christmas Castration Phone Sex
It was a castration phone sex Christmas for me. It is a tradition for me. I have no family alive anymore, but that does not give me the holiday blues. I always find some poor sap who wants to spend Christmas with me. Some schmuck who overestimates my need for him. I was sitting at a bar alone last night. I knew someone would approach me. Someone always does. They falsely assume I am desperate and lonely. They think I am an easy lay. They think they are doing me a favor by taking me home. Cannot play the player. This loser fell into my lap so easily last night. He had cheesy pick-up lines, and back-handed compliments. Just some loser who has to troll for pussy. He will not be trolling any more because I took his nuts. I could have killed him. Perhaps, I should have killed him. I wanted him to be scarred for life and I wanted him to have a memory that would never fade. He will never troll for another chick again because I neutered him. I took is balls in his own bed. He never saw it coming either. He had me pinned on his bed, but I was not helpless. My big sharp knife was nearby. And that knife sliced his testicles off with one swipe. The look on his face was priceless. I do not think he felt it until he saw the blood. It was like the alcohol and shock numbed the initial pain, but once he saw the blood and his severed balls, he knew what happened. He fell over and I had to decide if this was just torture sex, or a snuff date. I went into his kitchen and heated up a pan. Then I cauterized his wound. He will have a nasty scar, but he will live, and he will never fuck again. He will not underestimate women ever again either.
Victimized Whore
I’m always taken away in the most random of ways, I’m never told when or where the next time will be so coming up with excuses for work has been hard. My boss became tired of it and of me. He took his anger out on my cunt! He yanked me by my hair and shoved me to the back of the club. I was bent over and what little lace I had on my body was ripped right off before he forcefully shoved his cock into my pussy. He liked the loud sound of my scream, only driving him to rape my cunt harder and faster with his huge, protruding cock! He finished inside of me with grunts and moans and left me in a pool of my own blood!