Tag: Taboo phone sex

Ass Rape Porn Star for Life

ass rape pornAss rape porn stars never live a dull moment. I do not know what a boring suburban life is all about. That has never been me. Being raised by an incest loving, coke-head mother, made life non-traditional for me, and definitely never boring. My mom, however, never had to do the things I do for coke because she ran the finances of the house. My dad was on the road for work all the time and never knew how much anything really cost. My husband has a tight rein on my finances because any money he gives me for household maintenance ends up in my nose. Over the years, I have become resilient. I learned that trading my fuck holes for coke was not that hard to do. Then I got older, more used up and it was no longer a simple trade. Now, I must endure things like anal gangbang rape porn to get a bag of coke. But I do it because I have no shame.

Earlier in the week, I hooked up with this client of my stepson to get some coke. He has watched me get anally tortured with big objects for over a year now. He does not live in my city but found himself nearby for business. He paid my stepson a few grand to use me like a dirty whore with some business associates. In return I got a bigger bag of coke than usual. Fourth of July is coming up and I needed a stash, so I agreed to do this. In hindsight, I should have known better. There were 20 guys, not just a couple. They all had big cocks and wanted to hurt a red-headed bitch like me. No condoms or lube which is par for the course. Fists, cocks, baseball bats and beer bottles were used to sodomize me. The end goal was to prolapse and ruin my ass. They were not gentle. To them I was just some dirty, washed-up taboo phone sex slut.  I think that is what I will always be.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Bloody phone sex

He deserved the torture he endured!!! That transgender faggot has been stroking his pathetic useless cock to all the littles he could come across. He has been whipping his cock out at gas pumps and stroking his cock while their parents are out pumping gas. Could you believe that fucker! When he ejaculates, he swipes his cum covered fingers across their lips and drives off. When me and the girls found out we brought him to a wooded area, laid him flat on his stomach on a park bench and tied him up with barbed wire! We beat the living daylights out of him. I used a pair of medal thick chains and whipped him until he was bleeding. I placed a collar around his neck and sent electrical shocks through him. A wireless drill I had in my trunk came in handy, I screwed a case of screws into his body! We put blood all over his cock and balls from my little furry companion that was in heat and left him out there to be castrated by a pack of wolves. That faggot blead out… We buried him under the floor planks of an abandoned house! The pathetic pig got exactly what he deserved!

Women Have Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Too

rape phone sex fantasiesMost women have rape phone sex fantasies, but they will never admit it. I have them too, but I admit them. I have found myself in the situation before too. I knew something was wrong with me when I was wet after a violent gang bang. I am not talking about wet from all the cum they deposited inside me. I am talking about wet from arousal. I still remember the day vividly. I sometimes masturbate to the memory. I know. Most women would say #MeToo and cry about the trauma. Not me. I masturbate to that day almost 10 years later. I was birthday shopping downtown for a friend of mine. I took a short cut through the alley to get to this one store, and a guy grabbed me, pulling me into a building that was under construction. Him and some of his construction buddies saw me and wanted to fuck me. There was so much construction noise going on around us that no one heard me scream. They made me a gangbang rape porn star that day. The violently ripped my clothes off. I was naked and tied up with their belts to some scaffolding. They took turns thrusting in and out of my ass and pussy. Some of them fisted my cunt when they could not get hard for the third or fourth time. I was choked, slapped, fucked and they even pissed on me too. They saw me as some blonde snob. They thought I was a rich bitch who looked down on labor workers. Apparently, they hollered something at me as I walked by, but I had ear buds in listening to music and I never heard them. I pleaded with him them to let me go, but they decided I thought I was too good for them. If they had only known what a taboo phone sex whore I really was. I was battered, bloody and bruised. They took my wallet with my ID to prevent me from going to the police. I had to go home looking like a disgrace. I was not scared of them though. I did not worry about them coming to find me. Just working-class men who needed a whore. I understood my role. It was a violent gangbang. One that would have ruined most women, but not a sick bitch like me.

Snuff Sex Whore Doll

This afternoon was really an interesting one when Michael and I crossed paths. He found me to be the stunning little cunt that he needed to fuck, violate and ruin. I stumbled a little as my heel broke when I was running from him down a broken up sidewalk in a very desolate side of town. I was still wasted from the night before and had been fantasy gang raped all night into morning. I was a hot mess. This triggered Michael to come after me and try to get my attention. Trying hard to ignore and just get away I took a wrong turn. I stumbled right into his playground of Hell. This was a single bad move for me that should have brought on my end. He laughed and knocked me in the face with a steel pole. Bleeding and stumbling I broke my ankle when I broke my heel. This made him even hotter. He was on top of me and slamming his cock in me and it was enormous. I wanted to scream but he just laughed telling me it was no use, other than make him fuck me harder.

Snuff sex

Your Wicked Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sexReady for accomplice phone sex? You may think you are, but my brand of accomplice fun means the little bitch dies after you explore your rape fantasies. You see, I have your back. Men think with their cocks. We no longer live in a he said she said world. You fuck a female against her will, you are guilty in the court of public opinion and cancelled. You need me to do the dirty work. Very few men I have met have the balls to have their cake and eat it too. By this I mean few of you can kill your prey after you fuck it. I never have a problem killing. I will kill bitches all day long. Bastards too. It is population control. I have found a way to make a substantial living catering to men’s dark fantasies. But since I do not want to go to prison for your rape phone sex fantasies, I kill the victim once you are done having your taboo fun and dispose of the body. No one is finding the little bitch you just violated unless they are doing DNA tests on coyote shit in the woods. I like killing. No, I love killing. Not that I need an excuse to kill. I kill lots of folks for my own shits and giggles. But when you hire me for your dark desires, the killing part is just so we can continue to have our freedom afterwards. I know that most men would force fuck a young girl or boy if they knew they could get away with it. I help men get away with it. No one has been caught yet. Well, that is because no one who has hired me yet has pissed me off enough and still lived afterwards. I will frame you for murder or use you for my own snuff porn needs if you do follow my instructions. I am not going down because you get cold feet or guilty thoughts. I am not every one’s favorite accomplice, but with me you get what you want and stay out of prison.

Time to pay up

taboo phone sex

My landlord isn’t playing around. He means business, but I know him all too well. I can hear him have taboo phone sex and watch dirty porn. There’s a little plan I have brewing in my noggin. I will hurry along and make my way upstairs to his unit. It is going to be so hard for him to turn me down.

There’s a game plan in my mind but what ends up happening is much more sinister. The landlord didn’t want to fuck me all genital. He tried to make me bleed out and slap me around.

He makes it known if I want free rent for the rest of the year plus be waived the fees and debt I have already accumulated, and I have to let him use me whenever he wants, however long he wants, and torture me till he thinks necessary. I’m too desperate to protest, so here goes enslavement.

The little slut tried to scream

Taboo phone sexNothing beats the rush I get from snuff sex! I cannot explain to you the pleasure and everything that leads up to that final moment.  You know the moment, right? Knowing that I am in control of life or death, mostly death is my choice and at my hands, is the most addicting drug! There is nothing better than watching the life drain from the prettiest face that I’ve seen so far! I knew this would be the best kill I’ve had thus far! The little slut tried to scream, but the drips of her blood falling off this knife is louder than anything! My senses are enhanced with every kill, but this one was different. She fought a little but after a while it was like she accepted her fate and even wanted to sacrifice herself for my pleasure! Such a good little whore! I knew she would be a good kill, but when I tell you I went crazy, well let’s just say I’m the original “red skin”! covered from head to toe in her sweet blood I lick the blade tasting the blood of my kill. Ummm almost as sweet as she was! Oh well it was worth the fight and being up half the night because the sound of her blood dripping off this knife is almost as good as the fight! I know you would have loved the way she begged for her life but that was for not because now she is gone and the only thing I have left is the memories.

Snuff Movies as Payback

snuff moviesSnuff movies are more fun to watch than to star in. I know from experience how rough some snuff flicks are on a woman’s holes. I owed this woman. Well, not so much owed her. She was blackmailing me. She found out I was fucking her son. I think she was just jealous that I got to his little wiener before her. She threatened to call the cops on me. I was stupid. I sent him nude selfies. He is younger than my two sons. I figured for a mom to blackmail me instead of sending me to prison, it had to be something extreme I had to do in exchange. I was thinking snuff porn. This woman is rough. If I had known she was the boy’s mother, I never would have seduced him. She is a biker bitch. Single mom. Reputation as a man eater. She is awful to men. Turns out she is just as awful to women who molest her son. I had no choice. Be her victim for whatever macabre film she was going to make, or go to prison and never see my boys again. I made a torture film with her. She stripped me down naked and tied me to a table. My legs were spread. She had electrodes attached to my nipples and clit. She shocked me so often, I could smell my burning flesh. She used a couple of those industrial sized back massagers everyone knows women use on their pussies. She shoved one in my cunt and the other one up my ass. I was screaming. My entire body was convulsing from over stimulation. She duct taped the vibrator to my pussy and I was having piss orgasms. She was filming it. Apparently, streaming the torture sex of my girl parts for profit was her way of exacting revenge. From all the money dings I heard, it was a profitable revenge.

Teen rape porn

Bloody phone sex

Daddy wanted a pregnant bitch to torture so that is exactly what I got him. A teen pregnant slut for daddy to use and abuse. We wrapped rope around her swollen lactating tits and hung her from the ceiling. We turned that bitch into a human pinata! Me and daddy took turns hitting her with a metal bat on her stomach and didn’t stop until we saw her choking up blood. The bitch was 8 months pregnant and we figured we could assist with premature labor. After brutally beating her we gave her a nice ice bath to bring down the swelling. Daddy dug his hand into her uterus and pulled that little right out of her cunt. That thing came out hollering so daddy had her latch on to mommies teen breast and suck away while I cut her umbilical cord. I finally understood why daddy wanted a teen slut he wanted to taunt her while he had his way with her little. What better way to welcome a future slut into the world than to introduce her to a nice hefty long cock.

His secret fantasy

necrophilia phone sex

I have had an ongoing relationship with a guy. When we first met, I wasn’t completely attracted to him. I thought he was sort of odd.

Either way, he had a way with words, and sure enough, he had me under his spell before I could even realize it.

I was smitten around him and thought his personality was still different, but he had a certain charm that radiated. Who knew it had patterns of psycho. One day I was sleeping and noticed him taking pictures of me while I napped. It woke me up. He looked quite startled when I awoke. He could see I was weirded out, and he tried to play it out as he couldn’t help himself. I looked so cute when I slept.

After that, I didn’t think much of it. I went through his phone one day and could see he had a lust for necrophilia phone sex.

I had opened a can of worms and finally found a section where he confessed he loved to take pictures of me asleep and loved to imagine me dead and how his cock would feel inside me. After that, I cleared any signs of me going through his phone and tried to head out as fast as I could, but he was in front of the front door.

I guess the indoor cameras should have been a dead giveaway.