Tag: Taboo phone sex

Snuff Porn Audition

snuff pornI had a snuff porn audition this week. I needed the money. I have been trying to get more accomplice gigs, but the rent was due, and I was behind already. I needed a couple grand, and I needed it quickly. The snuff industry pays well. Well, maybe not well for what you must endure, but it is decent enough pay. And the money is cash under the table. Instant money. The director seemed to think I was perfect for whatever it was he had in mind. He told me it was a horror snuff film. I love horror flicks. I always wanted to be a scream queen, and this was my chance. I let out some blood curdling screams and got the part. I would be the star of his next snuff sex porn. It was violent and gory. Just up my ally too. I assumed it would be all simulated like most snuff flicks, but apparently the reason the money was so good is because it was a realistic snuff film.

It was a Little Red Riding Hood theme. They dressed me up just like her with a basket and everything. What I was not prepared for, however, was a man with daggers for fingernails and sharp teeth to jump me. Most snuff flicks are unscripted for a better sense of reality. I was in the fight for my life. The guy’s wolf costume was so realistic and the teeth and fingernails so real too and oh so sharp. When he attacked me, I bled. He sliced my skin. I got so scared. Was I going to die? I love a hot roleplay phone sex call, but then this was not so much roleplay as it was snuff. I ran for my life when I realized whoever this was in a wolf outfit meant me real harm. And he did. I was bleeding from several gashes in my arms and face. I was so scared; I ran right out of the studio and never got my money. I do not think I would have survived if I had stayed anyway.

Broken Little Dolls

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

I want to tell you about the three new dolls of mine I have laid out on the slabs right now. Now I’m used to being sick, twisted, and an outright psychopath but let me tell you these girls were really put through the wringer. A shame the sick fuck didn’t offer to sell tickets me and a few friends of mine would have happily enjoyed the show. Whoever you are just now it’s my job to put them back together again, don’t worry though I’ll be enjoying your art every step of the way. From the precise cuts to the very steady and forceful stabs. My only real curious question, and do not take as a criticism I’ve done it myself but why only castrate one of them? Makes me curious if she was a bad girl. I wonder to capture her true charm while I fix her up if I should remember that she was a bad girl. Or maybe you were just experimenting…if so guess you didn’t enjoy it as much as me..unless she was the last one. She does seem fresher than the other two. I wonder if you are not done quite yet, will you be sending more dolls my way? Kind of exciting to think about, it’s like a love letter. You brutalize them, discard them…and they find their way to me to add my own artful twist too. That’s too romantic though, you had no way of knowing your victims would fall into my morgue. For now, I will chop it up to wishful thinking but should more come my way…I may have to stop and ponder the thought.

Taboo Phone Sex Spilt Blood

Taboo Phone Sex

I knew he loved knives but, I didn’t think it would be this bad! I can’t even scream for help, I am stuck here with my panties gagging me down my throat and my hands are tied above my head and my ankles spread wide a cock deep inside of my crying pussy. I’m so wet but I can’t help how good he feels inside of me! His knife pierces the skin of my stomach for maybe the 30th time in the last hout. I can feel the blood running down and pooling at my waist, staining the bed sheets. My screams don’t reach the surface as he digs into my flesh and scars me again and again. “You look so pretty bleeding for me.” It’s the last thing I hear before I black out.

Accomplice Phone Sex or You are My Victim: No In-between

accomplice phone sexI love accomplice phone sex calls. Men have one of two places in my life. They can be my victims, or they can be my accomplices. There is no gray area in between. I am a black and white kind of girl. Emotions fuck everything up, so I do not have any. When I met Mike in a fetish CBT club, I knew he was my victim. Sure, he was handsome. He appeared to have money. But that sort of thing does not get to me like most women. Most girls see a handsome, rich man and they lose their shit. They do whatever it takes even being something they are not to be his girlfriend. Not me. Nope. I am not fooled by shallow things. Men are my accomplices or my victims. Since Mike was in a CBT club, I knew either he had small cock or he was submissive to women, likely both. So, his money and looks meant nothing to me. I could mutilate his junk with some torture sex without a second thought. And I did. He had a small willy. One that would not have been any use to me. Not sure it was of much use to anyone actually. Well, now there are no cock and balls. He wanted the torture. I think he thought I would just trample his junk in a pair of high heels like most dominant women. I am not like most anyone. I do what I want to whom I want and when and where I want. Sure, I had on some spiked heels and trampled his worthless nut sack until I popped a nut. I used my knife for the rest. I violated the club’s policy of no weapons, but I do things my way and only my way. I used my big old knife that I use for castration phone sex calls. I severed his cock from his balls and mutilated his junk. I mean it was of no use to me or any woman anyway.

Taboo Phone Sex is the Only Kind of Sex for Me

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex is the only sex for me. I do not think I have ever had vanilla sex. I think back to the times before I met my husband. I was just as wild sexually as I am now. Did I ever tell you how I met my husband? I was 19 years old and working in a bar. I had a fake id thanks to my mother. It was a younger picture of her with a doctored date of birth. It was easier to fake IDs then. Anyway, it was a hole in the wall bar. I was the bartender. It was a rough crowd, but I made bank in tips. One night, close to closing time, I was getting high with some black bikers. One of them was my dealer. He still is my dealer. He is the son of my mother’s coke supplier. I am fuzzy on the details, but I went from doing lines of coke off the bar to being a gangbang rape porn star on a pool table for a small crowd of drunks. My husband was in that small crowd of drunks. He was 35 at the time and married. Just in the bar on a fluke with his brother. He watched in awe as I was sodomized by big black cocks and beer bottles. He wanted to leave his wife and marry me right then. I was the whore he wished his wife was. He had a young son, who is the stepson who violates me every chance he gets now. My husband left his wife three months after seeing me as an ass rape porn star on a pool table in that seedy bar. It was love at first pool table gang bang, LOL. I still do coke and I still do gang bangs on coke. Once a druggy gang bang whore, always one, I guess.

Snuff sex with my cuck boyfriend

Bloody phone sex

My boyfriend came to me and opened up about his sexuality.. I tried being super supportive but when he said it.. My heart sank and I could feel this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach but I set aside my feelings and put him first! Then one day I came home and I saw him sitting in the parlor with a handsome tall black man.. All those times he fantasized about having sex with black men and come to find out he actually followed through with it..

I felt like he was using me like he used my body to get himself off…

Originally I joined in and I slurped that big black cock to make him so jealous but he didn’t seem to be getting jealous at all he seemed to actually be enjoying it… It hurt me to know my boyfriend was actually willing and able to watch me fuck another man especially a man with a much larger cock… I got up and sat my tight snatch down on the big black cock and swirled my hips in circles, I let out intense moans. I was so turned on and enjoying that big black cock that it brought me anger..

I told my sissy slut boyfriend to get down on his knees and slurp that big black dick as it ran in and out of me reverse cowgirl… I got so wet and orgasmed so fucking hard when I was through taking a hot load of cum deep inside my pussy…

I had him suck all of that black man’s nut out of my pussy! I forced him to put on one of my sluttiest lingerie and made him get out there and suck his big black dick… I walked up behind him and held on to the back of his neck I forced him to swallow every inch of that nigger cock. At one point I found myself smothering him until he turned blue with a large black cock down his throat! Seeing his eyes nearly pop out of his head brought me joy…

I grabbed the baseball bat from the closet that was covered in nails and rammed it up his ass “you like that you fucking sissy slut whore” is this what you wanted?

I pureed that fuckers asshole until his inner guts was seeping out of his shitter.. To watch him go through so much agony! Brought me pure bliss! That’ll teach him a fucking lesson about wanting nigger dick so bad! I made it so his asshole became useless and nigger dick would no longer be an option! He is fucking lucky I didn’t slit his fucking throat! Have that black man throat fuck him through his neck bone

If You Serve Me, You Will Cum!

Domination Phone SexI’m the devil’s mistress, I dominate men and make them my slaves! It’s pretty obvious that you want to serve me and if I were to let you, maybe you would find some meaning in your worthless existence. I live to make even the most dominant of men submit to me, if you are ever privileged to serve a dark seductress like me and you win my evil soul over with your submission then you will one day be rewarded for your efforts. I get into cruel moods where all I want is to bring you pain, you should expect that serving me will be no easy task. I’ll own you; you will be mine to destroy, you will be mine to use and I’ll even make it worth your sacrifice. Once you please me and if I ever decide to give you release, you will know no greater pleasure than my wicked delightful ways of making you cum!

Snuff Phone Sex Bitch Does Not Need You

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is what I do best. I am on a snuff site for a reason. I am not everyone’s cup of tea. I do not care if you have a big cock. I do not care if you have money. I do not care if you “love” Goth girls. I do not want to date you. I do not want to fuck you either. I do not have much use for humans. I am a loner. I do not need relationships. I do not need friends and I do not need a man in my life. I can take care of myself. I have only two uses for men: accomplice or victim. Anytime a man comes on to me I must explain that he can be my victim or my accomplice, but I do not want to date a man or be in any kind of a relationship with a man other than to kill him, castrate him or hunt with him. Terrance thought I was joking. He has been hitting on me for months now. We met at a Goth bar. I did not give him my phone number, but he managed to get not only my phone number, but my address too by bribing his cousin who works at the DMV. He confessed. He thought I was playing hard to get. I do not play games. I say no, no it is. He found himself on the wrong side of some CBT torture sex. The only way to handle a man who thinks he can conquer a woman or take what he wants because a woman is playing games, needs to lose his cock and / or balls. No cock, no balls, no sexual urges. No need to act like an asshole. Some men have way too much ego and testosterone like Terrance. No way I was the first woman he stalked and harassed. But I will be the last because Terrance is a eunuch now. I took his balls with a rusty knife and cauterized the wound with a hot frying pan. I wanted it to hurt. I wanted him to have a constant reminder that he cannot prey on women who want nothing to do with him. Most guys must pay for castration phone sex. Terrance got it for free.

Snuff Rape phone sex fantasies w/ Terry

Bloody phone sex

My sister’s boyfriend is a whore!! I even tried warning her about him! That piece of a worthless meat stole her Xbox from her… So you know what I did? I stole his young balls from him! I caught him on our back porch camera sneaking out with the game station. So, I pulled out my airsoft gun and shot him in the face until he fell over. Then I pepper sprayed him with no hesitation! By the time I got downstairs he was laying on the ground bleeding out because I tossed a brick out the window. Muhahaha perfect that fucker was knocked out cold. Perfect opportunity to prove to my sister that he’s a whore!!

I got a hold of his phone and forwarded every message he had with other girls to my sister… He’s going to be my favorite piece of torture!! I believe torture is a form of art… What better way to spread awareness about the art of torture than to teach your younger sister the ropes. My sister came out raging.. she was feeling so stupid for falling for that worthless loser. It turned out he had been stealing from her to take other girls out on dates. His dick wasn’t even all that!! She is such a warm hearted girl… My sister was nervous at first but I swear it ran in her blood just like it runs in mine.

We tied him up and dumped a bucket of ice water over his head to wake him.

We even went Live on social media and exposed his little dick to everyone. hahaha Worthless micro-peen!!! That was before we chopped off his balls and made him eat them.

We humiliated and broke him down… Now, it was time for the Grand finale!

I had my sister do the honors of cutting his ball sack off with her choice of tool. She chose a very neat method!! I was impressed… She wanted a steel wire tied to a can opener… She wrapped the wire around his cock and tied it to the twisty handle of the can opener… She turned it slowly as she named off all the girls he cheated on her with! His sack was slowly being slit until she yanked it and pulled his useless grape smuggling balls off.

It was horrifying!!  I saw it in her eyes; she’s a natural born accomplice. You mess with her, you mess with me that goes out to all you small cock cheating bastards out there!

The Rise And Fall Of Dawn

Accomplice phone sex


Sure, accomplice phone sex sounds great, but the one time I tried to take on a trainee and make a twisted little mentee in my image, it went horribly wrong!  I thought I could create a cute and cum thirsty killer just like me, but, boy, was I wrong.

I was on the prowl one night when I came upon a big piece of property with a small little house on it and an old shed tucked way out in the back forty.  I lurked in the shadows and crossed along the perimeter of the land until I reached the out building, where I could hear muffled screams coming from the inside.  I quietly dashed over to the door and slowly slid it open to find it was a makeshift bedroom obviously set up for abuse and torture.  The target of all of that pain was laying shackled to a bed with big, greasy fuck pig on top of her, rough humping and pushing her face hard into the mattress.

The flashbacks to my past were staggering but fueled my instantaneous rage.  I jumped on that jackass like a jungle cat and started stabbing him in the neck over and over again until he gurgled and spurted and collapsed on top of the captive girl.  I pushed him off of her, unlocked her blood-slick shackles and quickly absconded with her into the darkness.

Of course I felt bad for her so I took her under my wing and brought her into my lethal life of sex, drugs and severe sadism.  I even told her to pick a new name for her new life, just like I did, and, after a little deliberation, she went with “Dawn.”  She was into all of it, didn’t even freak out in any of the weird rooms in my house of horrors!  Dawn took to kidnapping, torture and using whatever lousy fuck she wanted to please her pretty little pussy with no problem.  She took to her new life with vigor and extreme violence.  And that was kind of the problem.  She was a little too into it and way too into me.

Sure, we were lovers, we did a lot of fucking together.  That wasn’t the issue.  She didn’t just want to be with me, she wanted to BE me.  We would plan a simple stalking or subway throat slashing and then Dawn would go off on her own and do it before our agreed upon scheduled time.  Also, every festering little fuck pig we brought home she would take control of the situation and have all of the fun with them herself.  Like she would edge me out of the situation and cut all of the juiciest spots or fuck all of the biggest cocks herself and try to just leave me with some sliced up and bloodied bodies and a bunch of limp dicks!  I was not having it.

The fuck straw that broke the killer camel’s back was when I found her in my bed wearing my lingerie and fucking the corpse of a guy I actually liked.  He didn’t deserve that, he was one of the good ones.  But, in true Jennifer Jason Leigh style, she didn’t like that he and I had any sort of friendly connection for one reason or another so she put a stop to it.  So I put a stop to her.

Sometimes you can’t get close enough to a person, either to have a real connection with them or to simply kill them.  So, when you’ve failed to successfully assimilate them into your lurid life and if you don’t want to risk what they might do to you if they manage to get their hands on you, in that case of having absolutely, positively no other choice at all, I bring out my .45 ACP.  I might not have been able to trust the crazy cunt I created, but I can always trust my Colt.  

Poor Dawn didn’t have a chance.  Truthfully, I should’ve known better.  Sure, we started out the same, but Willow was created and crafted by the dark, but Dawn was created by Willow.  Kind of like a copy of a copy.  I’m an imperfect being, nothing I do will ever be perfect.  But I guarantee you I’ll never try to teach an abused bitch how to be me, ever again.