Tag: snuff sex

Killer Phone Sex British Twat

Killer phone sex

My teeth felt the kick of his boot heel once again. He had offered me food as he fucked me in my asshole and offered me a drink as he pounded inside of me. I am sure the balloon in my stomach would burst that was full of the heroine and I would have my last high. Kicking me again I felt the sound of the hits that were being delivered to my rib cage. I was trying to enjoy the snort of my last blow as the punishment continued on my torso. It was the price of partying too much with a maniac on my campus. I should have known something was wrong when the party started and someone spoke the words killer phone sex rocks the house! I was so high I didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about or being led back to the a room where the real party had just started. Some guy whoever the hell he was ripped me out of all my clothes and I was naked I felt the bottle being tossed at me but didn’t give it much attention.

     The next thing I knew I was being slapped by a big hand that knocked me to the ground, The force at which he hit me would haunt me until my impending death. Ripping my clothes off and spreading my legs apart I felt the first of them push into me and the blood gush out of my cunny like water. It was all I could do not to cry and scream at the top of my lungs as I felt the gag go in my mouth. I smelled the scent of my cunny and the cream from my underwear that was being forced down my throat. My lips were torn open again and I felt the balloon inserted inside  my mouth and the stiff kick to my stomach. As I felt my body ripped apart from the position of cocks I felt a little tear roll down my face. It was too late much too late. Picking up my bloody body and putting me on the wheel that ripped me from limb to limb my last thoughts as he pulled me apart were that this was one party I would never forget!


mutilation phone sex angieI had no plans of mutilation, torture or violence when I went out this morning. I was just running into town to grab a few things I needed for the house. Wouldn’t you know while at the store this little brown haired bitch pissed me off. I can’t stand rude ass mother fuckers and as soon as she pushed me aside without so much as an “excuse me” my blood began to boil and I saw red fast. OK you little bitch you pissed the wrong one off. I followed her while she finished her shopping and waited for her to exit the store. Grabbing her and getting her in my van was easy. I knocked the bitch out with one good punch to the jaw. I couldn’t stand listening to her mouth, so full of herself it made me sick!  I dragged her in the house and down to the basement securing her to a pole with leather straps I waited for her to come to. As soon as she opened her eyes she started in again. That fowl mouthed bitch had no respect or fear. She was about to learn the last and most valuable lesson of her life. Picking up my hatchet I held it high over my head and brought it down just below her knee. Finally a sound came out of her mouth that was acceptable, a scream! I didn’t give her a chance to finish the first scream before repeating the action on her other leg. Slowly I worked my way up her body until my blade found her face. Standing back covered in her blood, looking at her now limp, lifeless and quiet body I had a knee buckling orgasm and collapsed to the floor. Time to drag her body outside to the ant hills so they could eat the flesh from her bones. Dumb ass bitch, she made me do it!


I wake up to find myself tied to your bed, legs spread, and my cunt exposed and unprotected.  Next to the bed is a table with various items:  A miniature baseball bat, and tennis ball, a soft ball, and a small chest cooler.  I look down and see a large knife laying between my thighs, the tip pointed at my pussy.  I don’t know if it is a promise or a threat, but it is there.  You approach the bed,  with your cock fully erect.  You grope my soft parts with one hand, and stroke yourself with the other.  

Your hands go everywhere, and penetrate my pussy, gentle at first, and then forceful and merciless afterward.  The ferocity of the penetration makes me scream at first, but it feels good, and I relax into a moan. You push in more, and my body arcs with ecstasy, and my juices flow.   You’re not giving me a chance to be afraid before I am aroused.  That way I cannot resist.  You work me up to the point of climax, before you pull out.  I’m not allowed to cum yet.  Instead you take the bat and hit my breasts with it.  They jiggle like punching bags, with red welts appearing.  You also hit my thighs, tummy, and finally back down to my pussy.    

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After hitting my pussy, you slide the bat inside, and fuck me with it.  It rubs raw against me on the inside, especially when it hits my cervix.   You work me up to a climax, and again deny me the pleasure.  I beg for you to let me, but you must punish me for asking.  Since pain excites me, you lay next to me on the bed, put your arms around me and hold me. FUCK, I hate cuddling.


I knew you had been watching me for a long time. You call my house constantly and hang up the phone. All times of the day and night. You send me letters with no return address and the handwriting is scrawled like a maniac. The police haven’t done shit to help me, and I walk around scared all the time. Last week, there was even a note on my car. It said you were watching. I had no doubt that you were.

I got an alarm system for my house, and started carrying pepper spray. Everywhere I went, I checked behind me to see if you were there. I rarely went anywhere at night because the dark just seemed more scary, knowing you could be lurking anywhere. You emailed me pictures of myself from everywhere – the grocery store, the park when I jog, and it was never ending. You had me acting like a scared little mouse, just waiting for the cat to pounce.

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Last night I had to go visit a friend at the hospital. I was there much longer than I thought I would be and I had to walk back to my car alone in the dark. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. The parking lot was quiet, and I just kept thinking about you and if you were watching me. I was almost to my car and remembered my pepper spray was in my purse. As I went to reach for it, you came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I could smell sweat and leather and you had a grip on me that I couldn’t break free of.

You shoved me against my car, ripping my blouse open, and I could feel my tits against the outside of the cold window. You had been there waiting all along. Your months of patience had finally paid off. You had me alone, and in the dark, and now I would become your prey. As I felt your cock enter my pussy, and your hands go around my throat, I knew that I wouldn’t make it out alive. You tightened your grip, and the last thing I remember is feeling your hot cum shoot inside of me… then it all went black.

Fuckpig Slaughter

There they were, hanging from the pipes in the ceiling like fuckpigs waiting to be slaughtered. I had seen it before. I knew what was coming. I sat quietly in my cell, no chains needed anymore, you knew I wasn’t about to try to escape. These stupid girls were about to find out what happens when someone tries. I watched you across the room, sharpening your blade. The sound of it scraping metal on metal against the sharpener made my teeth chatter.

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The girls were hogtied and swinging back and forth as they tried to scream. Every once in awhile they caught a glimpse of you preparing the blade. I could see the pure terror in their eyes. I knew you loved seeing it too. They still had that glimmer of hope, hell, some of them you hadn’t even tortured yet. They were hoping you were just trying to scare them. Little did they know, you were only keeping the ones, like me, too scared to try to leave. I watched as you approached them. Their naked bodies hanging at face level to yours.

The blade picked up the glow of the only lights in basement. The first girl began screaming as you sank the blade straight into her throat. Her scream was caught off like someone turning off a radio. Blood spurted out in an arc about 5 feet from where she hung. I saw another of them faint. That wouldn’t save her either. You would wake her up for her turn. You loved practicing your techniques, and you were using your favorite blade. You raised it to the second girl and stuck it straight up through her back. With one swift yank upwards, her guts spilled onto the floor. She never made a sound, and those are the ones that scared me the most. I continued to watch as you slaughtered the fuckpig whores, one by one, and curled up in my dirt bed, promising myself I would never disobey you.

Your Blade

You always make me strip in front of you. The camera rolling as usual, Sir. You and your snuff movie fetish has become an unquenchable addiction, and I am the only girl who can handle the pain. Not only can I handle it, I long for it. You bought a new knife. I see it gleaming from the bedside table. Its short but sharp, and looks like it could gut a deer in a matter of moments. I knew it was a new gift for me, and would be used to spill my insides for your camera.

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You never cut me yourself – you make me do it.  You make me mutilate my own body. You tell me I should be ashamed of how beautiful men think I am and that I need to deform myself so that men stop staring. I know you are right, and I ask your permission to pick up the knife. Of course you make me beg, and I do, because I need the pain.  I take the blade and follow your instructions to pierce my nipples, one at a time, slowly so they bleed down my bare stomach.

You look on calmly, cock rising with every poke of the blade into my tender breasts.  The pain sears through me like fire as the blade slices right under my nipple and severs all the womanly glands inside. I start to sweat from the pain and my heart races like a little bunny, knowing I am nothing but a toy to you. Then I take the blade to my other nipple, and do the same. They hang there, a bloody mess, and you begin to stroke your cock. I stick my chest out to show the camera and I know you are proud of me.

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I withdraw the blade and you point to my pussy and I know what I have to do. I take it down between my legs and begin to stick it straight up my pussy. You smile, and I love it. It is so sharp, it slices both sides of my tight cunt as it enters and and fresh red blood pours down my legs onto the floor. I fuck myself with the knife, and each stroke makes me more and more dizzy with pain and ecstasy. I pull it forward and cut my clit in two. Blood spurts out onto your leg, and you laugh – the video has captured it all. It won’t be long before my vision starts to blur… and we still have so much to do….   

Frat to Kill Part III

violent phone sex langleyI was aching from the glass in my back and my legs were tied so strongly together that I couldn’t bear any weight on my legs when I was dragged down a flight of stairs. Pushing me over into a corner, the hood came off my head and I saw my date struggling to stand. A rope was placed around our necks and we were forced to stand on wooden blocks on the arches of heels. The glass that was forced so heavily in my pussy was making me turn red and oozing down in steady streams. My heated fleshed was burning from my tits being cut by a knife. I sniffled thinking of the things that he had did in the car.

While the car was in motion he had poked a dagger into my tits and was poking holes in with the glass. My lips and mouth were duck taped but that didn’t stop him from using the glass to cut shears into my pussy and yank my hair out with the shiny blade. Smelling my hair and placing it in his pocket, he continued cutting my tits and causing the blood to run deep almost purplish on the blade.
I knew I was going to die but I just didn’t know when. As the rope was tightened I felt the twist of a knife hitting my inner rectum causing me to release shit all over. Picking it up my head was pulled back and my mouth opened to taste it. The smell hit my nostrils and caused me to gag and try to vomit but I was pushed back up and lay in waiting for the next thing to come….

Blood Lust

I’ve waited here all day, just like you asked me to. I haven’t been able to keep my hands off my tight, wet pussy, anticipating our time together tonight. You finally let me in your bedroom. You finally trusted me enough to allow me to roam the house while you are gone. I won’t let you down. My whole body aches for the abuse you give me with those strong hands of yours. I grabbed knives from the kitchen and put them on the bedside table. Anything to please you, Sir.

I hear you come in downstairs and make your way up to your room. I am waiting, my soft skin splayed out for you, the only marks are the previous scars you have left. the ones that show me how much you need me. You walk up to me and see the knives out of the corner of your eye. You whisper, “Good girl…” and reach for one. I hold your stare, something I know I am forbidden to do, but I can’t help myself. You take the blade and place it below my nipple. The point indents my tiny breast, and as you press harder, the blood starts to flow. The pain races through me, but I don;t move or scream.

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You cut deeper, and I see your cock rising inside of your pants. If only I could have that cock. All the blood I have given you and you still keep it from my tight virgin pussy. The knife goes deeper, and I have to catch my breath. You begin to undo your pants with your other hand, and let your huge cock come out of your pants. You bring it close to my face, and let me feel the smooth hard sides with my cheek. I want to reach my tongue out, but I know you would turn on me and probably cut my tongue right off. Your temper is as predictable as your blood lust.

The blade goes all the way thru my breast, and you look away from my eyes – down at the blood. I’ve lost my chance once again. My chance at that gorgeous cock. All you want is my blood, and as you reach down and run your hand through the bright red liquid pumping from my chest, you cum so hard that it hits my legs. Watching you in such pleasure while I am in so much pain is what I want. And I know thats all you want too. I am just a pathetic little pain slut, and I will never be worthy of that sword you keep to yourself.

A night of snuff porn was all I needed

snuff pornAn acquaintance of mine came by yesterday, he had a movie he wanted to watch with me and it turned out to be the hottest snuff porn I have ever seen! It started with this girl, she looked innocent enough and even though she was clearly old enough to have been fucked before, I was pretty sure she was still a virgin. She looked terrified and when the man came in the room she tried to flee but she was chained to the bed so all she could do was trip herself. Stupid whore hit the floor hard enough that she actually knocked herself out! It was hysterical but my laughter soon changed to straight up lust when he picked up her unconscious body and threw her down on the bed. I knew that shit was about to get rough and I was definitely not disappointed because the first thing he did was slap her awake. Then he shoved his cock down her throat and brutally fucked her face, stupid whore was choking and gasping for air but he never slowed down, he fucked her throat until she puked. He was disgusted by the mess she made so he punished her harshly by beating the fuck out of her, just watching him beat her turned me on so much I had to finger this juicy pussy! The best part though was when he finally killed the worthless little tramp, he was fucking her pussy and had his hands wrapped around her throat, she was turning all kinds of pretty colors and when she died I came harder than I have ever came before! What a great movie, I can’t wait to make my own!

You Got Me

You pulled the mask off my face and I couldn’t believe it was you. You of all people had me tied up? I trusted you. I had called you for help when that man was following me. It was you the whole time? That is crazy. How could I not have known? Why are you so angry? I never ignored you. Ouch! What the fuck is wrong with you?? Get away from me! I am sorry… please let me go.. you’re actually starting to scare me.

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You grab my tit and squeeze so hard I scream. You are not the nice man I thought you were – you are the monster I have been terrified of for weeks. Your hands are all over my nearly naked body. I am tied up so I can’t get away from your rough fondling and the feel of your mouth and tongue on my neck, licking and kissing me. I am squirming and screaming, but that just seems to make your cock harder.

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I continue to beg and try to bargain with you. But you tell me that I belong to you now and that you are going to fuck my tight pussy. I can tell you have been planning this for awhile. The ropes are perfectly tied, and I am wearing panties that I didn’t own this morning. Then I realize that since you removed the facemask, you don’t care that I see who you are. What does that mean? My heart races knowing that means you don’t give a fuck if I know.

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You grab me harder and begin fingering my pussy. I try to kick you, but I am powerless against you and the ropes. I am a mouse caught in a trap. Helpless and scared – just the way you wanted me. Your cock is raging hard, and you spread my legs easily as you ram it deep inside me without any hesitation. It feels like you’re splitting me in two, and I can’t pull back. My pussy is on fire from tearing at the edges from you pounding my tiny cunt so hard. All I keep thinking of is that its you. The guy I trusted the most. I was wrong, and now you’re going to ravage my body. I can’t help but think… what about my life?