Tag: snuff porn

Movie Night

Snuff MoviesI think each and every one of us have a favorite all time movie.  Mine is a bit more…brutal than most.  My favorite film of all time is one that is entitled “A Serbian Film”, some of you may have seen it, and if not then perhaps you should.  This is about as close as you can come to having a movie about brutal, violent, gory, tortuous, vile sex that you can get.  It’s my go to snuff movie for inspiration.  This movie also has the distinction of being banned in not one, but four countries. 

There is so much depravity in this film that I come away from watching it feeling almost giddy.  I have never been full on giddy in my life, so that should tell you how much this movie is fucked up.  There is a plot to this movie, albeit stupid, but a plot none the less.  Just like you do not watch regular porn for the story line, you do not have to watch this one for a story line either.  The way it is shot is visually assaulting.  Beautiful, simply beautiful.

The next time you have your lady of choice over for a romantic evening.  Pop in this movie in the Blu-ray, and perhaps you can try to outdo the scenes in the movie.  I will leave you with my favorite line from the movie and it comes at the very end when one of the men filming the whole thing unzips his pants and heads toward three dead bodies, as he is doing so  the director says, “Start with the little one!”

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Violent Phone Sex

The Gift

You dressed me up in lingerie and let me put on some makeup – just enough to make me look pretty and cover the bruises on my face. You kept looking at me like something was missing. You kept mumbling under your breath about a special night for your friend, Matt. My head was spinning as you sprayed perfume all over my body. Then you grabbed me by the cheeks and put your angry face right up to mine. You told me I would do as you tell me to and that tonight I was to be a gift for a friend of yours.
A gift? You let go of my face and continued to stare at me like you were puzzled. Then I saw a lightbulb go off behind your eyes and you went to the drawer and pulled out some ribbon. You came back to me and tied it around my neck – in a beautiful bow. You smiled, pleased at yourself for making me the perfect “gift”. You told me to put my heels on and get in the bed to wait for Matt. I always do as I am told, so I climbed up on the bed and laid back, dressed and ready for whatever came next.

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You opened the door, and in came a boy, so young I thought. You hugged him and told him Happy Birthday. He glanced over at me on the bed and his grin became evil. Suddenly he didn’t look so innocent anymore. You told me that today is Matt’s 18th birthday and that I am his present. Matt will be my Master tonight, and I could see his cock grow in his pants. You stepped aside and Matt climbed on top of me in the bed. His hard cock brushed my legs as he immediately spread my legs and began fingering me with fury.
You stood and watched as Matt fucked me mercilessly for hours. He was young, but ruthless with his hands and cock. He fucked me raw in my ass and pussy and came all over my face. My makeup was ruined, and my lingerie ripped to shreds by the time he was finished. The only thing left intact was the pretty bow around my neck. Matt thanked you and left the room. You climbed on top of my cum soaked body, and grabbed ahold of the ribbon. You began to pull it tight and I couldn’t breathe. Your use for me was over, and as my vision blurred and I choked for air, the last thing I ever saw was that evil grin of yours.  

Women Wanted for Snuff Porn: Be Prepared to Die

snuff porn mommy tortureMy master instructed me to get three of my prettiest girlfriends together and come to his warehouse for a special party. I was so excited because normally I am alone in his warehouse being beaten and humiliated, not partying with my besties. I should have known better. Master is not a benevolent sort. As soon as I arrived, we were all shoved in cages. Master had a female accomplice this time. The warehouse was set up with camera equipment, this was a first.

I looked at my friends, apologized. I had no idea what was in store for us. “Snuff porn,” master said.  I brought my girlfriends to their death I feared. I screamed, yelled, pleaded for their mercy. But one by one, he plucked them from their cages and forced me to watch as he killed my friends. Tortured, mutilated and snuffed out, the only female friends I had.

Sandy was first. A sweet innocent soccer mom. Unlike me, she never fucked her offspring. She was a bored trophy wife who thought we were going dancing and drinking. And now she was tied to chair being fucked by a big sharp knife. The knife slid in and out of her pussy, shredding her vaginal wall. Blood poured out between her legs. She was screaming in pain. Master put the knife in her ass, she screamed even more. His accomplice was filming her being gutted. I was screaming for her. Master didn’t care. He wanted it real. There was nothing more real than her pain, her tears, her blood, her death. He shoved the knife in her face, killing her.

snuff porn bloody sexCindy got strapped down to a table and cut a thousand times. Shoved a knife in her stomach, split her open like an animal. Her insides spilled out on the table. I threw up at the sight. I brought my friend to her death. I brought them all to their death. She died looking at me. Joy was the last pulled from her cage. Master put her in a box, slit her throat  and filmed her bleeding out. He completely drained her while the camera caught the life literally running out of her. He then jacked off on her bloody, lifeless tits.

I thought I was the next to die. I was not so lucky. Master has other plans for me. I am to bring him girls for his snuff porn films. Every week I bring him at least one girl to kill and I get to live. A lot of women are going to die because of me. Better them than me.

Snuff Porn Addiction

Snuff porn can become an addiction and a rather jading experience. There was a guy I knew that had to have his partners body cold in order to even get it up. It helps if she was pale and frail and he could really feel like he was fucking the dead.

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One night we were hanging out and partying with a few others and this guy wanted to go down to the cemetery. Not normally a big deal, except I knew him well enough. He gets this urge to try drugging a girl up and wants to do a snuff porn with her unconscious. In fact he would strangle her while pounding her ass, or one time he wanted to cut a slit in the chicks gut so he’d have a new hole to violate.

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This dude was way out there sometimes. Once we were getting super wasted and I actually went out and grabbed a crack ho off the streets for him. I lured her in and actually started torturing her on camera for this dude. I swear he thought he was in love with me, but I showed him. The snuff porn ended with his life slowly burning out like a candle’s flame.

snuff porn

The Devil Inside

The drugs were beginning to wear off, and as my vision started to clear and my hearing return, I began to feel their hands all over me. My head was spinning, and I ached all over, especially between my legs. I sensed at least two men groping my body and grabbing my tits so hard that I could feel sharp pain even in my altered state. I began to moan in agony, and their grip got harder on my naked body. I had no idea where I was or how I got there.

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I tried to focus and understand what was going on, and I reached my hands out trying to feel my surroundings. Yes, there were two men. I could feel their hot breath on my neck and chest. They were fondling my breasts and one has his hand down between my legs rubbing my raw pussy. It felt like fire as he kept grinding his fingers up inside me. It felt as if I had been fucked for hours already. They must have been fucking me while I was asleep.
I felt like I was outside of my body looking down, and I began to see them more clearly. They were very strong, and I was their plaything. Their cocks were hard as rocks and one of them even had blood on him. Judging from the fire between my legs, I knew the blood had come from there. My pussy ached and throbbed and felt so swollen that it could burst. My awakening had aroused them again, and they placed my reaching hands on their hard cocks. I saw one of their faces, and began to remember.

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He was the man from the party. The one who had been wearing the devil mask, and whispering in my ear that he was going to make me his satanic slave whore. His tongue had felt amazing on my neck, and I had let him grab my body in front of everyone that was watching. I don’t remember anything after that. I am certain he must have drugged me and brought me here. How long had him and this other man been taking my body? I have no idea, and before I could try to piece any more memories together, they put me on my hands an knees and made me take their cocks again.

Torture sex is the only sex I like

torture sexI have a mean streak, I may as well admit that right up front because it definitely shows itself in everything that I do. I truly enjoy watching people suffer unimaginable pain, I love to see the agony in their eyes as I torture them slowly and unmercifully end their pathetic lives. These whores are worthless garbage, they exist only to pleasure us with their screams of agony until they breathe their last breath. I want them to suffer as I break their bones and slice their skin. I want to be covered in their blood, absolutely drenched in it from head to toe! After all, everything is more fun when it’s messy isn’t it? I will never be some boring vanilla sex loving bitch so if that’s what you’re looking for you should move on to the next bitch. But if you are a sick sadistic son of a bitch like me, we’ll get along just fine…

Snuff Porn Sends Geneva to Her Grave

The day was just another day as I followed my usual routine, and headed out on my run. Usual route and a normal day, except for what follows.

Snuff Porn Geneva 00

I stopped to answer a text and do some stretches before continuing on my run. As I was kneeling down to fix my shoe laces a shadow fell over me. I quickly stood to find a large statured man standing over me. I tried pardoning myself and getting by this man as he grabbed my arm. Alarmed I tried yanking away and he pulled a gun on me. As I froze I could barely breath and I’m certain the color left my face.

Lured into a dark SUV with tinted windows I was shoved in the backseat. I was then blind folded and my wrists and ankles were bound. I was then given something to drink which knocked me out. The driver was already pulling out into traffic as I fought to keep from passing out.

snuff porn Geneva grave 0

The whole time I was out they drug me into an old farm house where I was beaten, and fucked to near death. I was completely knocked out so had no recollection of what happened to me. I just know I was sore, bruised, bloody and my ass and cunt ached. I was in so much pain I wished they had killed me. My pussy and asshole were stretched ass gaping and filled with cum.

Snuff Porn

When I came to I found myself in a large dirt hole, a shallow grave and started screaming. I was still bound and couldn’t move. I could barely talk or breathe and don’t know how I mustered up the ability to call out and eventually someone found me. Later I received a copy of the snuff porn that was made that day and I nearly orgasmed right then.

Bed Time Nightmares With Reagan * Chapter One: The Torture Sex Snuff Studio

Torture Sex Reagan She had no idea the Torture Sex snuff house was the location of her newest nightmare. “$2,500 is paid after film is completed. Room and board provided for the week of production. Meals included and transportation is provided throughout your time here at the house.” Shaking his hand she thought it seemed like a good deal. She only had to endure a week of the actual filming. Something she, and probably 99% of the woman in this world, had always said they would never do. But never say never. She then wondered about how the porn industry flourishes during these times, when almost all of America seems to be having economical hardships. How many woman did this industry soak up? She shrugged it off and was more than ready to start this week. She was ready for it to be next Saturday for sure. That day she would be walking out of this house, cash in hand.. and hoping for at least 15% of her self respect and dignity left. She would never see that day.Torture Sex Reagan

Her first day she was told to meet downstairs in the common room. This was more like a living room, but since this was once a boarding house, it was the common place of the renters. She almost felt comfortable in this room. Something would not let her completely relax, she just assumed it was the day ahead and what she was preparing to do. He joined her within a few moments and re introduced himself as Collin.

When she entered the basement she noticed it was bare. This was odd, and her brain immediately started to try to make sense of it. Should there not be a film crew down here? Before she could connect any reason as to why she was not on the set of a pornography film, but in the basement of a house where no one was aware of her location, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. The world went black.

Sense of smell entered her mind first.. damp, metallic, and sour. Hearing flooded her brain.. feet shuffling, several male voices where she was able to make out the few words “rape, torture, snuff film”. Still unable to move and not sure if it was the bindings she was beginning to be aware of, or her being half unconscious. Fearful to open her eyes, she was not sure of when that was available.Torture Sex Reagan

For the next few days her world turned to horrifying pain. She lived longer then most. Endured gang bang after bloody gang bang. Her flesh torn off of her body inch by inch. With each cock she was forced to pleasure they slowly peeled a token off of her tortured body. Some stuffed her ass with her own skin chunks while others ate them as they dumped their cum all over her gaping wounds. And a time or two was forced to eat her own bloody chunks. Machines were hooked to her in various places to deliver electric shock during her violation. At one point, her captors used a needle and thread to close her cunt and ass, only to rip through her flesh with spiked rubber cocks. In the end, Collin reappeared to costar in her last scene. As he entered her mutilated and gaping hole with a baseball bat, one last slice opened her gut. As her insides leaked onto the floor he was pushing them throughout with that wooden bat. Empty, bloody, and now snuffed, he coated her face with his sticky seed. And just in time to check in the next fuck pig.


Lets Play!

Teen phone sex BlazeIt’s time to play the game! I love babysitting these little whores. They have no idea. They run around like I am their servant. They think that the world revolves around them. After all that is what their parents have taught them. But not me. I know what the future holds for them. I  give them a little sip of a special drink to get them in the mood. And then a call to all my P* cock friends who want to have a little fun. Those little sluts will NEVER be the same again. And I can’t wait to WATCH every pounding moment of it. I make sure to set up my video camera so I can relive it over and over again. The guys can’t wait to get started. They want to rip the clothes off the sluts. And slam their cocks down the little whores throats. I had to play with my pussy while I watched as those big hard cocks borrowed their way into those tiny little holes! It was pure heaven. And seeing those big cocks explode pushes me to cum so hard. I do love my job!

You Lied to Me

I should have known that you were too eager to hire me to house sit while you were out of town. My folks told me that you were leaving town for three weeks and I could make a hundred bucks just by bringing in your mail and watering your plants once a day. I didn’t want to be rude and not accept the offer, so I said okay. I met you at your place to get the key and just the way you were looking at me gave me the creeps. You didn’t have any qualms about looking me up and down, and brushing my hand a little too long when handing me the key.

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The next day, when you had supposedly left for your trip, I headed over to water the plants. I let myself in and locked the door behind me. I had the weirdest feeling and the hairs on the back of my neck was standing on end. I kept telling myself I was being silly, but I didn’t feel like I was alone. I went to the kitchen to fill up the pitcher, and i could have sworn I heard a noise in the living room. I stopped to listen, but heard nothing else. I made my way back into the living room to the plants and began to water them.

Just then, you came up behind me and put your hand over my mouth and wrestled me to the floor. You had never left – it was all a ruse to get me here alone. You overpowered me and there was nothing I could do. You kept saying things like this is what I get for walking around the neighborhood like a little tramp and that you were going to show me what happens to dirty cum whores like me. Before I knew it, you had me hog-tied and gagged on your couch and were jerking off above me.

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The things you were saying told me that you had been watching me for a long time. You had finally decided to make a move and I knew instinctively that you were going to hurt me. What scared me even more was that you never once mentioned me not telling anyone. I began to wonder if you were going to snuff me out. You began running your hands all over my naked body, and I cringed at your perverse touch. Your skin felt so rough against mine and your cock was dripping with cum as if it were drooling.

You knew my parents wouldn’t be looking for me, and that you had all afternoon to ravage my body. You did just that. You put your hard cock in all of my holes and never stopped berating me with your words. After hours of being fucked brutally and told what a little teasing whore I was, I began to believe it and my pussy responded by cumming all over your hard cock. Who knew that you, the neighbor who always gave me the creeps, would be the best fuck I ever had?