Tag: snuff porn

Keeping my new year right on track

snuff sexSo if you haven’t already heard my new year’s resolution was not to stop kidnapping, torturing, forcing and killing – but to rather do it more often to better get a grip on my constantly growing anger and to fulfill practically the only thing that turns me on… What can I say I want what I want and I always make it happen. But I don’t quite like to do it alone. I like to be needed and helpful; I love to be the perfect accomplice and capture the ideal victim to have our way with. What are you into? Young and innocent? Or maybe a whore who deserves this shit and will probably secretly love it till we snuff her out? I personally have no preference, as long as I get to see the scared look on their face as I tie them up naked and as I hold my knife to their throat when they struggle. I don’t care as long as by the time we are done with them, they are begging to be fucked and telling us they will do anything we want them to do. This always makes me laugh, breaking them to this point, making them our little sex slave and into filthy little whores, begging to be fucked in order to save their life. They never quite get that they won’t be making it home ever again and that we are the last people they will see as the life fades from their eyes. And how creative I can be as I kill them in the most painful ways I can think of, in the bloodiest fashion. But not before we have our fun of course. She’ll be pleading for you to fuck her ass in no time – then begging to taste her ass and your cum once you’re done. She’ll love chocking on your dick after rubbing it all over her bloody cunt. I can’t wait to get started, so what are you waiting for?

Snuff Sex: A Lover Scorned

Why can’t people just let it go, move on, ya know and stop dwelling on it. My ex just can’t seem to get over it, I dumped his ass when I found some shit out about him. Now ever since he is either stalking me or pranking my phone sending me creepy gifts. Just the other day I came home to a little fabric doll with blonde hair and a picture of my face glued to it. The super creepy part was the red line around it’s neck and red marker down it’s inner legs.

The doll was dismissed as him trying to totally creep me out. I toss it aside on the table as I step into my bedroom someone grabs me and jams his hand against my mouth to keep me quiet. The whole struggle he had his cock out and raging hard pressing against me as he pushes my skirt up. He shoves it inside me pulling me closer as he thrusts in me holding a knife to my neck. “You missed missed this cock haven’t you bitch?” He moves me to the bed where he pushes me face down as he pulls out of my cunt and I feel his mushroom head push against my ass. “I’m going to love this, you never let me take that sweet ass, no matter how good I fucked your cunt and made you cum you still wouldn’t grant me access”. 

Snuff Sex

He thrust into my ass as I tried screaming he shoved a pillow on my head pushing my face into the bed. He started pounding my ass as he took what he wanted so badly. He dreamt of hitting that ass, too bad she had to be such a cunt to him. As he thrust deeper in my ass he pushed the pillow on me harder, I couldn’t breathe any longer and he just kept going. As I felt he was about to come he sliced the knife quickly across my neck. He came, pulled out and left.

Snuff Porn

I’m not sure how I survived bleeding out and nearing suffocated to death…

There can be only one…

snuff phone sexThere can only be one. One leader, one bad girl, one girl that all the boys want. But it’s clear this ho didn’t get the picture. So I had to get rid of her… but there’s more to this story then you think. You see she thought that she would just come up into my group of friends and start flirting with my little boy toy – well I call him my best friend but we all know he is madly in love with me. Point is he is MINE and I attempted to make that clear. I suppose her bubbly little attitude attracted everyone, because they started wanting to do what she wanted to do and I began to see her getting closer with MY best friend, my lil boy toy. I took her for a drive, figured if I told this bitch to back the fuck up she would – instead she told me she would do no such thing, so I punched her right in the fucking face! This bitch tried to hit me back she hit my nose hard making it bleed but after that I just saw red and all of a sudden the bitch was almost dead – but I wanted her to die slowly so I stopped choking her out. I decided to take her into the woods to cut her slowly until she bleeds to death… it didn’t take long before the stupid cunt was begging for her life. I smeared her blood all over her body, even made her taste it as she slowly started to fade out of consciousness. With as much blood as I had made I’m surprised she didn’t die quicker… I wasn’t done though. I cut off her pretty little head and burned it next to her red body…there was nothing left and I’m back to being number one.

Random acts of kindness? Evil is always better!

evil phone sexApparently today is Random Acts of Kindness day, and well, as you know I am not quite the kind-spirited type. In fact, I absolutely cannot stand this entire month that is filled with so much love and kindness and that fucking bullshit. However, I figured why not give it a shot? I can be randomly kind to SOMEONE today, can’t I?! Well that’s what I thought, and I swear I sure did try…but I suppose I am not exactly cut out to be nice. Before I got a chance to do something kind for someone else, this chick ahead of me in line at the store paid for my groceries! Wow, how nice I thought, until she started telling me how I ‘looked like I couldn’t afford it’, and ‘aren’t I lucky she was there to help.’ Seriously this bitch was going on and on about how she was just devoting her life to help those in need and how she knew that because she was so nice to everyone else she was going to heaven to be right by the Lord’s side. But I could feel this bitch judging me as she looked over my revealing outfit and as she walked me to my car and noticed unlike her it wasn’t some 2015 Cadillac. I swear I tried to be nice to this woman – up until she asked me if I ever considered not dressing so slutty and getting a real job. I wanted to rip her fucking head off right then – EXCUSE ME BITCH?! But instead, I had a better idea, so I forced a smile and nodded, telling her if she followed me to my place I would gladly take some pointers from her, and of course this bitch could not help herself! She followed me to my house and I had her on her hands and knees begging to cum in no time – I made her my little pet. I allowed my other pets to fuck her, abuse her and best of all punish her with my most painful devices. She was my favorite pet to humiliate…however I am not kind enough to keep such a revolting bitch alive for too much longer so after a little extra suffering and humiliation she can go see if the Lord still wants her by his side hahahaha!

Paying it Forward with Venus: Practicing Random Acts of Kindness

torture phone sex evil sadisticToday is Random Acts of Kindness Day, actually it is for the whole week. I decided to pay it forward, help those in need. First random act: help a poor Catholic school girl with her religious education.  She called me a freak, so clearly she has forgotten her Bible verses like do onto others. I love tutoring and being a mentor. I think teaching is one of the truly selfless professions. I sat down with this particular school girl and assisted her with her Catechisms. As she recited them, I fucked her tight little virgin cunnie with a cross while I recited the Lord’s Prayer. She needed reminded how much Jesus loved her. Blood squirted out her pink pussy, but I held her down and kept fucking her whore twat until she said knew her catechisms by heart.  Her devotion to God was overwhelming. We all stray off the path of righteousness every now and then. Perhaps I missed my calling. I’d make a hell of a Sunday School teacher.

bloody phone sex sadisticSecond random act: assisted suicide of two very ill girls. They suffered from narcissistic asshole syndrome. Folks who can aid the weak and feeble minded end their worthless lives are so very courageous.  Saints actually. I am no saint, but I can recognize a cry for help when I see one. So when these two  young twats started spewing  obscenities and hate towards me over a parking space at the mall, I knew they clearly wanted to die.  I followed them back to their home, forced myself in, and slit their wrists  with a razor blade. They were obviously too sick to live, and too weak to kill themselves. I channeled Dr. Kevorkian, cut deep enough to hit an artery, and let them bleed out peacefully in their bathtub as to not leave  a mess for their family.  Thank goodness for answered prayers and random acts of kindness.

snuff phone sex bloody sexThird random act: assist an old man getting rid of the source of much turmoil in his life. Some of us have trouble getting rid of the negative energy in our lives. Trouble letting go of someone or something we love very much, but is simply no good for us.  I helped this man recognize how much better his life could be without the evil that resided between his legs. You see he was born with a demon instead of a penis. This demon made him do very bad things to women and little boys, even animals. He lacked the strength, like many do, to part ways with the negative force in his life, so I helped him.  I sat him down and had a come to Jesus talk with him about the nasty, troublesome appendage in his life. Then, I hacked his penis right off, and fed it to his dog.  Blood spurted out all over the wall and floor, but that is a small price to pay for a new beginning. He will clearly be a better person without the this negative force in his life. And, I feel so much better having been able to help him become a better man. As Sir Paul wrote, “We get by with a little help from our friends.”

Blasphemy phone sex virgin sexLife is just too short not to help those in need. I am not Mother Theresa, but I recognize a cry for help when I see one. I’m just so glad my parents  raised me with a do onto others attitude in life, otherwise so many more poor souls would be lost. How can I help you become a better person?

Torture Sex: Clowning Around

Torture Sex

Torture sex just beckons me and today was no different. A simple stroll can be the stroll of a lifetime. But something tells me it could be the stroll of death. I guess we’ll find out, won’t we? 

Torture Sex

Strolling through the park with my earbuds in so I was not paying attention to my surroundings. This little simple mistake made my day take a turn for the worst. I suddenly felt a hand over my mouth and something on my neck used to pull me into a van. Fighting and feeling like my neck would break I struggled but to no avail as I started losing strength. I felt my eyes get heavy…

Awake, unaware exactly what happened or where I was I tried looking around. My body was completely restrained and there were colorful lights all around me. I heard circus music playing the really demented circus music that left me with shivers up my spine.

Suddenly in came three clowns, these clowns did not look normal. These were the creepiest clowns I have ever seen and their laughing was creepier as I noticed a butcher knife in one of the clowns hands dripping with blood.

Restrained I tried screaming but that amused the evil clowns even more. The three of them were standing over me and I suddenly realized I was stripped naked and my entire body ached. My cunt felt like it had been fucked raw, and my breasts were bruised.

Then the clown spoke, it was a deep creepy voice as I mentioned I have been sufficiently tenderized. I noticed just then that I was covered in olive oil and felt like my cunt was stuffed with carrots. Another realization came about, I think I was about to be butchered and my body parts were going to be tossed in the cauldron on the fire in the middle of the room.

It’s that time again!

rape phone sex fantasiesYay! It’s that time again! Time to break out the duct tape and go on the search for my newest victim. I plan on driving by the catholic school down the road to scope out any potential whores. It will soon be one girl’s unfortunate day when she gets scooped into my car for a couple days of fun that won’t end in her favor as much as she might pray and beg that it will. It’s never hard to find the right girl at those schools, they are so easy to lure over when they are waiting all alone for their ride, when I make myself look like such a sweet woman asking for some directions. I always like to bring her home to whatever man is in need of my assistance that week, I know I’m the ultimate accomplice. I always take videos of her losing her virginity and then having to suck his dick with her very own blood and juices on it. These little wanna be good girls always think that they are something special because they take sooo much longer to submit than the other little whores I pick up, but in no time I will have them begging for more. My favorite thing to make them say is “I’m your little school girl slut.” I make them tell me over and over again how much they loved to be fucked and how they are truly just a slut. They hate it when I make then do that, tears running down their face, wrists tied tightly, cum all over her hair and body. I think it’s the perfect picture. Now what I really need is someone to share in the fun, and I’m wondering, is that you?

My precious memories

snuff sexWhat kind of sick, evil bitch would I be if I didn’t keep a momentum or two from my favorite little…adventures? Truthfully, I always keep a trophy from each and every little whore I dominate then ruin. It’s not always the same thing, it can be something as insignificant as a bracelet or necklace to a piece of their pee/cum/blood and tear covered hair. Sometimes if I really like what the stupid bitch was wearing I’ll keep that and actually wear it occasionally, especially when I want to relive the moments that led up to the end of this particular slut’s time. But of course I only do that when I’m feeling extra deviant. I have a special jewelry box for everything I take from those girls who once thought they were on top of the world and now are only remembered when I need something new to wear. As far as their hair goes, I have multiple scrapbooks for those. That has to be kept hidden well, because there is sooo much evidence in those books I could get in a lot of trouble! But I won’t ever get caught. I’ll continue to take out those books late at night and rub my pussy till I cum as I remember the last look on their face as they faded away. I almost forgot… my favorite little trophy to keep is as simple as a picture I take and print out on my printer. I of course have more than others, I love to capture their most terrifying moments those turn me on the most. I think it’s about time I got myself another trophy…wanna help?

Family Dinner

violent phone sexIt started off as such a pleasant dinner, until my friend’s daughter decided to get all sassy with me. I suppose she had no idea who she was talking to, and I quickly showed her that no one talks to me that way. My friend and husband knew exactly what I was going to do, as they saw me tightly gripping the carving knife. What’s some blood with our ham, I thought. Right before of course I slit that little whore’s throat right there in my formal dining room. No one even flinched or said a word, this was how most events go with my family, my husband sighed and moved the girl out of his way on his way to get seconds of the delicious dinner I had cooked. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself; my family knows what a short temper I have and how I (regularly) like to take it out on ‘unsuspecting’ girls. May they be my newest neighbor or the girl who cut me off on the highway earlier. I always get my revenge. And then I do something some might deem as ‘worse’… but it’s my very favorite part of this entire process and I couldn’t go even two days without my lips tasting the pussy of a very cold and lifeless girl. I love the power I get watching her life drain out of her eyes, it turns me on so much I always have to excuse myself to take care of business with my latest victim. Sure I like the ones who struggle and beg too, but the quiet ones are when I get the most pleasure. I have the power, I control them, and there is not a damn thing they can or will do about it! Wanna hear all the dirty details to how my dinners go normally? I’m not afraid to share…

Blasphemy Phone Sex w/ Dusty

Blasphemy Phone Sex is something that gets juices flowing for all involved. This is one reason why I love worship nights, as sometimes things get so fucking hot all I can do is scream out blasphemy as the Devil fucks me. He has me screaming and moaning as I am taken by my favorite man. Yes, I worship in the house of Satan, and get baptised by the Devils seed. I dare you to try coming between Satan and I.

blasphemy phone sex

Tonight’s gathering construed of ass rape porn and snuff porn playing on all 13 of the screens. Accented by surround sound speakers blaring out dark chamber music meant for the sacrificial sermon. As I enjoyed time alone with our master of darkness I heard noise on the main flow upstairs. In checking out the commotion I notice a couple of followers hauling in body bags, three of them and they weren’t stuffed with dead folk either.

As I inquire about what was going on the High Priest smiled at me “High Priestess, my sweet, we have a treat for tonight. Here we have -he is unzipping the bags with help from a few followers- a few wonderful specimens for ritual sacrifice. We will have a full house for tonights worship and it will be divine. The three individuals were now laid out in front of me still unconscious, hogtied and gagged.  

blasphemy phone sex dusty 00

Oh look at the sweet virginal girls! Father Satan will be pleased and we will have a wonderful ritual tonight with a full congregation three virgins and plenty cock for a perfect gangbang rape porn ritual of blasphemy and deflowering. It would appear the girls so sweet and innocent looking were actually brought in from a detention facility one of our members work at. Oh this will be a sweet night of Worship and sacrifice to Father Satan.