Tag: Snuff phone sex

Let the Rituals begin

Accomplice Phone Sex Reagan

It was time to begin the rituals again. I opened the letter and the invitation was inside. My stomach turned a little as I remember being the “one” they had on display as a way to recruit new members. But that was long ago, and though at the time I was a frightened weak one.. it is what made me stronger.

I had long ago watched my neighbor take the life of many during intercourse, I was able to remain hidden.. but eventually he caught up to me, asked me if this was a life I wanted to lead. Full of violence, blood, sex, chaos… malice.

I was naive and though true now, at the time I had no idea what I was getting into. Memories flooded me now. I was young, propped up naked on the alter.. watching a room full of men penetrate my cunny with his cock. Feeling them violate me, taking my innocence. One bye one. Some of them I recognized, serious, emotionless. Now many years later, I was in charge of finding a new recruit.

It made me smile to myself as I watched the neighborhood rug rats playing outside. I sat down and started to plan…

I am Going to Die for Being a Snuff Phone Sex Slut

You wake me up again, and we are still in the woods. The sun is setting but I don’t even know if its the same day.  I am naked and there is something carved into my chest. Its upside down but my eyes focus just enough so that I can read it. It says “Snuff Phone Sex Whore” and it goes from my breasts down past my navel, carved and prominent in my own blood. How did you find me? I hear your surley voice call me a stupid bitch, and I recognize it from so many phone calls prior to you finding me.

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You were one of my best clients. Evil, yes, but I had the safety of the phones between us. I dreamed of the things we spoke of because you are so demonic and evil and your power was apparent even then. But now you had me. In real life. Terror doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel. All I can think of are the unspeakable things you and I masturbated to together. All involving cutting me up and snuffing me out. Is that your plan? And if so, which scenario? They raced through my mind, and I frantically tried to remember which one turned you on the most.

You begin punching me again, this time in the face. Every blow sends shock waves through my brain and I can feel my teeth shattering into shards and cutting my tongue. You scream at me and that tells me that we are somewhere that no one would hear me scream. That was always your way in what I thought were only your dark desires. You having me all to yourself, abusing and torturing my body until you own my soul. But I never thought I would cum face to face with you. In the woods, just as we imagined.

You scream at me for talking to other men, for being their snuff phone sex slut, and I try to apologize but you don’t even hear me. You swear to make me pay and with every blow I believe you more. This is how it is really going to end for me. All those dark nightmares, all those bloody orgasms. I was going to pay with my life for being such an evil little bitch.

snuff phone sex taylor1

Force Feeding Me Her Flesh

taboo phone sex stephanie

Oh my god I am so hungry. But I won’t do it. I will not eat her flesh. She was my friend. She was my only friend in this hell you have created for me. I don’t care how long you deprive me of food. I would rather die than become a monster like you. My ribs are showing, I can barely lift my head, but I will never succumb to what your evil mind has concocted as my only way to stay alive.

I watched you torture her. I watched you murder her, and I watched you carve her into your dinner. You packed the rest of her in the freezer in the basement where I am chained and thats when you started starving me. Has it been weeks since I’ve eaten? I have no idea. My world comes in and out of view as I slowly wither away to nothing. I see you’ve defrosted some of her flesh. Is that a breast… yes I believe it is. You put it in my face, I am too weak to turn away. I can smell the blood, almost taste it. But I won’t do it.

You start a fire in the fireplace and put the breast on the spit to roast over the open flame. I watch, aware of the drool pooling beside me on the floor as I smell the meat cooking and my mouth waters beyond my control. You marinade the flesh in blood as you slowly cook it over the fire, I can see the nipple as you turn the meat, and it does look delicious. My brain is turning to mush, and my senses are deceiving me. You tear off a piece and eat it in front of me. The meat and blood being crushed between your yellow teeth.

taboo phone sex stephanie2

My stomach aches and my throat is burning as my mind screams for me to eat. I cannot even vomit, I have nothing left. You place the hot meat on a plate and bring it to me on the floor. You roll my face over into the dish and it smells so fucking wonderful. I hear a voice in my head, a dark and demonic voice, or is it you? It says to eat it or I will die…. I open my mouth, still unsure if its for my first taste of her flesh or for my last breath of life…

And Then He Said “Let There Be Torture”

torture phonesex angieTHESE ARE MY EARLIEST MEMORIES.


In the beginning we were a happy family. Mommy gave birth to me and Daddy was in love with his sweet little Princess. Daddy got so jealous of Mommy giving me all the attention. Every time he looked at her with me he would see red. I was his, he made me. He would sneak in my room at  night and stand over my crib, looking at me with longing, his cock would grow until it ached. He had no choice, he had to pull his cock out and jerk his dick spewing his cum all over my little body, scooping it up with his fingers and feeding my eager young mouth. He would close his eyes and imagine my little mouth sucking the tip of his cock the way it was sucking the tips of his fingers.
One night after fucking Mommy with visions of his Princess in his head, his dark desires came bubbling to the surface. Something in Daddy snapped that night that changed both of our paths in life.
Daddy took me from my crib and showed Mommy how he loved his Princess every night since I was brought home from the hospital.  Her screaming and crying just fueled the fire with in him. She was out of her mind questioning how he could do that to me. How dare she question him? How dare she insist that I was hers and not his?
He bound her to the bed and made me watch as he tortured her. He fucked her until she screamed from the pain and then lifted his knife high in the air. The sparkles from the light were so pretty as they glistened off the blade. And then it came down and sunk into her soft belly. When it came back out it was a bright red the blood dripping down on to her body. Daddy made me lick it before making me watch again as he repeated the process twice more before ramming his hard dick deep inside one of her gaping holes. Ramming harder and faster as he repeated over and over how much he loved me and how I was his Princess, no one else’s, his and all his.
Then Daddy stuck his thumbs in her wounds and ripped her flesh wide open, her eyes grew wide and were staring into space. I know now that was from shock. He picked me up and let me sit in her abdomen as he continues to fuck her, covering me with his cum from inside her cunt.
Finally he grabbed her head by the hair, pulling her head back and exposing her neck to the beautiful blade. In on swift motion he severed her head and held it over my open mouth, urging me to drink her life blood.
From that point on, I never knew which Daddy I would wake up to. One Daddy kept me locked in the dungeon. he loved to torture me for being a whore like my Mommy. he could see her in me. In my eyes, in my features. He hated that slut and wanted to cause her as much pain as he could.
The other Daddy pampered and spoiled me. As long as I was his accomplice, going and getting pretty little things for him and helping him torture them. He would shower me with love and affection and my every desire was met.
Daddy is long gone. But I still have the house and the dungeon and the desire to torture.
Thank You Daddy,
Your Dark Princess~~Angie

Torture phone sex: The Undead

Torture phone sex collage

Live people don’t usually end up on my mortuary table; or, if they do, they never stay that way…  But, this one was different: I began slicing into his skin and he gasped.  His eyes opened wide but he seemed to be paralyzed.  His pulse was weak, but it was there.  Poor bastard must have been drugged or something by his wife.  Well, he was mine now.  The damn unlucky bastard was going to be my treat.  He had an open casket, so I couldn’t leave any obvious marks (which wasn’t really a problem).  But, I was in the mood for something different; and, I was excited by this living fucker on my table. 

I used clothes-line pins to stretch his cock out over the white blanket.  Fuck, he was a hairy mother-fucker!  Then, I took my time, kicking him in the crotch.  I kicked him with my black leather boots until his balls were swollen and purple.  And then, it was time for the final act:  I got out some fish hooks and opened up his pee hole until it was about the size of a dime…then a quarter.  I jammed my scalpel in it and began fisting him with the blade.  Blood was gushing out of his cock.  He was losing so much blood that he was fading into unconsciousness.  The son-of-a-bitch probably was wishing for death at that point.  But, I laughed as he tried to scream; his mouth did not move.  Either he was mute or the poison had rendered him immobilized.  As a finishing touch, I took his bruised and battered cock…and I shoved it up his asshole.  It’s a shame that I couldn’t tell the person who poisoned him what I had done; I think the individual would’ve been pleased.

Slow, Painful, Violent Phone Sex

violent phonesex karmaAll dressed in black. It matches my mood and fits me, don’t you think? I am in a particularly ruthless mood this afternoon. You laugh and say that I can’t get any more fucked up, my cunt growing wet with each violent thought that passes through my head. Culminating into the fruition of my dark, demented thoughts. My orgasms are so much stronger when I am acting out the things that float to the top of my dark and stormy thoughts. Tonight it is going to be exceptionally violent. I want several pretty things and decapitation is what I long for tonight. I want to take them apart slowly. Cutting off the smallest body parts first. Like the nose, ears, lips, and the nipples. I need to take things really slow, cutting where just enough blood is shed to make my cunt ache for more. I need the agonizing tease of blood building and heightening my desire to explode. By the time the last breath escapes the bleeding hole that once was their lips, I will have so much sexual frustration built up that I will erupt, Cum spewing from my cunt in long flowing spurts, my body racked with tremors making it imposable to stand. I will fall into the discarded pile of human flesh that was once beautiful, young and innocent  women. I will lay there convulsing in waves of orgasmic spasms, covered in their blood and flesh. Glorious spasms that  reflect the violent spasms or their last minutes.  I appreciate their sacrifice to satisfy my insatiable desire for blood, pain and lust.

Snuff Phone Sex Slut Must Pray

I have no clue what day of the week it is, you keep my in my cell, away from the world. But today, you came to me and told me it was Sunday, and that it was time for worship. Sunday worship? You? My head was cloudy from starvation and loss of blood, but even still its clear you are not a religious man. You are known to me as only a monster. An evil monster with a lustful taste for blood and cruelty. But who am I to question anything you want? I am a piece of shit, a captive in your dream and my nightmare. I try to speak, to ask, but my tongue has long since been removed – I don’t know how I keep forgetting. And you still get joy out of watching me try to speak. It was my punishment for being a snuff phone sex girl. You tracked me down, and decided to make me your own. I would never speak of snuff again, I would only get to live it. 

You grab me by my arm, whats left of it, and drag me across the floor to another side of the dungeon. The light is different here. Its lit by something blue, its almost too bright for my eyes, as they are so used to the dark and low candlelight. I cannot make out the source of the light, but it illuminates you in a way I have never seen. You are almost…. dare I even think it…. godlike. The shadows the blue light casts down on your face and your body make you look otherworldly. I look down at my own naked body, and my scars appear black instead of the usual purple. You place me on an altar of some kind, my body limp and unable to fight any longer. Laying there, naked and injured, I feel almost beautiful.

I think back to the days before you captured me. I was never happy, and I never felt beautiful. But now, beaten beyond recognition, broken bones, and drained of every human emotion, I suddenly felt desirable. You know there is no need to chain me up, but you do it anyway. I love the feel of the cold chains, and they clank together in such a unique way. Like church bells, yes, church bells. You chain my feet together and my arms spread out to my sides, chained to the alter. The blue light covers my body and I see your eyes glimmer for just a moment as you look me up and down. Then the glimmer is gone, and they are simply cold and black again.

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Your cock is hard, and you tell me its time to pray. I look at you helplessly, not understanding, and not able to ask. You scream at me, “PRAY!” and I shudder, unable to move, unable to determine what you want me to do. To my horror, you grab me by the top of my hair and yank my head forward until my neck snaps and my chin is now resting on my chest. You made me bow my head, in prayer, and I am stuck in this contortion, no longer able to move my head myself. I now have a better view of you, standing over me. You reach for something beside the alter, its a hammer. And something else… what are those? Nails? They are giant nails, over 8 inches long each and you have a handful.

My eyes bulge in horror as you take the first nail and place it right inside my belly button. Without hesitation, you swing the hammer and blast the nail directly through my middle. I hear it thud into the alter as it leaves my backside. You scream at me to pray! I cannot pray, God left me long ago. Fuck him. I glare at you in defiance. Asking me to pray. What a joke. You take another nail and place it on my right nipple. Again you swing the hammer and drive the nail through me and into the alter. I cannot look away, and I cannot scream. You stare me down and growl at me to pray. How can I pray with no hope? You made me disbelieve. You took that from me a long time ago.

You take more nails, pounding each into my body, nailing me to the alter one by one. You avoid my heart, but my blood is dripping everywhere, I can hear it splattering on the floor. All the while screaming at me to pray! Then you stop. I can see you have one nail left. You place it over my left nipple, set to pierce my heart. You tell me this is my last chance to pray. I have no tears to cry, my eyes are dry as sandpaper, but I close them slowly. I shut you out. And I pray. I pray to die, and I pray with every ounce I have left. Then nothing. Silence.  I open my eyes and you are gone. I am laying there nailed to the alter. But there is  nail through my heart. You bastard. You fooled me again. You made me believe you were ready to snuff me, and you made me pray. Never again. You will never fool me again.

All Hallows Eve Is Approaching

snuff phonesex angieFor me it is a tradition to hunt the finest meat I can find for the feast I host on All Hallows Eve each year. I have a huge spit in the yard. My friends and I gather and season the flesh, before we put her plump ass on the spit. We take turns turning the spit insure even cooking and crisp brown skin. I love to decorate the area with all my jars of body parts. Placing them on glass tables with candles burning underneath to light the jars with a faint glow. Everyone brings a sweet victim that we play with and torture, Playing games like who can skin a body fastest. All of us enjoying the screams of terror. I have some special treats in store for my friends this year, Some things we have never done before. I bought an old claw tub at an antique shop yesterday to set out in the yard and I am collecting young girls for the occasion. By the time All Hallows Eve arrives I hope to have at least twenty of them, if not more. I am going to put about two inches of water in the bottom of the tub and super glue a curling iron into their tight little cunts one at a time, plugging it in and watching them writhe in pain until they either pass out or become catatonic. They are going to be the lucky ones. The rest of them are going to be my grand finale. A fireworks display like no other! Yes my human fire works, they will be bound and hung upside down in the trees. Legs spread wide. I will then fill them up with gas and insert as many tampons as I can shove in their cunts twisting the strings together to form a wick. Everyone will light one at the same time and we will watch them explode. I have already done a test run and it was phenomenal. Pieces of flesh flying into the air leaving only the hips and legs hanging from the tree as the rest of the body bursts into flames and explodes. The sensation of watching my carnage is electrifying. It is sure to make for an orgasmic experience for all in attendance. I have no doubt that there will not be a soft cock or dry pussy in the party. Of course I will film the entire evening and present each of my guests with a CD of the evenings events for them to enjoy over and over again at their leisure. No one will soon forget this years festivities. My plans will insure that I have out done myself this year and this party will go down in the record books as one to remember!snuff phonesex bondage

The Hunted…

There I was, running through the woods, my arms, legs and naked body torn to shreds from the brush. I must have been running for hours, I had lost track and my fear was so intense I had no way of telling time. I stopped for a minute, my heart pounding so loud in my head that I couldn’t think straight. What was happening to me? How did I get here? All I remember is waking up on the ground to the sound of a gunshot. I looked up and there were three men standing over me. One of them told me I have ten minutes to run. Were they hunting me? I think they were.

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I must have been drugged, as that’s all I can remember and the entire fog is just now starting to lift. I look down at my body. I have bruises everywhere, and blood dripping from multiple wounds. It appears I may have been whipped.  The pain is hardly noticeable because of the fear welling up inside. I try to calm my breathing so I can listen. I don’t hear anything in the woods around me. Its daylight, so I look around. Nothing. Were they chasing me? Were they able to see me now? What the hell is going on?

A branch cracks somewhere in the distance and I piss down my leg from the fear. My heart races again and I know what prey must feel like when it is being hunted by a lion. I try to listen but I can’t stop my labored breathing. I know I have to keep running. But I can also feel their eyes on me. I know its useless to run. I hear another crack of a branch, this time closer. I decide I have to try to run. I don’t have any sense of direction, but I forge ahead anyway. Or is this the way I came from? Will I end up running right into them?

Kidnapping Phone Sex: A Yummy Treat

Kidnapping phone sex 1c

It wasn’t planned, but it’s always planned!  It should always be planned…I think.  But, I saw her: she was perfect.  Her breasts were real; she was thick in all of the right places; and she was tender (I could sense it!).  It was early morning, and she was just running to her favorite coffee shop, I think.  I needed help.  I called my best friend, who was still sleepy.  But, once I described her…he knew.  He was coming.  Now, all that I needed to do was keep track of her.

She was easy to watch: her hips bouncing, almost, to the beat of this flavor-ful drum that I had in my mind.  It wasn’t jiggly, but it wasn’t too firm.  I thought of someone special when I saw it…I will only say that his name begins with “R.”  He would have loved just watching her move.  But, I was keeping an eye on her while I waited; and, this wasn’t a chore at all.

She was still sleepy-eyed and this was the best.  Maybe she had stayed up late, talking to her girlfriends.  Maybe she was hung-over.  I really didn’t care; but, I would find out later…just because I like to know things, especially lately.  Anyway, she talked to these fake blondes and this guy that was cute (but definitely a steroid-user).  I liked watching them, though; it was like a few dolls that weren’t quite real (but think that they are human).

Kidnapping phone sex 1a

They all, of course, fanned out.  They had other “important” things to do.  “My chick” (and I like calling her that) was walking back to her downtown apartment.  She didn’t even sense or see it: I had put a stick in front of the alleyway.  I helped her up…and then pulled her in.  It’s one of of those gorgeous moves during the daylight; everyone’s either too tired or busy to care.  And, there she was with me.  But, my chloroform worked and she slid nicely into her space behind the back of the SUV.

Kidnapping phone sex 1b

At home, she was so beautiful.  I really have never seen someone so sweetly tied to a chair.  It wasn’t her body; it was her pose.  She knew, just like a deer who had been captured and knew it was going to be gutted.  I had to take pictures.  I am quite obsessive with photographs, really.  And, threw the lens, I kept capturing the moments of her struggle…and then her calm.  And, my friend had appeared, just as I knew that he would.  He was there.  He admired her flesh, her robust flavor (because there was a little bit of blood that had spilled underneath the rope that tied her wrists to the chair).  He was happy; I could tell not from a smile, but from the glow that spread across his lips.  He was hankering for her…he already imagined her in olive oil and spices.  I knew that the night was just beginning.  And, I had this very nice recipe for a pussy-in-an-oyster.