Would You Rather Be Eaten Alive or Eat Someone Alive?

cannibalism phone sex mommey tortureThe last thing I remember was hiking in the woods. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining, the leaves were all sorts of pretty colors and I was enjoying quality time with myself. I woke up dazed, confused and starving. But I was not alone. There was a young couple with me, bound and gagged. I did not know where I was or how I got there. It appeared to be some sort of cabin in the woods. I tried to scope out the situation, figure out what kind of trouble exactly I was in. I never could have imagined the trouble I was in. A man with a mask came out of the darkness. He grabbed me by the hair and forced me to look at the couple tied up on the floor. He said with a sinister tone, “Would you rather be eaten alive or eat some one alive?” What kind of sadistic game was he playing? I looked at him dumbfounded, and simply said “I don’t understand.” He explained to me this was a simple task. A simple game of would you rather. But, it was a game I had to play if I had any hope of surviving. He turned the timer on,  put a gun to my head and  gave me 60 seconds to make my decision.

In a moment of panic I screamed out, “Eat some one alive.” Surely this was a hoax, some sort of prank. He dragged me over to the couple. Made me decide if I wanted female or male flesh. The boy looked like Justin Beiber. I hate Just Beiber, so I screamed out male flesh. I then watched him prepare my live meal. Human sushi he called it. He seasoned the flesh, even tenderized it for me  and buttered the skin. I thought he was going to cook this boy alive, but no. I had to eat him, while still breathing, still looking at me, pleading me to stop, begging me for mercy. This was difficult , but my survival was on the line. I think when we are all pushed, we will do drastic things to stay alive. Even eat an innocent person.

My evil dinner host brought me an array of deadly kitchen cutlery and a big plastic bib to catch the blood, the flesh. This was really happening. I really had to do this. The young guy was shaking, tears running out his eyes. I tried to figure out where to begin. I took a knife and cut off his balls. People eat sheep balls, I could eat human testicles. I heard him scream in pain and watched him horrified as I swallowed his sinewy flesh. It did not taste like chicken. It tasted awful, but I chewed it up good and swallowed, reminding myself that this was just a game. I was forced to keep eating, so I tried my best to cut off sections of flesh that enable him to still survive.  I cut off and ate a nose (oddly crunchy),  ears, his penis, a few fingers, a few toes….I was stuffed and nauseated, but being forced to eat more flesh. He was bloody and in pain, likely dying. Perhaps I was doing him a disservice by trying to keep him alive. It seemed as if I was going to have to eat him until he died, or until I died.

I looked at him; his eyes told me it was okay. He had given up. I took a big knife, stabbed it in his chest, pulled out his beating heart and ate it until it was no longer beating.  I can’t believe I ate another person while they were alive. But I guess I would rather live than die. I had no choice. At least that is what I am telling myself to sleep at night….

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