Tag: Snuff phone sex

Mutilation phone sex morticia

Taboo phone sex Morticia


There is nothing better than candy… no I lied… Beating people is better than candy..

That is why I got the idea to beat someone with candy.. 

I know, It sounds weird but listen. 

On Halloween we had a bunch of little dicks from town come up to our place and egg us. 

Some of us went chasing after them but I stayed in the house. 

That is when I caught one little fucker breaking in down stairs. 

Don’t these people know that you don’t go to the scary house?

We will hurt them.. I was alone and all I had was my cast Iron skillet.. 

I know my house like the back of my hand. 

I hid by the door to the basement.. My basement where I do all my bad things… 

He didn’t know what him… When he woke up he was laying on my work bench.. I know he could smell the candy melting… and he saw me working on something. 

Taboo phone sex Morticia 2

I think he was scared but I couldn’t hear his screams… I super glued his lips together! 

I grabbed the boiling pot of melted candy and I poured in onto his exposed chest.. 

The thing about sugar is it burn deep in the skin and nothing really helps that pain. Especially in this basement.

After I poured all the hot sugar on him I let it get hard… 

I knew it was still burning him… 

That is when I grabbed my new flogger… 

It was breath taking to see his young skin and blood break away with every whip… 

He is still down there.. burning.. bleeding…

what should i do next?

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Revenge Fantasies

bloody phone sex knife play snuffI was watching some stupid ass old TV show last night called The Love Boat. Corny as hell, but it gave me sweet dreams of murder and mayhem. I dreamed I was on The Bloody Boat, along with all the bitches and tools that were mean to me in my life. In my version,  I was Venus, the evil cruise director. Every room was rigged with some torture device fitting for whatever offense that individual committed against me. Make a great horror film, don’t you think? Just need an accomplice or 6 to help me execute all the bullies and mean girls from our youth. Think about it, all the unsuspecting morons we hated under one roof, held captive at sea. We could torture, mutilate and kill them all. Dump their bodies into the sea to be shark bait.

So many scenarios. We could poison them at dinner, rendering them sluggish making it easy to slaughter them. We could gas them in the ballroom, but that would be too quick of a kill and hence no fun really. We could design rooms like in the Saw movies with torture devices. Each person has to decide how bad they really want to live. What extreme measures are they willing to take to spare their worthless lives? Or, we could use my knife collection, sneak into their rooms at night and butcher each one in their sleep like a serial killer. The possibilities are endless. I love revenge kills. Revenge fantasies.

I just need the right evil minded accomplice to help me flesh out my fantasy kill. Is that you?


You have her tied to the bed, and me tied up in the corner. I can only assume you’re about to make me watch something I don’t want to see. She is so young and tiny and scared. Her little naked body is stretched as far as it can go – each arm and leg spread to the four posts of the bed and tied tightly. Her ankles and wrists are bleeding from her attempts to get loose. The ropes have dug into her flesh and her face is stained with tears. Her front teeth are missing, and I don’t know if you did that or if its simply her age.

You enter the room and come over to me. My body trembles in fear. You stroke my hair, seemingly with affention. You tell me that I get to watch  today. You tell me that I get to see how to deflower a princess. I hate that your voice is so soothing and makes my cunt tingle. I can’t even look in your eyes because you terrify me so much, but I can’t help but need you and want you. You walk over to the bed and the girl starts to squirm again, screaming a shrill little girl’s scream.

I try to look away, but I cant, as you pull a metal rod out from under the bed. It is about 3 feet long, 5 inches in diameter, and already has blood dried on it. The girls eyes bulge at the site of it and she loses her breath, unable to even scream anymore. I want to beg you to stop, but I know better than to speak. I keep my head down, but watch you with my eyes. You take the metal rod and swing it with all your strength into her stomach. Her body is tied so tight she hardly even moves from the strike, but I hear her ribs crunch inside of her. Blood begins to pour from her mouth.

You wipe the blood from her mouth onto the end of the rod and then move it down between her legs. You position it perfectly to jam it directly inside her as she starts choking on her blood, trying to scream again. With one strong thrust, you jam the rod so far inside of her that I know her tiny womb had to be destroyed. Blood pours out around the rod as you twist it even further up inside her. I feel sick to my stomach, but I can’t take my eyes away from her demolished little cunny.

You turn around and look at me, to make sure I am watching. Then you pull the rod out of her tiny body. At least 16 inches of it are covered in her fresh blood. You dribble the blood over her naked body as she convulses. I know she is of no use to you now. She has been deflowered and you have lost interest. I watch as you raise the rod over your head with both hands like an ax, and swing it down onto her face, crushing her skull with one hit. Blood splatters so far that it lands at my feet. You toss the rod on the bed next to her dead body and leave the room.

I know this is where I will be sleeping tonight. Tied in this chair, in the dark, with her corpse in the bed. You know how to break us sluts. I already have the evil thoughts and I am actually happy it was her instead of me. You’re making monsters out of us by fucking with our minds. I no longer feel shock, or even pity, just exhaustion. I lean my head against wall and close my eyes to sleep. 

Bloody Moon

Tonight is the blood moon, and I have been waiting for this night forever. We get married tonight and you take my womanhood the way only you can. I have seen your bloody brides in the past, and I cannot wait to finally get what is mine. Obviously a fuck slave like me lost her virginity a long time ago and I have been fucked with every tool in your dungeon. But Tonight you will take my uterus, and we shall eat it together to signify our forever union.

You slice my stomach from navel to clit, and drain the blood into two cups, one for each of us to drink to symbolize my final passage. I am a worthless piece of garbage, and tonight is the only night you will ever let me feel anything but hatred from you. I suck your cock as you prepare to make the horizontal cut on my waist. The knife is sharp, for once, as tonight it is not only about the pain, but the sacrifice of my wicked and evil uterus.

You cum on my face as you insert your hands inside me. There is blood everywhere and my white gown is now red with blood. The other slaves watch and wish that they were your blushing bride tonight. You grab my uterus and hold it above my bleeding body. You take the nice and make one final slice to free me of everything that makes me a woman. The cut feels like fire and I cum on the table, mixing it with my own blood.

You prop me up and I watch as you slice it like a filet. One piece for me, and one piece for you. I take my slice of the organ and you take yours and we wind our arms around each others’. I feed you the blood and gore dripping from my fingertips, and you feed me the same way. My blood tastes like copper and sweet evil and I am so happy to finally be rid of my womanhood. We gorge on the pieces you have sliced and throw what remains for the slut slaves for them to taste. They eat it hungrily, and I know they are jealous of my night.

Then you spread my legs and begin fucking my pussy, and I can see your cock going in and out of me through the hole you created where my awful womb used to be. I stroke the top of your cock with my hand and its magical.

She sleeps with the fishes now…

rape fantasies phone sexThis dumb whore agreed to go on a little boat ride with me last night and that my friends was the last mistake that stupid whore ever made. It was dark and the moon was full, I said nothing as we sped across the water but something in my silence must have made her nervous because she wouldn’t stop blathering on and on about nothing at all. She was twitching in her seat, the stupid bitch couldn’t sit still at all and when we stopped she nervously asked me if everything was alright. Still I said nothing, I just walked towards her slowly so I could gently caress her face and pull her close. I kissed her deeply until she relaxed against me and allowed me to take her below. Once we were in the stateroom it was easy to restrain her, she was so turned on that she didn’t even attempt to protest when she felt the cuffs slide across her wrists. Once I had her completely immobile I dropped the nice act and slapped her across the face as hard as I could and told her that she was going to die there that night for my amusement. She cried and begged me to spare her but I have no mercy for stupid whores I so utterly despise. I ripped that cunt to shreds and when I was finished torturing her I threw her overboard and left her for the sharks…

rape fantasies phone sex

Fucked In Church

You told me to get ready in my sunday best. Whatever the fuck that means. You just like to mess with me and remind me that I have nothing. Tehn you toss me one of your button down shirts and tell me to put it over my ugly body, and that it was time to go to church. Church? I thought you were kidding, but I watched as you got dressed and tucked your cock neatly into your dress slacks. I asked what else I was supposed to wear, and you said nothing.

So I hopped in the car with you, and wearing nothing but your shirt I wondered how I would be allowed in any church. My ass and pussy were hanging out, b ut you didn’t seem to mind. As we pulled up to the place, the parking lot was empty. We walked up to the big beautiful wooden doors and made our way up through the pews. You grabbed my arm and threw me down on one of the hard wooden benches and told me to stay there.  I did as I was told, like I laways do for you.

You walked away and came back with some holy water in a little bottle. You said today you were going to christen my ass and then fuck it, right here in church, to ensure that when you snuff me out that I go straight to hell. You bitch slapped my slutty face and told me to go face down and ass up. I buried my face in the seat and you began to rub holy water all over my tight little ass. You started speaking insome language I didn’t understand, but it sounded evil like a demon had taken over you.

You rammed your fingers, covered with the blessed water, right up my ass and then spread my cheeks and began pounding me with your hard cock. Your hannds grabbed me hard, and I could feel them still wet from the water. It burned my skin, and I knew you had made me something evil today. Something like you. You poured more holy water on my ass cheeks as you pumped inside me where people usually pray. You kept mumbling in your other language and finally came out of your daze.

You told me my ass belongs to hell now, and that I will die from the claws of the demons you shoot inside of me with your hot cum. I felt fire as you shot your cum deep in my ass. And I forgot to pray. It didn’t even occur to me as I lay there, ass up, covered in holy water. I had been cursed to hell by you and I know that is all I deserve. Please wrap your hands around my throat and take me there. Take me where I belong.

Blizzard Hunt


I am frozen, but not with fear. Its the first snow of the year and that means you and your buddies have your first hunt of the year. I am kneeling behind a log, naked and freezing as the blizzard comes down and covers my ice cold body. I look behind me at my bloody tracks. I will never escape you or your friends by leaving a trailof blood behind. One of them got me with an arrow about an hour ago. It didn’t kill me, but it may as well have. It will be the key to you finding me.

I try to rub snow on my bleeding leg, and hold it there tightly to get the clood to stop. I hear your voices laughing off in the distance. My heart races just like a wild animal. Thats all I am tongith anyway, all I have ever been to you. You keep us all caged up and fed so that we can be hunted through these acres of woods. The first girl to go down becomes dinner, the rest of us left to freeze to death in the night. I would rather freeze than know that I made your evil stomach warm with my flesh.

I have to keep running. I hear your voices getting closer. You might have found my blood trail. I look down and my nipples are black from frostbite. I touch them but there is no feeling, its like they aren’t even there. I get up from behind the log and WHOOOOSH! An arrow zips past my head and into the three next to me. You have found me and you intend to make me your first kill.  I stumble forward, pissing down my legs as the piss turns to ice before even hitting the ground. Another arrow hits me in the back of the arm and I see it bloody point sticking through.

Another arrow hits me like fire right in the middle of my back and I go down. I hear you hooting and whistling and the men are cheering. Arrow after arrow is being fired at me now as I lay dying in the snow. Then you are there, above me, and you reach down and pluck one of my black nipples right off. It comes off like a chunk of coal and you crumble it in your hand. Your friends catch up and I embrace the cold ground. Things go blurry, and I am so thankful for my miserable life to be over. 


A Gift Served Cold

torture phonesex angieI always prepare for his arrival. I enjoy the thrill of the preparation as much as the thrill of watching him, enjoying his gift. My hot cunt is ready to go find the perfect gift for him. She must not be to thin and must be a brunette. He likes her cold and loves it when her flesh is changing color and is that special pale blue that only death brings with lips that are almost black. Timing is everything, a day and a half before his arrival is just about right. I find her and bring her home. Having my way with her and torturing her with out any mutilation to her body is a challenge. I so love the sight of blood. But pleasing him and the joy of cumming while he enjoys his gift will make up for what I can’t have right now. Suffocation is generally the method I use for his gifts as it leaves no marks and does the trick.  He knows that I will fuck her and relish in the fear that I bring her before I kill her for him and he doesn’t mind as long as she is in tact when I give her to him. I put her in my stand up freezer when I am done and leave her there. He always calls a few hours before his arrival which gives me time to take her out and lay her out for him. I comb her hair and position her so that when he sees her his dick is instantly hard. Sitting on the floor I watch, my nipples hard, my cunt so wet I can smell it as he slides under her. Her body limp and cool to the touch he slides his dick inside her. He can’t hide the intense rush this gives him and with me he doesn’t have to. I fuck myself with the same intensity as he fucks my gift to him. Both of us cumming in hot waves. He will thank me later when he takes me to my dungeon and gives me rough sex using any device he chooses for as long as he likes. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement.torture phonesex necro

Sadist Accomplish Whore Wants to Double Team Victim on Halloween

snuff phonesex kieshaHey, guys, it’s almost Halloween! I hope all of you are as excited about it as I am because I can’t wait.

Some people like watching horror movies around this time of year. But me? I like making horror movie shit happen. I know some of you do, too, so I think that means we need to get together and see what we can do….

What do you think about some kind of accomplice fantasy? I love taking what men can dish out to me, but I also love getting a chance to dish it out sometimes, too. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you, either, though, so how about we find someone to torture together?

You know how sometimes you hear those stories about people doing terrible things to black cats during Halloween? I thought we could do something like that, just on a bigger scale. And, you know, with a girl instead of a cat, or maybe even a girl dressed as a cat. Hell, why not?

We will find the perfect one somewhere, in costume, leaving a bar or a party. She’ll be all by herself. I’ll go up to her and ask if I can walk with her so we both won’t be alone, and I’ll be so sweet and trustworthy and disarming that she can’t help but say yes. And you’ll be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to strike.

You’ll have to do the heavy lifting part when we kidnap her, but I’ll be there to assist you in any way I can. Chloroforming her would probably be the easiest, but if you prefer to be a struggle, we could always do it the “hard” way. Then, when we get her to our lair, strip her, and tie her down, she’ll know for sure that she’s completely at our mercy.

Then what? There are just so many choices, aren’t there? I know you want to put your big cock inside all of her holes. Just let me get you nice and hard first, and you can stick it wherever you want. I want to see her choke on your dick, for one. Will you leave her pussy and her ass nice and bloody for me after you rape her? I want to see the dripping slowly defiling her milky-white skin.

I bet she doesn’t like girls, either, so I’ll sit on her face and make her lick me until I can’t take it anymore. And you know how I always have to pee when we’re done playing around? Well, there will be no need for me to get up and go to the bathroom, since I’ll have her face to use as my very own human toilet right there! You can use her that way, too, if you want.

And then, once she’s been kidnapped, raped, and tortured and is dripping bodily fluids everywhere, what are we going to do with her then? We could drug her so that she remembers nothing and turn her back out on the street. There’s no telling what might happen to her there. Or we could keep her as a little torture pet for the two of us, if you like. But if you really want to be sure to cover our tracks, we should probably get rid of her completely.

So who’s going to do the honors of snuffing her–me or you?

Suffocation Phone Sex for My Life

You knew everything about me before you stole me from my room. You watched me for years, since I was a tiny girl. You watched my naked body through the windows of my parents house as my daddy molested me. It made you furious that he got to touch me and promised yourself that one day I would be yours. Three years ago, today, you made that fucking desire a reality. You caught me on the way home from school, and dragged me kicking and screaming back to your dungeon, which is where I remain. You tell me that makes today our “anniversary”.

I shudder at the thought of celebrating with you. Your an evil and cruel monster, and you revel in my pain. The only thing that gets you off is scaring us slave sluts. After years with you, I am much more difficult to scare, and you know it. You’ve cut my nipples off, made me eat other girls while they are still alive, and even stitched my cunt together with needle and thread. My mind races as I dream that maybe tonight you will finally go too far and kill me. My body is wasted away, I am not the little pretty slut you first started watching years ago. You have younger girls now.

You drag me out of my cell and upstairs to your kitchen. I kneel on the floor and  you take a thick plastic bag out of your pocket and shake it out for me to see. Its the perfect size for my head, and I know that is exactly where you plan to put it. My heart leaps as I think you will finally snuff me. But to my surprise, you pick up the telephone and start dialing. As you do, you take your cock out of your pants, and tell me that you are going to call a phone whore for some suffocation phone sex. You are going to place the bag on my head, and if she can get your cock off before I die, you will remove the bag.

My life depends on some sex whore over the telephone? Before I could say anything, you jam the bag down over my head and secure it with tape around my neck. I can barely see through the bag as it fogs with my breath and I start to panic. I hear you talking to some whore on the phone and I can vaguely see you stroking your cock. I try to control my breaths, but I am immediately without enough oxygen. I couldn’t scream to try to warn the whore that I was there, as I was fighting the bag and becoming more dizzy by the second.

My lungs were on fire, and my senses started to fade, I felt myself shit all over the floor, and I could hear you slapping away at your cock while you degraded the bitch on the phone. I started to go limp, and tried to inhale, but there was nothing left. My vision fogged and I could no longer inhale. My consciousness left me and my head hit the floor. Suddenly you remove the bag and my lungs automatically gasp in as much air as possible, waking me up. My mouth wide open, and gasping, you shoot your hot load of cum right inside my throat. As Ilay there gasping and choking on your cum, you hang up the phone and simply say to me, “Happy Anniversary, slut”.