Tag: Snuff phone sex

Gangbang Rape Porn with Cassandra

gangbang rape porn kidnapped whoreI woke up in some dirty bathroom stall. Not the first time. But this was dank and disgusting. I could smell blood, smell fear, smell death. I tried my cell phone but no reception. Some men burst through the door, duct taped my legs and my hands. Shoved me on my knees and started skull fucking me. Before long it was a gangbang rape porn. Cocks shoved in my ass, cunt and mouth. In fact, cocks shoved so deep in my throat I gagged until I puked. Cocks shoved so far up my ass, I bled. They laughed at me, shoved my face in the puke, made me lick it up.

gangbang rape porn rape fantasyThey shoved my face in a dirty toilet. It was covered in cum and piss, even shit.  Held my head down until I licked it all up. Used my tongue as a toilet brush cleaner. Even tried to drown me in the piss filled water. One guy pulled me back out, held me up by my throat like I was a bug he was about to squash. Threw me against the wall, until I fell to the ground, bloody and bruised. They all started kicking me in the gut and face. I was choking on blood and vomit. I was lying on the dirty floor, with open wounds when they began pissing on me. The sting was awful.  They pissed and shit down my throat. Then duct taped my mouth so I could not spit it out.

rape phone sex fantasies big titsCovered in blood, piss, vomit and shit, they forced themselves on me further. Now I was covered in cum too. I had no idea what was in store for me, until I looked up and saw the source of the death smell. Women duct taped to the wall like some morbid mural.  Blood running out of them, puddles of piss beneath them, dead or barely alive… I was the next wall decoration.

They continued violating all my holes while they took turns punching and kicking me. Someone was filming it all. Every time they punched me, I puked and had to lick it up. I was nothing more than a fuck pig and trash receptacle. Maybe the girls on the wall had it easy…. I prayed for death.

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It’s that time again!

rape phone sex fantasiesYay! It’s that time again! Time to break out the duct tape and go on the search for my newest victim. I plan on driving by the catholic school down the road to scope out any potential whores. It will soon be one girl’s unfortunate day when she gets scooped into my car for a couple days of fun that won’t end in her favor as much as she might pray and beg that it will. It’s never hard to find the right girl at those schools, they are so easy to lure over when they are waiting all alone for their ride, when I make myself look like such a sweet woman asking for some directions. I always like to bring her home to whatever man is in need of my assistance that week, I know I’m the ultimate accomplice. I always take videos of her losing her virginity and then having to suck his dick with her very own blood and juices on it. These little wanna be good girls always think that they are something special because they take sooo much longer to submit than the other little whores I pick up, but in no time I will have them begging for more. My favorite thing to make them say is “I’m your little school girl slut.” I make them tell me over and over again how much they loved to be fucked and how they are truly just a slut. They hate it when I make then do that, tears running down their face, wrists tied tightly, cum all over her hair and body. I think it’s the perfect picture. Now what I really need is someone to share in the fun, and I’m wondering, is that you?

Torture Phone Sex with Toni: Better Than a Snuff Porn Video

Torture phone sex

The snuff porn streaming on the internet is NOTHING compared to the real thing. Hearing bones break and blood drip just doesn’t sound the same through computer speakers. When I hear someone scream, I want it be because of me. I don’t just want to see someone scared, I want to see the fear in their eyes. The smell and taste of blood is only better if it came from a fresh tortured victim. Sometimes I drag a knife across their flesh just to get a quick little taste. Another method I like to use, especially when I’m taking my time, is cutting into their flesh with rose thorns. If I’m in a really sadistic mood I might even fuck their cunt or asshole with it too!

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One time I was feeling really nasty, like I often do and I did something really sick. I took the thorny rose and shoved it down some poor bastard’s piss hole. I’ve never heard a man scream like such a little bitch before so now I do it all the time.
Any day that I get to hurt or torture somebody is a good day for me, It’s my secret addiction. I’m not sure how much of a secret it is anymore, but I still don’t want everyone to know. Do you know how hard it would be to find victims if everyone knew about what I’m up to? I’m sure it would make it more difficult and there’s no way I would want that! I’m enjoying myself too much now and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. Actually, no matter what I’ll never stop! At least not until I leave a lot of bodies behind…

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My precious memories

snuff sexWhat kind of sick, evil bitch would I be if I didn’t keep a momentum or two from my favorite little…adventures? Truthfully, I always keep a trophy from each and every little whore I dominate then ruin. It’s not always the same thing, it can be something as insignificant as a bracelet or necklace to a piece of their pee/cum/blood and tear covered hair. Sometimes if I really like what the stupid bitch was wearing I’ll keep that and actually wear it occasionally, especially when I want to relive the moments that led up to the end of this particular slut’s time. But of course I only do that when I’m feeling extra deviant. I have a special jewelry box for everything I take from those girls who once thought they were on top of the world and now are only remembered when I need something new to wear. As far as their hair goes, I have multiple scrapbooks for those. That has to be kept hidden well, because there is sooo much evidence in those books I could get in a lot of trouble! But I won’t ever get caught. I’ll continue to take out those books late at night and rub my pussy till I cum as I remember the last look on their face as they faded away. I almost forgot… my favorite little trophy to keep is as simple as a picture I take and print out on my printer. I of course have more than others, I love to capture their most terrifying moments those turn me on the most. I think it’s about time I got myself another trophy…wanna help?

Family Dinner

violent phone sexIt started off as such a pleasant dinner, until my friend’s daughter decided to get all sassy with me. I suppose she had no idea who she was talking to, and I quickly showed her that no one talks to me that way. My friend and husband knew exactly what I was going to do, as they saw me tightly gripping the carving knife. What’s some blood with our ham, I thought. Right before of course I slit that little whore’s throat right there in my formal dining room. No one even flinched or said a word, this was how most events go with my family, my husband sighed and moved the girl out of his way on his way to get seconds of the delicious dinner I had cooked. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself; my family knows what a short temper I have and how I (regularly) like to take it out on ‘unsuspecting’ girls. May they be my newest neighbor or the girl who cut me off on the highway earlier. I always get my revenge. And then I do something some might deem as ‘worse’… but it’s my very favorite part of this entire process and I couldn’t go even two days without my lips tasting the pussy of a very cold and lifeless girl. I love the power I get watching her life drain out of her eyes, it turns me on so much I always have to excuse myself to take care of business with my latest victim. Sure I like the ones who struggle and beg too, but the quiet ones are when I get the most pleasure. I have the power, I control them, and there is not a damn thing they can or will do about it! Wanna hear all the dirty details to how my dinners go normally? I’m not afraid to share…

A Nice Surprise

Gangbang rape pornJust break in and take the evidence you said, it will be easy you said.  You are full of shit!  It wasn’t easy at all.  I am not even sure why you had to pick a house that was actually occupied by a family.  You said it had something to do with giving them a nice welcome home gift when they got back from vacation.  I’m not sure if seeing your bedroom covered in blood splatter when you return from a week away is a great welcome home gift, but to you it was. 

I got in no problem and went upstairs to the Master bedroom, it was a fucking mess and a half.  I found your knife and started to leave the room but just seeing that beautiful copper color soaked into the expensive bed cover got my pussy wet.  I laid down on it and started to masturbate, I almost came too but I heard the god damn front door open. Apparently the family came home early from vacation.  Lucky me.

I got off the bed and hid in the closet.  The Father came in and turned on the light.  He stood very very still then called for his wife.  She came in and said, “What the FUCK?!?!?”  The look on their faces almost made me laugh.  I could hear the rest of the family coming up the steps, the Mom rushed out and shut the door behind her.  I could hear a small voice asking Mommy what was wrong.  Then I heard Mommy lie.  Daddy however was taking his cock out.  Now it was my time to think, “What the FUCK?!?!?”  The dude jacked off all over the bed!  What an idiot!  Daddy has a little bit of dark inside him I guess. 

He went into the bathroom and cleaned up then picked up the phone.  I wanted to yell at him about the fact that his cum was now on the same bed as the blood but what ever.  If he was stupid enough to call the cops now then he deserved whatever he got.  He hung up the phone and started to rub his cum into the bed cover, I played with my pussy, then the most amazing thing happened.  He realized what he had done, he quickly gathered up the sheets and ran out of the room.  I put my pants back on and got the fuck out of there.

As I was getting in my car three cop cars screeched to a halt outside of the house.  That stupid mother fucker is going to jail for sure.  This is all a nice surprise for me, and you, YOU, actually got away with it.  You never cease to amaze me.


Strangulation phone sexHovering over you I smile.  I’m not sure what I enjoy more.  You being tied so tightly that you cannot move, or My stocking wrapped firmly around your neck.  Are you wondering how you got yourself into this situation? You shouldn’t.  You wanted this remember? You answered the ad that I placed looking for a Sadistic play partner.  I made it very clear that you would have no say what was done after you agreed to the terms.  You had days to decided not to do this, but here you are, in My bed trying so desperately to get free so that you can push Me away.

I have news for you sweetness, that is not going to happen.  At first you loved it as I pulled off My stockings in front of you.  You commented on how beautiful and long My legs were.  You enjoyed when I pulled that silken material over your lips.  You said you could smell My perfume on them, and to top it all off, your cock started to get hard.  How cute.

Perhaps you didn’t think I would go through with it? Perhaps you thought that I would just keep it on the fantasy level and then after I was done I would untie you, you would fuck Me and then we would have drinks afterward and laugh together.  I think not.  This is all too real, and I think that with each new tightening twist of my stocking, which is digging deeper and deeper into the flesh around your neck, you are beginning to realize just how real this is.

Blade Addiction

My blade addiction has gotten out of control. I need your control and your commands to be sliced open correctly. The cuts are getting deeper and my thoughts go fuzzy from loss of blood, so I need your guidance more than ever. I begged you to please cum over and play with me – your favorite little pain slut. You sounded angry but horny, and agreed to cum. I splayed myself out on the floor naked, waiting for your heavy hands. When you arrived, you bound my ankles together and told me you had a new surprise for me.

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My pussy was leaking I was so excited to feel what you had in mind. You began touching my body, tracing my old scars with your fingers, and I know how much they excite your cock. You look at them with such love and lust, and I tingle all over as you begin to stroke your cock. You reach in your bag and pull out what appears to be a glove of some sort. Then I see that it has long sharp blades on it. You whisper to me that you are going to slit me wide open using your new glove today.

The blades are long and sharp and gleam in the sunlight coming through the windows. My heart races, knowing they could easily cut me deep enough to end my life quickly. I never know where you will begin with your slices, but you lift my legs up into the air, ankles tied together, and put on the glove. You give my pussy juices one quick taste, and then slowly slide the blade protruding from your index finger right inside my cunt. I felt the blade cut into me like fire and the rush of pain through my body was everything I had hoped.

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You fucked my with one finger until I could feel my hot blood dripping down my ass. Then you inserted another finger. The pain increased and you began stroking your cock even harder. I felt more blood, and your lust for blood equals that of mine for pain. Another finger – three deep inside me now – and I felt the cold blades through the heat of the pain. I began to get dizzy, and my vision blurred. The most amazing feeling in the world. As you inserted your fourth finger and started fucking my cunt with your hand, my vision started to fade. I could still feel the blood pouring out of me, and I could hear you stroking your cock as you came all over my bloody cunt.

Sadistic phone sex with Ivy

It was my luck to find her in the parking garage. All alone she was standing there crying for her mommy. What mother would leave her sweet blonde angel in a scary parking garage. To me she wasn’t wanted to I took her. She was such a whiny little cunt then I should have known better than to snatch her up and take her to him.

Accomplice phone sex


He gives me the pure crystal for the pretty young blondes. He has a thing for blondes. But he hates it when the cry for no reason. It made my pussy wet watcing him slam her down on the couch. He thew some toys at her and told her to play. She screamed but then calmed down. He is so good with little ones, its a shame what he does to them. I went into the back with him to get my beautiful crystal rocks to get high but he told me to sit with the brat. I got over to her and sat down. I was still gonna get high, I don’t care what he tells me to do. It’s not like that is the only horrible thing she is gonna see tonight. After doing a few lines I started to get hot and sweaty. I took all my clothes off and sat back down on the plush toys. They were so soft on my skin, I was taken back by how soft they were I didn’t even see him walk up. 

Accomplice phone sexHe had his black rubber apron on and I knew it was time. She looked at me with here big blue eyes. She was scared and confused, just the way he liked it. He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her screaming and kicking to the cold table. I was right there behind him ready to do my job. I got on top of her and kissed her screaming mouth. I licked up her tears and kissed him. I leaned over her to grab the needle and thread and she bit my fucking tit so hard. I started pounding her in the head to make her let go of me. He was laughing so hard. I smiled a crooked smile and told him to hold her mouth open. There are a few things that the pure crystal makes me do and that is shit like crazy.

Accomplice phone sex


He was holding her mouth open and I squatted over her and released my bowels in her mouth and over her stupid fucking face. She started gagging and I didn’t want to have her spit out my smelly runny gift all over the place so I sewed her fucking lips shut. That muffed her gagging and her high pitched screams. He bent me over and licked my ass hole clean and even stuck his tongue in and out of it.  I started to moan but knew that this was just the begging. I know that by the end of her life she will be in little tiny pieces and fucked every way possible. 


Accomplice phone sex


Fuck Forensics

You picked me up at the goth bar, with some silly line about how nice my teeth were – not even my smile – you said “teeth”. You seemed evil as fuck, but there was something about you that turned me on. Every cell in my body was warning me not to go home with you, but my pussy was dripping just from the sound of your voice. I felt hypnotized and I had no control over my actions. Your charm was intoxicating, and looking back I realize you had slipped me something as well. I am a foolish cum slut, and drank it right down without knowing.

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Once we were back at your house, you lit candles and told me that you like things rough. My legs felt like rubber and my vision was blurred. I felt you rip my clothes off and begin to violate my pussy and my ass with huge dildos and your cock. But something was off, and even in my stupor I sensed something was wrong. You were fucking me like a madman and yet you weren’t getting off. Yes, your cock was hard, but it was almost as if you were toying with me. You started telling me what a stupid fuckpig I am, and I tried to nod my head in agreement.

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Thats when you grabbed me tight from behind and slid the blade up under my neck. It looked like a large knife that would be used to gut a deer after a hunt. My blood ran cold, and I realized I would never be going home. Somehow though, my cunt was still throbbing, and I craved the blade. You pulled my hair back and growled in my ear. You told me that you kill for sport and that no one would ever know. I tried to resist, telling you that you wouldn’t get away with it.  
As you sank the blade into my throat and began to slice off my head, you laughed and spun me around so that I could see the shelf on the wall. There were several large jars, and each contained the severed head of different women. Each was smiling, and they all had beautiful teeth. You told me as long as you kept my teeth, no one would be able to identify my body. My vision went dark and now I watch from one of the jars on your shelf as you bring women home every night for your forensic proof collection of slutty corpses.