I take pride in my work as a nasty killer phone sex bitch. The warmth that blood gives me as it covers my body also makes my pussy throb. I love the gurgle that a body makes when you plunge a knife deep inside of its guts. When I am doing a hit killing for my own satisfaction I will sit next to the little slut and play with my pussy. I will rub my clitty as blood drains out of her and all over the floor. Once the bitch is nice and dead I am not done with her. I like to keep her around so I can play with her dead pussy. I will bend down between her dead legs and lick her pussy while I reach between mine playing with my own. The warmth of dead bodies sticks around for a while. I will get her pussy nice and wet and finger fuck the bitch violating her body even in death. I am such a dirty necrophilia phone sex bitch, and I love it. What is even better is when I have a client with me. It turns me on watching him stick his dick into her pliable pussy. I love holding our latest kill for him, her docile body void of all life, so that he can fill her up with his load of cum. I will use her pretty dead hand to play with my pussy, and her fingers as to ram into my pussy. I will cum all over her bloody dead body and love every second of it. I am such a filthy erotic snuff porn lover, and I know it.
Tag: Snuff phone sex
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Nigger Down
Rape phone sex fantasies nigger on the run race had me going fucking crazy. I knew I had dropped a dime on them to the cops but did I deserve this humiliation? I was gagging on this mother fucking cock and he was sure not doing me any favors by having this knife at my back Yeah I knew that cum was dripping out of my fucking ass because this bitch had tried to rip the fucking insides apart. I was trying to bite and claw my way out of this but there was nothing I could do! I couldn’t get away from four of cruelest gang bangers of the city! They were going to fuck my ass no matter what and then leave me on the side of the fucking road to repay the debt! That’s how the streets were you had to have some dignity and honor in all things! These mother fuckers could play the role all they wanted but I knew I was going to die. Hell they had been preparing me for it all week first taking away my food and then water. The only reason I was surviving right now was because they were pissing on me on a constant basis and I was forced to open my mouth and drink it all. My eyes were so swollen shut and couldn’t open that I hoped it was piss that they were making me drink!
Stroking their cocks for more I tried to hide my tears. They had been fucking me for days and I knew they were not going to take no for an answer I also knew that they were going to kill this filthy nigger bitch for ratting them out to the cops. Yeah I was the good fucking tramp trying to get help for a fucking disgust of a husband but in the end I was being beaten to death by these motherfuckers! “As I felt the cock being stuffed deep in my hole, and the feel of the knife on my throat I closed my eyes hoping to find peace Hoping, and then the blood pooled on the floor my head went limp and this motherfucker kept pounding into my dead body.
Killer Phone Sex Nigger Whore Scene 1
Killer phone sex had gotten me here with these dumb fuckers! The world was black and I knew my life was going to end. “Stupid Nigger whore!” “You thought you could get away from us!” I felt my legs being pulled apart and the blunt ax ripping into my pussy lips like a thousand knife blades at once. I knew I was going to die and I knew it would be at the hands of this motherfucker who had tormented me for days. The rotten taste of his cum was on my lips and I saw your bitch ass standing in the corner rubbing your cock. Blood pooled in the corners of my mouth and the echo of the hall deafened my ears from any logic. I know you were going to kill me. Someone had to pay the price for fucking up your heroin connection. That bitch ass husband was going to get away with my murder! Fuck him! Getting involved with a crack addict was going to be the last bad decision I would do. I thought if this mother fucker killed me that would be the end of it. I could just feel the darkness.
Bending down over me he pinched my tits and knocked them really hard against his hand. Grabbing a nail and hammer I winced as you held me in place. It was time for me to fight to do something to get away but I couldn’t do anything. It was over for me and I knew that. With the last bit of strength I had I kicked for freedom to get away. I saw the raise of the hammer the steel point of the nail in my tits and screamed. I tried holding back I knew that’s what they wanted! Fuck you nigger! You will get what Nigger Bitches deserve he said as he drove another needle in my flesh.
Snuff phone sex with Morticia
It had to be that night. It had to be at 3:17 am.
She had to be 8 months pregnant.
She had to be tortured for 6 weeks, 6 days, and 6 hours.
The timing needed to be perfect.
I loved watching her big belly contract as I beat her, fucked her and cut her.
After the first 30 minutes of her screaming I had to rub my cunt.
I was so wet that my pussy juice was running down my thighs.
I fucked myself until I squirted all over the pregnant bitch.
I left her there covered in my cum, tied up and in pain.
I heard her screaming later that night, She said she needed a drink.
Lucky for her I needed to piss.
I climbed up on the bars and pissed over her face.
I was so excited to keep hurting her.
It felt like time passed so fast for us.
It was time to light the fire.
I was so excited to watch her burn.
That little demon inside her is going to boil.
He is going to taste like a yummy tender steak!!
Club Hematolagnia: Vampires, Blood and Femdom
When this guy asked me to go to this upscale new Goth club with him, I jumped at the chance. Club Hematolagnia is rumored to be highly exclusive with the finest red wine in the world. Plus, my date has the best coke in town. Pretty sure if I fucked him the bathroom, he would give me a few bumps to party with later. I felt out of place. Lots of women with pale complexions like mine, but I was the only redhead. I was also the only female sub in the club. The club had what appeared to be sex bathrooms. Huge rooms with a toilet, vanity and bathtubs big enough for two. Dave sent me into one. I saw the douches and enemas lined up on the back of the potties and assumed I was to clean myself out before fucking anyone in the club. The tub I guess was to wash myself up afterwards. Wrong and wrong.
As I was sitting on the toilet cleaning out my dirty fuck holes, a tall dominant woman with jet black hair entered. Perhaps Dave intended on sharing me with another woman. I was down for that. What occurred next, was nothing I could have even imagined. “You smell delicious,” the dark beauty said. She offered me a glass of wine, which made me queasy. The next thing I knew I was naked on the floor covered in blood. I panicked, but I did not appear hurt for once. The mysterious woman was in the tub with my date, Dave, but he did not look conscious. He was slumped over, his wrist hanging over the tub, blood dripping from a huge slash to his artery.
Morticia was masturbating in a tub of blood, my date’s blood, while sipping on wine. It wasn’t wine she was drinking, wasn’t wine I drank either, but blood. Fresh blood. This was no ordinary club, not even a typical sub bar. I was in fetish club, vampire fetish to be exact. She saw the look of horror on my face as I tried to escape. Nowhere to run. The bathroom door was guarded by a huge fellow with a big knife. I was next I thought. My need for coke would finally kill me. “Stop your crying pretty lady,” she said softly. This is a femdom club. We don’t kill pretty ladies, just stupid men.”
I was not a dominate woman, however. I thought surely she will realize this and kill me. I was instructed to join her in the blood bath. My date’s obviously drained carcass was removed by the armed guard and tossed on a gurney. I stepped into the tub with trepidation, but the warm sticky liquid that quickly engulfed my body made my pussy wet. I submerged myself in Dave’s blood. I toasted my dark beauty and drank a glass of his blood as an initiation into this exclusive Femdom goth club. The terms of membership were explained very clearly to me. I must bring one male for feeding to the club per week. I must never reveal the location or specifics of the club. I must consume a glass of blood a day. And, I must serve my new master in whatever way she deems, no matter how dark her request may be. All violations of the rules, punishable by death by bloodletting.
This was a twist. Submissive to women, dominant to men. Can I do it? I better, my life depends on it. So which of you is going to offer yourself up willingly to be vampire bait? Surely, there are men who recognize their high potential. Feeding sexy femdom vampires is not a bad way to die for a submissive male. May not be a bad way to die for a submissive female either.
The Only Good Sex Is Torture Sex
The minute I saw her I was in lust. I have never in My life had seen someone so perfect. Beautiful face, beautiful body, beautiful smile. I was captivated by her. I watched her for a very long time. Many a man approached her, she was kind in turning them down. She showed them the ring on her finger and said no thank you. I sat back to take in the pure grace of this stunning creature. I decided nothing ventured nothing gained. I walked up to the bar, touched her on her smooth shoulder as I leaned over her to order another drink. She smiled at Me, I smiled back. She said, “You have beautiful hair.” I said, “You have a beautiful everything from what I can see.” She blushed. As I was leaving her side to return to My table I added, “I would love to see a lot more if you feel like doing something a bit…different.”
I could tell she was watching Me as I walked away. Good. It wouldn’t be long before she approached Me. She sat down next to Me. She acted shy, I didn’t. I sat forward, pressing My right hand behind her head pulling her toward Me. I kissed her hard, forcing My tongue into her mouth. Then I sat back. She looked a bit surprised but I could tell from her eyes that I was going to have a wonderful night.
She was laying in front of the fire. I marveled over her unmarred skin. Not one touch of ink done on her, not one piercing. She was flawless. The only thing wrong with flawless things is that eventually they break. It was time for her to break. I kissed her one last time, trailing My fingers down over her full breasts, down her stomach before plunging My sharp nails into her wet pussy. The torture sex portion of the night was beginning. She slammed her legs together, trying to sit up, I slapped her hard across the face. She tried to sit up again, and once more another stinging slap landed on her smooth cheek.
I grabbed her by the chin, pushing My nails into her flesh. I bared my teeth as My hand sunk deeper into her cunt. I calmly told her that now it was My turn to have fun. By the end of our lovely evening together, there was the smell of charred flesh permeating the condo building I had broken into to have My little tryst. I could hear doors opening up, people stopping each other in the hall asking where it was coming from. I watched all this from the doorway of the building. It wasn’t long before I could hear the police sirens slicing through the night, just like I sliced through My flawless lover.
Dinner is on you…
You whine and whimper as I tell you that I am going to use my turkey carving set to slice you like a Thanksgiving turkey and then I am going to put you in the oven. I grab the carving fork and poke it right into your fat thigh as I use the carving knife to slice you. You are screaming to loud for me so I push a apple into your mouth making you shut up. So I can finish cutting you and then placing you into the big oven where the murder will take place, not without the help of the carving fork and knife that will make you bleed out as you are cooking and smelling so delicious in my oven.
Killer Phone Sex Nigger Cunt
Killer phone sex Nigger Cunt got me in so much fucking trouble! I have to thank that asshole for this. This motherfucker was trying to put his whole hand in my ass. Attached to the end of his hand was some kind of fucking razor. I felt every drop of blood and shit mixed together as my ass was being pulled apart. I was fighting all of them but it wasn’t going to be very long before the end came. Sucking their fucking cocks now they had me shitting out bricks of heroin for them. It was in their nature to make me swallow balloons of heroin and then smuggle it here. I was paying for that fucking asshole’s mistake every day of my life. I don’t think they ever had any intentions of ever letting me go back alive. Its not like I would want to. Who would want to go back to a crack addicted motherfucker ? It was his stupid motherfucking debt that had me with a razor crazed motherfucker pumped in my asshole! I guess that’s how things went when you tried to reason for your life. Every move you made was fucking stupid!
Being tied to a tree the night before and being forced to eat shit was the worst that these motherfuckers; I thought, would do to me. Barfing up instantly, I had been ordered to clean it up. They then gathered around me and called some asshole. I don’t know what the fuck they were doing but after I was taken for this killer phone sex game to see who was going to beat me first they had been calling whoever for the longest! But that was not the worse par the worse part was being tied upside down from my ankles with my legs firmly apart while these mother fuckers practiced arrow throwing and even that would have not have been so bad if they hadn’t gotten the little one involved to come in and join this little game. He would bite into my flesh and pull my nipples so hard I am sure they were torn off!
As I fought him off , I struggled to see what was going on as a door was opened. My eyes grew big and I was scared as hell! “Hi Layla long time no see!.” Stroking his 12 inch cock I widened my eyes and the only thing I could say as a cock was stuffed in my mouth was “You!… I saw the hook at the end of his hand and then nothing else! I am sure what ever that bitch was sticking in my ass was leading to my death but it was much too late to know.
I Am Worthless
I am nothing more than a bonafied snuff and pain slut. I want the pain, I want the hurt. I want to run my hands over my body only to wince why I fight back the tears from the abuse you cast upon me. I want you take me, hard. I want you to show no mercy. I want to walk around for days with the taste of you mingled with blood in my mouth. I want to feel the impact of your nails digging into my skin.
I beg to have your strong hands clamped around my smooth neck. I want to feel this world fade from my eyes, only to be revived to be fucked again and again. Yes, I will cry out, but my cunt will drip. I crave this, I love this, I live only to die by your hand. I want to be your cum guzzling, shit eating, piss drinking, bruise wearing slut. You can never go to far with me fore this is what I was born to do. To be a worthless object in your eyes.
Starvation Humiliation
I knew if I wanted to eat this week that I would be required to perform well for your friends at your party. You left me alone in the room that locks from the outside and all night long I could hear the music playing and the men laughing. I could even smell the alcohol and hear them as they went down the hallway to take a piss every so often. I knew they were getting more and more intoxicated. Then they would be coming for me.
They come to your parties for the entertainment after all – and they know what is waiting for them once midnight comes. They pay their way in at the door and know that a once-beautiful little pain whore will be satisfying their cocks before they leave. I can hear them laughing and joking about what a worthless slut I am and cracking up at all your stories of the things you have done to me. The more gruesome the story, the harder they laugh, and I know you love the attention.
I feed your friends, they feed your ego, and then I will finally get fed. My stomach grumbles as I wait for the stroke of midnight. I hear the clock start to chime and I know its time to make sure I am wet and ready for all the cocks that will be cumming for me tonight. The doorknob turns and I can see a little through the dim light in the room. Its a huge man and he is already undoing his pants. His cock falls out below his giant belly and I can smell his drunken sweat from across the room. He lays down on the bare mattress and calls me a whore.
I climb on top of him and he tells me to put his cock in my ass. I obey him because I know I have to. He is disgusting, but I have to pretend to like it as he sinks his hard-on into my tight ass. The pain sears through me as he pounds my ass mercilessly. His cum shoots up inside me and starts dripping down my thighs. No sooner is he off the bed, than another man comes through the door. He is no better than the first, a gross pig of a man, but he will have a gorgeous little fuck doll tonight. He grabs me and has his way, and I hate myself for it, but I need to eat….