Stairway to Hell

snuff phone sex I smiled to myself as I climbed the stairs. No one had lived here for so many years. The locals all believed it was haunted. They had no idea of the real horror here. This was where I brought my victims.
The stairs were rickety but still stable. They gave off this delicious creak that terrified the girls I kept trapped upstairs. When they heard the creak, they knew that hell had cracked open and released me, and that I was coming to inflict pain and torture upon them. Even now I heard one of them moaning as she heard me ascend the stairs.
It was time for the oldest one to die and she knew it. She wailed as I uncuffed her from the wall. Her parents believed she had run off with a drug dealer many years ago. But all along she had been here, amusing me with her pitiful squeals and begging to go home. Her back was criss-crossed with scars, one eye was gone, and her pussy showed the mutilation that I loved to inflict.
“Today is your day, sweetie. Time to go.” I purred. “Home.” she whispered through parched lips. “No, honey. Today you get to die.” I laughed. I unchained her and took her by the hand. She panicked and fought. I wasn’t ready for that reaction. She kicked me hard and ran.
“You’ll never escape.” I screamed. I heard her feet hit the stairs as she ran like a panicked doe. Then I heard the sound of her falling. Yes, the stairs got them every time. They were alive and needed fed, too. As she hit the bottom and her head cracked open, I heard the stairs sigh as they sucked in the lifeblood pouring upon the floor. They became shiny and new again, their polished hardwood shining, the rotted runners brightly carpeted. I stroked the banister and heard the stairs answer in a creaking melody.
It was time for a new victim. I had one picked out already. The daughter of the town whore whom no body would miss. She was a beauty and I hated her already. Oh, the things I had planned for her. Maybe my Master would join us this time. He loved to fuck the new ones. And the dying ones and the already dead. He didn’t discriminate.
And when I brought them through that front door, the stairs would transform once again, to become the nightmare from which no victim would escape. And they would be waiting, for a taste of the blood.
Please let me be your accomplice as we finish this sinister story. There is so much pain that needs to be shared and so many victims who deserve to die. Let us ascend the Stairs of Doom and finish the work that I’ve started.

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