Every time you turn around you hear “Let It Go” and references, pictures and merchandise for “Frozen”. It’s always happy go lucky, pretty pretty princess crap. I wonder how good the merchandise would sell if Elsa and Ana’s pictures were a bit more violent and gory? Have you thought about fucking their brains out? Come on, I know you have. They certainly wouldn’t want that so you’d have to do it by force. Good news, I’m GREAT at helping out 😀 I say we storm that fucking castle and drag those pampered bitches out by their tight braids and show them what being covered in a bunch of white shit REALLY looks like. I won’t limit you on what you can do to them. I will encourage you Daddy 😉 Make them bleed! I wonder how long it would take to break Elsa’s cool demeanor? How many times would it take shoving your hard cock hard all of her icey holes before she shattered? How about watching her sister used and abused then gutted in front of her? If she was too chilly for your willy you could break her skull open and just go ahead and fuck her brains out. Make her piss herself by poking just the right spot. Let it go bitch, let it go.
Tag: Snuff phone sex
Let This Go Bitch
Nice Guys Finish In My Ass
He seemed so nice. I was lost on the way to my mom’s new house and stopped in a gas station to ask directions because my cell phone had died. I asked the guy behind the counter but he had no idea what I was saying. A man in a suit stepped forward and said he could help me out. He said he knew exactly where I was trying to go, but he said he didn’t quite know the street names but I could follow him there as he was headed that way as well. I figured why not and so I went back out to my car. Just my luck, my car wouldn’t start. The man told me he would take me to see my mom so that I could get money from her for a tow and everything would be fine.
I agreed and hopped in his car, not thinking anything of it. Off we went and I noticed as we were driving he was becoming more and more anxious. I asked if he was feeling okay and he didn’t really answer me, just sort of grunted. Something wasn’t right and the hair on the back of my neck stood up on end. I tried to shake it off as nothing and just relax. He suddenly pulled into the driveway of what looked like a rickety old farmhouse. I knew it wasn’t my mother’s house because the address she had given me didn’t match. He said it was his friend’s house and he had to stop and let his dog out and asked me to come in with him so I didn’t have to sit in the cold car. I got out and went inside.
I went in first and he followed right behind. I heard him lock the door and spun around to find him standing right behind me with a rope. I noticed immediately there was no dog and that this guy wasn’t nice guy after all. He grabbed me and threw me to the floor and started choking me. I could barely breathe and was nearly unconscious when he let go of my neck. I was in a stupor trying to catch my breath as he tied my hands and feet up. I was finally able to scream but then he put his hand over my mouth and told me to shut up or I would die right here. I kept thrashing around as he undid his pants and entered me from behind. He stuck his cock in my ass with no hesitation and fucked my ass so hard I could feel it bleeding. Inside my head I was screaming, but then the strangest thing happened – I came….
Masked Men
Last night was amazing – your wildest party yet. I loved being bought and sold all night long to the men wearing the masks. I have bruises all over my body from where they grabbed me and smacked me and my knees are bleeding from being fucked so hard on all fours on the floor. I felt like the hottest fucking cum slut ever born when they were taking me in groups and doing things to me to cause so much pain the room would start to spin.
The one guy twisted my nipples so hard that they are bleeding today. My asshole is so sore I can barely walk, let alone sit down. They had two huge cocks pounding my tiny little ass at the same time. They all knew my name, and I know you did that on purpose. Or did you allow people in that actually knew me? I guess I will never know and if someone looks at me sideways in real life now I may wonder if he was the guy at the party making me drink his piss.
Once I was blindfolded and forced to eat someone’s pussy. I will never know who it was, as I hadn’t seen any women there but me. But I heard her say I am good and she wants me back next year. The voice sounded so familiar? You turned me into a fucking party game – a sick twisted fuckdoll for all those hard cocks to fuck any which way they liked. They were trading me like a dirty fuckpig – handing me off for a drink or a dollar and then fucking me harder than the last group. That feeling of being used and abused is my favorite – I know I am a worthless fuck toy – and you are the only man who truly knows how to prove to me that I am right.
Time is Up
He was being too sweet and I knew it. He allowed me to bathe for an hour and light scented candles and relax my body. He sent in a masseuse to rub me down and let me have hours alone in the dressing room to do my hair and makeup. He told me to look my most beautiful. I know sometimes he likes to use the video camera, but he still never cared what I looked like or how I felt. I had long wondered why he had kept me so long and this seemed like such a ritual I wondered if this would be my last night here.
I know he watches snuff porn late at night. I can hear the screams from the television upstairs from my cage in the basement. Maybe he just wanted me to look different for Halloween? My mind was racing, but once the massage was done I began to relax. I couldn’t let the terrifying thoughts I was having keep entering my mind or I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the pain he was surely going to inflict on me tonight. I found a silk gown waiting for me on the bed, and I put it on. It was see-through and the softest thing I had felt against my skin in months.
He came in the room and stared. No video camera and no audience tonight. It was just him and I. He offered me champagne and I drank it politely. My head started spinning almost immediately and I knew there was something in it. He took me gently and laid me back on the bed. He pulled off the silk gown and began running his rough hands over my soft skin. He fucked me so gently it was almost as if he were making love to me. But I knew it had to be the drugs – he was a monster and incapable of that. I had seen the darkness in his eyes the first time we met.
He fucked my mouth, my tits, my pussy and my ass. He kept telling me how beautiful I was and then he said something that sent chills all through me – “I am going to miss you, Stephanie, you are my favorite little pain whore.”. My body felt so good I didn’t even want to fight it. He guided me back into the bathroom and ran some more warm bath water. He helped me climb in, I was like a baby lamb barely able to stand. I sank down into the warm water and my head fell back. I saw the blade in his hand and I knew tonight was the night. I was to be sacrificed so that another could take my place in his home. I felt the blade go deep in my throat and I began choking. It seemed like a dream but it wasn’t. The bath water turned red and then I watched as he stood up and then pissed all over my dying body. It felt warm against my cold skin and somehow I was grateful to have been his favorite.
Spill My Blood
For a snuff whore like me, every day is Halloween. In fact, every day is more gruesome than any Halloween you’ve ever experienced. Reach into that deep dark part of your mind – the part where you only go when you’re alone in the dark with a raging hard-on and some pent up anger. Now imagine me there. Little tiny me. Mocking you for being such a coward, all the while knowing you have rage within you that could rip me to pieces. Pretend I am the last girl that shot you down. The last worthless slut that walked out of your life.
Now take that knife in your hand and dig deeper into your mind and into the black parts of your soul. Press it against my naked quivering body and watch as my nipples grow hard. Don’t hold back that anger… let it out. Cut my cheek first – slowly – and watch the blood flow down off my chin as if it were sweet red cum. Feel the burning rage flow through your body and imagine your hands around my tiny throat. Choking me until my lips turn blue and my eyes bulge out of my head. Then let go. Let me catch my breath long enough to see you bring the knife back in front of my face.
Make me beg for my life. Tell me you are my worst fucking nightmare and that tonight I am going to die. Grab one of my tits and slice my nipple off with one swift motion. Before I can scream you kiss me hard. I try to bite you but you slap me so hard my head is spinning. Stick the knife to my throat as you fuck me in the ass until its raw. Tell me I am going to hell and that I will be in pain until I get there. Take me there. Watch the blood pour down my body. Let each drop, each red line, represent someone you hate. Make them all bleed by making me bleed. Crush my throat in your grasp while you make me apologize for all their sins. Then take me there. Take me to that dark place, and never let me go.
Snuff sex and snuff fantasy porn what could be better?
It’s easy to think about; hard to resist the snuff fantasy porn you want so badly. There’s nothing wrong with the want, the need to snuff all these little sluts out. Make them the stars of our snuff porn. They love it, can’t you see? Kinda hard to see with all that blood, with her chocking on your cock…hard to see through her tears and all that cum. What a nasty little whore, she had it coming – she wanted to act like a whore so we’ll treat her like a whore. Tear her down and use her, cut her up and lay her in her own blood and cum. All before we kill the bitch, done with her. She needs to be used though, fuck her holes raw and make her beg for it. She’ll beg so hard, thinking she actually has a chance. We’ll laugh and my pussy will be dripping wet watching you slam your cock into her ass. Fuck this slut like she nasty piece of shit she is, but once it’s time we’re going to fuck her to death and I will record, the whole thing. Fuck her hard, thrust your cock into her wet bloody pussy, feel her warm against you and I’ll slit her throat… she won’t even see it coming. You will though and you’ll cum deep inside her pussy as she bleeds out right there, helpless as they always are.
Goth teen phone sex
These little fuckers are going to come soon. Begging for candy. I’ll be my normal Goth teen phone sex whore. Tricking these fucking ankle biters who are all alone in to the house. They will never leave again. I need someone who can help me hold these fuckers down. I need someone with a big thick cock. I am gonna rip their teeth out of their fucking mouth and shove your cock down their fucking tiny throats. With your cock choking that fucking bitch, I am going to start slicing her open. I want to see what a heart looks like as its beating. I want to cover you with her warm blood. I want to watch her suffer and slowly slip away. I want you to fuck her lifeless body. Fill her up with your warm cum. Then take your bloody cock and fuck me on top of her lifeless body. Roll me around in her blood and fill my cunt up.
Don’t take candy from strangers
Did your parents ever tell you to not take candy from strangers? Did your mommy and daddy take your candy away to check it before you ate any of it? You never know what might be in it. Tiny needles that will tear up your insides. Maybe some poison in your candy apples. Or razor blades in your chocolate. If you come to my house on Halloween you won’t make it out. Parents don’t keep track of their monsters so when a few go missing no one knows where they went. I keep mine. I fatten them up, I shave their young bodies. They aren’t too young but not old. I use them as props in my decor. This year is the Bloody butcher shop. Half eaten human arms, legs and feet. No one notices that they are real. They just think it is part of all the fun and scare of Halloween. When really I have the rest of their bodies roasting in the oven. I need to get my appitizers just right for my up coming Halloween party.
Take it All
You swing open the closet door and there I sit on the hard floor in the dark. I can see your tall frame standing there and your cock start to rise at just the sight of me. My own panties are shoved in my mouth so I can’t scream and the sudden light hurts my eyes after being locked in the small closet all night. After snatching me out of my bed you brought me here at knifepoint and locked me up. I kept waiting for you to come and fulfill all your rape phone sex fantasies last night, but you just left me here terrified and alone.
Now, just when I thought I was going to be left to die, here you stand looking ready to take me hard. You grab me by my hair and drag me out into the middle of the room and shove my face down into the hard floor. I taste fresh blood on my teeth and I know this is going to hurt. You’re mumbling something I can’t understand and you don’t seem to be in your right mind. I can smell alcohol and sweat and some sort of smoke, although it doesn’t seem like cigarettes. Your hands are all over me – groping my small tits and despite my disgust for you, making my nipples hard in response.
You roll me over on my back and slap me hard across the face. I see stars for what seems like forever, but when my vision begins to clear I see your fat sweaty body on top of me. My legs are untied and spread – wrapped up around your shoulders. You ram your huge cock inside of me and I try to spit out my panties to scream but its useless. Your cock feels like shards of glass as it rips my tight pussy wide open. If I survive this nightmare, and at this point I don’t know if I will, my once cute little cunny will be destroyed. You took the only thing I had left that made me worth anything… you may as well finish me off.
I was waiting for you to come home – sitting in my car across from your house watching. A car pulled in your driveway that I didn’t recognize. I tried to hide my face but it was too late. The woman came walking towards my car. She told me she knew exactly who I was. She called me a dirty fucking whore and a homewrecker and told me to get out of the car. I tried pretending that I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she wasn’t buying it and she pulled out a gun and told me again to get out of my car.
I was scared shitless so I got out and she made me go inside the house with her. She was so fucking mad and mumbling to herself that she was going to kill us both. She forced me into your office and told me to strip. I was certain she was going to shoot me and I begged and apologized and tried to make her listen. She wasn’t having it. I took off my clothes and she went to the closet and got some handcuffs and chains. What in the hell they were doing in there I have no idea. I was starting to think there was more to this than I knew. She chained me to your office chair and then just stood and laughed while I begged her to let me go.
Then you walked in the room. Had you been here the whole time? What in the fuck was going on? She pointed the gun at you and told you she had found a little gift for you waiting outside the house. You looked at me in shock and she told you to start fucking me right in front of her. She kept screaming at him that she wanted to see what his little pain whore gave him that she didn’t. He took his cock out and placed it up between my legs and grabbed me tight and started fucking me. She kept the gun aimed at us, but with her other hand started rubbing her own pussy. He came so hard it began running down the inside of my legs. As he pulled out, she dropped the gun and got on her knees and began cleaning his cock. My mind was spinning trying to figure out what was going on. Then I saw him reach down, pick up the gun and point it back towards me. I pulled against the chains but it was no use. The last thing I remember was a loud bang and everything went black.