Never piss off a wicked bitch. A lesson she had to learn the hard way. She thought she was to good for every one. Her stunning beauty had her believing that the world would bow at her feet. I was so sick of her holier then thou attitude and so was he. I listened to him tell me so many times how she used her looks as a weapon. How she denied him at every turn. How she belittled and mocked him daily. Telling him that she was to good for him. Well it was time to bring her down several notches and I was the one to do it. I took her out on the premise of a nice country drive to look at a place I was thinking about buying. When I pulled up to the old abandoned farm house, I could see the questions in her eyes. As soon as we got out of the car I began my assault. It was for him and for me and for all the people that she snubbed her nose at over the years. I beat her senseless. Delighting in the blood and watching her face swell as her flesh went from china doll white to a grotesque purple with a green undertone. She could barely stand but I wasn’t done with her yet. Dragging her into the old farm house I locked her beautiful tits into the vice I had created. Watching them become engorged with blood and turn purple brought me great pleasure. But when I put the knife into the wooden floor just out of reach and began to pour the gas around the outer walls and she began to scream, that is when I came so hard it ran down my legs. As I struck the match and told her she could save herself by cutting off her tits or she could go down in flames I watched her come down off that high horse. The despair in her eyes was priceless!
Tag: Snuff phone sex
Into The Fire
Evil phone sex with Ivy
Look at you, depressed and lonely in a house full of people thinking about that Evil phone sex you had. You have my full attention. I can see you are more than a person standing there in a crowded room. You are Evil phone sex but no one has noticed you. The bottle in your hand is almost empty and the little blade you are holding tells me what you are thinking. You are right, its sick and wrong. No one is even going to notice you are gone. No one is going to realize you slit your wrist and the blood is flowing down your arm. I fallowed you into the your bedroom. This is your house, your party and no one even knows where you are or that you’re missing.
My pussy tingles as I watch you tease your skin with the sharp edge of the blade. The way you bite your lip as you gently push into your wrist and pull away because of the pain makes my pussy drip. I can’t stand the teasing anymore. I step out and start telling you how pathetic you are just like our Evil phone sex call. How you can’t do any fucking thing. You have been thinking about this all fucking night and now you are questioning yourself? Let me help you. Take your clothes off, lay down on the bed. Start teasing your skin with the blade again. I can see your cock is hard and my pussy is dripping. You cut deeper into your skin as I touch your cock…. I wonder how far you will go to fuck me.. to cum just one. last. time.
It’s Electrifying
Celebrating brother and sister day has turned out to be an electrifying experience. They did everything together. Their sibling bond was sickening. i haven’t played with my electric shock toys in a long time and this seemed like the perfect day. Having a brother and sister strapped down with electrodes attached to the most sensitive area of their respective bodies. I must say my set up is genius. Each of them have certain triggers attached to them so that when a jolt of electricity sent to a certain area causes a twitch it sends a jolt of electricity to the other that is especially painful. Oh the smell of burning flesh, the sound of their tortured cry’s, the knowledge that I am the one that is the reason for their torment has me so fucking hot and wet. Circling them slowly with the control in one hand. The other hand running up and down my body as I savor the feel of my hard nipples and wet cunt. The power is exhilarating to say the least.
I love killing them slowly!
Sometimes it’s fun to take your time and kill a whore nice and slow, don’t you agree? Don’t get me wrong, I love a good quick death too but when you have time to really savor the moment, why not take it? Like last night, I had this whore all to myself, she was tied up and bleeding and I was about to stab her in the heart and kill her but then I was like why rush it? I had no place I really had to be, nothing important to do, so why not just have some fun right? So I decided to go old school, I grabbed a plastic shopping bag and pulled it over her face and held it tightly… oh she struggled and tried to get away but she couldn’t, I was way too strong. I held the bag over her head until she passed out, then took it off to see if she would wake up. It took a while, but she did wake up and tried to get away so I just jumped on her, wrapped my hands around her neck and strangled her until she was quite dead. It was so fun that I will definitely have to do that again, wanna join me?
A Day Of Movies
Today I have spent the entire day on the couch with popcorn, sex toys and movies of my best torture times. Watching myself causing pain, hearing the screams, watching the blood as it spatters across the floor, the room and even the camera lens. My cunt has been soaking wet all fucking day. I can feel the need to go grab a victim and have some evils and sadistic fun. As the desire wells up inside of me I know that it won’t be long before I am out the door and on the hunt. Tonight I will share one of my favorite films with my next victim and just like lovers watch porn together and fuck each others brains out. I will watch my movie with my victim and re enact each scene living out a snuff porn to perfection.
Snuff Phone Sex Is One Way 2 Get Outta Trouble
Daddy caught me stealing beers last night and he was so mad that he couldn’t even talk to me at first, he just stared at me with this super pissed off look on his face. I knew that I better not do anything else to make him madder so I just made sure to keep my head down and waited for him to speak. He shoved me down to my knees and stood in front of me and that’s when I knew just what to do. I opened his pants and pulled his cock out and swallowed it deep and Daddy lost all control. He fucked my face so hard that for a minute I thought I was gonna die… he only stopped when I was about to pass out. I knew that I couldn’t whimper or complain… if I was gonna get out of this I had to be as submissive as possible… even if it hurt me.
My Favorite Candy
I love dropping a hit of X and fucking a bitch up. I love the way X makes me feel. How it heightens all my senses and intensifies every sensation. When I came across these cute little Hello Kitty shaped X pills I knew that they were perfect. They look like candy and any sweet young girl would love eating them, never knowing what I have in store for her. Eyeing a sweet little gum drop on the playground, my cunt drips juice as my mind creates a twisted and evil plan. She is going to be mine. Tripping from the effects of the pill she just ate. She is about to feel every bit of pain that I am about to inflict upon her ten fold. Knowing this brings me more pleasure then I can even explain. As I inflict more and more pain, I know it is almost time for me to drop a hit myself. fucking and fucking someone up on this drug is the ultimate in dark and twisted fun.
Violent Phone Sex with Paulina
He wanted his cock sucked and to me that was a walk in the park compared to these past couple of weeks. So I slid my mouth over his dick doing it just the way he liked hard and fast. Then out of no where I felt a pair of hands reach from behind me and wrap around my neck. I could not breathe but I knew that I better keep sucking him off. Then suddenly I blacked out. I could still hear noises and there was another guy there with my husband. He told this man to spread me out on the floor and while my husband held my legs up he told this guy to shove his dick in my asshole. I was laying there limp as a rag doll and was not much for me to do so I just took it. I could feel he came in my ass and it was oozing out slowly. Then my husband told him to get my legs so he could tear my asshole open the right way. He shoved his dick so hard and so far up my ass I could feel it tear open again. I knew at this point I was a bloody mess. All the cum that was dripping out was burning and stinging me so badly. I knew he had torn me open after I just started healing. When my husband was finally ready to bust his load he opened my mouth open and shoved his cock deep down my throat choking me with his massive load of cum. That is when I finally came too choking and puking up all his cum laying in a bloody mess from my stretched and torn asshole.
Fucking Daddy Out Of Trouble
I get asked all the time why I allow myself to be treated like a worthless fuck whore simply because my Daddy is addicted to gambling. He gets himself into a large debt he can’t pay and those gamblers can get really angry and mean. He always offers my services to pay his bill in full. He tells them I will be a perfect subby pain whore for them. I will graciously accept torture sex as what is due to me for being such a dumb little nasty cunt. Daddy especially loves loaning me out for suffocation phone sex. He loves getting all those videos of my head lolling around as everything blacks out from your tight hands at my throat. The more sadistic your fantasies are, the more I enjoy them. The reason I always fuck Daddy out of trouble is simple. I am about as addicted to painful fucking as Daddy is to gambling. I could never find this many kinky men on my own, but they seem abundant in Daddy’s circle. Besides being addicted, be treated like a worthless dumbass slut always gets me turned on. So – how much does Daddy owe you?
The torture sex was so satisfying!
Oh it was so perfect! A new family moved into my neighborhood this weekend and as soon as I saw them, I knew that soon I would have a fun filled day full of torture sex. This was seriously a perfect family… no dad in sight, just a tired, worn out looking mother and two delicate little girls. They looked like little angels with their long blonde hair and big blue eyes…just picturing them covered in blood was making my panties wet and I knew that I would be going over there at the first opportunity. I waited until it was dark and quiet, everyone over there was asleep in their beds like little sheep, completely unaware of the danger that was coming toward them. Those stupid little whores were so clueless, they thought they had moved somewhere safe, they had no idea that pure evil was coming their way to rudely awaken them with torture sex. I went to the mother’s room first, she must have taken something to make her sleep because she was tied and gagged before she even woke up! Then I dragged her daughters in there, they were hogtied and gagged, all they could do was cry and you all know that tears are not enough to make me stop! Oh it was so fun, the torture sex was so satisfying, the blood was so red and I was so thoroughly satisfied at the end that I was almost sorry that I had killed them all! Oh well, there will soon be another new family moving in, maybe they will also have some pure young innocents for me to play with… maybe next time there will even be a few boys for me to kill…I can’t wait to see who will be my next victims!