I am on vacation and while I am loving it, there has been a whole lot of work involved in it too. See, in order to get my perfect victim I had to actually pretend to be nice! Do you know how hard that is for me??? It worked tho, I found a guy that was dumb enough to fall for my charms and agree to get on a boat with me… it was the last mistake he ever made. We went out in the middle of the ocean where no one was around, I convinced him that we should drop anchor and swim in the deep water, well he jumped in first and I pulled up the ladder and just watched him. At first he thought it was a joke, but once he started getting tired of treading water he started begging for me to put the ladder down so he could get back on the boat, I just laughed and threw some chum in the water to attract some sharks. Then I just watched him struggle until the sharks finally just ate him all up! Now all I need to do is delete all the pics he took of me and I will have gotten away with the perfect murder!
Tag: Snuff phone sex
Killing on vacation
Gangbang Rape Porn Turned Deadly
Gangbang rape porn is something I enjoy. I am a super freak. I love rough anal. I love being double stuffed. I have been doing fetish modeling since I was 18. I was a teen runaway. I never finished high school, so job opportunities are slim for women like me. Why would I slave at a fast food joint to make money that I can’t live on when I can work in the adult industry and make bank? There are no rocket scientists in porn. Just a bunch of stupid bimbos smart enough to know that making money off their bodies is better than wearing a polyester uniform and asking folks if they would like to supersize their value meal. I am known on the fetish circuit as the woman that takes the modeling gigs no one else wants. I told you I was a super freak. Sometimes, I end up in the ER or barely escaping a deadly situation, but I think I get off on the risk, as well as the pain. When I heard that a snuff porn director was looking for an actress, I answered the casting call. This director was notorious for his graphic and realistic films. The story was simple. A dumb hitchhiker takes a ride from some rednecks and ends up in an abandoned cabin in the woods. It read like a Last House on the Left meets The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It made my cunt wet. I showed up for the first day of filming. I was brutally sodomized, making it hard to fight off the crazed man with the chainsaw on the loose. When the masked man got close to me, I realized the chainsaw was no prop. This was real. What the fuck had I signed on for? My ass was bleeding and prolapsed and now I had to flee. I found a loose brick on a step as I was running out the door screaming. I threw it at the chainsaw. Dumb luck it made the guy chasing me slip and fall onto his chainsaw. I was covered in blood and guts. This was real. I ran naked through the woods for hours until I found someone who rescued me. No one believed my tale. They thought I was having some acid trip. But I know snuff movies are real. I escaped one.
She was a screamer
I found a little whore all by herself so I figured I’d have a little fun with her but what I didn’t know is that this little bitch was a screamer! Good thing I live out in the middle of nowhere huh? Seriously, from the moment I took her out of my car she was screaming for her mommy, I guess she was terrified and all but really I was just annoyed and she was giving me a headache! So I got out my special dick gag, it’s kind of like a ball gag but instead of a ball there’s a giant dick on it that goes right down her throat and stopped all that fucking screaming quick. It’s hard to scream when you’re trying not to suffocate on a big rubber dick yanno? Anyway, she was a lot of fun after that, I broke her little bones and cut her to pieces and even tore open those little fuck holes with my giant strap on cocks until she finally died. All that violence really helped my headache too once I shut that bitch up!
Castration phone sex
He got me all to himself. I was trapped impossible for me to break free out of his grasp. He spread my legs and slammed himself into me over and over again. I was taking ever single inch of his cock inside of me. He forced my thighs apart and balls where banging up against me ass. He laughed and spit in my face as he forced himself inside of me. All the sudden he closed his fist and and hit me across the face, thinking I would knock out.
Instead I just looked at him as the tears ran down my face. He took his bloody covered cock out of me and decided to come and shove it right into my face, telling me to open up. His cock slide into my mouth, making me gag as I tasted the bloody metal taste off of him. He then took his cock out and dangled his nut sack right into my mouth. I could not help myself. I bit down on his balls and dug my teeth into that soft flesh skin. Once I started I could not stop.
I pulled my head away as I pulled the saggy skin with my teeth. One of those testicles practically fell right into my mouth and I got to suck on it and chew it up like it was a jaw breaker.
Fun Time
My favorite toys are my knives .ill love slowly ripping your skin with my blade inching it deeper and deeper. Inflicting pain is boring to me. I love seeing your reactions. When my toys are engulfed in your body I want your pain to take me over. Let me see your face curl up in pain. Your eyes begging me to stop. Let me see your tears and hear your pathetic agony. That’s a good boy, you make my pussy so wet. It’s already twitching begging for your hard dick. You cant fool your master you beg and shake at the pain but your dick loves me. If you’re a good little pest I might reward you. Now for the real fun ill start by tieing your entire body to a tree all of you but your arm .i have special plans for that arm. I’ll attach the other rope above your elbow and taunt you as I attach the end of the rope to the trucks tow ball. Then ill put the truck in idol and watch as you scream in pain crying and begging. I can hear your skin ripping and I can’t help but finger myself. And as a smell your blood and watch your arm slowing ripping of your disgusting body I can’t help but want your big juicy cock.
I found the perfect little bitch
Everyone acts like it is just so hard to find a little victim but honestly it’s the easiest part of what I do! So many crackheads and junkies just leave their brats wandering around all by themselves and those dumb ass little brats will go with anyone if you just promise to feed them! They never realize that they fucked up until I get them to my place, once we’re there and they see all the blood in my playroom… well that is where they start to get scared and beg for their worthless little mommies. I always tell them that their mothers sold them to me for drugs, I tell them that they don’t care if they lived or died so they may as well just shut the fuck up and do as they are told to do. Then the real fun starts, I get to cut them and fuck them and break their little fragile bones and in the end I throw their little bodies on the bonfire with the rest of the garbage.
You Fucking Dare?
Some little dick mother fucker thought I would give him the time of day, well he certainly annoyed the wrong Bitch! Yeah, I was cordial enough, fuck, I even flirted a little because I have a sadistic phone sex need to get my satisfaction from snuffing these fucking worthless pions out. In all things that fucking get my pussy juices flowing for a gold ole hate castration is this very situation. Little man with no sense will gain some new sensations as my knife blade glides down his belly and over the length of his micro dick.
Oh, buddy I’m soo sorry you poor small cocked thing. But you have to be restrained like that and yes, as a matter of fact I am going to hurt you. But first I need to piss so terribly that I think you may be thirsty. Squatting my sweet trimmed cunt over your face I start pissing in your mouth. I get up and crawl down between your legs. Looking at you with a cold stare I castrate you in the swish of a blade.
Put me in my place

She deserved it
I don’t suffer fools lightly so when some dumb whore came at me like a bitch I had to make her pay. She was all uppity and rude,acting like she was better than me or something and I fucking hate that! Who the fuck are you to talk to me like that?? We were both shopping, I didn’t even work there for fucks sake and she was acting like I owed her something all because she was too stupid to see that I wasn’t an employee. Well, I showed her! I took all her info and acted like I would deliver her shit to her… in reality all I would be delivering was death. I showed up at her house about an hour later and she was just as big a bitch as I figured she would be but that all changed once I got inside and knocked her the fuck out. I stripped her and tied her to the bed all spread eagle and waited for her to wake up. Once she did I showed her my favorite strap on cock, it is 18 inches long, 5 inches wide and covered in razor wire… that sure got her attention quick! She begged for her life but I didn’t care, I just shoved that massive cock inside her and literally fucked that dumb bitch to death!
Daddy let me get little whores for you
Do you like snuff phone sex? Those words just make my fucking cunt fucking dripping wet, and it makes my mind start to wonder. I love taking little fucking bitches and bringing them to you for us to fuck up. I have so many ideas of how we can fuck them up and make daddies cock hard. I love to take little bitches assholes and cut there fucking little slutty tits off and shove them up her little fucking asshole, I wanna ruin slutty little fucking whores. We can dress them up in little lingerie and high fucking stripper heals to make them look as fucking slutty as they are. Daddy would fucking love that, wouldn’t you? I promise I will be a good little fucking accomplice for you, I will do whatever you want daddy. You deserve a little fucking whore that will go get bitches and help you fuck them up. I wanna see blood squirt out of all there holes, I wanna use there insides to make little sex toys for you daddy.