Tag: Snuff phone sex

Breast Torture

Torture sex

Daddy and my new mistress love torturing my tits and finding different ways to hurt them. Whether it’s jamming needles into my nipples, whipping them until they’re red and bleeding, or putting out cigarettes on them, they love it all. Yesterday they tied ropes around them in intricate knots and steadily tightened them until they were swollen and losing feeling. The ropes cut off all circulation to my tits and they began to turn blue and black. I begged them to please release them or at least loosen the ropes a bit, but they just laughed and refused. My mistress started to suck on and play with my numb and now blue nipples. She just loved the sight of them in pain and I knew it turned her on so much. 

While my aching breasts were still bound and tied tightly, They both bent me over and had their way with me. They took turns fucking me until they had both cum multiple times, and despite my pain, I couldn’t help but cum a few times as well. She used her biggest strap on and rammed it in and out of my dripping pussy as hard as she could. When she was done, Daddy would take her place and fuck me in my ass or pussy. When they get excited like this, they can go for hours and hours, force fucking all of my holes until I’m about to pass out. By the time they were done, my tits were bruised and black and my ass and pussy were swollen and dripping blood and cum. 


Master’s New Play Thing

Snuff phone sex

My master brought a new girl down to my chamber. She was filthy, covered in shit, piss and blood. Will he finally let me go home to my Mommy and Daddy, I thought. Unfortunately, I was forever to be his tortured, kidnapped, pain slut until he becomes sick of me. This new play thing was for us to have fun he said. He wants me to play with her, torture her- fuck her. He had her tied up to a small furnace as I gagged her with a shit stained sock. He had me cut her open, peel her skin and make a new hole for him to fuck. Dirty tears streaked down her face and soft screams barely slipped around the gag as master jammed his cock straight into the bloody hole in her gut. He plunged his cock in and out of her as I continued to stab and jab the rusted knife inside her. Better this little whore than me, right? Playtime is a bitch, but I’m thinking that I’m starting to like being his little accomplice.

Dead Fuck Doll

snuff phone sexI woke up on a cold metal medical-like table, naked and could feel the cold air hitting my exposed pussy. I couldn’t move any part of my body or speak, but I was still awake and could feel you touching me. You were standing over me with a saw. Started at my thighs, sawing one at a time all the way through my layers of flesh and meat and bone to the table until my leg was no longer attached to me anymore. With each movement of the saw, the pain was unbearable. I couldn’t scream. You tossed it off to the side like a piece of trash. Then you did the same to the other leg. Thrown. Trash. You slid me down the table and stuck you cock in my bloodied cunt and vigorously fucked it until I was cold and as stiff as your cock after bleeding out all over the table, floor and your cock. Then you used a hammer, broke my jaw, and fucked my mouth, forcing your huge cock all the way down my throat and into my esophagus. Feeling every ridge of my hollow throat. You grabbed my head so rough clumps of my brown hair were ripped from my dead scalp. You little dead fucking doll.

He took it all the way

snuff sexOh I had the most fucked up twisted kind of date last night and it was so hot! Me and this sexy motherfucker were out looking for little bitches to star in one of our fucked up movies when we came across this little blonde whore all alone. It was easy enough to get her to go with us, she was already scared and alone and I can seem really sweet when I need to. We took her back to my place and that’s where she started to realize that she had made a big mistake coming with us. My house is filled with scary weapons and bloody souvenirs from past killings, she took one look and tried to run away… too bad for her that there was no escape. We tortured her little body and fucked all her holes but that little whore had the nerve to die on us before we were finished fucking her, can you believe the nerve? Well, we weren’t going to let a little thing like death stop our fun, we just kept on fucking her little dead body until we were all satisfied!

Whips and Clips

Snuff phone sex

My little ass was made for whipping, I’ve been told. My ass eagerly props up for abuse and torture. My ass is addicted to the pain of heavy whips and chains blistering against my skin. Even when tears spring from my eyes and hoarse gasps escape my lips, master makes sure to whip me hard enough to break the skin. He laughs when the skin on my ass and victim pussy splits opening with droplets of blood trickling down. When master is feeling extra torturous and evil, he will use clothes pins to pin my abused cunt open, so he can whip and lash it over and over again. Master ties me up and bends me over so that he can flog me viciously with hot wire and barbed wire. I’m his little piggy pain slut and I wait for him to clip my nipples down with pins while he abuses and tortures my little teen body for our viewers. They have fun commenting and adding ideas for ways to make me scream. Do you have any ideas?

The Little Bitch Deserved It!

murder phone sex fantasies

There seems to be a growing trend of stepmoms bringing me stepdaughters to straighten out or dispose of! It seems that once hormones take over these little sluts in training are trying to take over daddy and all of his attention.  One Stepmother was out of her mind and had found me through a voodoo priestess. She knew that the little girl either needed fucked or done in. I was going to be the heartless bitch who decided her fate. The hefty woman dragged in a long lanky hormonal brat! This little Cunt Girl was outta control and fought me as I tried to talk to her. But when I turned with my fangs showing her face was nothing but fear. Her evil stepmother wanted her out of the picture and she said she would pay any amount to watch her get gangbanged and tore apart before I did whatever I did. I ripped at the girls’ throat enough to put her in shock, and then let My boyfriend and his big dick get on top of her and pop that sweet cherry. Oh, the howls and screams that erupted! My boyfriend enjoyed that sweet tight innocence being taken!  My favorite part before the girl was to bleed out was her stepmom leaning in close to tell her ex-stepdaughter that she deserved what she got!  As the women left, I rang the girls’ father and told him that his tender vitals was ready for his cock and I released the dogs. I would use the moms fat to fry the girl when we were done slaughtering her! Daddies always pay more stupid bitch, and you are the one who is going to get what she deserves as well! 

National Take A Psycho To Work Day

Taboo phone sex

Wouldn’t you just love to take me to work with you?  We could have so much fun!  I can just see it, you and I walking into your office.  I’m 5’7 and with my heels on I am sure we would get some curious looks.  You in your business suit, me all in black proudly displaying my pentacle on a chain around my neck head held high as we enter your office space.  Making our way to your cubicle, the guys around you just looking at you in amazement.

All because they don’t know the real you.  The real you likes to have a special sort of fun.  The type that would make them shit themselves if they even were to think about it.  They work with you Monday – Friday, interacting with you, going to meetings with you, listening in on conference calls with you, and they are oblivious to what an absolute monster you truly are.  To me you aren’t a Monster at all, but to the norms you would be considered one.

With me being there they would get just the slightest glimpse into the true you.  Any time someone would come into your cubicle I would stand up, getting as close to them as possible and not say a word.  Just to make them feel uncomfortable, if they were to turn their head to say something to me I would hiss at them then lick my lips. I am sure it wouldn’t be long before some stupid bitch, wearing a too tight business suit and flats would come marching up to see you.  I bet her name would be Lori, or Rebecca. People that work in HR always have generic names like that, because they themselves are basic.

I wonder what she would say, would she try to make me leave, would she impress on you the importance of keeping a calm and distraction free work place?  I hate women like that, trying to act tough when they are just a god damned mess.  They more than likely go home to a house they can no longer stand, along with a husband they no longer want, just to end up drinking themselves to sleep every night.  Pathetic.

She doesn’t matter though, none of these sheeple do.  What matters is yours and my plans for after work, when the real fun begins.  Maybe Lori aka Rebecca would like to be the main event in our night of frolic, or she could at least watch. Hell,  we could even make her into a movie star by making her a Snuff Queen for just one night to save her from her miserable existence.

Gangbang Torture Whore

Snuff phone sex

My cunt now craves the pain. The rawer and more brutal the better. I find that master can only make it twitch and cum when pain is being inflicted on me. He said I’m almost ready for his snuff film masterpiece. Today he said I was getting a special treat. He wants me to be a good victim whore and take multiple cocks and objects. He set up his live stream and had me tied to a table with my holes propped up in the air waiting for cocks to destroy my holes. One by one, men came up to me and began shoving their dicks in and out of all my raw holes while another whipped me with a knotted rope. My skin blistered and my cunt swelled with pleasure. A smoking man came in and out his cigarette on my raw, bleeding rosebud while I screeched in pain. My cunt pounded in pleasure and pain as more men came to barrage my cunt with sharp objects. I was left in a pool of blood and cum… and my cunt loved it.

Bloody Phone Sex Halloween

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex fun is in order for Halloween. At the stroke of midnight, I packed up my knife collection and went hunting for little ghosts and goblins. I got lucky that a house in the next country was having a party. There were adults and littles ones dressed up. I was the party crasher. Dressed like Michael Myers, I stormed in the house with my hands armed with big butcher knifes. I move faster than Michael Myers. I started slashing away at flesh. Old flesh and tender flesh. The younger ones bleed faster and their blood smells sweeter. Bodies were hitting the floor fast. Blood was pooling round my feet. The smell of fear and death is intoxicating to me. I tortured women in front of their husbands. I dismembered little ones in front of their parents.  I fed the family dogs a nice steak to keep them away. I am not a total psychopath. I didn’t harm the pets. It is humans I find annoying, not animals. It was hard to believe that one short bitch could kill 12 people so easily. It’s all in the element of surprise. They were not thinking they would be slaughtered like snuff porn stars in their own home. They were likely intoxicated too which would have slowed their reactions. Sure, I was channeling all my bad ass serial killer energy, but it was super easy to slaughter a group of folks at a time. Normally, I am a spree killer versus a mass killer. A kill multiple folks over the course of a night instead of a group of people at once. I have a taste for it now. I left no DNA. In costume, I blended in with the other party goers in town. I woke up this morning, turned on the news and heard about a mass slaying in a house thought to be drug related. I started masturbating knowing no one will ever link me to this random mass murder in a suburban home on Halloween night.

Whips and Clamps

Snuff phone sexI disobeyed you again today, Master. I don’t know when I’ll learn my lesson. I don’t know when I’ll learn to not fuck with you, Master. I need to obey you in all things. I’m just a dumb worthless cunt who is only half decent at being your cum dumpster slut and fuck toy. I deserved the punishment you gave me today. You ripped off my clothes and pushed me down onto my hands and knees. You spread my knees apart. You tied me up real tight using a white rope. Then, you put clamps and weights on my pussy. You got out your most painful whip and whipped me over and over again for 2 hours. My pussy is so swollen and I have whelps and cuts all across my pussy, ass and thighs. I won’t be able to sit down for days, maybe even weeks. Then when you rammed your cock in me, after I was swollen up and beaten, without any lube at all, it hurt so bad. I’ll try to be better, Master.