Tag: Snuff phone sex

Chop Chop Daddy

Torture phone sex


I am a cunt Bunni motherfucker I love sadistic shit you can shit on my face if you want to. I love being nasty for sure and there is no taboo that I won’t do I’m into all the worst things. I will cut your mother up if you want me to, do you hate that fucking bitch and you want to get her back I will make sure I get her back for you. Because I know how to please a motherfucker better than any other whore in this world I will make you have nightmares about me. I can tell that you’re a sadistic lover and you want to get nasty I can tell you want to get out of control. Have you ever had a thought of chopping off your father’s cuck? I will make that happen, and I will fry it up in a pan I want to eat your father’s cock with asparagus. While I do my bad things, I will get rewarded. Have you ever thought of your dad as a mother fucking stupid ass Twisted fed, and you want to pay him for all of the money that he’s been holding out on you? I’ll drag your father down the street in my truck I’ll show him just how bad I am I will make him bleed. I will tie your mother up and feed her your daddy’s cock. I will slice it up into little pieces like lunch meat. You need a twisted slut like me to make all of your sadistic dreams come true I know how to do it so well. Have you ever thought that you’re going to be having fun in the most undesirable way known to man? You are special to me you make me want to do some fucked-up things, and I will do them for sure. Call me. I’m the one you need if you’re going to cause a nightmare to happen in your parents home. I’ve got a special for Sunday. I am going to show you how to do some fucked-up things, and we can get religious too.


Bloody phone sex

I fucking hate lazy people!

snuff sexI fucking hate lazy ass dirty people so when I had a houseful of assholes like that I had to do something or lose my damn mind! My whole house was a wreck, laundry everywhere, dishes all over the kitchen crap all over the bathroom, it was killing me because I like things to be clean. I had had enough when I woke up this morning to find that all the messes I had already cleaned up were all fucking dirty again, it was too much! So I went totally nuts, I screamed everyone awake and when they came downstairs acting like they couldn’t figure out why I was so upset I just started fucking people up. If there was gonna be a mess in here it was gonna be blood that I fucking put there! I had a huge knife in my hand and I just started stabbing motherfuckers one by one. They all tried to get away from me but none succeeded! I killed every single one of those lazy ass freeloaders! Now I have a bigger mess to clean up but I really don’t care because it was me that made this mess!

Torturing Tess

torture phone sex

Torturing little girls who think they can’t be touched is a hobby of mine! The juice bar is a great play to find a teen slut who dismisses anything that doesn’t serve her. Tess (the name on her cup) ran into me and spilled her fruit smoothy down my black shirt, not thank you or anything as she rushed past! I was on her in a flash, the car door barely shut before I had stuck a needle on her arm and knocked her out cold. When Tes awoke I was naked over her body admiring her sweet curves as I buckled the last leather strap. Her screaming awoke my pussy! I wanted nothing more than to off her quickly so I could cum, But I waited for Xander, He wanted to film this snuff star and make sure her every abuse was captured! I would get my turn to be her demise! I enjoyed the thin slices of flesh being pulled off her. My fist covered in barbed wire fucked her to shreds! It was amazing and made me cum down my thigh when Tess screamed for her daddy, Only to look up in horror as her daddy was the one strangling her! Remember My pets there are no coincidences ever! This snuff accomplice always hunts her victims! And fucking enjoys every bloody forced sex minute! snuff phone sex

Force fed black cock

Torture sex

Daddy has a sick sense of humor. He thought it would be amusing to arrange a little play date to satisfy his gang rape fantasy. He found six of the biggest and most well hung black guys and paid them to force fuck his daughter’s tiny mouth. He held me by my hair and forced me to my knees and slammed my head and open mouth onto the first huge black cock. He slammed my head up and down on the cock and I could feel my throat ripping and stretching from the sheer girth of the cock and the force of my daddy pushing my head down. As soon as one came in my bloody throat and mouth, the next was already lined up and ready to force fuck my throat. I was choking on cum and my own blood the whole night.

Anal Slave

Ass rape pornMy black crippled asshole is a throbbing mess. Master came back last night and really showed me how much stress he had built up inside of him from work, he let it all out on my ass. That is not all though. He also wanted to humiliate me in front of everyone. He told some of his close friends at work to come over later that night. I am not sure what went on while on his trip for work but whatever it was all of these men needed a sex slave like me to punish. My master had me tied up on my stomach, with my arms and legs spread out. My wrists and ankles tied up. I really tried not to get turned on by this but when the 5 men came down to the torture chamber in the basement I couldn’t help it. The evil, sadistic looks they were giving me, gave my whole body chills. I live for this torture shit. I wanted to scream out, “Yes take this nigger ass and torture it, show me what that white cock can really do”. I knew better than that though, I would never want to embarrass my master. I just played scared, trying my best to keep my pussy from dripping sweet juice all over the wooden table. Master finally came down, giving me the same look. His eyes told me my asshole was on the menu for torture. He looked at the men, they already had a plan by the looks they were giving each other. That is when one of the men came behind me and spread my asscheeks wide open. Another man walked over to the corner, grabbing different toys, or maybe I should say weapons. When he came back, I saw a baseball bat, a paddle, chains, and a ball gag. The next thing I know, a ball gag is being placed around my mouth, the chain was being placed around my neck. One of the men had a paddle in their hands, and the other had a baseball bat in his hand. My master then gave the men a nod of approval. They told me my nigger ass better get ready for some good old fashion torture. After those words were spoken, one of the men shoved the bat as far up my ass as he could and pulled the chain around my neck so hard I thought my neck was going to snap. I moaned out in agony. Another man said “Did we tell you to make a sound” then he whipped my ass leaving a sting feeling on my ass that wasn’t going anywhere. For the next five hours, I was a sex slave to all of these men. My master sat in the corner and watched the entire time my asshole was being used and abused by his workmates. I am not sure what happened to my master while he was gone but he came back a changed man. I am not sure if I should be turned on or scared. I guess only time will tell.

Forced fucked after labor

Fantasy phone sexDuring our evil fantasy phone sex, you didn’t even care that I had just popped a rotten little brat out of my slutty cunt. You took me straight home from the hospital and had your way with me with no regard to how I was feeling. In fact, the nurses suggested that I stay in their care for a couple of days but that didn’t even phase you! You yanked those IVs out of my arm and threw me over your shoulder in my hospital gown & dragged me out at your own recognizance. The fact that my pussy just went through an intense physical experience and is basically handicapped at this point is not even something in your head that you think is a good enough excuse to not force fuck me. It hurts so bad but you don’t care one bit. I’m screaming and moaning & your cock only becomes more horny for my skanky mommy pussy. It’s freshly birthed and now freshly force fucked! Fill me up with cum and give me an infection, it’s like pouring salt into an open wound!

Strangle Me In My Home

Snuff pornMy master is gone for a month. I have no one to have fun with. My black slave pussy needs some intense sexual torture. I want you to break into my home and strangle me to death. The way my nigger cunt is throbbing I will want to keep it going. When you corner me I will put up a fight. I will not give up the fight until you overpower me. Once you finally got me into a corner with no way out,  I want you to snuff me good. Make sure I cannot breathe. When you no longer feel a pulse or hear me breathing, by all means, do what you want with me. My lifeless body is here for your pleasure. Rape my lifeless ass, or cut me open watching my lifeless body bleed out. As long as you are violent my slave cunt and I will be happy. Show me no mercy. Let all your stress, aggression and rage out on this nigger slave. If you want you can even kidnap me before you end it, knock my ass out and let me wake up to your torture.

Slave Torture Training

Accomplice phone sexYesterday I was an accomplice to my master. I got to see first hand how bad this Slave slut was to the master I spent two weeks with. I do not know how he didn’t just slice the cunt slave to pieces and use her cut up flesh as dog food. I know I secretly love this life and getting tortured, raped, cut and beaten is something my cunt aches for but she doesn’t deserve to be a slave. This whore deserves to die a painful death. While watching my master beat her to a pulp, ripping half her hair out of her damn head I was confused why she would not obey. She put up such a fight. At a certain point, each slave needs to realize they are a slave and it does not matter if they like it or not. You must obey your master. You have no choice in what your master does to you but the one thing a sex slave must do is obey. Maybe she wanted to die, once I got that thought in my head I wanted to put her to the test. After all, if my master and I did have to kill her, I would find another sex slave and train her to be perfect, obeying working girl for my temporary master. My master could see the disgust in my eyes. He pulled me to the side and asked me did I want to give it a try. That is when I told him I think we should pretend to kill her. He liked that idea so much it looked like he wanted me to turn back into his slave and stretch my ass and cunt out one quick time. So without a word, he went back to the worthless slut and punched her one good time in the stomach. This bitch would not give up, that is when I yelled out, “Kill Her”. She looked at me, not able to believe I just said that. I walked over to her, looked at my master and said, this pathetic cunt does not deserve to be a slave, she does not deserve to live. She is a pathetic piece of shit that needs to be thrown away, once and for all. That straightened this little bitch up. I smacked her as hard as I could across the face and told the pathetic whore if she does not start acting the way a sex slave should act, then I will personally cut her limb by limb and make sure she has a slow and painful death and while I am doing this my master will be fucking her pathetic cunt and ass until her flesh is cut into tiny pieces.

My Necrophilia Side

Necrophilia phone sex

I wasn’t always a necrophile slut.  I was always a mutilator and small animal killer whore though.The only subject I actually enjoyed was Bio. I excelled in that class, except for the dissection part. Looking at that dead piglet I felt my first stirring…that tingle of excitement mixed with a yearning for the non-living. In death it looked so serene and happy, blissfully unaware of its surroundings; lying on the metal table surrounded by sweaty School girls armed with gloves and scalpels. I faked sick so I could skip that class. I couldn’t bear watching my classmates violate the sanctity of death. I’m obsessed with death. I find it so beautiful. I especially love the ones with thick eyebrows and a slight grimace in their perpetual slumber. Only I am the murderess and those still, unmoving bodies smooth and hard like marble underneath my body Make my pussy so fucking wet.  I inject fluid into my victims’ dicks so I can ride them for hours as they stay erect. Then I cut my breast so the blood runs down for lubrication. My pussy lips provide most of the lubrication though. Nothing like sex with dead bodies mixed with a bloodgasm. I feel the most alive after fucking a dead body. Is it the same for you baby? Would you like this sweet young whore I have laid out on the slab, her cold body perfect for your cock? Tell Angel of Death Jezabel all about it!

Torture This Sex Slave

I want the masters who know how to torture and degrade a nigger cunt slave like me. Make me your punching bag or better yet your torture toy. I want to see how far you will take it. Hand me that sharp knife you have and make me cut myself, watching the blood drip from my chocolate skin is sure to get you going. Did I do something wrong, master?Snuff phone sex Punish me, every slave needs a good punishing. Make sure you tell me how much of a nigger bitch I really am and how lucky I am to have you as my master. These big black nipples are here for you to torture also. Maybe you have some clamps you have been dying to use on a slave like me. Listen to me moan in pain while you’re watching my nipples stretch and twist in different directions. Stretch this fucking slave asshole out so wide I won’t be able to take a shit the next day. The possibilities are endless with me. I will die to please, my master. My motto is, whatever the master wants, the master gets.