Tag: Snuff phone sex

Gothic Babysitter Phone Sex Killer

babysitter phone sex

You knew who I was and what I would do when I came to babysit your brats. You had already offed your wife and needed to go and visit her grave. You came on her grave once a week just thinking about how she screamed for you as you stabbed her to death. So, hiring a tiny gothic girl was no big deal. I mean the amount of money that exchanged was way more than a regular teen would take. I decided to film it for you as I arranged your darlings in their cutest dresses. I invited an accomplice over who paid me, even more, to watch me slit their throats after I had him force fuck sweet cunny. Those cute bloody screams were so arousing! I know you enjoyed watching how he fucked those throat holes after I sliced sweet innocent heads off. I came so hard as I cut arms and legs off and he fucked little dead bodies with blood still gushing. Are your balls heavy and leaking that delicious precum for my brat killer ways yet?

Snuff Porn Star Dream Girl

Snuff porn

Your a fucking dirty sadistic man that needs to use and degrade beautiful blondes, and the dummer and and more fake they are, the more exciting it becomes for you. I’m the girl of your sadistic snuff porn dreams and here waiting for your degradation. I’m a whore, my only use is to serve you. I am a pathetic slut that would do anything that promised me stardom. Iwant the ultimate satisfaction of being snuffed out on camera in a award winning cameo of my slow, torturous death. It’s what I fantasize about and to fulfill your filthy fantasies for peanuts is what I will do until the ultimate goal comes to be. I want your forcefully fucking me with your friends live streamed and played for other sadistic fucks to jerk off to. Cum for my demise.

Black Cock Fucked Up In Gangbang Rape porn

gangbang rape pornI must be the tell you that your little girl and pregnant wife have been black cock fucked up in gangbang rape porn. My pussy is dripping as I look at those dead bodies.  I have been hanging around the morgue and people think I work here. I tell the attendants I will be the one to have you identify the bodies. It’s not a pretty sight.  Both have been killed during the shooting of some really fucked up porn with huge black dick. Your daughter is just a tot and there’s so much cum covering her insides it made its way to her heart. The brat inside your wife was choked to death before they she was born. Why are you starting to sweat? You set this all up, didn’t you? You wanted them murdered at the hands of huge black dick? I back up against you and pull my scrubs down. You enter my ass and cum inside me. I enjoy laying over the dead girls as you pound me. I know you are a sadistic motherfucker and I want to get fucked by you again! Calling all Sadistic phone sex freaks! Your nightmares make my pussy wet!

Strangulation phone sex

Strangulation phone sex

Strangulation phone sex has always been something that turns me on. I love to be strangled in real life too! There is nothing more sensual than the feeling of a cock sliding in and out of you as you dance on the edge of consciousness. It feels like a million tiny volts of electricity running through your body. As you slowly regain yourself, all you can hear is the deep breathing of the guy as he fucks you hard and raw. My dream is to be strangled to death while I’m being split in two by a huge, fat cock. Nothing makes my pussy more soaked than day dreaming about the one who will finally snuff me while destroying all of my fuck holes. Thinking about gasping and desperately clawing at a rope or tie around my neck while I’m getting laughed at and fucked is my ultimate fantasy. I know someone is out there who can make my dreams come true.

Kidnapped for Snuff Movies

snuff moviesI was kidnapped for snuff movies and the sex trade. I was giving directions to a girl in a car when men jumped me from behind. She was the decoy I guess. I walked into their trap. I woke up naked crammed into a dingy room with lots of other scared women. I could smell puke and piss. Many women were strung out on something. I wasn’t fighting. I cowered in a corner trying to asses the situation. A Mexican man pulled me out of the corner and took me to a different room. My Spanish is very rusty. I did understand that I had been bought. I think I was kidnapped only because I fit the type of girl this one client wanted. I was a statuesque blonde with big tits. I was then dragged into another room where a man was waiting for me. The smile on his face said it all. He was happy to have bought me for his personal use. I was hopeful he just had rape phone sex fantasies. He had way more than that in mind. He wanted to dismember me. He had an array of torture devices ranging from hacksaws to chainsaws. No warning. No pain meds or smack. He cut off my limbs turning me into a bloody stump. He fucked me once I was a human stump. I wanted to die. I had no limbs. I was bleeding profusely but he didn’t care. He bought me to torture and force fuck me. His dream came true but my nightmare was just beginning.

Friday the 13th Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phone sex

I am an evil accomplice phone sex whore. Hence the name. You come to me wanted a litter of slutkins to destroy with your big dick. You want to make every hole bloody and pulverized. I gladly take your down payment and bring you to my dungeon of doom. Your ears perk to the crying of caged naked girls and boys for you to choose from. A vending machine of asses and cunny if you will. You select three for the price you paid. I light the furnace and the fire under my cauldron. I help you rip them apart and murder each one. My knife still dripping with blood I walk up to you and cut your dick off. Oh, baby Don’t you know it’s a full moon and Friday the 13th? I need your rape phone sex fantasies cock to add to my potion so That I will have eternal life as a brat killer and cannibal! I laugh as you hit the ground and watch your manhood tossed in the water with brat body parts.

Dark Sex Nightmares

Sadistic phone sex

Let’s get twisted tonight I feel like Fire and Ice I want to be hot and cold all over you. Can I straight razor slit your little girlfriend because she’s sexy when she’s bleeding and she looks so good when she’s crying tonight? I can fuck you in front of her while she is screaming from the pain she’ll go crazy, and I love it. I’m a terrible slut. I want to fuck you so bad I want to be the one that is the worst of them all. Yes, my body is fantastic see my tits they’re so big, and they do the best things of all if you want them to. I will feed you my cream from my pussy, and I will pour my squirting cunt juice all over your girlfriend. She looks scared she looks terrified; I don’t think she’s okay. Look she’s bleeding, and she’s hemorrhaging. Your poor girlfriend is going through this like she’s already and hell, and she’s on her way. Love guy her tears I want to lick them I want to drink her blood. Why don’t you slap your girlfriend and her face with your cock? I really think that would turn me on. You are fucking the darkest bitch in town I know that that’s okay with you. I’ve heard of the rituals that you’ve been dreaming of doing all the time I can teach you how to be the devil. Would you like to go deeper go darker be wicked would you like to feel the excitement? Let’s go to the bottom of the brimstone together you, and I look in my eyes, I’m ready for the devil in you.

Snuff Porn with an Old Bitch

snuff pornHe had an unusual snuff porn request for me. He wanted me to help kidnap his mother. I don’t get too many gigs to kill mothers; well not mothers in their 60s. I didn’t ask questions because he paid me. All I cared about was the money. It became clear he had some deep seeded resentment for his mother. He wanted the most violent torture I could imagine. He had no idea who he had hired. I am so violent I make Jigsaw look like an amateur. I kidnapped his mother while she was sleeping. Old bitch didn’t even have any teeth. He really had mother issues. Again, I didn’t feel sympathy for the old bitch. I knocked her out, so I could get her in my trunk easily. Truth. She was lighter than a sack of potatoes. She woke up tied to a table with a scared look on her face. I started carving her flesh off her body. I was like a hungry cannibal. I carved her flesh off her body like she was a turkey. Her screams were deafening, but they couldn’t be heard deep in the woods. I took my time with the torture. I wanted her to feel the pain. Well, her son did. Right before she took her last breath, I showed her a picture of her son so she knew who wanted her dead. She had her son to thank for starring in my snuff sex film.

Blasphemy Kidnapping Phone Sex Whore

kidnapping phone sex

My pussy is so wet at the haul I got for us to torture and tear apart! I burnt down a catholic orphanage and stole some of the brats. The best part is I have a couple of virgin nuns who need to denounce their religion! And of course, those fat little cunnies who think their deity is the only deity to worship. Virgin pussy and cock are so great! I have tried a few out I hope you don’t mind. Little boys will pray to anything if a hot mouth and wet pussy are around that cock. And the girls screamed so mercilessly. I just need a few big cocks so I can fill them with the only thing I will ever worship. Pain, torture, and cum! Cum runs the world and sweet forgotten brats are the perfect way to make sure I get what I want! I rather reign in hell because I orgasm to blood and dismemberment than to ever be pure! My lust is dark and your cock needs blasphemy sex only a snuff wore like I can give you!

Gangbang Rape Porn Sissy Slut Victim

I hate groveling fools, and especially hate ones that want to be like me. There’s a fucking trend of guys wanting to be sissy fags and it really makes me laugh, some of the images I see and all I can think about is how I can bank on this twisted shit, ya know a hot gangbang rape porn of some little pink girly dressed male in the wrong place. Like one of my favorite films Suburbia. It’s a punk flick of some great fucking bands and they squat at a house, do drugs, get drunk be fucking punks, ya know. Well, at a show some fucking dumb “Normal” blonde bitch is there dressed in a pink fucking prom dress or some shit. Well she could be the sissy and all the punks just go to town fantasy raping the dumb cunt as it was surely a wet dream of hers but she was terrorized and laughed at. That is kinda an awesome epitome of how I would see this Sissy faggot. In the middle of a mosh pit and getting gang banged and pounded by the grittiest of punks. In the middle of the show and the band even stops to watch her getting banged and being called a faggot while pissing in her face. I would be there instigating the guys to do more damage and finally go up to the bitch with a strap-on that was massive with a blade and give her fuck hole my all as I slit her throat.

Gangbang rape porn