Tag: Snuff phone sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex Leftovers For Lovers

Sometimes I date this super dirty Mortician that is bi-sexual and by dirty I am referring to the things he likes to do to some of the males we pick-up together. We pick up our share of females too so don’t get me wrong, but the things he likes to do with the guys after he’s been fucked by them… Let’s say they are lucky if they even get a chance, or it could be considered unlucky. But nevermind, we drug our victims up at the Goth club and bring them back to a abandoned old mansion and take our use of them. We play out filthy rape fantasies with them and sometimes engage in some cannibalism phone sex. I love castration and even severing the whole dick off. Sometimes we will grill it up and I feed it to him. He has so many kinky tricks he learned from being a mortician that I really love our times together. My main boyfriend doesn’t really mind since he knows the sadistic bitch in me gets fed with these hunt dates as we call them.

Cannibalism Phone Sex


Late Last Night

snuff phone sex

You came home extremely late last night. You must’ve been out drinking with some colleagues again. I heard the car pull up so I decided to pretend to be asleep when you walked into my bedroom. I was intentionally wearing something lacy and something white because you just love seeing me in something that represents purity when you have plans to brutalize and torture me! It pleases me to be your victim. I felt you tying my hands behind my back, as well as my ankles. This is when I decided to begin to “wake up” and struggle. I could feel your cock get hard immediately as you were pressed up against me. Boy do you love it when I put up a fight. At this point you covered my mouth and I began to scream and gasp. Your cock is throbbing now! And I’ll be honest, my pussy us pulsing and dripping. I love that I never know just what you’ll do next. You picked me up and carried me into the kitchen, sat me down in the chair sitting right there in the middle of it. This is where you turned on the stove and started heating up a rather sharp knife. You never even break eye contact with me when you’re putting on this display of preparation. You love that fear of look in my eyes. Do you remember what happened next?


Sex with Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesI was at a Halloween party with this guy who said he loved having sex with dead bodies. I thought he was joking until he showed me his morgue ID. He works at the county morgue. I have heard about creepy shit like this, but thought it was just urban legend. He asked me if I had ever fucked a dead man. I had never even thought about it until he told me when the cadavers first come in, the men have hard cocks from rigamortis. I started thinking about all those stiff dead dicks attached to men who couldn’t hurt me, who couldn’t shame me either. I know I am a taboo phone sex slut, but this was extreme taboo even for me. We got high together, and he took me to where he works. Signed me in as a visitor. I was walking around with the dead. I was scared and aroused at the same time. He found this black young gang banger who was shot just hours ago. He was on the slab awaiting process of the body. My new friend processes cadavers of crime scenes. He worked quickly to get the DNA evidence he needed for the police so the cock would still be stiff as a board. When he was done, he told me to hop on the cock and take it for a ride while I could. My morgue buddy jacked his cock watching me fuck a dead man. The dead man’s cock didn’t feel dead. It was warm and twitching inside my pussy. I felt wickedly sinful. I had never even thought about necrophilia before. Now, I may never stop thinking about it. I came so hard and so did my buddy. He didn’t mind sloppy seconds because there was no cum in me. Dead men can fuck but they can’t cum.

Destroying You and Your Daughters

accomplice phone sex

I am a dark whore who takes your offspring and makes dark web rooms for billionaire men to watch and direct anonymously. Men who will make all evidence disappear. You fucked around and tried to go up against one of these men. And now your triplet girls are at his mercy. You are tied to a chair and your teeth pulled out one by one. I will be cutting your toes and fingers off and if these powerful men say so I will be cutting your balls off too. Look how they scream daddy. You did this too them. Now they are going to be rapped by the biggest-dicked gang of niggers I can find. You never know who works for the men behind the curtain. I really enjoyed tearing those cunnies and assholes apart as you helpless look on. They won’t survive the fucking daddy..

Suffocation phone sex

Suffocation phone sexYou ever had to do Suffocation phone sex and it turns out the guy you were on the phone with is actually inside your house, waiting for the perfect moment to bust up in your room and give you a proper smothering. Well, that happened to me last night. I was on the phone pretending to be losing my breath as he beat me and suffocated me. But he was not far at all, coming out of nowhere going straight for my neck and mouth. I don’t even have a chance to fight back, he is strong and already knows exactly what he is doing. I am shocked and cannot even get a word out as he goes for the kill. I am gasping, gurgling, choking and even blacking out. Every time I lose consciousness he lets me breathe a little and I go back to fighting before he does it again. His eyes are dark and he looks like his plan is to kill me. Somehow I survived it, but my neck is all purple and I don’t know how he got into my house or when he will be back to finish the job.

Accomplice phone sex

accomplice phone sex

I got an offer to make some easy, quick cash. I loved gigs like this because they’re easy, fast jobs and they pay a nice little chunk of money. Tonight’s gig was for me to find a few little fuck sluts for a film a guy was making. They make so many of these films, world wide. They’re all pretty much the same. Some dumb ass little brat get used and fucked, filled with cum and then usually they’ll strangle her and ditch her or slit her throat and dump her somewhere to bleed out. Doesn’t matter to me as long as I get my cash. I go to a big grocery store to find these little fuck toys. Stupid bitches are always letting their brats run around in these stores. I saw a group of brats hanging out trying to jack some candy. This was going to be a breeze. I walked over and told them that I saw them stealing candy and they needed to come with me. Once I got to the front of the store with them, I told them that if they came with me to answer a few questions, I wouldn’t tell their parents. That worked like a charm and both of these stupid little sluts were more than happy to go with me. I don’t know why they agreed to get into the van with me, but once I had them in there, they were locked in. By the time their stupid ass mothers even realized they were gone, they’d be taking a huge cock in every hole on their little whore bodies. Before they are even missed, they would have their little virgin pussies torn open and pumped full of cum and I would be paid and on my way to the next gig!

Snuff Sex Black Bitch

snuff sexI am a snuff sex nigger bitch. That is what my white master tells me many times a day. Every day I wake up, I feel lucky because I know one of these days soon, he will tire of my black ass. Last night, he shared me with a bunch of his white drinking buddies. He made me serve them drinks naked with a collar around my neck. I thought that would be it. Just some white horny men man handling me. Done that, next. In my mind, it was no big deal. Those guys acted like they had never seen a black bitch before. Like monkeys in a cage they jacked their cocks and flung their cum in my face. Master made me leave their jizz on my body. I walked around naked, under a few layers of cum. That just turned them on more. It didn’t take long before I was the black star of their white gangbang rape porn. They passed me around fucking my ass and fisting my cunt. Some of them spit in my face too. They pulled my weave, almost yanking it clear off. They slapped my titties and spit in my face. Sadly, none of them had drunk dick. I endured hours of gangbanging and humiliation. Master just laughed and bragged about his obedient nigger slave.

Sadistic Season Part One


Sadistic phone sex

It’s that time of year that I get to really dig deep into my sadistic Satanist Behavior. I love to sit in the forest late at night and do ritualistic shit that would turn your lights all the way on. I like to lure hot young, innocent motherfuckers with big fat cocks Into the woods so that I can have my way with them. A woman who looks like me has no problem at all finding my victims, but when I get them, I let them know who’s in control. I like to tie guys to trees and have their cocks exposed so that I can suck them and bend over and run my ass into those big fat cum-filled cocks. I’ve always known that I was different that I was much darker than other fucked up bitches because I love to inflict pain. When I’m through fucking my prey, I love to slice them up and pour alcohol all over their stomachs. I love to slice their cocks up and suck their bloody dicks while they scream in horror. This Halloween I’m going to be the worst that I’ve ever been before because I’m going to videotape myself doing the most horrible sexual crimes. I love the way guys scream and squirm and beg me not to make them bleed. It makes me feel powerful to know that I’ve got their lives in my hands. I love when guys think that I am an innocent little weakling, so they let me tie them up and make them vulnerable. When I’ve got them where I want them, they’re in my web, and I will feast on them. When I get through fucking and sucking those beautiful big fat cocks, I like to slice them all and eat them right in front of their faces. I’m the worst, and it’s best for me. Have you ever dreamt of getting that cock sliced up and eaten? It’s trick or treats time, and my treat is your trick. What I really want this Halloween is a guy who’s willing to be an accomplice helping me to get a nice couple and fuck them and then destroy them. Do you want to be my accomplice?

Teen Rape Porn With Gray

I have a new favorite hobby, teen rape porn madness w/ ghastly sinister and gore-ific fuckability. So, it’s my thing to destroy young fucktwats and make their daddies watch and assist. It’s really the fucking best. But!! You see I happen to have gained a new dirty little fetish, and that is taking down some millennial twat-o-grammers aka Instagram models. Yeah, I got really fucking bored and annoyed with so many shallow bitches online fixated in all these stupid little cattle style following and the whole I’m a model, I’m popular from my selfies shit. This whole scene is one big fucking sickness that I feel I need to harness my bad ass self and take on the role of the Angel of Death. I lured in a few of these dumb shallow bitches and had them singing the death chords for my boyfriends black metal band. They really thought they were going to be actually trying out to sing! What a god damned joke! I rigged up some scrumptious mimosa cocktails with a little special something to really kick their asses. These dumb cunts had it coming and hot damn I had some of my boyfriends groupies cumming harder. Yeah, I did vile things with some nice power tools. I loved fileting that  pussy with a cheese grater dildo ratcheted into a drill. The screams, the gore the level of excitement it gave me and my lover we fucked so hard with their blood all over us. Who do you wanna fuck up?

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torture sex



Snuff sex was not what I expected

snuff sexSnuff sex what not where I expected my night to take me, all I wanted was a night out with my friends. I was out on the dance floor and left my drink on the table, I guess that’s when someone slipped something into my drink because I don’t remember leaving the club or anything. I woke up in a dark room and I was naked and hogtied with a ball gag in my mouth. I was freezing cold and I couldn’t see anything at all, I was completely helpless. I could hear footsteps coming closer so my heart was pounding I was terrified! A scary voice told me that I was going to be in a movie and that I should just relax because if I tried to fight it the punishment would be much worse. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into another room where a bright light blinded me, I was on some kind of stage surrounded by men and they all had something in their hands to hurt me with and I had never been so scared before. They took turns torturing me one by one I have never felt pain like that before but some small part of me knew that I deserved it. They left me tied up there when they were done with me, I didn’t know if I was going to live or die but either way I know it was all my fault for getting myself into that kind of situation.