Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Kill Your Cunt Of A Mother

Murder Phone Sex FantasiesMy pets know exactly how to keep my killer cunt dripping. I adopted a new boy, and he is as sadistic as he is sweet. He wants me to help him kill his rich bitch Mommy, and no request has ever sounded sweeter to my sadistic slut ears. Listen now, beloved. Goddess is going to be very fucking clear; if you fuck this up, I’ll flay you myself and leave you for the crows, do you understand? Grow a backbone, baby. Your first kill is always the hardest.
Your mother, she’s immobile and unresponsive. Her in-home nurses take such good care of Mommy dearest, but those little nurse whores cost a pretty penny, don’t they? My boy wants his inheritance, and he wants it now; so listen up and don’t fuck up.
Wait until her naughty nurses go, and then give mommy a sip of water. She’ll thank you, with her eyes since her bitch body has betrayed her. This is easy prey, baby boy. Do what Goddess says. Slide into bed with Mommy like you do, and ram a short stem funnel in her stupid cunt mouth, and pinch her ugly fucking nose closed. Pour water, and give her a real drink. Oh yeah, we’re dry drowning this bitch.
Pour, and pour, and pour for that whore. Her medulla oblongata will make her swallow, but eventually it will make her breathe too! She can only drink for so long, isn’t that right?
When she is forced to breathe in, she’ll get a lung full of water. Pull that funnel out, and clamp a strong hand over the mouth that humiliated you so much as a brat. Don’t let her choke it out. Make her drown. And when you watch her monitor, her blood pressure will shoot up, her heart beat will skyrocket. Watch her oxygen levels dwindle, and her heart flat line.
Call the nurses and cry. Turn that fear into the best acting moment of your life. No one will question her poor baby boy. Smile inside, sweetness. You took your first victim, and filled your pockets at the same time. Remember to Worship Goddess. I know exactly what you’ll buy me as thanks.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

Sharing Torture Sex Techniques

torture sex

I have a new torture sex caller. I may be a little more hardcore and sadistic than he is used too, but we had fun talking about our favorite subjects. Unlike some callers, he did not expect me to be something I was not. I had two guys today who called me thinking I was a submissive bitch. Never. I cannot even pretend to be submissive or a girlfriend. Just not who I am. I am a sadistic. I enjoy torture. Inflicting pain gets me off. My sexy caller and I swapped techniques for torturing male subjects. His experiences are more sensual than mine, but I enjoyed hearing what he does to a young male subject. Before I became a professional taboo phone sex sadistic, I was a dominatrix. Men and even some women paid me for pain infliction, cock and ball torture, even castration. I love to crush balls. I enjoy using sounding devices too. I have an array of instruments I use to torture a naked male body. Knifes will always be my favorite. I can cut, slice, stab and gut with a knife. I use cigarettes, cigar and blow torches too because burning flesh is so much fun. Then I have a variety of other tools for inflicting pain. Pins to pierce the scrotum and nipples.  Bio Freeze for your cuts and pee hole. Large dildos and speculums for your asshole. Ropes and handcuffs and a spreader bar to bind you. I have vibrators and cattle prods, even a few tasers to shock you. My entire house is full of torture devices to crush balls, cut off cocks and kill men. I get sexual pleasure through your pain. I do not need men for romance or sex. I just need them for torture and amusement. Killing and torturing men is my happy place.

A Torture Sex Weekend

torture sexIt has been a torture sex weekend for me. My husband and our sons are camping for the weekend. That left me home alone with my stepson. He has been making good use of his time with me too. Not an hour after my husband and sons were gone, my stepson had me naked and tied up in the basement. He has been running experiments on my body. Electric shock to my girl parts. Needles to my tits and clit. Industrial vibrators inside my pussy and on my clit simultaneously. Watching my body convulse and bleed is like foreplay for him. He was super high and that brings out his sadistic side. He hates me with a passion, but usually he will let me get high first. Not this time. He said it would dull my pain and skew his experiments. Only a few hours in and I wished I was dead. I am not sure how I am going to survive the time until his father is home. This morning, he put firecrackers in my ass. I could smell my flesh burning. The pain was worse than I thought it would be from a tiny stick. He put cigarettes out on my nipples and clit, burning even more of my flesh. I have no idea what I will tell his father if he sees my wounds. I will not heal quickly. I may be scarred for life with some of the burns. There is no way out of my situation either. He has been blackmailing me for over a decade. I tell my husband what junior does to me, my husband will divorce me and take my sons away from me. And after I have lost everything that matters to me, my stepson will take my life and make a snuff porn while he does it. I just need to suck up the pain and understand this is the mess I made of my life.

A Taboo Phone Sex Whore all My Life

taboo phone sexI am full of taboo phone sex stories. My life is a far cry from vanilla. My youngest years were spent as daddy’s whore. He made me do the things my mom did before she left us. She wanted no more of his abuse. I do not know if she thought he would not touch me because I was his flesh and blood or if she just did not care because it was no longer her. The very next day after she packed her bags and left, he was fucking me. A week later he was selling my tiny holes to settle his gambling debts. He exchanged his baby girl for coke too. At the time I hated those old fat men using me as their cum dumpster. I wanted to be a normal girl. I wanted to play with dolls and ride bikes with friends. I had no friends. My sperm donor kept me isolated from anyone my age. I ran away when I was a teen. Right into the arms of men like him. Men have always wanted to use me. Many have wanted to hurt me too. I am a pain slut now because of it. I thought my hooking days were over, but times have been tough because of the shutdowns. My strip club was closed for months and it is a dead zone in there now. Even snuff phone sex has been slow. I put an ad on Fet Life. Men will pay to fuck a blonde whore, but they feel entitled to do what ever they want to me in exchange. Beau skull fucked me so hard, he realigned my jaw. He sodomized my ass with his cock and fist, gaping my asshole wider than a shark’s mouth. By the time, our hour was up, I was a bloody sore mess. I could barely walk. He tossed me some money and said, “thanks whore.” I just went from being daddy’s whore to being every man’s whore.

She was a good fuck

taboo phone sexI found a very small little girl the other day and she was a really good fuck while she lasted. I got to break in a new toy, an 18 inch long, 5 inch thick strap on cock with razor wire wrapped around it and a knife tip that pops out with a touch of a button. Let me tell you that was fun to play with! She was screaming as I shoved that massive thing in her lil pussy and all that screaming just got me wetter and wetter. She was all torn up and the blood made it slippery enough that I could really get in there deep before I finally pushed that button for the knife part to come out. It stabbed her deep in her little womb and she finally bled out it was hot as fuck! I am going to have to try this toy out again real soon I know that for sure.

Daddy made me a taboo phone sex slut

taboo phone sexI am a taboo phone sex slut for you. I have very dark desires. Do you? I had a traumatic upbringing. My father fucked me from a wee girl until a teen. When I got my period, he had no more use for me. I had aged out for him. He tossed me on the street. I hooked and hustled to survive. Now, I find that my daddy issues run deep. I am desperate for a man’s attention. So desperate, I let older men use and degrade me. I had to turn to the street corner last night so I could eat. This older man pulled up and asked me how much. We negotiated and I hopped in his car. He was driving a BMW. I felt safe with him, but I knew better. No guy paying for street corner pussy is ever safe. He pulled his car into a dark alley and made me suck his cock. He held my head down for so long, I passed out because I could not breathe. I woke up with a fist in my ass and a chain around my neck. He kept making me pass out to revive me. He was one of the roughest fucks I have had since daddy and I loved every minute of it.

Evil Phone Sex Mistress Gray

I’m the diabolical evil phone sex Mistress you crave, little man! I will own your balls and they won’t be attached to your dead limp dick anymore either! I was never told not to play with my food and sometimes that may be a bad thing. I like to play with my prey and make their blood taste even more exquisite with the fear that rises. I will tie you up, tie you down and if your cock is worthy I will take my use of it and fuck your dreams out of that mind of yours. Men have little minds, it’s OK if you can’t comprehend the fact that you are about to become obsolete. I have better things to do than to play too much with my prey. I just have to have a random male or ten to alleviate some of my pent up desires for corpse fucking. I like to torture and fuck you then kill you, I doubt you will mind.

Evil phone sex

Sick And Twisted Lumberjack

Bloody Phone SexMy favorite pet and I play a sick and twisted game of lumberjack from time to time. Every inch of him is a weapon; his hands, his teeth, his cock. I reward his fierce violence with my utmost affection, and the pick of the next victim. This time, he chose some pretty young bimbo parading the streets. I sent him to go and buy her for the night. He lured this bitch into the woods, and she got all excited when she saw pretty little me waiting for her. My sadistic smile must have unnerved her; the soft kiss I gave her would be the last comfort she would ever know. My pet knows how much the first blood makes my cunt drip, so when she slipped her tongue into my mouth, I bit it clean off. She screamed, and I smiled in crimson. He raised his axe as I turned her around. The horror in her eyes as he swung and cracked into her ribs, opening her belly with his down stroke, is one I still masturbate to. Her intestines wriggled on the ground while we watched her bleed out; I was still chewing on her tongue.

Violent Fantasy Phone Sex with My Son

fantasy phone sexI have dark fantasy phone sex desires. I am part soccer mom and part submissive whore. I like to be treated like the druggy whore I am. My phone son understands me. I am slim and stacked. I like my nose candy. I live on a diet of coke and cum. He loves his druggy whore mommy. He loves me black, blue, purple and yellow too. He gives me coke and I let him abuse me for profit. I know he loves me. He just needs me to help make him money. He live streams us fucking. There is less fucking and more torture sex. He has brass knuckles. Do not worry about me. He gets me good and high first. I rarely feel much until the next day. And when I do feel the pain, I just do a line off his cock and feel better. Last night, his followers were in a violent mood. Every suggestion of using brass knuckles or fisting my ass or even suffocating me with a plastic tarp brought the dings of Bitcoins hitting his account. We never want to disappoint the paying audience, so I did a line and let him abuse me for profit. He punched my face. He fisted my asshole until it prolapsed. He beat me. He suffocated me. If I passed out, he punched me back awake. My son loves me. He will never kill me. I am his money maker.

Addicted To Snuff Porn

snuff porn

I’ve found myself looking up snuff porn lately and I’ve been so excited by all the things I’ve found. I used to think that I was only turned on by strangulation snuff, but my eyes have been opened to a whole new world of sinister things. I didn’t know I could be turned on by the thought of someone being eviscerated. Who knew?! Just the thought of someone being completely ripped open, blood gushing everywhere…that’s pretty fucking sexy and I wish I’d found out that I love it sooner than I did. But now that I know I love it, I want you to call me and turn ME into the victim.

Imagine this: You have me all tied up to your bed, with a ball gag in my mouth. I keep trying to scream but you tell me that my attempts are futile and that this only has one ending for me. You climb up between my legs, knife in hand. You push your giant cock into my cunt and start fucking me. While you’re thrusting, you run the edge of the knife over my stomach and slice me a little. As you get closer and closer to orgasm, the cuts become deeper. Do you want to hear the rest?