Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Fuck My Severed Head

I can smell my own cunt on his hand as he holds my mouth to muffle my screams!

My naked body is pressed against the gritty brick wall and it tears my tits with every punishing thrust of his cock in my shredded ass.

Moistness rushes to my pussy lips as he grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head back. His sadistic voice strikes fear in me and my body can’t help but react! My heart speeds up and my cunt starts to drip as he whispers in my ear, ” You are nothing but a filthy dirty whore and you deserve to die!”

My raw ass stings as his hard throbbing cock erupts inside of me! And through the wrenching pain, my cunt starts pulsing with uncontrollable spasms!

Snuff pornI know this will not end well and I start to plead for my life as he throws me to the ground. In a fit of rage, my sadistic seducer starts stabbing my mutilated cunt over and over, extinguishing the squirting orgasm and unleashing gushes of blood!

I can see the anger and the rage in his eyes as he cuts the flesh off my mound and the sadness as he lifts the meat to his face for one last intoxicating smell.

He moves on to my tits, slashing the nipples one at a time!

Then my mouth…he lowers himself down for one last kiss of my sweet soft mouth. Then with one final blow, my head is removed!

My eyes, though dead, continue to stare at his cock while he fucks my severed head until warm creamy cum drips from my bottomless throat!

When he is done, he tosses my bloody cum filled head aside and I clumsily roll in the opposite direction as he walks away.

Then I wake up! Check my nipples…yup, still there. Pussy…mmmm still there and sooo creamy wet!


Medical Fetish Phone Sex

medical fetish phone sexMedical fetish phone sex is painful. I know this back-alley doctor. She lost her license to practice medicine when she was prescribing Oxy to herself. My kind of doctor. Now, she does botox and gets rid of buns in the oven off the radar. She also pays druggy whores like me for experiments. Painful and violent experiments for folks who pay her for Hostel type experiences. She knows I need coke money and that I am a pain slut. I have survived torture and mutilation at the hands of her private clients. I figured one more time would not kill me. The money was too good to pass up even if I ended up disfigured or sexually mutilated. It started off fine. Painful, but not much I could not handle. They had me hooked up to electrodes. Some sort of shock therapy involving orgasms. They called me Pavlov’s Dog. I knew what it meant even if they thought I was too dumb to get it. They were trying to see if they could condition me to cum with pain. Joke was on them. I was conditioned for that ions ago. I played along because I wanted the money to score coke. My dealer would be so shocked when I paid with cash instead of ass. My experimental doctor wannabees kicked the torture sex up to 11. My flesh was burning. I think my clit was smoking. I cried. I grimaced. And I pleaded for it to end. Burning the flesh off my body is nothing new, but I am not as dumb as people think. I know if I act like the pain is nothing then the pain will become something. Those crazy bitches thought they were scarring me for life. We both know you could do far worse to me.

I Don’t Fuck Around, I Kill

Snuff Phone SexThe weekends are for hunting. Fresh blood gets my cunt all drippy and slippy, and I love to fuck myself with my huge black dildo. I was sitting at the bar when this older man approached me. “Hi, I’m Levi. Can I buy you a drink?” I didn’t give a fuck what his name was, but I let him go ahead and buy me some Jim Beam Sour Apple shots. He chattered on about his day, and his interests, and how beautiful I was. All I could think about was ripping out his fucking tongue.
I wondered what his cock would look like stuffed down his throat. I wanted to put his tongue up his asshole. I wanted to hurt this mother fucker more and more with every breath he took. What a useless meat bag.
But, needed to play the game, I turned and batted my long lashes at him. My eyes were intense as I rose and beckoned him to follow me out into the alley. “So you want to fuck around?” He grinned. He thought he was finally getting some ass. He was going to get something alright. I nipped him with a needle right in his neck, and that tranquilizer had him collapsed in seconds. “I don’t fuck around, meat bag. I kill.”
He woke up in my playroom; the sub-basement of my home. He was chained, and hanging from the ceiling by his wrists alone, toes barely grazing the floor. I stood before him, just as naked as he was. My cunt was running rivers down my thighs, and the smile on my face was pure sadism. I didn’t know if I’d be killing him tonight, or if I’d flay him strip by strip. I’ll let you know what I decide, and how it goes; for him, that is. Either way, baby girl is a fucking winner. I can’t wait to fuck my dildo, and use his blood as lube.

Torture Sex

I killed him slowly

taboo phone sexThis guy was such a loser, I’m sure you know the type, little dick terrible personality and an undeserved ego. He was trying to hit on me and just not taking no for an answer even tho I am clearly way out of his league. He was on my last nerve but I couldn’t kill him right there at the bar so I somehow swallowed my rage and allowed him to think I was into him. I took him back to my place and that was it for him, he signed his own death warrant by coming with me and he didn’t even realize it.  I told him that it was always a fantasy of mine to tie and guy up and blindfold him and he was only too eager to allow it. I tied him tightly and that’s where the fun really started. He thought I was sucking his cock until I ripped off the blindfold to reveal my accomplice sucking that dick, he reacted in shock and told me to let him go but I didn’t. Instead I tortured him while my friend force fucked his tender little asshole. We left him there to see if he will die or live on to be tortured some more tonight. I wonder how long he will last…

Ass Rape Porn Was In His Cards

I met him at the pub and knew he would be my victim for ass rape porn fun. He was my least favorite kind and exactly what I hated in School. Kevin was a fucking jock football player and Mr. popular. The type that made me take up taxidermy and castration for a hobby when I was younger. I loved the fat that he was drooling over me. His drunk ass was fucking putty in my sadistic hands. I lured the bitch of a pathetic male to the back alley and pretended I really wanted to make out with him. I kissed his disgusting mouth and when I got his pants open I found exactly as I figured I’d find. He had a pathetic fucking 5 inch dicklet! I pretended to be excited and lured him to my place. I really wanted to fuck him! But i wanted it my way *wink*. I helped him to my bed and he was so fucking drunk and worthless. He was weak as a bitch for a nice big Gothic phone sex cock. That is exactly what I had for him too! I tied him down on my bed. I stripped for him teasing him as I went. He was hard as hard as a drunk jock with a little peewee can be. I slipped into a nice harness wielding a big fucking strap-on black cock. He squirmed in his restraints. I turn the video camera on and I gave that bitch the Sadistic phone sex fuck of his life. I rammed my cock in his ass as I took his fucking tie and wrapped it around his neck and choked him until he passed out as I rode that bitch hole of his. I called a couple biker neighbors over to finish him off. That was the best fucking time.

Ass rape porn

Kidnapping Phone Sex Story

kidnapping phone sexI have a kidnapping phone sex story for you. I was camping with my family. We were out in the wilderness in our camper. Well, I was in the camper and the boys were in the tent roughing it. I need indoor plumping. I also needed to get high. I cannot get high in front of my husband. He forbid me from doing coke years ago. He thinks I cleaned up my act. I just got better at hiding it. After everyone fell asleep, I snuck out of the camper. I was going to walk around the lake and get high. Commune with nature and do lines off logs. I found a beautiful spot where I could see stars in the sky I never knew existed. A couple guys approached me, and I was literally in a place I could disappear forever. I tried to run because they looked menacing. They took me to some cabin off the beaten path and did more than explore their rape phone sex fantasies. They strung me up from a rafter in the log cabin. They whipped me and punched me. Meth heads. They were getting high and violent. I screamed loudly, but no one heard me. I had wandered too far away from the camper to avoid detection if my husband woke up looking for me. These men sodomized me and beat me until the sun came up. They eventually passed out and I got away. I felt like I was in a Wrong Turn movie. Fucking meth head hillbillies fucked me up good. I was not sure where I was or how to get back to the camper. I just started walking. My husband was driving around looking for me, worried. I looked a little beat up. I told him I went for a walk this morning, fell then got lost. I can never admit to him the horrible things that happen to me because then it come out that I was high. I just remain silent about my many abuses so I can keep getting high.

Necrophilia Phone Sex

necrophilia phone sexNecrophilia phone sex sounds wrong, but it is so right. My favorite men to fuck are dead ones. I am not taking about dead dudes who have been dead for days or years. I am not THAT sick.  I am talking about killing them and fucking them seconds later while their cocks are still hard, they still look good and they do not smell. It is no secret I hate most men. I hate most people. But I am still a woman with sexual needs. What I do is hunt men who get my pussy wet just looking at them. I like tall dark and handsome men. That is until they open their mouths. If I could just find a mute stud. Dirk was my latest victim. Even though I met him at a Goth bar, he was just a poser. He was not really the strong, silent brooding type. We got to his place to fuck and he was talking about love and relationships. I just wanted his dick, so I slit his throat to shut him the fuck up. I made him stroke it for me first, so it was erect when I killed him. I got behind him and he thought I was going to help stroke his dick for him. I slit his throat, then hopped on his hard cock. His blood was splattering on my chest and face as I bounced up and down his hard dick. He was making gurgling sounds but eventually went mute because I was wearing most of his blood. His body was still warm. His cock was still hard although the rest of his body was limp from death. He fucked me better dead than he could have alive. His death was not in vain. He gave me the best cum in a while. Sex with dead bodies is always hotter.

Sadistically Hunting A Trophy Wife

Mutilation Phone SexWhen I hunt, I like to take trophies from my victims. I want to relive the sweet sadiction of my victory again and again. I remember every single whore I’ve ever snuffed out, and my cunt is grateful for the never ending spank bank material, if you know what I mean.
Listen closely, sweet pet. It’s story time; do you remember the tooth fairy? Yeah, that little creature that trades your baby teeth for money? Think of me as the older sister of those sweet, innocent fae. I’m a bone fairy, and baby I’m here to collect my due.
I keep a menagerie of curiosities: mummified starfish, dried tarantulas, taxidermy sharks. My human collection is all my favorite, and all home made. I always dismember my prey in a field so their blood may feed into the cornstalks.
I see you watch me, your eyes cold like jade as I show you my toys; a femur from a young girl, the teeth of some old bitch, preserved organs, a liver, a heart.
Sometimes, when I’m hunting I only attack and take a trophy. I want my victims to fear that I’ll come back to collect the rest of what I’m due. I will. Tonight, I’m going to go match these ring fingers with the red headed bitch they belong to. Are you tagging along to help, or just to jack off while you watch me work?


A Play Toy For Me

accomplice phone sexAs summer comes to an end and all the coeds head back to college me and daddy head to the bars to grab us some victims. First up was a douche bar, complete with those frat boys. Easy prey and stupid. All it takes is a smile from a pretty girl and some half assed compliments and they are like putty in your hand. I spotted the leader of the douches and made my way over. He bought some shots and we talked and with a smile and thinking he was going to get laid we left. We got home and of course daddy was hiding in my closet. He loves to watch his baby girl in action. So, I do what I do best. Got on my knees and started blowing his cock. I know what daddy likes. Seeing my face covered with cum. It always excites him. So, when I could feel the douches dick start to twitch, I pulled him out of my mouth and squirted his semen across my face. As the douche was catching his breath daddy stepped out of the closet and we pushed him onto the floor. His dick retreated and shriveled up so fast and he actually started crying. Like sobbing. Then he started the begging and throwing daddy’s got money and blah blah blah. We didn’t care. We took our time removing his cock and balls and then moved on to those little punctures, trying to see if we will hit an organ or not. It is quite a fun game daddy and I play. Once we were bored, we decided to slit his throat. As he laid there bleeding out, daddy pushed me down on him and fucked me as douche took his last breath. It was fucking great. Can’t wait to find another play toy next week.

This bitch was so annoying

taboo phone sexThis bitch was so fucking annoying! All she did was talk talk talk constantly, she thought that she was better than everyone else too real conceited and as far as I’m concerned bitches like that don’t deserve to live. I had to kill her but she lived right next door so I had to be careful. I waited until everyone on the block was asleep and broke into that dumb bitches house. She lived there alone because no one else could stand to live with a bitch like that so once I was inside she was as good as dead. I climbed up on top of her and slapped the shit out of her. She woke up and as soon as she saw that it was me she started begging me to leave her alone. I told her it was too late for that and started stabbing the shit out of her. She died in her bed and I left her there to rot.