Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Gothic Phone Sex Freaky Sadistic

She was such a tiny thing with a big fucking mouth. Outside of the Church across the way from my house. Well my moms house, I still live with her because I can. She is what made me the filthy sadistic whore that I am. We can’t help how depraved we are. She never planned on my surviving birth or beyond. Seems that Satan had his plans for me. Her coven of men and women all sadistic and cultist had their fun with me.

Now it’s my turn. Well, fuck who am I kidding I have had my time with my own offspring that never survived past it’s first few hours. It’s was exquisite the things i did to it. Fast forward now to this brat. She was loud and annoying. She was young. I knew this whore had no innocence with a mouth like that. She needed a lesson that she would not survive. 

Grabbing the cunt was not so easy. This little monster tried biting me and kicked around a lot. I wasn’t having it. I may be small in stature myself but I am strong. Only the strong survive after all right? Well, I had to be quick. I looked around and made sure of no prying eyes. I needed to not be caught. Slamming the slut inside my suitcase after pricking her with some tranquilizer was easy after that little fucking scene. I rolled the bitch right across the way to my dungeon in the fallout shelter behind the house.

I unloaded the little body. I started in on wrapping the little slutmeat in cellophane wrap. I used those packing rolls you buy at the Home Depot and just mummified her in plastic. I wanted to have fun. I cut holes open for her cunt, asshole and mouth access. I called up a couple of guys to come over and fuck her holes open. I then grabbed some quick cement and filled her fucked holes up. It would be fun to paper mache’ her mummified and as she would not awake from the things done to her. That cement in her holes for one. I sawed her in pieces and rivaled at how she could never fucking irk me again with her obnoxious voice. 

Gothic phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Accomplice

murder phone sex fantasies

When I have a caller tell me he’s bored with his usual calls, I ask him if he’s ever thought about anything that might be taboo, like murder phone sex fantasies. I know that at some point in your life, you’ve dated or have been married to a woman you really wanted to fucking get rid of. Did you ever think about just reaching up and wrapping your hands around her throat when you were fucking her from behind? You just wanted her to stop nagging you and you set out to just get her to shut her the fuck up.

But after a while, you realize that she’s stopped moving and when you check, you see that her breathing has stopped. Oh well. She’s still warm, though, so you just grab her hips and keep fucking her cunt. She might be dead, but you aren’t. After the shit she has put you through, you deserve to nut inside her corpse. Do you have fantasies sometimes that resemble this one? I hope that if you do, you’ll call and tell me what kind of sexy murder fun you’ve been whacking off to. Let’s get twisted, filthy, and most importantly, let’s make each other cum!

Taking A Brutal Beating & Pounding!

Violent Phone Sex

I got beat up pretty badly this weekend as I walked into my apartment this weekend and just as usual my cunt got wet! My daddy and brother were waiting for me with their fists and cocks ready to abuse me once again. I couldn’t believe it when I stepped into my dark apartment and daddy slapped me hard across my face, I felt pain but then when I realized it was him followed by his cock down my throat, I felt intense pleasure. I felt my brother kick me in the stomach but once the pain subsided I couldn’t wait for my cunt to get filled. He got on top of me and beat me bloody before they both pissed all over me as I lie on the floor… If I’m being honest, my cunt was throbbing in anticipation the whole time.

Blasphemy sex Breeder

blasphemy sex


My womb is ready for demonic seed given by your cock and blasphemy sex. I’m sure you know that I enjoy giving into you wicked demonic lust. What better way than to take this tight little teen pussy and fill it with your evil offspring. A little demon girl or boy we can use for our personal fuck slave. Now she or he can grow up to be a serial killer of women like Jack the ripper, opr we can rip them apart early on. I like the sound of that! A new slut is born every minute and it never too early to breed your daughter whore or fuck a little piece of shit brat to death straight out of my snuff phone sex womb! Don’t act like you never thought about it! I have men calling me and jacking off to their retarded little incest bred daughters! I know the ways of the dark world and how sacrifices are often bred at home for your Anti God lust and perversions. I only ask for it to be a rough breeding, one that makes me worship your evil cock and the vile things we do to them after will make me want to be your breeding young Dark Priestess! Let us get fucking disgusting up in this bitch! I can take it!

Snuff phone sex Teen Kills

Snuff phone sexBeing a snuff phone sex whore helps me vent my day to day flustrations.
And when some perky barely legal bitch and her little sister are in line at the Coffee house gossiping about the baristas who give me my Magic bean juice I get angry! Sweet little Lolita and her sister were making my coffee run a nightmare and I would in turn be their nightmare! My favorite sexy barista had my Creamy Coffee confectionary ready on the side. I turned around to leave this forlorn palace with fuck meat complaining how I jumped in line. The young bitches decided to confront the mistress of the dark and that made my blood boil! My coffee somehow dropped on the perky budding breast of the older girl. Her screams made me shiver with pleasure. I gave her my number so she could come and collect a hefty reward for my accident. Though she and her sister wouldn’t live to the pull moon of the month! 
Nothing is quite as annoying as some dumb ass slut that doesn’t know which side of the knife she’s fucking with! Annoying ass teeny boppers had me envisioning them cut in half laid on my slab. Full of cum from the P-cock that used them up like the cum rag they are! My patience wearing thin thinking of you and all the fucking nasty brutal shit we are going to do to them. Local fuck flesh, known little whores who would be here instead of the Starbucks where they belong. I made it home wet and ready to have you scout my play pretties for a weekend of cutting up and ass blasting poor little sluts. My accomplice phone sex is everything a pervert for young whores needs. Kill and snuff out these young sluts so you can give me all the cum!

Killer Fantasies

necrophilia phone sex

Sometimes when I get calls, you guys aren’t exactly sure what you’re in the mood for, but you want something really kinky. I always love necrophilia phone sex role plays. I had an idea for a role play the other day and I think it’ll be really fucking hot.  We meet on a dating app and bond over our mutual love of true crime. After having dinner for the first time, I end up back at your place to watch the latest crime documentary. Of course, we end up making out and things start getting pretty spicy.

As you’re eating my pussy, you raise your head up and tell me to talk to you about me being a dead body and you coming back to where you dumped me to go down on me. Licking my dead cunt would make your dick really hard, wouldn’t it baby? And then you’d have to put my ankles on your shoulders and slide that hard cock deep inside me. I bet you’d be so excited that it wouldn’t take you very long to cum. But that’s okay because once I’m dead, I’m not the kind of partner who will tell you no when you’re ready to fuck again. 

Abuse Sex With My Tinder Date!

Sadistic Phone Sex

Last night I had the urge to get choked so I invited a guy over from Tinder to do just that! It’s kind of hard finding guys who want to do all the wild kinky things I want to while fucking online. The guy I found was hot and into using me like a little fuck puppet. When he came over instantly he kissed me hard and slapped me even harder, I smiled knowing that I would finally get abused and fucked at the same time. I started taking off my clothes and I couldn’t have been any wetter for his punishment. His cock was huge and so fucking hard, He wrapped his hands around my throat as he fucked my cunt and it was the best feeling ever. He pounded into me and tightened his grip so I started seeing stars, I couldn’t breathe at all which made me squirt all over his cock. Everything went black and when I woke up my cunt was filled with cum and my body covered in bruises.

Eat a Dick and Die Castration Treat

Castration phone sex cannibalism is what I dreamt of last night. I had this vivid fucking dream of this faceless fucker. He was annoying me to such a point I blacked out and started castrating him and then just cut that prick off. He was a date it seems. Some dweebo poseur I met online through some community for the Dark side service. Seems they let anyone in. I should have done my own interrogation before committing to the date. But hey it meant free drinks, dinner and a night out in the city. That meant a chance to stake out new prey.

So, this guy, was the lamest fucking dork wad ever. He was terminal in the lameness department. I tried so fucking hard to get through the date. We were eating at a nice restaurant and I had to step out at least 10 times to smoke a fucking clove. This is what I do when I get stressed. I’d cut him and be done with it but not in the damned restaurant. I have my fucking rules. Always be discrete, always get rid of all blood evidence and always feed the strays with the dead. 

I was out in the back alley to sneak in a nice snow capped jay. I was pacing and puffing and muttering to myself on how I could del with this fuck. There was a meat locker back there. I got up a conversation with the meat guy. I was getting turned on thinking of how I could take care of this fucker. I found out there was a warehouse with a party going on later and it would be loud and a blast. It was in the old meat packing district. I had my plan. 

I would get him to the party dose him with some ludes and fucking tie him up for some kinky fun. I would take my knife and carve the bitch up and enjoy riding him hard. Ok, so the main reason I took up the date was he was big. I mean his cock. It was huge and I would look past shit… so I thought so I could fuck. Well…. to be contiued!

Castration phone sex

Ass Rape Porn Revenge

ass rape pornI have done a lot of ass rape porn for drugs in my life. I am not stranger to hardcore anal sex. Not saying I love it, but I do not hate it either. At least not with certain men. Women, however, are a different situation. Women are brutal on other women. Anytime I am forced into an anal porn with women, I shiver because I know it will be brutal. I am not into whatever they want to bring me. Women hate me. The chicks I had to deal with last weekend brutalized my ass so badly, they put me out of commission for a few days and that is hard to do because I can take a lot. These women set me up. They just wanted revenge because I had fucked their husbands when high. They were jealous that I gave up my asshole to their men. Not my fault they do not let their men have free reign of their fuck holes. If a man will trade me coke for anal sex, I do it every time. I thought I was showing up for another snuff porn audition. When I arrived, I saw three women. All women married to men I had fucked. I did not know that until they pointed it out. They jumped me, pinned me down and started sodomizing my ass. Their goal was to ruin my asshole so their husbands would no longer want to fuck me. They may have succeeded too. They shoved fists in my asshole first. It started with one in my ass at a time but ended up all three fists in my asshole at once. That was nothing compared to the baseball bats they fucked my asshole with next. They left my asshole gaped like a canyon. It was prolapsed and bleeding too. They achieved their goal. I needed 12 stitches to repair my destroyed asshole. I do not care what anyone says. Women are more brutal than men any day.

Snuff Sex Dinner

snuff sexSometimes I am minding my own business and I get into a snuff sex mood. I saw this young brat. She was cute for a soul stealing, germy little girl. I was thinking more about all the fun you could have with her. But sadly, you were not with me. You would have loved fucking her tiny bald cunt. As I stared at her thinking about you forcing your big dick into her teeny tiny hole, I got wet. Even though I was without a partner, I decided I had to have this little girl. I am patient. I waited in stealth, observing and waiting for my opportunity. She was playing in the park. Eventually all her little brat friends went home, and she was still there all by herself. It was fate. She needed you but she got me. I drugged her so I could cart her off quietly. I took her to my kill shack in the woods and I carver her up like a piece of meat. If I am by myself, I take my time and make the torture sex last. The screams of the young ones get me going. I carved up her tiny body with my big knife. I watched the crimson blood flow from her veins and pool on my floor. I knew what I was having for dinner. She was tiny. I chopped up her limbs and tossed her head to the coyotes. I put her limbs in a stew pot and removed the organ meat for a future meal. A young girl’s flesh is like eating veal. Its tender and oh so succulent if prepared right. I can have you over for the organ meat maybe. It is chock full of protein and vitamins. I do love eating young girls in more ways than one. But it is lonely sometimes to eat alone.