Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Dead Whores Don’t Resist Snuff porn Debut

I survived, just barely a snuff porn debut on Thanksgiving for a feast of perverted necromancers. It was filmed on all Hallows eve. My body got so bruised. My cunt swollen, bloody and sore. The things that got inserted into my ass did some real damage. The implants on my tits and ass were cut out and the saline injected back into lip, ass pucker, and in my cunt.

The way they filmed me being operated on by a Satanic necromancer that started to methodically and slowly cut my body up was enjoying the blood and pockets he made. Slitting under my breasts to remove the implants he took it on himself to fuck that pocket of bloody slitted tit.

Turning mw over he collected my ass implants and fucked me anally as he put a syringe into the saline filled implant still in my ass. Then with his cock still in my ass he injected the saline into the puckered anus rim and made it plump. Ooozing his fat load of cum in my ass I started to seizure and foam at the mouth.

I thought surely this would be my end… instead I was resurrected and took on a bit of the Franken hooker look. I am now the undead and but a corpse fuck for the deranged.

Snuff Porn

Snuff porn is what my uncle made for me to film

Snuff porn is what I had to film this last holiday. My sadistic uncle came into to town for the holidays and he brought some young dumb slut he had picked up on the way. I felt bad for her, she had no idea what my uncle does to dumb whores like her. After dinner he gave her lots of drinks, getting her lose and showing what type of little slut she is. He had her dance and then it started. He grabbed her by the neck and choked her until she passed out. While she was out uncle made me his accomplice like always and had me undress her. He gave me a camera this time because I know he loves Snuff movies, so I figured out what he wanted from me. He turned her over and right away shoved his cock in her asshole. He ripped that asshole open while I filmed it just like he wanted. He didn’t stop fucking her and my tape was almost up when finally, he said I was going to fil him having Sex with dead bodies. He grabbed her neck and squeezed it tight. 

Snuff porn

once her body went limp, he filled her up until cum was oozing out of her. He looked at me and asked me if I got it all on film, I did.

Goth teen phone sex and two little siblings get tortured

Goth teen phone sex

Goth teen phone sex and two little siblings get tortured. I kidnaped two cute little ones, a lolita and her little brother.  I tied them to my bed to have some real good fun with them. Things were going to get evil and bloody, my favorite. 😉 Of course, they kept kicking and screaming in fear while I set up the camera. They had just woken up since I knocked ’em out! I told them to calm down and that their mommy and daddy will be here soon (they paid for my services after all!) and that all will be fine. They just wanted me to teach them how to be good little sluts in a Snuff porn video. The first thing I did was get the boy nice and hard, he sniffed, and those little cries soon turned into little cute pants and moans. I stroked him off with two fingers then I went in with my mouth, he screamed and arched his hips into my mouth, and he got all of his tiny drops of cum on my tongue. The parents want their virginities, so I couldn’t take those unfortunately. Next was the pretty little lolita. I got her nice and wet by finding the spots that made her bare pussy tingle then I used my tongue and fucked her little pussy hole with it! She couldn’t stop kicked her legs and screaming, she was feeling REALLY good! 😉 Her tiny cunny pissed and came all over my face. I leaned back up and watched those littles pant and almost pass out due the pleasurable torture that I gave them. I went back and did it all over again. I was going to sexually torture these little ones. They were both oh, so, overstimulated with their tiny dick and cunt. The boy pissed in my mouth when I went back down on him and sucked his cock, he couldn’t take it and begged me to stop! I played with his cute and bare little balls before going to his sister. I used my tongue on her fuckhole and clitty, and she was crying from both the pain and pleasure. It didn’t take long for her to squirt all over my face! This was the easiest way I have even broken little ones before, I expected that I’d have to get bloody, but the parents told me that now their cute little slaves who craves daddy’s dick and mommy’s pussy every day! They beg to cum and feel good again like, “how babysitter Alice,” made them feel. 

Bondage Phone Sex Tied Me Up for Black Friday Shopping

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex had me tied up on Black Friday. I could not shop. I like to think my husband had something to do with it, but I know he did not. This was of my own doing. I went out on Thanksgiving night looking to score some blow. I ran through what I had too quickly, but I needed more. If I was going to shop at 6 am on Friday, I needed more cocaine. Sadly, I did not get it. Well, I got it, just not in time to shop. I met this guy who said he would give me a huge bag of blow, but I had to be his bondage whore first. Sounded harmless. As a taboo phone sex whore, I have been tied up many times over the years. I was ready for this. He hung me upside down by my ankles like some pig he was going to gut and drain of blood. I was not comfortable at all. Do you know how hard it is to breathe with a cock in your mouth when you are upside down? His big hairy nut sack covered my nose suffocating me. He put his hands around my throat too. I was gagging and puking trying my best to swallow his shaft balls deep. I have been tied up in a ton of uncomfortable positions, but I was literally hanging upside down like a bat for hours. Blood was rushing to my head causing a horrible migraine. My skin was snow white from lack of blood flow. After a few hours, he cut me down, but I was not done yet. Now, I had to be his ass rape porn star. I was disoriented. I kept my mind on the coke. He fucked my ass for 12 hours. He was doing blow too. His dick never went soft, and it took him ions to cum. When he finally did, Black Friday shopping was over and my ass was prolapsed. I did get my blow though. I guess it was worth missing shopping. Maybe my blow will last longer now. LOL. I doubt it though. I am such a coke head.

Cannibalism phone sex: Kidnapped And Baked To Perfection.

Cannibalism phone sex

I never really thought I’d enjoy cannibalism phone sex so much. But there’s something seductive and amazing about the thought of being cooked and eaten while someone literally gets off to it. It’s making me incredibly horny right now just thinking about it.

Just imagine some hot little thing walking down the street, her plump juicy ass peeking out from below her skirt as you pull up to offer a ride. But you have so much more in store for her than just a simple ride home. Little does she know you’ve removed the door handles and reinforced the seat belts so they can’t be easily removed. She has no idea what she’s about to get into.

So, she meekly stumbles into the passenger seat as you reach over and “assist” her with her seat belt. Making sure that your prize is nice and secure and can’t escape once she realizes that crawling into a stranger’s car was actually a very poor choice.

Can you imagine the look of fear and shock on her face when she finally realizes what trouble she’s in? Because I sure can. The thought of her being actually terrified makes me so horny and excited. I may have to actually take a break from writing to play with myself for a moment.

Imagine holding a chloroform-soaked cloth over her face so she passes out. You have to get her into the house somehow don’t you?  Imagine the feeling of her body weight against you as you begin to caress her, feeling every inch of her to make sure she’s a good specimen for the night.

Prepping her, placing an apple in her mouth, rubbing her down with some herb butter, and getting her nice and prepared to go into the special oven. To become your teen phone sex dinner. It’s quite a sight to think about, isn’t it? Come let me help you finish the story. Maybe we can make it better together.

Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex

I was stuck at a family event for the holiday yesterday and didn’t get to have fun abusing or inflicting pain on anyone. You can help me make up for lost time with a hot and evil, torture phone sex call. My pussy was wet and my head was full of dark thoughts all day long as I watched the family interact and get the food prepared. There were so many sharp knives that I could have stabbed and sliced with. I had to hold myself back from grabbing one and slicing my aunt’s throat right there in the kitchen! There were so many tiny brats running around, that I could have easily abducted and mutilated. Watching my Daddy use the deep fryer had me so tempted to take it for my torture dungeon. I would love to heat the oil up as hot as it will go and slowly lower my next little victim into the pot. I have a certain little slut in mind and I hope you’ll help me snuff her that way. I want to fist her tiny pussy and ass holes after you force fuck her and shoot cum all inside of her. I’m going to beat her so badly that she can’t even cry as I tie her up and get her ready for the fryer. I want you to fuck me to the sounds of her screams as I lower her into the oil. I’m a evil bitch and I can’t wait to cook up a cum stuffed, deep fried fuck toy with you!


Looks Like I Asked the Wrong Person for Directions

Bloody phone sex


It’s time to bash my face in on the brick wall. I was walking around like a victim, waiting for someone to use and abuse me. Why else would I come up to you and act as if you were safe to be around, like you aren’t a massive piece of shit? You can’t help it. It is an urge that can’t be contained. That’s why when I asked for directions to the next few streets over, I gave you the green light to do this to me, to beat my head against the red brick wall behind the bathroom. You see the blood gushing out of my head, making me slowly lose consciousness. This is what I deserve. That’s why it is no problem for you to pull your cock out and make me choke on it while I can barely see. All I need to do is know how to suck and I do. I’m a stupid cum whore who needs to suck and lick on your big fat cock and swallow your cum.

How I learned to deal with uncle’s Torture sex

Torture sex

Being daddy’s victim left a lasting impression on me. I had to watch him abuse and torture many young sluts i started liking people having Sex with dead young sluts. I watched him fuck some young sluts so hard and choke them until they stopped moving. It was what made him cum so hard. At some point I had anger inside me because of my sadistic uncle. I had a guy hit on me who was just passing through town. I never thought about letting anyone else touch me besides uncle because i knew i would be punished with Torture sex. But I wanted to see what it was like. He was older and picked me up and drove me to his hotel room. He sat on the bed next to me and right away was kissing me and groping me. He was too aggressive and started moving towards my pussy. I wasn’t ready and I told him no. He didn’t like that and pushed me down and i knew he was going to try and fulfill his Rape phone sex fantasies with me. As he got on top of me, I panicked and just looked around on how I could get out of this. He pulled his cock out and raised my skirt, ripping my panties. I looked to my left and said he had his carving knife right there. I grabbed it and with one swift move I cut his cock off. He started screaming that I had castrated him and how I was going to pay, and I just reacted. I cut his throat and as he laid there bleeding, I felt better and safe. Even empowered I actually could feel my pussy get wet. I ran out of there with my ripped panties and knife. After that i found Castration phone sex it would make me feel better and excite me after dealing with uncle’s victims.

Torture Sex Ass Destroyer Fuck Case

When guys approach me at the club, their puny loser little dicks get so fucking hard. They think I will actually give them the time of day because they buy me a drink. Males and their mother fucking entitlement makes me want to have Torture sex. Seriously, guys like that need to be taught a lesson. Fuckers slipping shit into drinks all the time.

Well, I changed the role this time around. I watched this flailing idiotic miscreant reprehensible piece of shit moron trying to do just that to a girlfriend of mine. So, I sauntered up and slipped in between them and nonchalantly offered him a drink. I slipped a special little pill and some powder substance in it. I laughed as I assisted him, with the help of my friend, out of the Club.

Back at a little abandoned alcove in an abandoned building I have a special playroom set up. It’s set up like a gothic band rehearsal spot. Covered in soundproofing foam and plastic sheeting. It’s my bind, torture, and kill room.

Sindy helped me bind him and hang him by his wrists as we prepared him for ritual. I made the circle, red and black candles. Cut him and made an offering to Satan with his blood. Sindy and I stripped and robed ourselves in the black and red velvet capes. Both of us wore our strap-ons of doom and anal destroying devices of blades, with a special ejaculant fluid of beast semen and acid.

Torture Sex

As he started to come to, we let him have a full view of his surroundings. Bones, skulls, blood, candles and his inevitable doom. A cock ring of leather and spikes digging into his flesh in place. His screams halted with a gag dipped in gasoline. I got behind him and took my victim enjoying the screams and flesh ripping of his asshole. This is what you get, dick weed.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies: Kidnapped and snuffed by Mr. Troy.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

The look of shock on my face when Mr. Troy, pulled up to me had to of been apparent to him. I was so shocked that my science teacher would actually offer to give me a ride home, crawling into his vehicle he locked the doors and started down the road. That’s when he began telling me about his murder phone sex fantasies. The things he was saying had my heart racing in fear of what was about to happen to me.

He informed me that a few of his buddies were waiting for me at his house, that he had sent pictures of a few girls to them and I was the chosen one.  Quickly reaching for the door handle to climb out of the car, it didn’t take me too long to realize how fucked I was. I was definitely in danger being this close to him when he quite clearly had bad intentions on his mind. Pulling up to his garage out back of his house, it was a good distance, no one would be able to hear me if I screamed. My heart racing I tried to get away as he opened the car door, grabbing me by the hair he drug me into the building. Where I saw two great big men standing before me.

“On your knees, Bitch” I heard a voice from behind me as they quickly shoved me down kicking my legs out from under me. Their hands were rough and firm on my skin, I knew there would be bruises the next day if I made it through this. They were all wearing masks, standing there naked. Cigirrets and knives in their hands as one of them walked over his boot finding its way to rest on my midsection. Pushing himself into me I let out a grunt before feeling another kick me in my thigh. Immediately sent a cramp up my leg as I screamed in pain another blow to my head “Shut up, Girl” they said.  As I heard the ciggies being lit before pressed into my skin, the sizzling noise was masked by my screams.

“We’re going to torture you then murder you, you dirty slut” they said laughing to themselves as I whimpered begging for my life to be spared. “I won’t’ tell anyone!” I cried out as they began punching me, filling all of my holes with their cocks as their cum just dripped from my body.

To be continued…