Tag: Sadistic phone sex

How to Make Earrings

         Accomplice phone sex      

 I am a unique character. Do not get me wrong, there are those who are idiots and feel the world should know how dumb they are I but l am me. Every time I go out in public l can hear those pathetic maggots whisper about how scary I am. That’s right, be afraid of me! If I chose to I could slit your insignificant throats right now. Today I am shopping for the usual substances required to run a human body, Doritos, Mountain Due and pizza rolls. At the store there is always this real chipper house mommy who wants to preach the word of her worthless god to me, always so nice. I just want kill her firstborn to see if she still forgives then.

                She keeps nagging me about teaching her how to make my “charms” look so realistic. She is of course referring to the teeth and other mummified body Parts that I adorn my body with. Have never lied to the stupid bitch I tell her they are real, l don’t think she quite understands that. And am sick of listening to her wrenched voice. So, it is now time to invite miss faithful to her very own lesson.) Told her (was going to teach her how to make earrings. Those should be simple for her to comprehend. I give her he address to what l call my shop. It is an old abandoned building that is on the outskirts of the warehouse district. Naive as she is she shows up, and opens the heavy steel door stepping inside.

“Hello” She calls into the building. Her voice echoed through it’s emptiness, or mostly empty I should say. My stomach began to fill with butterflies like when you meet a crush for the first time. She walked into the middle of the room where a single chair sat with two tables, one on each side. On the left hand side, and the first table that Dr.Dumbshit approached contained all the supplies to create my beautiful art. She picked up the various wires and smiled to herself. She slowly walked over to the right hand side table. This table she approached with caution; taking her hand out she lifted the corner of the white sheet that covered it. Under it were all the devices that I liked to use on my play things. The smell of dried blood filled both her nostrils and my own as I now stood behind her. She went to turn quickly bumping into me. I smirk at her ear to ear. “I know what you’re thinking,” I said to her with a sarcastic tone “what kind of a women doesn’t clean her utensils when she is done?” She mumbled and stumbled over her words trying to find a path past me to dark towards the door. “Now…T T Terry, ha ha, I get it, April fools. I’ll be on my way now, ha ha.”  I stepped to the side long enough for her to take a half a hesitant step forward and then leaned into her ear and whispered “Then you better fucking run you fat ass bitch.” I followed this menacing advice with the evilest laugh a girl could give. She darted towards the door; I let her get about halfway before throwing a knife into the back of her knee. She instantly fell to the ground and tried to crawl towards her freedom.

Torture sex

I leaned down to her and dug my heal into the back of her hand, “Fucking cunt, too slow, I changed my mind.” She cried spastically, I could hardly make out any of her pathetic words. Her pants began to become soaked with her own urine as it pooled around her on the floor. “See I was going to let you go and then I remembered how eager you were for this lesson in crafting so I couldn’t let you down, thoughtful I know.” I chuckled at myself; I was such a sarcastic bitch sometimes. I stood up, my heel digging into her hand, she let out the bitchiest scream so I naturally reacted with a swift kick to her face. She whimpered trying to compose herself as I slammed the heavy door closed. I walked towards the top of her head and grabbed my hand into her brown overly permed hairdo. She continued to struggle as she dragged along the floor while I walked her to the chair. “I do not know why you are bitching so hard cunt, you wanted to know how this happened.You should be happy; I am doing you a huge favor.” I tied her into the chair and strapped her arms and head down. Prying her mouth open I pulled out all of her teeth. She screamed so hard, I laughed. I shoved a sock back into her mouth and went over to the table to craft her bloody teeth into earring. I went back over to her and showed her them. She screamed past the blood soaked sock in her mouth. “Let’s see how they look, shall we?” I studded her sitting on her lap in the chair. I removed the ugly gold earring from her ear and looked at her in disgust. “Clip ons? What the fuck bible humper. That is okay I will pierce them for you.” I grabbed my scalpel from the table. Blood was thick and dried all over it. “Now hold still you dumb bitch” I held her ear out and stick out my tongue a little as to keep my hands balanced. “one…two..” She squinted her eyes and SWINK “Oops I seemed to have cut your ear off…” I shrugged my shoulders as she squealed trying to shake her head that was strapped in place. I held out the other ear still attached to her head “Guess we better make it even then.” I removed it shoving one earring into each of the voids where her ear used to be attached. “Those look beautiful!” She started to seize and her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. She shook and convulsed and a liquid rose from her nose. “Oh look you are choking on your own vomit.” I giggled slitting her throat. The blood sprayed across my face. It was warm. I stuck my tongue from my mouth tasting it. MMMMmm “Whelp,” I began to talk to myself. “Looks like you will have to stay here till I get back; I need to finish my shopping.” I removed my clothing changing into a fresh pair I brought with me leaving her dead body, blood draining onto the floor. I would come back later to clean up her mess. Now it was time for pizza rolls. 

Sadistic phone sex

Sadistic phone sex

I thought this was a dream, I thought pinching myself would wake me up. I’m in a dark wet room. I am hiding from the beast. After he threw me against the wall I felt my left arm break. I ripped the bottom of my shirt off to make a sort of sling on for it. I don’t know how I got here. The last thing I remember is playing that stupid scary game with my brother. I don’t remember going to bed, but I can’t wake from this nightmare.

Sadistic phone sex

I keep running but its not working Those things keep finding me. I feel something inside me moving. I don’t know what it is. I’m getting flash backs to this big bug holding me down. Then a bunch of men fucking me. They all shot their dirty demons loads into my pussy. I think they wanted me to get pregnant. I am pregnant with bugs.. or evil demon babies. Oh god. I hear someone.. its coming closer. I’m trying to be quiet, I am hiding in this small cabinet, praying to god to save me. The doors are ripped off and I feel claws and hands pulling me out. “There is no god. You are in hell bitch.”

Cock Worship

Domination phone sex MonettaI was in and out of conciseness all night. My arms were completely dead from the lack of blood flow up to the limbs, I did not mind, I could tell from the way the chains dug into them that they would hurt extremely bad if I could feel them anyhow. I looked around trying to let my sleepy eyes adjust. I could hear my new basement guest, and he was sobbing I think. Crying, from what seemed like a corner over in the shadows, like a little sissy boy. “Hello?” His voice called out to the unknown in the room. He must have been bagged still. Master loved to pay head games, and boy was he good at it. I could picture the little puke over there in the corner, piss soaked pants, bag on his head, all curled up in the fetal position. I bet he wasn’t so cocky now and I knew this wouldn’t be the worst of what was to come, neither for him or me.
I tried to stand with a little better posture so that my wrist would feel less pressure pulling against them. I stuck my feet firmly against the ground, I had not realized till now I was wearing heals. My knees quivered and I went to bring my legs closer together to help catch myself. The chains that held them made a clanging noise as to poke fun at me. Bag boy in the corner could hear me moving and shouted loudly like a little girl. I yelled at him to stop making that much racket or we would both get it. He just mumbled to himself silently.
It was then that I could hear the door open. The large metal door was solid and hard to move if you were emaciated at all. This door, to this chamber was actually located in the back of his closet in his gigantic bedroom behind a false wall.Sadistic phone sex monetta There were two basements, one that company saw and one where he tortured his victims. It was windowless, soundproofed and not included on any floor plans, his perfect little haven. He came down the stair from behind me, I could hear his footsteps as they got closer to me.
I whimpered at the sudden sting against my bare ass, I knew that sound that broke through the wind, it was his favorite switch. It was small and thin and resembled a twig. With all its sturdiness it never broke as he whipped me and was sure to leave large whelps with deep bruising. I could never understand how something so small could do so much damage against my white skin. Tears welled into my eyes, and I let out little whimpers in exhale with every swat. He eventually walked to the front of me, I kept my eyes to his feet. He did not say a word, just released the shackles that contained my dead hands. I fell straight to the ground on my full weight. Almost immediately I was met with a rough kick to my stomach. I let out an ‘OOPH’ as all the air left my body. I laid there against the cold concrete, feeling its cooling touch against my soar ass.
Leaning over me he took my throat into his massive hands and jerked me up. He was so rough, so strong; I laid dead weight choking in his grip till he threw me forward onto my belly. Master walked over and sat into a chair. He commanded me to crawl over to him like the useless cunt I was. He put me into a bind and chains. He hoisted my leg up so he could see my twat. He ordered me to worship his cock, to do my cum bucket duties. I did. I really worship his cock too, I was his and I craved it. I opened my mouth as I jerked for him. If I slowed he swatted me with the switch onto my cunt. He came into my mouth, he always tasted so good. I thanked him for the taste of his beautiful jizz. He reminded me that was my one meal for the day, and I thanked him again for his sustenance. He fed me at least and for that I was grateful. I knew this was not the last of our encounters down here and I knew that it was going to get much much worse. I cried as he went up the stairs, leaving me where I was, and turning off the light. I cried and bitch boy cried with me. It was a symphony to Master’s ears I am sure.Torture phone sex monetta

Dick Eaters

Blasphemy phone sex

Castration phone sex is something I am interested in. Something about taking a mans power away from him turns me on and makes me wetter than the ocean. Every time I get my goodies delivered my dope boy still reminds me of the time I bit his dick. I’m surprised he still brings me my dope. He always rubs up on me and thinks he could force his dick in my pussy. Since I have a dirty secret that I love to hurt people and he wants to dive into my cunt  with his big black cock. I wonder what his big bloody cock would taste like next to mashed potatoes. Id like to grill up his cock in-front of him and have him eat a piece of it. Oh Id love to watch him eat his cock the same way he would try to slam his cock in my mouth. Id love to tease him and make him think he is gonna get off. That he would get to fuck this pussy. Nope, he would eat his own cock.  

Fantasy phone sex

hooked on rape fantasies

violent phone sex maceyIt has been a while since I  have had my raped fantasy fulfilled, being forced into submission.
I would be a liar if I said it didn’t get me hot! When you pulled up and forced me into your car, I knew I was going to get what I deserved. I pretended to put up a fight, kicking and sobbing as you yanked my hair and slamming me against the car.
I knew I had to act like I didn’t like it, like the abuse didn’t make cunt ache and twitch with anticipation. But I did not realize how far you were going to go!
I tried to hide my smile as you strapped me down with my ass propped up, ready for you to shove your huge cock deep inside that tight hole. I had no idea that you had other plans.
I felt you slide that cold steel hook deep into my ass. I knew if I moved at all, it would tear my fuck hole wide open!
It hurt like hell and I loved every second of it! I could tell you were growing angry with me! You were going to wipe the smile right off my face!. As you ripped into my mouth, with every thrust, you forced my entire body back, driving that steel hook in and out. I cried in pain as you demanded I tell you what a filthy whore I am, I tried, I wanted to do what you asked, but I couldn’t talk with your huge rod filling my mouth. When all I could do is choke out a few screams, you stopped and slapped the cum out of my mouth. The sting of your hand on my tear soaked cheek was a welcome relief.
I tried to catch my breath as I cried, I am a filthy whore! Please! I love being your cum slut!
My face was beaten and my eyes were almost swollen closed. I heard you walk away and close the door behind you.
You left me strapped in with the hook still deep inside my bleeding ass. I knew you weren’t finished. I knew you would be back.
All I could do is lay there and wait for what came next.


mutilation phone sex angieI had no plans of mutilation, torture or violence when I went out this morning. I was just running into town to grab a few things I needed for the house. Wouldn’t you know while at the store this little brown haired bitch pissed me off. I can’t stand rude ass mother fuckers and as soon as she pushed me aside without so much as an “excuse me” my blood began to boil and I saw red fast. OK you little bitch you pissed the wrong one off. I followed her while she finished her shopping and waited for her to exit the store. Grabbing her and getting her in my van was easy. I knocked the bitch out with one good punch to the jaw. I couldn’t stand listening to her mouth, so full of herself it made me sick!  I dragged her in the house and down to the basement securing her to a pole with leather straps I waited for her to come to. As soon as she opened her eyes she started in again. That fowl mouthed bitch had no respect or fear. She was about to learn the last and most valuable lesson of her life. Picking up my hatchet I held it high over my head and brought it down just below her knee. Finally a sound came out of her mouth that was acceptable, a scream! I didn’t give her a chance to finish the first scream before repeating the action on her other leg. Slowly I worked my way up her body until my blade found her face. Standing back covered in her blood, looking at her now limp, lifeless and quiet body I had a knee buckling orgasm and collapsed to the floor. Time to drag her body outside to the ant hills so they could eat the flesh from her bones. Dumb ass bitch, she made me do it!

Master has a new Sadistic game for us PT 2

Domination phone sex MonettaThe look on his face as he entered through the doorway sent shivers down my spine. He was so cocky, so sure that he was going to taste Master’s property. I flashed a seductive look to him, and quickly changed my glance to the menacing figure that stood behind him. His tall and built body moved with such grace that it made the hairs on my arms stand at attention as to get closer to him. By the time the poor little sissy boy realized someone stood next to him, this mysterious figure already inside, it was too late. And with one whack across the useless dick dribble’s head he was down for the count. I squealed for joy as I helped Master drag him the rest of the way in, and closed the door behind us. I jumped on my tiptoes and clapped my hands together in excitement quickly thrusting my arms out to embrace Master in a hug.
My face was met with the cold familiar sting of Master’s fist into my cheek bones. I sat on the floor startled by the reaction I just received from him. Rubbing the sore spot I whimpered and averted all eye contact. I had upset him it was clear, and for that I would surely be sorry alongside the passed-out piss ant that lay on out living room floor. I sat against the wall whimpering like a sad little puppy my knees pulled too my chest. I could feel his anger radiating from his body, it made me cold. I felt the sting as he suddenly reached between my legs and grabbed my bare clit hard pinching tightly between his fingers. I let out a loud yelp and jerked swiftly my back hitting the wall I was already against.
“Little fucking slut”
His hoarse voice spoke with such fierceness. I was startled I had not seen this side of my Master in so long. I knew I had been bad, real bad and now I was going to pay for it. I was going to pay in ways that I had never imagined. I thought it was bad before, I prayed for help. I have a feeling I will only be praying for the sweet release of death now.
“How dare you skate you fucking skanky cunt, MY CUNT around bare for this chump to see.”
I was confused I thought that was point of the game. I thought that was my job was to wrangle in a piece of man meat for Master to abuse. I thought that is what he wanted me to do, I thought I was doing a good job.
“But…I thought…”I whimpered.
He smacked me across the face and than took his hands into my hair and jerked my neck up to meet his face. He was so angry, and that terrified me. Was I going to go back to the days when I wished for death to visit me in any form.
“That is your first problem you fucking whore, nobody asked you to think. You have a useless mind why the fuck would anybody need it messing everything up trying to think. You piss me off so much.”
He punched me hard and I blacked out.
When I woke up it was to a familiar place that I had feared. I was chained up in the basement, a place I thought I would never have to see again. It smelled of dried blood and mildew. It was always cold down here, the cold air made my lungs ache. I had no clothes on and my arms and legs were spread far apart. I was not ready for this again, and tears swelled into the corners of my eyes. I was in the torture chamber. Not too far away from me was the puke I picked up from the park. I felt kind of bad now that he was going to have to go through this. We would together. I was so scared my heart raced so fast. I passed back out. I hoped I never woke back up.Rape phone sex fantasies

Give Me More

After cuddling for 5 minutes, you get the tennis ball.  You push it into my widening vagina.  It feels like a lump of food being caught in my throat, only much bigger, and in my cunt instead.  You push it in more, and when it can’t go in more by pushing, You hit it with the bat.  Sometimes you miss and hit me.  You hit it until it disappears inside me.  But now you have lost the ball and have to get it back.

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You push on my lower abdomen, and tell me to push under threat of cuddling.  Eventually, after much labor and screaming, the ball pops out, bouncing off of the opposite wall. I begin to breathe easier until  you  remind me about the softball, which is much bigger.  My eyes widen as you begin pushing it into me, knowing that it probably would not fit in.  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is the audacity of the attempt, and the pain.  Eventually you give up.  My pussy is bruised and bleeding.

This makes your cock rock hard and even with my pussy on fire, I want your cock. I want you to pound me – not cuddle me- so I pretend I don’t want you. I pull against the ropes and try to scream. The predator inside you attacks and sticks your hard cock into my swollen and bleeding cunt. I continue to scream even as I cum because I don’t want you to stop. You will never know that I had that orgasm, because this naughty little pain whore will never tell….

Girl on Girl Rape Porn: The Soccer Mom and the Sadistic Cheerleaders From Hell

Gangbang rape porn girl on girlA few weeks ago, my son sold me to these evil bitches who violated all my holes for some gangbang rape porn. Well, today the bitches showed up at my house, forced their way inside, and made me make some girl on girl rape porn with them this time. I told the head cunt I wanted nothing to do with her or her sadistic companions. “My son’s debt is settled, so get the fuck out of my house,” I screamed. No surprise that didn’t go over well. They throttled me, tore my clothes off, and started violating my holes with anything they could find. They held me down on my dining room floor and fucked me with my son’s baseball bat I use for protection. The very thing used to protect me from intruders in the past was now destroying my ass.

As they fucked my holes with objects not meant for insertion, I was forced to lick their dirty asses and pussies. One of them called me a human toilet and pissed in my mouth. Then she shit out cum from her ass all over my face. She told me it was my son’s cum. I tried to fight them, but they punched me, smacked me, spit on me… They broke  out a gym bag of huge dildos crammed them down my throat and up my cunt while the baseball bat remained in my ass like some macabre trophy. They were getting sick pleasure from fucking up a soccer mom. One girl kicked the baseball bat so far up inside me,  I felt like I was being gutted.

girl on girl rape porn druggie whoreI’ve been used as a punching bag, fucked savagely, anally tortured, even buried alive, but these girls were among the most brutal bitches I’ve ever encountered. My ass was gaping open so wide when they pulled the bloody baseball bat out that they could spit from across the room and have it land inside my asshole. I heard a tea kettle go off and thought to myself, “They are fucking going to have tea and crumpets after gangbanging my ass and cunt?” I wish. The evil head sadistic poured boiling water down my gaped out asshole. That was a first. She scalded my ass. I screamed louder than I ever have. To shut me up, one of them sat on my face and shit down my throat.

They left me brutalized even worse than they did the first time. “Tell anyone whore, and we make a snuff film with you next time. This baseball bat will go up a dead ass as well as a live one,” head bitch quipped at me as I laid in a pool of my own blood and bile. My ass was dead. Pretty sure if there is a third time with these bitches, I will kill myself first.

ass rape porn anal gangbang

Girl On Girl Rape Porn

torture phone sex karmaI was walking through the woods looking for herbs when I heard the blood curdling scream. Slowly I inched my way towards the sound all the while my pussy getting wetter and the familiar stirring of a building orgasm filled my body. Finally I got close enough to see yet stay hidden behind the brush. He had her tied to a tree and was beating her relentlessly. Her knees had given way and she was hanging by her wrists that were suspended over her head, piss dripping down the insides of her legs and blood oozing out of the broken flesh. Her sobs were diminishing and I knew she was on the verge of passing out. Working my cunt I watched, delighted by the scene before me. Finally he turned her around and fucked her ass with his throbbing cock. When he pulled out I could see his cum oozing from her ass, no longer milky white but a dirty brown. Slapping her ass one final time he walked away and left her there. She was fucked up but had a lot left in her. When the cost was clear I approached her. Setting up my phone so I could record this, I turned her around so her back was against the tree again. With all the strength she could muster she whispered the words “Help me”  Smiling at her I didn’t say a word. I was going to help her all right. I was going to help myself to her and finish her off while recording one hell of a girl on girl rape porn to enjoy later. I would leave her lifeless body tied to the trees for the animals to scavenge but first I was going to have my fun! girl on girl rape porn