Tag: Sadistic phone sex

DIY Snuff Porn

taboo phone sex

Snuff porn is already great, but when you make it yourself it’s even better. For years I have been making my own, I’ve just been really smart about it. You’ll never seen me in one of my snuff movies because I don’t plan on ever getting caught. Sometimes I’m not even in the same room as my victims and there are times when I never have any physical contact with them at all.

You might find that hard to believe, but it’s so easy to do. When I’m bored I browse online forums for suicidal people, those idiots are the easiest targets. Sometimes I’ll also look at forums for depression and drug addiction too because those aren’t as easy. It’s still fun for me though, I like a challenge. All I have to do is respond to them on the board or in a private message. I usually tell them that I want to help them to pull them in and believe it or not they fall for it almost every single time.

snuff pornAt first, I’m very sympathetic especially with my suicidal victims. Then, once I get them to confess some of their dirty secrets I act like they disgust me. I’ll pretend that I can’t believe that someone could be so awful, that maybe they really should just go ahead and kill themselves. For days and days I’ll just keep pounding that into their skulls, until they can’t think about anything else. If they don’t confess secrets all I have to do is talk about how boring they are. I’ll tell them how much space they’re wasting just by being alive. That will make them think that they’ll be doing everyone a favor by putting an end to it, which is true.

My favorite part is when they finally decide to go through with it. They’ll be messaging me for advice on the best way to do it and of course I’m more than happy to help. I’ll say that I need to watch them on cam to insure that they’re doing it right and so far everyone has played along with that. I’ve talked so many people into killing themselves now that I’ve lost count!

sadistic phone sex

As far as the drug addicts go, they are a bit more of a challenge. First, I have to convince them that they don’t have a problem. Like this girl Tulia. She was addicted to everything and her life was a mess, it was very hard to convince that she didn’t have a problem. I just made it seem like society should accept her for who she is. Who are they to tell her what she can or can’t put in her body? They’re all just trying to control her and turn her into one of the flock. She fell for it. Not long after our first little chat she was shooting up heroin on cam for and  even experimenting with drugs she had never even tried before.

All I had to do was sit back and just keep pushing her and pushing her until she finally overdosed. Playing games with her mind was entertaining, but my favorite part was watching her die. Tulia was trashing and convulsing violently. She was also foaming at the mouth too! Her suffering went on for awhile, even after she collapsed onto the ground. I didn’t mind, I enjoyed every moment of it.


Pin Cushion

Pins and needles. Two of my favorite things. They are so tiny, and yet they can inflict such sharp intense pain when stuck into my body just the right way. The way you place them, down my inner thighs first, makes my head spin with the pleasure of the stinging pain. I have to keep my legs spread, and there isn’t even any blood. Then my nipples get the needles. Always criss-crossed in the same pattern and same order. You are like a surgeon with your technique.

snuff phone sex taylor
I am able to lay back, eyes closed, and feel every stick and poke and searing pain as the tips of the pins and needles enter my skin, layer by layer. I am able to see them in my mind and feel them all over. You love to make designs and last night you made a heart out of pins in my belly. I could feel the shape even though I couldn’t see it. I knew it was your way of showing affection for me – your little pin cushion.

snuff phone sex taylor
Then you went to work on my pussy. Always eight needles down each lip – top to bottom. Then eight more in the other, same pattern. All inserted slowly as I moan and feel the dizziness wash over me. I pray that my brain doesn’t start to numb the pain. I want to keep it as sharp as possible. Then lastly, my clit. You take your time, and even kiss it gently first. Then you expose it and begin poking it with your largest needle. I know what comes next, and I know that it will make me orgasm. Once the tip goes in, it washes over me and my whole body shakes while all the pins quiver with every wave.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Blood Oath

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies


    Murder phone sex fantasies would end my life and it did. I knew you needed my blood and I was willing to sacrifice myself for a bitch ass nigga! “Bitch suck that cock some more!” I don’t think I could take it any more if I tried. I was so weak from exhaustion from the gang  ,ramming shit up my ass that I was going to pass out! I know you liked pulling my tits and the blood that ran down your mouth from biting on my nipples was haunting me. The needles you stuck in my pussy were rusty and the nails that had me suspended in midair were going to rip my flesh. But this is what you wanted isn’t it? I tasted the shit that was forced down my throat and the five guys that stood behind me. My pussy was numb now from the force of fucking these bitches. I felt the acid burn my neck and run down to my ass crack. I was going to holler but you wouldn’t like that. I saw her with the lifeless eyes the knife what was she going to do? I would pay the price for the sin, I would die for him wouldn’t I? It was my fault I couldn’t pay the debt!

    Taking out your cock you rammed it in my bleeding ass and laughed. I tried to close my eyes but there was nothing I could do but take it. The other motherfuckers were standing around waiting. Who were you were you the leader? But this is where it would end. I felt the blade go in my neck and you sucking the blood like a vampire who needed a kill to satisfy his thirst. You wanted it, you craved the saltiness of my blood as I felt another asshole tie that rope around my neck. I knew it had went too far. I felt your cock as it stuffed in me and pushed pass my numbness to singe my new level of pain. As  I passed out I saw your eyes, puffy red, crying and raging! You were here to punish and you did it so well!

Gothic Phone Sex with Blair

gothic phone sex submissiveWhen he said we were going to a Goth club, I got excited. Something new.  I was not familiar with the lifestyle, but as a good submissive, I did my research so I could please him. I discovered 23 varieties of goth. Some I was familiar with like the emo punk girl, the death metal head banger, even the vampire goth. But others like steampunk and rivethead goths, I was not at all familiar. I decided to dress  as a Victorian/Elizabethan goth. That way I could be sexy and sophisticated with a whimsy of romance. Goths are romantic, dark, mysterious, even a little morbid. I was going to enjoy this club. From what I read Goths were not violent, just kinky. They dabble in the BDSM culture,  pagan rituals and the occult, but  are basically just a gloomy lot of sexual deviants. Surely, I would fit in.

The club was an old castle turned into a private  nightclub. My companion paid thousands of dollars for a VIP suite for the night. The room had an eerie feel. On the surface, it looked romantic and dark. Very Victorian era. Something wicked was lurking beneath the surface, however, I just had a feeling. It is not my place to question a Master. Ever. I ignored my feeling, did as I was told. Master tied me up, skull fucked me, force fucked my ass, even flogged me. We played our usual master and servant game.  I convinced myself this was just a fantasy role play for us; something different than the usual bondage games.

sex with dead bodies mommy sexMaster told me he had a surprise for me. He blindfolded me. I could hear him opening a door, talking in a whispered tone, then I heard silence and a loud thud, then more silence. When he removed the blindfold, I saw a coffin. At first I thought maybe this was a vampire fetish he wanted to explore. I wish that was it. Master thought it would be fun for me to fuck a corpse. I thought he was joking. Certainly this was just a guy pretending to be dead, so I climbed into the coffin to show Master what a good girl I am. The body was ice cold. There was an awful smell. I tried to leap off, but Master held a knife to my throat. “Be a good girl Blair, or you will be punished, permanently,” he said. Such a sinister smile on his face when he said it too.

When I asked how I was suppose to fuck a dead guy, he slapped my face so hard,  he busted my lip. I was giving a hand job to a lifeless dick. I felt sick. His cock would not  get hard, not even too my mouth.  Master shoved a cattle prod up the dead guy’s ass and his cock came to life. I closed my eyes, mounted that ice cold cock and rode him like he was alive. I kept telling myself it was fantasy; that he was just an actor at the club. But the harder I rode him, the more I realized this was not fantasy, but Master’s macabre desire to humiliate me, scare me, hurt me. Flesh was falling off the dead guy’s pecker the harder I rode him. Master saw the disgust and horror on my face and just laughed. I wanted to vomit.

necrophilia phone sexMaster made me spend the night in the coffin with a rotting corpse. The next morning when he let me out of the coffin, made me shower, then spent the entire morning force fucking my ass with a medieval cross. My ass was gaping open as usual. But there was nothing usual about fucking a corpse. Goths may be dark; they may be macabre, but they can’t hold a candle to Master’s perverse world.

sadistic phone sex

Making Her Watch

bloody phone sex angieI knew as soon as I saw them that they would be mine. Their perfectly manicured hands and feet, their expensive clothes, the way they carried themselves, all preppy and proper, their long blonde hair, laughing with out a care in the world, carbon copies of one another……their world was about to turn upside down. The sunshine is about to become darkness, the laughter screams of pain and that blonde hair will be matted with clumps of congealed blood and chunks of flesh. Watching and waiting while imagining the scene my cunt pumps out juice with every evil and twisted thought in my head. The daughter looks good enough to eat. But I know that if I allow fear to pump adrenaline through her, the meat will be tainted. Decisions, decisions, should I enjoy making them watch each other be tortured or should I enjoy the terror in the mother as I butcher her daughter and make her share the feast  before sending her to her own living hell? Both sound like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and both ideas please me greatly. It looks like the perfect moment to grab them I will decide once I have them secured in my basement.

Evil phone sex with Makayla


Taboo phone sex

 I am not your average whore here. I am into all kinds of taboos, fetishes, and fantasy. There are no limits in my kinky world. I am a nasty victim  that loves going beyond the norm. You know those dark kinky thoughts you can’t really share with anyone else. Well, I am the girl that you can tell all you forbidden thoughts too. I love getting into the dark taboo desires that make you blow your load like nothing else. So relax, and let yourself go to the dark side with me. Remember No limits here. I am ready to get freaky right now.

Teen phone sex

What ever you want to do I am yours to hurt. My last master burned me with hot wax. He lit red candles and dripped them all over my body. He poured hot wax on my hair cunt and ripped it all off. Now I am smooth. Then he tied my tits together, stuck me with needles. He trashed stabbed my titties over and over then poured wax all over my sore titties. I am still pulling off wax and needles out of my tits.

Mutilation phone sex

Killer Phone Sex Electrocution

Killer Phone Sex


     Killer phone sex games were fun as long as you understand the rules. He said it was harmless just a pointless game that we would play. I didn’t believe it but he had pulled my hairs and singed my skin with that lighter. Now I lay helpless on my back and my eyes were being held open by clamps for the electric shock. He said electrocution wouldn’t hurt that there would no pain. That the high I had was going to go on forever. I was scared but the need to party outweighed my good sense. It wouldn’t last very long it would end and then I could get all the  caviar I needed. He was nice and clean who cared if he put ram rods in my ass or a ball gag in my mouth. It was all a part of the play time and I was really ready for it. The shit in his hand that he was pushing on my tits was going to be ok. I had said it would be ok. Then I felt the first volt. I smelled the remains of my flesh burned from my skin and my tits felt like they were on fire. I was happy wasn’t I? This is what I needed right this agony of torture?

As he grabbed the cowhide whip and thrust it into the air I knew that this game was going to go on for a while but I was happy to receive all he could throw at me wasn’t I? Wasn’t I happy to be cut open and sacrificed for our love game?


Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Victims Log 23

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

     Murder phone sex fantasies victim’s log 23 had been established the day these mother fuckers had brought me here. I knew I was not going to make it to 100 and if I did at what cost would it be?I was kicking that bitch as hard as I could and he was just too strong. He was putting these razors in my tits and pulling them so hard that they certainly would have popped off. I felt his hand cover my mouth and his cock shoved down my throat. He was going to fill me with his cum and there was nothing I could do! I came up with the plan, I knew what he was going to do and each step he did was just one more toward my death. Yes ,it was ugly to think that a filthy bitch like me would ever have a chance of escaping this gang. I was here to fuck and suck whatever they told me too. I knew that’s what they wanted to fuck the shit out of me for a bastard’s mistakes. Hadn’t I learned a lesson already that the streets got no love for mother fuckers like me! I was ready to die now after so many days in shit and I was going to go peacefully but they had just one more mission for me to do. They were going to make sure that everyone knew they were the biggest gang in town. I felt the chain around my fucking neck and tits.

      The sound of the truck started and something  was pushed up my ass. I heard them say a prayer didn’t know hell had  prayers. One kissed my forehead like we were lovers. His foul breath invaded my nose and caused me to gag further. I heard a clap a stomp and then the racing of the truck but then all of a sudden it stopped. I breathed in slowly thinking it was over! Then I saw your cock in your hand, the knife the edge shiny and new and that sinister smile that said the games were just being played and I had lost!

Killer Phone Sex Case of Revenge

killer phone sex

     Killer phone sex case of revenge was going to kill me at last.That fucking bitch needed to die I rationalized. All that fucking slut had ever done was talk shit about my fucking clothes, boyfriend, and fucking tits. She was better off dead the fucking little whore. I saw the door open and a dark mask get out of  the vehicle I gasped, but there was not going to be any turning back. You took that fucking razor and put it to my throat and told me to get in. For  a moment I thought of running but I knew you were here for revenge. Pulling the mask over my face you whisked me into the van and I tried to see out of the corner of my eyes. I tried to see the light of day anything to scream for help but there is no help from the big house of hell! You were going to take me and fuck me to death I knew that. Why wouldn’t  you take Revenge on the bitch that had fucked and sucked your sister and left her for dead? In my mind I knew my end was coming but I  was going to take you with me no matter what!

     As the darkness of the night enclosed and the weight of the mask caused me to try to get air to my lungs I wondered what kind of fun torture things you had in store. None could be more deadly then what I had done to her.  Was it to be Chinese water torture, a noose around my neck? Whatever it was I hoped death was going to be fast! I just knew for a fact that maybe it just wasn’t going to be easy. Maybe it was just going to be  a hardcore you fuck me in the ass  kind of thing and  then throw me down a hill. My mind couldn’t grasp the hell you had in store nor would it ever!

Bloody Phone Sex Train Departure

Bloody Phone Sex


      Bloody phone sex train departure 160 all aboard to hell anyone was what I was thinking as I laid here with my life running out of me.We were  both on the train together going to our preferred destinations. I was trying really hard not to look back at him because I just had ate lunch I noticed the deepest  brown of eyes that I don’t think I was really quite seeing before. You were engrossed in a book and I thought by the sound of your voice  we had per chance ,met somewhere before. I was so happy to get a café with you and talk about our English assignment. I was trying my best not to notice that as we were talking a guy with the deep brown eyes was getting closer to me. I was hanging on your every word and then suddenly ,I felt the sting to my back and  my eyes got heavy , I leaned forward against your chest and slumped into a drugged sleep.

     I could move my legs I could get away I could be free of this madness that was killing me at this point. For the hundredth time it seemed I felt your cock push in my asshole. The tiny hooks in my flesh were tearing my skin off of its frame and the masking tape around my nose and mouth were securely fastened. I couldn’t move and all I could feel was the stiff blunt force of the knife on my skin and your plunging cock deep in my walls. My tears were stained onto my face and there was no more coming out of me. I thought you were the nicest guy that just wanted to talk about fantasies , you never said anything about living what we talked about over the phone. I was thinking I was lonely and wanted to meet someone nice you were thinking of a sadistic case of cat and mouse that was going to have my ass in this trap you had set! As you came around to look me in the eyes and grab my hair I thought it was my chance to run, but I was far too weak to do anything. I was going to die at the hands of someone I knew. Blinking back the tears ,I felt the pain of a slap hit my face and then the knives began the piercing in my skull it would not end this pain this torture would go on for another 160 days.