Tag: Sadistic phone sex

The meat shakes

 Bloody phone sex

I have started this new diet. It is way different from everyone else. I am doing a high protein diet. I blend together Red blood from underage whores, some chunky thigh meat and make myself this yummy shake. But hunting has become so easy for me. I moved across the street from a school. I get to watch all the cum stains run home after school is over. I sit there and watch the cum stains as I rub my cunt and sip on my drink. I love living here. I have my own little room in the basement. In there I do my dirty deeds. I torture them. I cut out of their nasty insides so they don’t rot. Then I’ll smoke them even make a yummy jerky out of their body. With what is left Ill make my shakes and Sip those until I feel amazing!

Mutilation Phone Sex of a Nigger Whore

Mutilation Phone Sex


     Mutilation Phone sex begins on your first ring to me! Pin my hands to my side and treat me like that dirty nigger whore that you have to fuck up!  Ripping my shirt off and then hitting me firmly in the chest, you pistol whip me with your gun….

Not only do I love getting the shit kicked out of these tits but I also love getting beaten and whipped. At least that’s what this gang loves to do to me. I can see every cock that is surrounding me. Veins bulge out those mushroom heads and await for me to suck the shit out of them. The way you and your friends do a nigger whore  is nothing nice.  They love me being on my knees drinking cum. Place your hands on your cock and push it  in my mouth making me swallow all of it down to your balls. As you see spit rolling out onto my chest, take it  out and  slap me some more. Now  take your other hand and drag me over to the table for the real torture. 

     Push my face to the  floor because I want to feel every inch of pain in this little game. You said I needed pay back for being a snitch so I want you to bring your worse. Taking the knife from the table you hold it to my neck and cut me. As I start to bleed you start punching me in the  face and spitting on me. You are so turned on that I can see your cock stiffen harder! You want more! I feel your hands slide down my thighs and onto the lace of my panties ripping them off. You take the cold edge steel of the blade and  insert it in my pussy pressing deeper all  all the way to my gut. Ripping it out you lick the edge tasting my warm blood.

     Like a trained vigilante you slice at my face and tits slashing me to pieces.I gurgle and spit out blood. Throwing my head back  back you  force feed me your cock. I swallow every inch. You take it out and kick me in my throat and my head snaps back down to the floor.Kicking my legs open ,you pour the acid on my pussy. The skin bubbles and you dig the knife in my open flesh. Bending down over me you pull my head to you and kiss me tasting the blood. Pushing me down ,you ram your cock inside of me. I can feel that meaty mushroom head pounding me to death. You take your hands and  place  them around my neck and squeeze so tightly the air from my lungs expel causing my eyes to bug out of their sockets. I fall to the floor in a heap. Spitting on me you walk away as the other gang members surround me. I feel the first hit of the baseball bat then another. My bones crack and it is the end.

Now that I lay in this meat locker dead and cum stains are  all over my body you could say the pay back was worth it!

Killer Phone Sex


Fisting Punch Princess

You told me you would make me your Fisting Princess. I love the way you torture my body and tear my pussy up, and this sounded like the next step in our fucked up and poisonous affair. I wanted to feel your huge hand go inside my pussy with no mercy – I knew you would do it with no hesitation. I knew you wouldn’t stop to ask if I was okay or if it hurt. You don’t give a fuck – in fact the more it hurts me the better it is for both of us.

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On my back, you ram your hard cock in my ass and fuck it raw, making me feel every thrust deep inside my tight asshole. I love the searing pain, but I know its about to multiply. You look down at my pathetic cunt, just waiting for your fist, and spit all over it. I know that is the only lube I will get and I am grateful, because I want to be your favorite fuckpig.  You take your fingers, and slip four tips inside me. You stretch my pussy open and I watch you as your eyes follow your fingers, pumping them in and out of my tight hole.

As you continue to ass fuck me, you ball your hand up into a tight fist, and pull back. There would be no easing it in, and there would be no going slow. Your arm is pulled back behind you, fist clenched, and you take aim on my wet pussy. I watch as your fist flies through the air and enters me with the sound of someone being punched in the face. I couldn’t even scream, my air was gone. As you pumped your fist in and out of my cunt, the feeling was pain all over my body, and I knew my insides would never be the same.

Happy Birthday Baby

snuff phone sex karmaHe loves to come to me. Her pussy is loose and she is a prude. She is bitchy and whiny and so is his daughter. When he told me she wouldn’t even fuck him for his birthday, I knew I had to make it up to him. I brought him in and sat him down and blind folded him. I began by teasing his dick. First on the couch and then all the way down the hall and to the bedroom. When I finally let him see there she was and the daughter too, tied to my bed with ball gags in their mouths. I made him watch as I tortured her and her whiny ass brat. Finally I let him ass fuck her deep, ripping her ass opened before fucking me over her face, his nuts running across her sniveling lips.
When he cane in my pussy I squatted over her mouth and pushed all his cum mixed with mine out and into her mouth. Then I held her head so he could punch the shit out of her before holding her head back so he could slit her bitch ass throat. I made him rub his cock in her blood before shoving it down his daughter’s throat, making her taste her mother’s blood and letting her know that if she ever said a word she would be next….She could never do for him what I do…..

Torture Phone Sex Bloody Whore Dreams

torture phone sex


     Torture phone sex was my way of wanting to die with you! I felt the kick to my face and then my body lay in heap on the floor. This is how our torture fun would begin. You would take the nail bit gun and staple my perky nipples. I would yell, and scream! You loved the blood curling screams and your cock would sit up at attention!  As blood ran down my tits you would drink it all up and kick me some more. You wanted to dislocate my ribs and I could see by the look of your cock you liked that. You would take a knife and shove it in my pussy causing the blood to reach your cock when you fucked me. It would be fun for you if the blood that ran from my body was mixed with your cock blood you said. You loved the taste of my flesh and our parties together were fun!

    I don’t know if it was the need to die that twisted my pleasure.  Or the fact that when you tortured me it turned me the fuck on!

     You would cut at my tits, or hang me with a rope gripping the flesh and causing rope burns all over my neck.  Slamming my head against the wall I didn’t have time to think as you ripped my panties off. I felt the razors cutting my flesh and your smile as blood pooled around me. I felt this stiffness of your rod against my ass and felt your rip into me with enormous speed. I had this coming the finality of death and there was not a damn thing to do but let you finish the job! But what good conversations we could have about the need to die to feel your cock on my cold flesh as life went out of me!

Snuff Porn Tears Little Nigger Whore Apart

Snuff Porn


     Snuff porn had broken your heart and you were over the edge. It started off as a sinister joke and now my game was about to get my fucking neck snapped. I saw you coming at me with the knife wanting to plunge that mother fucker in my neck. I tried to grab at the gun but you beat me to it. I felt your fist hit me in my mouth and my head hit the cabinet with a loud thump. Grabbing me up like the nigger whore I was , you yanked at my roots and pulled me over the counter. I felt the rip of my skirt and panties. Trying to regain my composure, I scratched at your hands and tried to relieve the pressure that was around my neck. You wouldn’t let up. Slamming my head against the counter I slid to the floor where you pounced on me kicking my tits. As the blood entered my mouth I saw you grab your cock and force it in my mouth. I tried to sit up from the blows but the force of your cock in throat was to powerful. I thought I would vomit, scream but that was not the answer.

     Taking a razor from the counter I felt the first slice across my fucking face like a tiny needle Then there was a third and fourth. Grabbing my neck again you pushed me on my hands and knees spreading my ass cheeks and stuffing the knife blade in me.” You nigger whore! You Nigger whore! That will teach you to mess with my heart.” Kicking me on my back, I felt the force of your knee on my rib cage and the snap. I couldn’t breathe! Blood was filling my lungs and coming out of my mouth! Pushing your lips to mine you tasted my blood. You dropped to your knees and punched me in the mouth again. Opening my mouth and grabbing my head I drank my own blood. You loved the blood the kill! Our calls would always have me screaming for death and mercy. I will wait again for the call because this nigger bitch was always ready to die!

      I heard the little one down the hall screaming I saw your face, and tried to hold onto you. Stabbing me in the skull with the knife, I felt the rip and the blood pulsate to the floor.  My screams followed you down the hallway. I saw your smile as you headed to my room to get her! My little one!  Slamming  ,  her face into the wall the scream was blood curling. I saw you rip her legs open and push your cock in her. Blood squirted out of her like a river. Coming towards me I saw you dragging my little one across the floor. Taking my head in your hand you kissed and slammed my head into the counter I saw your cock and my little one crawling towards me. Pulling her legs and dragging her onto your cock I tried to reach for her. I watched the blood run off of her as she screamed. Was this real? Was this our game? No one would know your desire to kill a nigger whore!

Ass Rape Porn Do or Die Whore

ass rape porn


      Ass rape porn was how it started but then it escalated to murder!  I think from the moment I was born I have been plotting my perfect murder. My murder is as twisted as it sounds. You would come in with a knife of course and hold my mouth open cutting my tongue out. The blood would run down to my nipples and you would taste the knife’s edge and put it close to my neck. Unzipping your pants you would force your cock down my throat and I would feel the razor cuts as you used the knife to cut into my flesh. This wasn’t a game this was your desire to fuck me up for my disloyalty! It wasn’t just disloyalty to you but to the game of the streets that had to be played out from my death. You would slam your cock in my ass and beat me so badly with your fist no one would recognize me…

      Word on the street was that I was kidnapped by the cruelest gang member of them all and they had no idea how right they were! You took that knife   and I felt my ass being opened and then the stab that broke my femur bone in half. With each strike your tone of vengeance deepened. I tasted the salt of my tears as you fucked me in my ass. Taking my head and pulling it back you put the rope around my neck and pulled the chord. To end the game and make it known how much you hated me you must do the unthinkable. Taking my hand and cutting my fingers off and stuffing them in my asshole would teach me! I guess I deserved this after choosing a crack addicted bastard over you. But no matter what the reason that I lay dying at your hand, you had committed the perfect crime. No one gave a shit about me dying! The world had ended and the perfect murder of a black slut was done!

Snuff Porn Galleries Underground Art Show

Snuff porn

There is not many things that I am significantly good at. Like I am not good at making friends with anyone who does not thirst after blood like I do. I am awkward around idiots my own age when I do not have an intention to slaughter them. One thing I am really good at is snuff porn. When I started making it and selling it to the underground snuff world they fell in love with my work and I appreciated every second of it. I was sent an invitation to the underground snuff porn galleries showing. Now only was I invited to look but I was asked to prep a piece. I was nervous and had no idea what to do till I saw her and she was to be my Georgia O’K eeffe inspired piece.
She was about a teen and super pale which would make her skin perfect for my carvings. I kept her around in a box in the basement for a month or so to make her nice and thin and lighten her up even more. I did not torture her because beside for the minor thing I wanted to do to her she was to depict the purity that I loved to hunt from my victims. I drained her blood slowly and then embalmed her as though she was cowering in a corner. I hit her face behind a cow skull and marked her skin. When my parents had left and representative for the gallery came by picking her up, ensuring she would not be damaged.
I showed up in a gas mask to the event. That was kind of the thing. Everyone knew each other’s alias and no one wanted to give up that security even for a moment of comfort amount the like minded. It was like a masquerade, and I felt as though my mask played to me very well. I was very impressed by everyone’s work, recognizing a few from people who I had helped torture and capture. People who were careful carved and saved and one loving display who was pumped with fluids and adrenaline. His live screams were quite impressive. I was recognized by a lot of my supporters and given a substantial amount of donations to further the quality of my work. It was nice to be around supporters but I was ready to get back to work in my little shell.

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The prey

snuff phone sex fionaJust got done doing my workout at the gym tonight, I am so exhausted. My body feels fatigued and I’m all sweaty. I start walking to the car when all of the sudden I feel multiple people grab me. My heart shoots to the sky as I start to panic. My body is forced to the cold asphalt as I began to take whips to my body, I try to curl up in a ball but there is no use. There are five men holding and spreading my body apart and down. Two other men are ripping my clothes off with knives. I feel their sharp cold blades graze my skin. I am crying anticipating the pain they are going to inflict on me. They finally stop whipping my naked body, now all my skin is risen, ripped , red and stings. They then began to chop at my nipples, my throat, my ribs, my hips, my pussy, and my thighs with their sharp and dull knives. I’m a bloody mess as they watch my body squirm and my body parts bounce around. They laugh calling me names and mock me. They then all take turns pissing on my cuts making them sting so bad! They all take turns fucking me in all my holes and spraying their cum all over my body and they just left me there. I crave to get their attention again, that was the only time I have felt important.

Snuff Porn Killed Me!

Snuff Porn


     Snuff porn killed me! If anyone asked when they found my body it would be that last scene that tore at me like a knife!

      I felt the kick to my pussy before my head hit the floor. I was in and out of conscience as each blow you delivered to my face caused me to jerk further on your cock. I was gagging on that cock trying to stay awake but it wasn’t working. I was slipping away. I felt the rope tighten as you spit in my face, this was real not a party. You were going to kill me put an end to the torture. I felt the spit in my hair drizzle down to my tips and my pussy burned from the number of times you had hit me.

     Pushing me back down to the floor I felt your hand grab for the knife and slice me! The blood trickled down your shoe and you paused for a brief second to scoop some in your hand. Tossing my head back, you pushed my mouth apart to taste the blood, the salt, the essence of death that was coming. I didn’t want to die but I knew what I signed up for when we began. This was not a fairytale ending this was scene of death that would end the whole process. I felt your cock driven with blood force its way into my mouth and I tried to swallow. I tried to bite you but, I felt your fist ready to punch me if I tried.

 Falling, to the concrete I felt the rip of my panties and cold hard stiff cock pushed inside my walls. I was almost dead but, I couldn’t be to feel the sensation I felt next. As my time came to a close with you, I jerked and reeled it was the best death scene ever portrayed.