Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Destroying Subby Slut, Leah

torture phone sexI hated Leah the moment I met her. She was a pitiful little subby who claimed that she got off on being used. I wondered how true that was and last night I decided to find out. It was easy. I invited her over for a client of mine who was a domme. She looked so sickening as he ball-gagged her and fucked every hole, that I had to join in and give her some real pain.

Pushing him aside, I punched her in the face. “Untie her.” I ordered him. He knew better than to fuck with me. She hit the ground hard and I was on her, kicking her with steel toed boots. I grabbed her by her hair and yanked her to her feet. “On the table, bitch.” She whimpered as she climbed painfully into the table. “Spread those legs.” I ordered, reaching for a red-hot curling iron that I kept plugged in for the occasion. I rammed that branding iron deep into her subby cunt and she screamed in agony. He was jerking his cock in gleeful pleasure as I throttled her to silence the racket. “What should I do with her, Master. Kill her?” “Not yet, Nat. I haven’t had my fill yet.” His laugh rumbled like an evil hiss. Angrily, I grabbed a screwdriver and stabbed her in the chest, puncturing a lung. I laughed as her lung filled with blood, making her gurgle and wheeze, as the blood filled her mouth and drooled unto the table. I dipped my finger into it and sucked it clean.

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“Damn, you got my cock hard, girl.” he muttered. “Make it happen.” Kneeling between her legs, he drove his massive fuckstick into her blistered pussy. She was screaming now and it wasn’t a subby scream anymore. It was one of pure pain and fear, which whetted my own appetite and juiced my aching cunt. “Do it, bitch.” he moaned, on the verge of explosion. I pulled her head back, revealing her rapidly beating jugulars. “NOW” he ordered. I pulled the blade across her throat, nearly severing her head, as her heels drummed on the table. The convulsing, contracting death twitch deep in her pussy pulled a huge load of cum from his own tortured balls. I screamed out loud with the force of my own orgasm. Her cooling body lie broken on the table with cum leaking from her dead pussy. I knew exactly who to call next. No sense in wasting a perfectly good dead body….

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I found her all alone

taboo phone sexI found this little bitch, nice and young… can you believe she was alone at that age? She was alone and appeared to be lost. I think she said something about looking for her Mommy, so I told a little white lie and said I’d help her find her Mommy. Little did she know my only plans were to snatch that little bitch up and take her to my place for a not so fun time…for her. She was clueless until I started inflicting pain on her tiny body. I was going to do all types of awful things to this brat. I had a strap on that ripped her open, literally. She was bleeding and screaming and crying but that didn’t stop me, my pussy was still dripping wet, I was turned on and far from done.

Welcome To My Snuff Porn

snuff porn karmaShe was so eager to star in my little porn flick. I had everything set up, the lights the cameras, the stage and my accomplice, the supporting actor. His lust for sadistic sex , blood and torture runs almost as deep as mine. He was more then happy to join me in the making of my Snuff Porn film. She walked out of the bathroom in the thigh high stockings and guarder that I instructed her to wear. The black was a stark contrast to the white and red of the table she would lay on. All colors to symbolize the scene that would play out, Black for death, Red for blood, and White for the innocence that she was going into this with. As I called for action and watched my accomplice fucking her thin body, I instructed her to wrap her legs around his waist. She was loving getting fucked and it was more then acting when she screamed for him to fuck her harder and deeper. I knew they were both getting close to cumming and instructed him to place his hands around her throat and gently squeeze. She loved it and it showed. My pussy was dripping now because it was almost time for my final instructions. As he shoved in her deep, cumming I shouted for him to end her. Squeezing his hands tighter, cutting off her air way, her body began to convulse and twitch as his cock was balls deep in her spewing seed. My fingers deep in my pussy as I watched her take her last breath, I was about to cum myself. We would share the pleasure of licking her dead body clean before etting rid of her body.

Daddy Loses Me In A Poker Game

taboo phone sex renaI have been at home with Daddy almost a week now. He has been really kind to me. I am confused by this. From a very young age, I have been his slave girl. My only usefulness has been to service him and whoever he chose to loan or sell me to. I am his worthless slut, property, something to be seen and used, but never heard. I don’t know how to react to kindness. Maybe he feels guilty because Lee injured me so badly. Nevertheless, this kind of treatment is so foreign, I don’t know what to do. I just wish he would act normal again.
Then he brings you into the room. He tells me that he has lost a poker hand and I was the last bet he had. He tells me you have won the right to do with me what you will. You tell me to stand up and follow you to our basement dungeon. You tell me you are going to have lots of fun with me and that when you finish, you may feel inclined to share me with the other men and women present at the poker game. Since I have never had a Mistress, this is a new concept. You have that sadistic gleam in your eyes. I am in fear of what this night will bring, but I am also getting hot and turned on by the possibilities that lie ahead.

What do you have in mind for our time together? Do you want to be my temporary Master? Let’s discuss the many possibilities.

A Blasphemy Sex Game

Blasphemy sex angieI knew him as soon as I saw his face. He didn’t have to be wearing his collar. I will never forget our times in the confessional when I was preparing for first holy communion. How he showed me that the virginal white dress I was to wear was a representation of a bride and how I would be symbolically marrying Christ when I took the symbol of his body into my mouth. He told me that he was a representation of Christ and that is why we called him Father and that I had to take him into my mouth as well.  In preparation of course. In many ways he helped make me who I am today. I knew that I would have to give him a little something special as a thank you for all he had given me. He didn’t recognize me at all so when I asked him and a young Nun if they would come to the graveyard and bless the ground where my mother was buried, neither of them hesitated. Once there I took out my knife and held it to his throat while I ordered her to take everything but her habit off. You should have seen her grinding her pussy on that cross and spewing blasphemy in an effort to save his worthless hide. His dick was so hard, just like I remembered it when I was young. I ordered him to take it out of his pants and ran my knife down to where it stood in all it’s erect glory! I could feel his body flinch but he couldn’t hide his arousal. I made him walk over to her and give her the body of Christ just as he had done me.  It was a long afternoon for them in that graveyard. I don’t think they will find them under the coffins of the couple that was buried later that afternoon.

Well I did TRY…

evil phone sexWell… I have to admit. For the New Year I made a resolution. My resolution was that I would TRY and be nicer…but I already broke my new year’s resolution can you believe it? I am sure you can… a girl like me seriously struggles with being nice, I am a mean, cold hearted bitch and I know it and you know it and that’s why you’re here. Well let me tell you… I couldn’t contain myself. I had to kill this dumb little whore. SO I suppose I am just going to have to be myself and stay mean. A coldblooded killer, and evil bitch I am and always will be. Not only can I not control my anger with stupid sluts but the satisfaction in my pussy as I do so many terrible and violent things to them makes nothing else be able to compare… I am sure you know what I mean. Do you want to be mean together? Fuck being nice, those whores deserve to die. They deserve everything we are going to do to them.

Submissive Whores Walk The Line

taboo phone sex karmaI know a few submissive whores that are pain sluts walking a fine line between their world and the world of sadistic. Some of them would be so good at being evil sadistic if I could just get them to have a little more back bone. I read their blogs of how they enjoy the pain and torture that their Masters inflict upon them and I can feel my cunt getting wet with theirs as I read. I can imagine my self inflicting the pain that they love so much. The problem is their Masters tend to let them live and that would never happen in my world. I have been thinking about heading over there and seeing if I can buy one of the little sluts so that I don’t have to return her and show her how a twisted bitch like myself would treat a submissive. I would love to watch her pussy get wet from the torture, knowing she likes it and is getting off. The thrill would be to see just how much she could take and at what point the pleasure would turn to fear when she realizes that this time it won’t stop until her heart stops beating. Would her pussy dry up then or would the thrill of the inevitable keep her wet? Only one way to find out.snuff porn specials

Merry Mutilation Phone Sex Day

mutilation phone sex angieShe was a little ho ho ho and Holly was a perfect name for her. Such a pretty thing with a twinkle in her eye. To bad I would be turning that twinkle into pain and agony. After all tis the season. What better way to celebrate then with an evening of Merry Mutilation phone sex while I decorate the halls with the Bowels of Holly. Disembowelment is such a festive procedure. Covering everything in holiday red! Screams that fill the air like the carols sung by innocent little ones wondering the neighborhood. Unsuspecting of the horror going on just inside. I five her drug that renders her helpless. Unable to move and yet able to feel every thing that is happening. A pleasant little paralytic. Placing the knife in her hand I sing “Deck the Halls: and guide her hand to her abdomen. Where my expert skills go to work slowly disemboweling her with precision that keeps her alive as long as possible for maximum pleasure!

Christmas Morning

taboo phone sex angieI am waiting in the shadows. It’s Christmas Eve and I know that the fucking brats are all tucked away in bed and soon Mommy and Daddy will be coming down stairs to play Santa. They will be laughing and giddy with excitement. I will sit and watch and play with my wet hot pussy while I finger the cold steel of the knife I have in one hand and the rope that is between my teeth.  I will watch as they wrap gifts and put together bicycles. I wait quietly for just the right moment and then I make my move. The brats will wake up to bloody bodies among their presents. It will be the ultimate in pleasure and terror and Christmas will never be the same!

Bloody Phone Sex and Little Bodies

Bloody phone sex karmaBloody phone sex and snuff phone sex just isn’t the same without little bodies. Little faces contorted in pain. Little voices hoarse from screaming. Little holes ripped apart and bleeding for our pleasure. Innocent and having no idea of what evil lurks in the world, in the hearts and souls of people like us. That is until we lure them in and torture them in the most violent and incomprehensibly ways. They beg, they call for their mommies. They pray. They do everything they can think of in order to earn some mercy. Some relief. But it doesn’t come. We love for these moments. We crave these moments, We encourage each other the entire time and when all is said and done, we fuck each other while touching the lifeless bodies. of our victims. Laying next to us in the most awkward positions, pale and staring open eyed into the distance. The glassy eyed stare of death spurs us on and enhances our orgasms.