Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Cyber Texting Sex Is Another Way

domination phone sexI don’t usually blog about my callers or my masters, but I have one that deserves to be in a blog. He is a regular and he has been my sadistic master for quite a while now. Rather than call though, he takes advantage of the cyber text sessions we offer. Before my first text session, I did not know what to expect. I thought it would be a bit boring to type instead of talk, but there is something about the anonymity of the text that is extremely sexy. From the very first touch of his whip as he traces the lines of my ass to the front of my pussy, I am dripping wet. I sit at my keyboard eager to see his next words appear, waiting to find out what sick and twisted thing he is going to do to my body. My master never disappoints. Each and every texting session, he brings up something new and painful that he will do to my worthless body. The last time we talked he had me bring in another sub to play with. He instructed us on ways he wanted us to abuse each others bodies while he stood back and enjoyed seeing both whores jump at each of his commands. The sub I chose was not able to live up to his demands and pled for mercy. Since she was not able to please him, I will be getting punished. Of that I am sure. I am just waiting until the next time, I see his chat pop up on my screen, to see just how bad the punishment will be for my poor choice of playmates.

Ass Rape Porn Whore

ass rape pornAss rape porn is all I am good for. My cunt is so lose and stretched out from being a whore and birthing brats, that my ass is the only semi tight fuck hole I got. But guys seem determined to want to ruin my ass too. I owe my dealer a lot of money for my nose candy addiction. I worked out a way to score a new bag of powder despite owing him a few grand already. I showed up at this biker bar known for trouble. Despite my strung out appearance, I was still the classiest thing in that dive. I found Don. He wasted no time with pleasantries. He pulled out his dick and ordered me to bend over like a good whore. He rammed his cock up my ass as I was bent over a bar stool while other guys lined up to fuck my mouth. One cock in my ass was not enough to earn me some coke, however. I was surprised my ass could handle 2 dicks at once. Shocked when it took three. Crying in pain when four dicks sodomized me. My ass was gaping opening. Prolapsing with every thrust. Cum was pouring out my ass like I drank Mexican water. Hardcore anal wasn’t enough for these bikers. They turned me into a fisting whore too. This was not agreed upon. I was told I just had to let a few bikers fuck my ass. One of the guys grabbed me roughly by the hair, spit in my face and said, “Bitch, complain one more time and you leave with no coke, just a well fucked ass.”  Him and his pals fisted my ass first before they invited the entire bar to fuck my ass with their forearms.  I left the bar crawling on my knees with my ass inside out, but I had a bag of coke so it was all worth it.

Taboo Phone Sex Happy Father’s Day

Taboo phone sex fun for a twisted fucking Father’s Day celebration with your vixen of sin Dusty! 

Taboo phone Sex

The deadbeat asshole of a “father” decided he wanted to fucking meet me for the first time since he became the sperm donor to my whore mother. My first reaction was to tell him to fuck off by sending a few of my guys over to “take care of him”. After a moment of consideration I had a better thought!

Inviting “daddy” over I dressed up like some fucking sweet housewife and prepared a couple side dishes to play it up. I prepared a roasting pan with stock, carrots, potatoes, and garlic cloves to add the main ingredient in nice and fresh. Fucktard sperm donor showed up with flowers and his little whore wife. I served them drinks and had a bit of small talk waiting for my man to show up. Once Anthony showed up things could get interesting, and they did.

Inviting daddy up to my bedroom to show him some pictures and shit I left Anthony to entertain the whore wife. He had his way with her as I seduced my father into fucking me. I got him to the point of nearing orgasm when I whipped my switchblade knife out and whacked his dick off. I quickly straightened my clothes as I watched him bleed out on my bed and then returned to the kitchen with the main course.

He Hurt Me So Good

torture phone sex

I learned a lot about my body the other night. I had a guy torture me in ways that I’ve never experienced in my life! I pushed the end of a brush in soft spots behind my knee and elbow that made me scream in agony and my pussy cream at the same time. The pain was excruciating as I begged to stop but my torturer knew I wanted more. I brushed bristles across my clamped nipple and made it raw and sore. By the end of it my tits were sore and I still wanted more. My favorite part was when he demanded me to inflict more pain on myself. I took a stiletto as shoved it so far up my ass that I bled down my leg. My legs were shaking and I had tears fucking up all of my makeup. I didn’t care simply because his voice was intoxicating to me and he had me wrapped around his finger. I enjoy being his hot nigger slave and I can’t wait to hurt myself the way he made me!

Torture phone sex makes me wet.

torture phone sexHe cut us out several more lines. I was beyond fucked up and horny as hell. I had drained his cock several times and he was done for. He laughed as I fingered myself. “Let me find something to help you out.” he grinned. He came back with a nasty toilet brush. “How about this?” I shrieked with laughter as he flipped me over and began to tickle my pussy with the wicked dildo. “No way.” But he was high and didn’t listen. My giggle turned to a moan as he began to push the bristled cock up into me. It hurt like hell and I protested. But he was too caught up to listen. I kicked my feet trying to get away as it pierced my inner labia and clit. “Snort this.” he ordered. I inhaled some more shit as he continued to fuck me, first with the handle, then turning it around and inserting the bristles all the way. I felt 1000 needles poking into me as he rammed it harder. He was nasty now, demanding that I fuck the foul shit-tinged brush. I arched and moaned as his cock got hard. I felt the blood run down my legs as he showed no mercy. He violated me as his cock spasmed all over the brush. Then he brought it up to my mouth and forced me to brush my teeth with the cummy, shitty porcupine dildo from hell. Tomorrow my swollen, bloody cunt would pay the price for the drugs that controlled my life. But I don’t care. I’m just a stupid, druggie slut.

bloody phone sex

I Can’t Breathe

strangulation phone sex

I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t move. I felt my hands and my feet tied tightly but something was also around my neck. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Then I felt it. SMACK. I wet towel smack across my cunt. I trembled and let out a stifled scream when I felt it again. SMACK. I felt my pussy swelling up from the abuse. I wanted to just die from the pain but I wouldn’t know what the desire to die was really like until flesh began to get sliced deep. He was mutilating my body and all I could do was lay there helpless. The warm blood was pooling around the surface I was laying on. I could feel the body fluid running up my legs, around my pussy, up my back, and in my hair. I started to grind my pelvis in the puddle to feel the warm blood splash on my clit. I needed to feel pleasure with this pain. I could hear him unzip his pants at the foot of the table and climb up. While we were in a pool of blood he forced his massive cock inside of me as he strangled me again. I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t move. But I could FEEL myself about to cum. I could also feel myself about to black out. Which one came first? I still don’t know.


torture sex stephanieI am so scared. I am trembling, and trying to not let out a scream. I was at a bar last night just having fun with some friends. We where throwing the drinks back, and all of a sudden this very scary man walked over to me. He was very mysterious in a dark sexy older man way. That is the last thing I remember. When I woke up I was in a room full of plastic and all I was wearing was these big sexy black boots that went all the way my thick thighs. My hands where bounded above me, and my feet where spread eagle and bounded to a metal posts. I was scared yes, but my little cunt was dripping wet. Then I heard him coming so I started trying loosen my restraints. He walked over to me and gave me a big slap on my beautiful face. In the other hand he had a paddle that had tiny razor blades on it. I begged and pleaded, “Oh, daddy please let me go! I will do anything”. He said, ” anything”? So he bent me over, my hands still retained and started spanking me with the razor blade paddle. Blood was running down my little pussy and my legs. I was screaming in pain. But was it pain? I found my self moaning as he let the razor blades drag across my bare ass. Then I heard him unzip his pants. He got some of the blood off my legs and rubbed it on my shaved cunt, and and my little asshole. I said ” Please don’t do this”, but as I let out a cry he bulldozed his cock into my asshole using my blood as lube. He reached for my neck and put a rope around it, and as he thrusted his cock into my asshole he was pulling the rope. I was gagging and I could feel rope burns around my neck. I felt cum dripping out of my pussy down my leg! I came to realization I want to stay there and let him use me and snuff me! I wanna be his torture slut.

Torture Phone Sex with Paulina

torture phone sex

While my piercings have grown on me over the years they were not always a part of me I enjoyed. In fact they brought great pain to me. Both physically and emotionally. Most people go and have body modification done as something they enjoy. But these were unwanted. Very much unwanted. And when I say that. It is an under statement. You see right before I was leaving my husband the first time around. He had me restrained down in our basement for two days straight. On the second night a big burly biker guy came down and repositioned me in a fashion where he could access both my nipple and pussy. I had no idea what was going to happen. I just had thought I was going to have some unwanted cock shoved in me. Little did I know my husband had arranged for my clit and both nipples to be pierced. He told me that he had knew I was planning to leave so he wanted me to go with a parting gift.

Can You Breath?

torture sex karmaWhen he asked me if I would come over and put him in his new vacuum table I agreed right away.

He was an annoying fuck that I had been aching to fuck with for a long long time and this was going to be perfect. And just like Karma, the best part is that it is all his idea. Imagine that shit!

I laid his naked body on the metal table and covered him with the black latex careful to put the hole for the mouth in just the right place. I flipped the switch and watched as his cock got hard as soon as he heard the sound of the vacuum.

The latex hugged his body like a glove. I stopped the vacuum pumps, for now and admired the fact that he was sealed in and helpless. He was at my mercy now

Reaching my hands in my pants I started fingering my wet pussy debating what I was going to do next. I decided to let the bastard eat my cunt. How well he did that would determine what would come next.

I climbed on the table and straddled his head lowering my pussy until I felt his tongue reach out and touch my cunt lips. It didn’t take long for me to realize that he was extremely inept when it came to cunt licking so I rewarded him with a mouth full of warm piss.

Climbing down I turned the vacuum on again and watched as it tightened around him making it difficult for him to breath.

Laughing and finger fucking myself I watched as he tried to beg with no air in his lungs. Finally with his last breath he gave me the mind blowing orgasm that he should have given me with his mouth.

Cut Me

Freddy makes me bleed in so many different ways and pushes me to new limits every time we are near each other. He is a sexy cut lover and loves when I open up my chocolate skin exposing pink flesh. I always was curious about pain and why I liked being hurt which led me to discover cutting. In  school, some girls did it for attention but I’m grown and need a new way to get my rocks off! I started slow with occasional shallow slits on my inner thigh. When I walked I would feel the burn of my wounds rubbing against the fabric of my pants. Then, I progressed on into deeper cuts that resulted in massive blood loss. I loved the way it felt to have warm blood flowing out of me and over all the sweet spots on my body. I would vigorously rub my clit until I violently orgasmed from the sensation of pain and pleasure. When I met him he pushed me to another extreme: Stabbing. He makes me stab my mound and my thighs and even right above my bellybutton. I have almost severed a couple arteries and almost punctured my uterus. That’s not enough to make me stop and every time I see him call I soak my shorts. I know that he is going to make me feel ecstasy immediately after i experience the most excruciating pain in my life. When I stab my cunt I love to feel the hot blood run down my clit and into my hole. I stab my pussy hole with the knife and lick the blood and cunt juice off after im done. It feels nowhere near as bad as it sounds and the pussy heals fairly quickly. This way I don’t have to wait too long in between my tortures. Call me and I’ll be your little pain slut too