Tag: Sadistic phone sex

A Hell This Way Comes

I had an amazing day Sunday. Brandy, a friend of mine from https://fuckaliciousfreaks.com/, called me up and asked me to help her out with a caller. I agreed, because she’s a slammin’ hottie who can fuck like nothing. We usually have a good time.sadistic phone sex

This time, she tied me up immediately upon my agreement, and then hung me from a hook in her ceiling that I hadn’t really noticed before. Then, he walked in. I recognized him from a few of my own chats. My blood froze in my veins. The metal pipe in his hands did nothing to help matters, and my breath caught. I literally couldn’t breathe for several seconds. Brandy looked me in the eyes and promised she’d take care of me after we were done, and thanked me for helping her out. My eyes pleaded with her to let me out of this, but she winked at me and stepped to the side, out of my line of vision. rape phone sex fantasies

When she returned, she was carrying a whip in one hand and a knife in the other. He walked over to her and traded the pipe out for the whip. I closed my eyes and waited. I could literally hear the sound of the whip as it slashed through the air just seconds before I heard and felt the crack of it against my skin. It hit my left breast, gashing it, and I hissed in pain. The whip slashed through the air 7 more times as I gritted my teeth and hummed and grunted with the pain. I knew he enjoyed screams, and I wasn’t ready to grant him that pleasure. When he finally struck that 8th blow, and I heard him sigh, I knew he’d given up on the whip.


Fucked to Death by BBC

sadistic phone sexYou wouldn’t think a woman my age could be this horny. I mean, most proper ladies settle down to crochet and raise grandbrats. And here I am still wanting every cock I see. I got in a little over my head this weekend while being a druggy slut. I picked up this black guy at the club and followed him home. He said he had some good drugs. What he forgot to tell me was that he lived in a halfway house with 6 other guys on parole or were recovering addicts. We were making out on the couch and I was sucking his big black cock. It was at least a foot long and my pussy could barely wait to be stuffed full of nigger meat. I felt hands on my back as one of the other guys approached me from behind, rubbing his thick shaft against my wet cunt. And then another pressed his fuck stick against my tits. I could hear them all jerking off, the sound of skin on skin as horny bodies pressed against me. “Fuck me, please.” I moaned and they all rushed in, eager to stick cocks in every hole. One by one, they took turns pounding my pussy and my shithole, often two at a time. Then it got all crazy. They were fighting over my holes. One ripped a chunk of hair from my scalp. I screamed out to the man above. That made them laugh, hearing a slut like me trying to get all religious. Another pulled a knife, holding it to my throat as he forced his cock deeper, making me gasp for air. Suddenly, he slashed me and I felt the blood spurt. They were like sharks in a feeding frenzy, fucking me and beating me with their fists as I gurgled my last breath. Even in death, as my carcass chilled, they used me like a blow up doll, filling every hole until they all overflowed.

I bet you never thought you would like this!

accomplice phone sexI know that you were under the impression that since I was your accomplice that I would just do whatever you asked without question… well you were very wrong my friend. I want to do things MY way, even if that is very different than what you think you want! This one guy learned that lesson very well yesterday; we had planned on attacking this bitch but what he didn’t know was that this particular woman had a little brat and that little brat was the one that I wanted to see all fucked up. My accomplice said that he wasn’t into girls that young but all men like young pussy… even if they don’t think that they do. I convinced him to let me blindfold him, he thought that I was forcing the mother to suck his cock and he was loving it… that’s when I ripped off the blindfold to reveal that it was the little brat sucking his cock. He was shocked but that didn’t make him stop… if anything it made him fuck her mouth even harder! Turns out that he likes them just as young as I do!

A Dish Served Ice Cold

taboo phone sex Be very careful who you piss off. I am not the one to piss off, that is for sure. Everything is all set up and ready, he just doesn’t know it yet. He thinks we are taking a nice drive in the country tonight to a deserted shack that we know of. He thinks it will be a nice romantic evening.He has no clue. Pulling up the head lights shine on the shack giving it an eerie glow. I spread out a blanket and pull out the wine glasses. Slipping the hallucinogen into his glass is easy and the high will enhance his fear. Fifteen minutes go by and I know the drugs are about to kick in. I take him by the hand and walk him into the old shack. There in the middle of the room is a dick cage attached to a metal steak that is deep in the ground. He doesn’t fight it and lets me lock his cock in giggling at the kinky game he thinks we are about to play. I pull out the knife I brought with me and stick it in the old wooden floor close enough for him to reach before setting the cabin on fire around him as I back away. As I am crossing the threshold he begins to scream frantically. Laughing I tell him he can survive if he cuts his cock off and can get out before he burns to death or bleeds to death.

Gangbang Sadistic Phone Sex

I got dragged into the woods today by a group of teen boys. They ripped my clothes to shreds, and then they took turns kicking and hitting me. They had me on the ground, bruises forming over half of my body, and still they continued to kick me. They picked up sticks and started hitting me with them, and they threw rocks at me Honestly, I’m not sure how I’m still alive.

When they finally all got finished with the beatings, they stuck sticks inside of me. My pussy and my ass are so sore from the sticks and the rocks they pounded me with. Then, they rammed their fingers inside of me, then their fists. Finally, they stuffed their cocks into my pussy and ass, though by that point they were both fairly loose from all of the abuse.

Sadistic phone sexAfter they came inside of me over and over, they started kicking me again, then left me there. I cleaned up as best I could with what few supplies they left me when they took my backpack. Then, I just lay there and curled up, wishing I could sink into the ground and never come back up.

The Last Heart Beat

taboo phone sexI can still hear the echo of her screams in the black darkness of the night. The air is damp and cool as the slight breeze rustles the leaves of the trees that surround my glorious alter. Her body is almost lifeless and I can barely see the movement of her chest as she takes shallow breaths. She is a fighter I have to give her credit for that. I have inflicted more pain then most mere mortals can stand and still she hangs on to her pathetic little life. Her blood is still warm as it drips down the sides of the grey alter that she is laying on. It has been a long time since I have tasted a still beating heart. The thick salty taste of blood with just a hint of iron, the feel of the muscle that we all equate with love, still pulsating as I sink my teeth into it and rip a piece of it off savoring every thing about what I am ingesting. I must act now before the last beat passes and I miss my chance.

Snuff Porn Sacrificing a Virgin

This biker whore is all about the snuff porn videos she is instrumental in creating and finding the victims is only part of the excitement. This time I chose to visit a local charity event put on by a Church just knowing there will be the perfect piece of innocent and pure virginal meat to abduct. Always a do good, church going primadonna in need of real life enlightening will be in attendance at these functions, and they will always approach the biker whore she feels needs to be saved.

Approached, as expected by the busy body little woman that wreaked of purity and posed the pristine picture of a fucking virgin with pent up angst due to that lack of arousal, and penetration. Smiling to myself I accepted her presence and managed to get her to come away and talk to me. With a rag and some chloroform I subdued her quietly and walked her to my car. Arriving at the warehouse where we do the filming I noticed her starting to stir.

In the warehouse on site of where we film I slice her clothes off with my knife inspecting her I jam a few fingers up her hairy snatch. Yes, a virgin it would seem by her distress and tightness of her cunt. I laugh and call to Bruno to come see our latest victim. The 6’5″ Norwegian approaches from around the corner with his butchers apron on. His massive 9″ long with a 6″ girth cock starts to twitch and become fully erect as he gazes at the whore I have strapped to the beams on the wall. Her legs are spread and arms above her head, and a look of terror in those pathetic prudish eyes.

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He approaches her and slaps her in the face as the camera’s are rolling he begins to pull her from the bound position she was in and throws her to the ground demanding her to her knees. His hard prick ready to deflower the cunt as I position my large black strap-on cock to take and ass rape porn that tight bum. We begin to invade her holes as she screams and fights us. Laughing as he fills her virginal snatch with his seed I throw a black hood over her head with a noose and he pulls the rope until we hear a snap.

Tossing her used body into the incinerator Bruno and I rub the blood from her violated cunt and fornicate.


Help Use My Little Sisters

accomplice phone sex

Need a subby teen accomplice baby? I got something for you! I know what you want is to DEYSTROY a little cunt, so I’ll tell you all about my favorite hobby as a teen whore who is a submissive too. I am always getting tied up and ‘forced’ into helping guys use my little sisters my sweet little ones who beg for help but I get wet when they do. I know I am bad and I accept it so I just let them do what they want! Actually all I do now is have my cunt bend over and over again. Because guys like em NICE AND YOUNG! The younger the better they always say and I can’t even blame them cuz those ripe little cunts beg to be abused and used, I swear. They need to be ruined and crying and wailing to possibly no point of return. This what they are here for and it’s everything you ever imagined and more.

Ang The Impaler

torture phone sex Watching an old black and white, the images flash on the screen. Even though the picture has no color, I can see the bright red of the blood as it drips from the severed neck and down the stakes. Vlad the Impaler was a ruthless and feared ruler. I admire his style. I don’t know when my eyes became heavy and I was transported to that place that no one else would dare to go. My dream state where my sub conscious allows the demons of my desires to roam free, unencumbered. There she was with her dirty blonde hair and her big brown eyes. Innocence was reflected in her face and body language. I could feel the evil inside me tugging at my black heart, beckoning me to act on the dark desires that were washing over me. Slowly I approached her, smiling. As soon as I was close enough I brushed the hair from her face. The feel of her skin sent a burn of fire through me. Pushing her up against the wall I secured the leather straps around her wrists and ankles before fastening the metal halo around her head, rendering her completely immobile. Stocking the fire I placed the sharpened end of the first metal spear in the flame waiting for it to glow red hot. I could feel my cunt pulsating as I raised the spear and took aim. the first throw hit her just under the ribs. her screams pierced the air as the spear pierced her skin and the sound of  her skin sizzling as the spear cauterized the flesh made my nipples tingle with delight. It would take some practice to perfect my aim.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasiesA caller, who requested the 21 minute special, informed me that I found a beach while I was journeying today. Since summer was drawing to a close, and the beach was deserted. From the distance at which I saw it, it looked peaceful and pretty, despite the cloud cover and smell of rain that spoke of an impending storm.

I picked up the pace, determined to have a swim before the storm hit. It was a very good thing that I’d opted to wear my bikini under my skirt and top, since I hadn’t found a laundry yet. I pulled off my shirt as I was walking and tucked it into my pack without breaking stride. As absorbed as I was in my desire to make it to the beach in time, I neglected to notice the group of guys hanging out near the entrance to the beach. I was upon them before I realized they were there, and my heart rate doubled immediately upon noticing them.Gangbang rape porn

They let me pass, and I followed the brick wall closely and quickly, trying hard to reach the other end of the pathway before anything could happen. I should have expected it; I should have just walked right on past the beach and moved closer into town along the road, where anyone could have driven by at any time.

They had me surrounded and pinned to the wall before I could blink again, and a good 15 feet from the beach. With the growth of shrubbery on one side and the wall blocking the other, I knew there was no hope of being spotted and rescued.

“I told you guys we’d get laid before school starts again, and here we are. Two days before school starts, and this fine little piece appears like she was dropped here by the hand of God himself to fulfill our desires,” said one of the guys. At this point, I knew that I was in for it.

One of them pulled my skirt down while another took a picture. They removed my top, but made me take my own bottom off, I’m guessing to get a glimpse of all of my goods while I bent down.

They pinned me against that wall and they had their way with me. All my screams, pleas, and protestations were ignored as they squeezed, pinched, groped, fondled, and rammed their way to their own pleasure. By the time they all finished with me, all 8 of them, I was sore from head to toe. My head had banged against the wall repeatedly as they pulled my hair and let it go. My breasts and pussy and ass were raw, swollen, and bleeding in some places. It was a painful experience, and one I would hope never to have to relive outside of my nightmares.2 girl phone sex