Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Wrong Car

Sadistic phone sexI need to make $100 more before I can go home. I’ve fucked so many different men today I lost count. Every time I get in the car with a john I’m putting my life in their hands. It starts to rain but I keep walking, and then you pull up beside me. You look friendly like the average family man, so I get in your car. I sit in the passenger seat and the doors lock, that’s when I notice the knife. You’ve rigged the door on my side, so the lock doesn’t unlock. Fear grips my body and I plead for my life. You drive us somewhere secluded, where no one can hear my screams.
You yell at me, “You dumb black bitch, you got in the wrong car!”
You punch me in my eye so hard that I see lights. Then you press the knife to my throat and I close my eyes and pray. You press the knife hard enough so that I feel the sting of the blade and the blood running down my neck. Tears roll down my face and you lick them up and laugh.
“Get naked bitch!”
I remove my clothes quickly and you make me get out of the car. You leave in the woods butt naked and you leave with all of my money. My man is going to kill me.

Chemical Burns

Mutilation Phone Sex

On my last chemistry exam, I hadn’t scored very well, so my teacher told me to come by class after school to go over some of the material. I really wanted to bring my grades up, so I agreed. When I walked into the lab, he said we would be working with some of the equipment for extra credit, to see if I could at least grasp the practical use of the lesson. But when he locked the door behind us, I got nervous. He told me to pull off my skirt as he plugged in one of the Bunsen burners. I complied, because he didn’t seem like he would let me get away so easily. He sat my naked ass on the burner and it heated up, my skin smoking from the sizzling heat on my backside. I screamed out in pain, so he grabbed my neck and pulled me off to examine my now burnt and bleeding ass. My skin had peeled right off from the burns. Shaking from the nauseating pain, he bent me over so he could shove various tools inside me. Using prongs, he spread my pussy wide. The pain of being stretched made me cringe. Beakers and test tubes filled every one of my holes. But the worst was getting burned by chemicals. My skin nearly melted off as he poured a mysterious liquid down my leg. I had never felt pain quite as awful as him spraying inside my holes, though. My nerves were on fire as they screamed in agony. I went into a cold sweat, unable to bear anymore, I passed out. He then jerked his load all over me as he left me to fend for myself.

She was too stupid to live

taboo phone sexThis little whore was too stupid to live… I mean she came with me willingly, even eagerly all because she thought I was having a party! How stupid can you be? Apparently her mother never taught her to not go with strangers and that’s how she ended up naked and crying on my bedroom floor surrounded by at least 20 men. These were hard core men, thugs and gangsters that had just been released from prison and they needed some pussy… and they didn’t give a fuck if that pussy was willing or not! They took her, used her, forced all her fuck holes wide open and tore them to shreds! That bitch begged and pleaded for her life but it was like they were animals… as soon as they smelled her blood it was all over! They literally fucked that whore to death while I watched and you know what the best part was? They paid me to do it! I would have done it for nothing but if they wanna throw money at me I will damn sure take it!

Take My Pussy

I don’t know that you’ve been watching me. You have been casing my home for weeks, watching me and my man’s movements. You’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity. Now you stand outside my window watching me. It’s a really hot day and I’m wearing panties and nothing else. Your mouth is watering at the sight of my huge brown nipples. I’m feeling horny all of a sudden and I decide to watch some porn. Two bitches are 69’ing on my TV screen and my panties come off. I spread my thighs apart and I slip two fingers in my tight wet pussy. The moans that slip out of my mouth make your cock rock hard. You have to have me. You go to the front door and break in the lock with ease. When you open my bedroom door I’m finger banging my pussy so hard that I don’t even notice you entering my room. You head straight to the bed with your hard cock free from your pants. I scream when you move my hands and fall between my legs. I yell out for someone to help me and you put your hand over my mouth to prevent my screams. Your long hard cock fucks my pussy like a jack hammer, hard and fast. You nibble and suck on my huge nipples and pleasure flows through my body. I let go of the fear and let my body enjoy this violation. I lock my legs around your waist and throw my pussy up your big dick. Rape turns into the best sex I’ve ever had.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Week III Seven Deadly Sins Conclusion of Envy

Ass rape porn

We’ve taken the envious bitch to the basement dungeon and bound her to an ass fucking bench. My guy doesn’t intend on releasing her, she is just going to be anyone’s ass slave that he wants to let have her. It’s my job to feed and give her water because she is tied to the ass bench 24/7.
Every now and then my guy goes down there and I hear her whimpering and crying. This last time he had me come with him, he told me she was about to get sutures. I was confused by that… thinking he might be sewing a wound. We got down there and she started crying right away, my guy slapped her face and told her to shut the fuck up. She did but tears were streaming down her face. He started to release the straps holding her down to the bench, he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and carried her to a table and strapped her down again, legs wide. He went over to the workbench he has and grabbed a large U-shaped needle and some very thick thread almost string really. Without any numbing or knocking her out, he started to sew her pussy lips together, she screamed her head off as the needle began to pierce her skin. Irritated he quickly grabbed a towel and jammed it into her mouth and said “Fuck it’s hard to concentrate with that fucking screaming and shit. Shut up bitch.” The needle went through again and her whole body tightened up against the pain. The towel was stuffed into her mouth enough that should couldn’t make a sound anymore except whimpers. When he was done he explained to me, clearly so she could hear it, that he was going to be leaving her sewn up and make little cuts in her pussy lips now and then so they would heal together and close off her clit area forever. Her eyes got wide in the realization that she wasn’t going anywhere. My guy lets any cock that is interested use her ass with no pleasure for her clit ever again. He took a marker and wrote on a piece of big paper “Envy is the art of wanting what isn’t yours. The grief comes from losing something you’ve already had.” He laid the paper on the floor and put the bitch back on the ass fucking bench so she could be reminded why she was here in this situation.

Snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sexI need a real good hard snuffing. Do any of you perverts want to do that to me? I have been a very bad girl and I deserve to be punished in the harshest way you can imagine. I want you to beat every inch of me, and stomp on my stomach. I want you to make so much blood come out of my mouth I can barley fucking breath. I want you to pull my hair so hard I can feel each individual hair being pulled out of my scalp, just thinking about that makes my fucking pussy wet. While your hurting me please fuck the shit out of me, I want you to pound me so fucking hard people outside can hear me scream.

Week III of Seven Deadly Sins, Envy

Ass rape porn

Moving on this week from greed, I thought about envy. What does it mean really? Not just wanting something someone else has but also being happy that they are being deprived of it.

A woman I unfortunately know is always bitching about her man’s tiny cock and how she wants my guy to fuck her. She talks about how she bets he has a nice big cock. Fucking bitch pisses me off, talking about wanting my man. So I told him about it, he reacted coolly with a “does she now.” I didn’t know what he had in mind until a week later. I came home to find a black man in my living room stroking his cock, and my man not in the house. I said hello and who are you. He said, “The dude paid me to sit here hard until he comes back with some white bitch that needs to get fucked in the ass.” I nodded my head and asked if he wanted anything. He said no and sat there playing with his big fucking cock.

The door burst open and my guy is carrying a woman over his shoulder. He sees me when he comes in, turns about to show me her face and says “is this bitch who you are talking about babe?” I laughed and said yes. She didn’t seem awake; he said he knocked her out when she wouldn’t shut up. He flopped her onto the couch and started taking her clothes off while I filmed. She started coming around some so my guy shoved his cock down her throat to really wake her up. She started to choke and came around, while my guy had his cock down her throat he told the BBC guy to get his cock ready to slam it in her ass. My guy pulled his cock out of her mouth as she opened her eyes and my guy said, “fuck her man.” And the BBC rammed his cock into her ass. He had a huge cock, it was lubed but her ass hadn’t been primed or anything. She screamed out when he buried himself balls deep into her asshole. My video captured the moment it went in her ass. She started to struggle probably after the initial shock wore off. My guy knocked her on the back of the head again and she was out. The BBC said, “Holy shit man her asshole just went totally relaxed.” And then he started to really pound her ass.

Taboo Phone Sex: I Castrate and I Kill but I Never Care

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex? That’s all I do. I had some jackass call me last night calling me sweetie and honey. Clearly, he had me mistaken for another girl. I don’t do terms of endearment. I am no one’s sweetie or honey or boo. I explained to him that if he wanted to do a call he would have to cease with the sugar-coated talk or lose his testicles. He agreed. After I was done processing him, I came back and asked him what his extreme or snuff fantasy was tonight. The dumb bastard not only asked me what snuff meant, but he called me baby. I went ape shit on him. I verbally abused him with a litany of insults for about 10 minutes before I whacked off testicle #1. I made sure he understood that he was far too dumb to reproduce before I lobbed off testicle #2. As dumb as this jackass was, I think he discovered his inner pain slut. After I rendered him nutless, he begged me to take his dick too. Since he was only 4 inches hard, that was extremely easy to accomplice. If you call me for castration phone sex and you aren’t a total tool, I will numb you and cauterize the wound. However, if you are a stupid fuck, I will let you bleed out for a while before I offer any assistance, if I even offer any at all. This dumb fuck laid in a pool of his own blood, sans his balls with a severed penis, calling me baby. Castration turned to snuff rather quickly. Clearly, he had a death wish. I’m not the kind of bitch who warns you once, so you sure as fuck know I am not the kind to warn you four times. At that point, we were having snuff phone sex. I broke out the chain saw and dismembered him like Leatherface would. You don’t play by my rules, you die. Simple.

No One Will Miss Me

Sadistic phone sexI’m the perfect victim. I walk the streets selling pussy, cops don’t care about hookers. They expect to find us dead in an alley. When I get in your car I’m yours to do with as you please. Wrap your hands around my throat and squeeze. Choke me, and quiet my screams. It’s all my fault, I chose this profession and I chose to get in your car. Pound my pussy with your hard cock and keep choking me. I deserve to be treated lower than trash. Bite me, slap and punch me. Make me regret getting in your car. Watch the life leave my eyes as you squeeze my neck tighter and tighter. My face will start to turn blue and squeeze my neck harder. Push my lifeless body out of your car; go home and kiss your wife. I’m a prostitute I don’t matter. No one will miss me.

Strangulation phone sex

This was taboo phone sex fun!

taboo phone sexThis was such a fun taboo phone sex call! This guy was pissed at his wife, she had been cheating on him and acting like a total whore and he was over that shit so he asked me to help him. He wanted her to die like the whore she was so I snatched her up and took her to my place where there were at least 100 guys there waiting for her. She was terrified but there was no where for her to go, she just ran around from person to person begging for help. None of those guys were gonna help her tho, they just wanted to fuck her so they started stripping off her clothes and shoving their cocks inside her. She had dicks in every fuck hole and even tho she was struggling they held her easily. My friend wanted this bitch fucked to death so that’s what we were gonna do! She was unconscious by the end but we just kept on going until the fucking whore bled out and died.