Snuff sex wasn’t what he expected at all, he thought that I was just a high class call girl coming to his hotel room for a good time. But I was really there to kill him and leave him there in a humiliating position. I was hired by his ex wife, he screwed her in the divorce but if he died before his will was changed, she would inherit everything. Well, you know I was down for all of that, I get to kill someone and get paid for it?? Sign me the fuck up! It was almost too easy to, when I showed up wearing a slinky black dress and stilettos all he could think about was how sexy I looked, he had no sense of the danger he was in at all! I did a little strip tease for him, once his dick was rock hard it was very easy to get him to allow me to tie him up, he was ready to give up control and with that, his fate was sealed. Once he was restrained I dropped the dumb bimbo act and got right to work torturing him, he was in so much pain but couldn’t scream thru the gag, all he could do was cry like a pathetic little bitch. Not that any of that made me feel the tiniest little bit of sympathy towards him, he shouldn’t have been such a dick, if he was nicer he wouldn’t be suffering! Finally I slit his throat and let him bleed out, then I dressed him like a little sissy boy, put his own severed cock in his mouth and posed him ass up so that I could shove an enormous dildo up his ass! He looked ridiculous, but that’s what you get when you spend your life screwing people over…
Tag: Sadistic phone sex
Snuff sex wasn’t what he expected
Suzie Homemaker
I know I look so prim and proper. Just like Suzie Homemaker. But really I am a nasty slut. I like to be brutalized. The harder you pound on me and tear my flesh up. The more I fucking squirt. Pulling out a knife to use on me is like pulling out a dildo for the average slut. Beating the shit out of me is foreplay I fucking love. Are you one of these dirty men who can make my flesh bruise and bleed before you fuck me? Can you strangle me so tight I fucking pass and you don’t stop fucking me? And to wake me up you punch me in the gut and bitch slap me in the face. There is an evil submissive slut lurking beneath this normal look.
Killing on vacation
I am on vacation and while I am loving it, there has been a whole lot of work involved in it too. See, in order to get my perfect victim I had to actually pretend to be nice! Do you know how hard that is for me??? It worked tho, I found a guy that was dumb enough to fall for my charms and agree to get on a boat with me… it was the last mistake he ever made. We went out in the middle of the ocean where no one was around, I convinced him that we should drop anchor and swim in the deep water, well he jumped in first and I pulled up the ladder and just watched him. At first he thought it was a joke, but once he started getting tired of treading water he started begging for me to put the ladder down so he could get back on the boat, I just laughed and threw some chum in the water to attract some sharks. Then I just watched him struggle until the sharks finally just ate him all up! Now all I need to do is delete all the pics he took of me and I will have gotten away with the perfect murder!
Torture Sex
It was pure torture sex. He gets off on causing me pain. I am not sure what exactly happened, but I woke up in the basement with my ankles and wrists bound. I felt like I had been drugged. I am sure I had. He loves to abuse me. My last clear memory was doing a line of coke before bed. When I woke up, I was a hot mess, naked and restrained in the basement. What jolted me awake? An electric shock shook me awake. It felt like an electrical current pulsated through my entire body. I was wide awake now. He was calling me names. He shocked my pussy. The voltage was so strong, I pissed myself. He then put the cattle prod in my cunt. He had this devious smile on his face as he cranked up the voltage. The hair on my pussy was smoking from the current. I pissed myself again, even shit the floor. He just stood there laughing at my pain. My stepson hates me. He takes cruel pleasure in my pain. I was crying, which I knew was only a turn on to him. I couldn’t help it. The pain was intense, even for a pain slut. My discomfort is foreplay for him. The cattle prod went up my ass the next time. Like one of those extreme ass rape porn stars, he fucked me with the prod turned up to its highest voltage. I convulsed like a rabid animal. I frothed at the mouth. My entire body shook to the point it felt like I was levitating. I lost all control of my bodily functions. I woke up hours later in a pool of piss, shit and vomit. I could smell the frayed pussy hair. I reeked of humiliation. I laid there in my own filth because it was better than going upstairs and risking his wrath again.
Young Black Hooker
My parents sold me to their drug dealer for a few rocks when I was really young. By then I had already been fucking grown men to keep my parents high. There are three consequences to selling drugs you either end up dead, in jail or hooked on your own supply. My owner got hooked on crack and I was his personal money machine. He would make me sleep with strangers for money. Sometimes these men were very cruel. My old man had a knack for finding men that needed to hurt me to feel pleasure. One of these men tied me down and bit me all over my body like I was a chew toy. And another whipped me until I had welts all over me. It didn’t matter that these men hurt as long as my boyfriend got paid. Every day that I wake up is part joy because I’m alive and part dread because today may be my last.
Abduction For Hate Fucking
You’ve been watching me ever since I turned down your advances at a friends party and all you can think about is torture sex and hate fucking me. The very fact that you feel that I think I’m better than you and treated you like the maggot you really are just really got under your skin. So one afternoon you waited in the shadows and grabbed me from behind as friends drove up and you shoved me in the back of an suv. Your friends were quick to knock me out and tape my wrists behind me.
Once we made it to the destination, a patch of woods secluded and set up just how you needed it. I was face fucked and pistol whipped by one friend as you took my pussy and ass back and forth rough and hard. You marveled at how much of a whore I was as my cunt just got wetter the rougher you got with me. Finally the third one joined in and took my ass as you thrust in my cunt with your hands grasping my neck tightly until I passed out. The three of you continued fucking all my holes until you were satisfied and left me there like a used condom.
Torture Sex with a Sadistic Dyke
Torture sex is not just something inflicted by men. In fact, some of the most sadistic masters I have had in my life have been women. I owed this woman coke money. She wasn’t a dealer. She was a party girl like me. She is just one with money. She asked me when I was going to pay her back. She has a nasty streak, so I couldn’t bullshit her, or I might end up dead in an alley. I told her I was having a cash flow problem and asked if I could work it off. She is a dyke. I thought I could eat her pussy and ass for a couple hours and my debt would be settled. She had something else in mind. It wasn’t pretty either. She is sadistic. She hooked me up naked to some electric shock machine. My nipples and my clit were wired to receive a mega dose of electric shock. The voltage was so high that it burned my skin. I could smell my pussy hair burning. Burnt hair smells awful, even pussy hair. I was sweating from fear which made it worse for me. When she pulled out an industrial sized vibrator, I thought this was a pleasure and pain sort of thing. In a warped way it was. She put a clip on my clit. When I orgasmed, it would cause an electrical shock. As much as I wanted not to cum, she had this big vibrating wand up my cunt on full speed. It was a matter of biology. I tried to think of the most awful, painful things so that I wouldn’t cum, but it did no good. I started convulsing. I felt like I was having a seizure. I pissed myself from the shock. It was messy and painful. I endured electrical shocks to my pussy for hours before she declared us even. I will never get high with a sadistic dyke again.
Dumb Victims For Evil Phone Sex
My boyfriends band was playing this sold out gig the other night and I am always going to be there to support him, and of course take care of any little groupie wannabe hoe. Trust me, there are plenty of these barely legal little sluts that are always trying to get his attention, and we both have a few good laughs on these useless cunts expense.
He’s in a kinda Goth Horror Rock type band and tends to attract young rich suburban girls that play rebellion with mommy and daddy’s money. My evil phone sex fantasies are always going to be fueled by these dumb cunts. I love luring them back to party with us after the show, sometimes if I’m feeling really evil I will lure a few back.
These cunts could never guess where some of the blood used on stage and those blood stained clothes comes from, dumb little victims like themselves of course. We smoke some potent shit that will always knock these weak sluts out in just a couple of puffs, they are either vomiting or passing out but often times both. I take the passed out cunt and rip her clothes off with my Buck knife. I then precede to run that knife along her pristine smooth flesh of her torso to her pelvic bone making a nice slit.
Rubbing her blood all over myself the fun is just beginning, she’ll get what she wants alright! My boyfriend will slide his dick into this pigskin sheath that is coated with glass shards and starts to fuck her tight little holes ripping that flesh up as she bleeds out. And before he cums he pulls out and removes that pigskin, and baptizes the cunts face with his gunk.
Born for Taboo Phone Sex
I was born for taboo phone sex. I didn’t have a traditional upbringing. I was a whore for daddy and his friends when I was a school girl. I have never had a normal relationship. I am not exactly girlfriend material. Guys fuck me. Guys always hit on me. They never want to take me out, however. They just want to treat me like a dirty whore; use me and leave. I understand that is all I deserve. I have had lots of slave training in my life. I know my place. I am a well trained puppy. When he told me, he was in the mood for torture sex, I got scared. He had been drinking. I knew he was pissed off from work too. This was not a good combo for me, but I can’t resist or protest. I have learned that hard lesson before. He tied my clit up with a rope. It was swelling quickly and turning purple. While I waited for my clit to fall off, which is what felt like was happening, he skull fucked me. He likes fish hooking my mouth. He slapped my titties as he fucked my mouth. My clit was numb. I thought perhaps that was a good thing, but when he burned it with his cigar, I felt it. I cringed from the pain. He punched me in the face. I felt my mouth bleeding. He was in an extra sadistic mood. Nothing I could say would make it any easier on me, so I just shut the fuck up until he got too drunk to do much damage to me. When he passed out, I snuck out of his house. I know the next time I see him, I will be in for a world of pain. When I got home, I stitched my busted lip and iced my swollen clit. It’s a tough life being a submissive whore.
I found the perfect little bitch
Everyone acts like it is just so hard to find a little victim but honestly it’s the easiest part of what I do! So many crackheads and junkies just leave their brats wandering around all by themselves and those dumb ass little brats will go with anyone if you just promise to feed them! They never realize that they fucked up until I get them to my place, once we’re there and they see all the blood in my playroom… well that is where they start to get scared and beg for their worthless little mommies. I always tell them that their mothers sold them to me for drugs, I tell them that they don’t care if they lived or died so they may as well just shut the fuck up and do as they are told to do. Then the real fun starts, I get to cut them and fuck them and break their little fragile bones and in the end I throw their little bodies on the bonfire with the rest of the garbage.