Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Blow-up Doll

Sadistic phone sexMost women love giving their man a blowjob, most of the time it’s done out of love. But my old man can turn it into a punishment. It doesn’t take much to piss him off, he has a very short fuse. Last night, I didn’t do something fast enough and it angered him. He forced me down on my knees and made me suck his cock for 3 whole hours. He loves to edge, he made suck his dick until he felt like he was going to cum, then he pushed me away. After a few moments, he motioned for me to start sucking again. For three whole hours, he forced me to please him like a sex slave. After the first hour on my knees, pleasing him turned sadistic. To him I’m no longer a woman, I’m a sex toy… a blow-up doll. If I try to resist, he would hit me. I suck, and suck, and suck until he finally fills my cheeks with semen. I swallow because I need nourishment to quench my thirst. My lips hurt from sucking and swelled twice their size. He gets off on being cruel but I don’t have the strength to leave.

Delicious Dish of Snuff Phone Sex Served Hot

Intrigued by snuff phone sex are we? Maybe you have a true evil streak that borderlines a serial killer like desire for another kind of jerk off fantasies. No one ever understood you and you really couldn’t let others in on what really goes on in that head of yours. I bet you sit and fantasize about severed body parts and the things you could do with some dumb mute. I would even go so far as to surmise that you often think about human flesh delicacies like those sweet nipples on that Hooker last night or the huge clit of the neighbor you fantasy raped recently. Well my darkling I think you need to get something evil brewing for that spunk to flow. I’m you apprentice or you can be mine with the desire you wish to fulfill brought to me.

Snuff Phone Sex


Torture phone sexI was tied down by my wrists and ankles today and whipped severely with a belt. Sam an old friend was just fired and needed a pain slut worthless body to take out his anger. He showed up at my door unannounced and grabbed me by my hair dragging me to my bedroom where he tied my ass up. And starting whipping me. He didn’t say a mother fucking word just kept hitting and hitting me. My flesh was tearing open and blood was trickling down my body. Welts were appearing all over my flesh. I snot, drool, and tears, all coming from my face. I squirmed and screamed and squirted my cum every time the belt made contact with my open wounds.

Payback with Torture Sex

torture sexHe said it was going to be torture sex. He wouldn’t tell me his name. He said that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I paid for being a bitch and a man stealer. He knew every sordid detail of my salacious life. I offered him money, but he was already paid handsomely. He tied me to a chair with leather restraints. I was stripped naked. He commented about my big whore titties. I started to scream, but before I could scream too long, he put my panties in my mouth to muffle me. With a sinister grin on his face, he started talking about how his clients wanted payback. There was no apologizing. He wouldn’t listen to my pleas. Pain was on his mind. He started with several whacks to my big fake tits with a cane.  That cane hit my ass a few dozen times too. He affixed weights to my nipples and my clit. I felt like I suddenly had cow udders. Needles pierced my skin. I could feel drops of blood oozing out of my nipples. Drip drip drip. Blood cascading over my tits and pooling in my belly button. More whacks with floggers, paddles and canes all over my body. My skin was turning purple. I was starting to bruise. I was trying to itemize my sins in my head. It was too late to right the wrongs. This was my end. My skin was blistering, bleeding and changing colors from the abuse and torture. His goal was to ruin my big boobs, scar my body, ruin its perfection so I could not steal a man if I wanted to. I thought when he laughed at my ruined body he was done, but this was not just torture, this was snuff sex too. His hands clenched tightly around my throat as he squeezed the life out of me, making sure I knew I was dying for being a whore.

I Get Off To Pathetic Losers Kidnapped

Kidnapping Phone SexI love keeping fags tied up in my basement and them doing what I want at my every snap of my finger. I needed more and bigger losers than the ones I have right now, I have been stalking this house on the other side of town of a man who seems to be quite the loner. I dressed up in my most provocative outfit and walked up to his door at night and asked him if he could come help me with something at my house and I would bring him right back. Guys are so fucking stupid, we arrived at my house and I told him down in my basement and stepped back when he saw the other losers and I was at the stairway with my cattle prod, I zapped him and told him to get the fuck back. My lackey came up behind him and passed him out and he awoke shackled down, I was stood over him placed one heel on his shoulder and started rubbing my juicy fat pussy with my fingers I was going to get off with him in distress. I love how fragile these fags look when I fuck with their head. I love kidnapping stupid guys and raping their assholes and mouth. I told my lackey to fuck him up his ass so I could cum. I warned him not to make a sound or he gets zapped again. I had my fingers in my cunt and everytime he got fucked it pushed my fingers deeper. I came so hard looking at this pathetic loser and wiped my fingers on him.

Sadist Boss?

phone Sadistic phone sexI had an interview for a job at a lawyers office. To tell you the truth I heard that the boss was a sadist to his female workers. I was not sure if the rumor was true. But I applied in hopes it had some truth to it. I wore a low cut shirt including a push-up bra. And a very short skirt that when I bent over my ass was showing. Oh and no panties to get in the way. Sitting across from him he looked very clean cut, and the clean-cut ones are the most wicked. He was eyeing up my slutty body telling me I had the job but I needed to pass a few more test. Do you want to know what these test where? Give me a call hun I would love to share with you.

Extreme Bondage Phone Sex and Torture

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex gets extreme with a submissive druggy whore like me. I got a bit tied up last night. I am not exactly sure how it happened either.  I was in a bar drinking with strangers. I know I was hitting guys up to party. I am a cougar whore. I love to party and fuck. I like coke too much and it gets me in some predicaments like last night. The last thing I clearly remember was doing lines of coke in the bathroom with this college dude.  I had been playing pool, drinking, flirting and partying with some frat boys. When I woke up, I was tied up and suspended with some dude I had no memory of meeting. He was not one of the frat boys. I don’t think he was even at the bar. He had a pulsating vibrator attached to my clit that was giving me orgasm after orgasm. I know that doesn’t sound bad, but rapid cums in close succession like that over stimulates your pussy and hurts. I asked him who he was and how I got there. Apparently, the frat boys I was partying with sold me for $500 to this guy. WTF? They can’t sell a person. I demanded to be let go. He was not having any of my sass. He took a blow torch to my cunt and asshole. Torture sex is why he bought me. The pain made me pass out. He liked me awake, however. I could feel my flesh melting. I could smell my flesh burning. I puked. The way I was suspended, I only managed to puke all over myself. The torture went on for hours like some strange Pavlov’s dog experiment. It was like he was trying to get me to associate cumming with pain. I am a pain slut but burning the flesh from my skin was more than I could bear. Eventually, I passed out and couldn’t be revived. He dumped my body in an alley. I woke up when a bum was pissing on me.

I’m Going To Feed You Your Own Cock

You are a completely useless piece of shit and that thing between your legs has you thinking with the wrong head. I believe castration phone sex is the only answer for you as I have had it with the countless times my little sister has been treated so fouly by you, and well, I held off as long as I could… per her request that I don’t do anything to you… and cannot let this go on. In fact I think I will assist any other females from enduring your loser ways.

I invite you over for a party and tell you how you cannot tell my little sister, after all you are too cool to not be invited… *god I nearly choked on those words!* You show up and I have a few biker friends over for good measure and ask you to the back bedroom because I need to talk to you. I get you back there and pretend to be all over you and get you undressed. I push you into a chair and before you realize what is happening I am duct taping your wrists and ankles to posts. I text my bros to crank up the tunes. I then grab a big game gutting knife and straddle your legs. With a swoop of the blade I have severed your penis and ball sac and leave you bleeding out. I go to the kitchen and sautee this delicate.. and small piece of meat up in a pan and return to feed you your own cock. Choke on this dick meat and die mother fucker.

Castration phone sex

Beat Dat Pussy

Sadistic phone sexIt was a horrible mistake, over-cooking my boyfriend’s steak. He likes it cooked medium rare. He came towards me like a raging gorilla and pummeled me to the floor. He punched me in the head four times, then gripped my hair and jumped to his feet. He dragged me upstairs by my hair, cursing me. I pleaded for him to stop, but his rage was over the edge of insanity. He forced me to undress then he tied me to the bed with my hands and legs spread apart. He pulled his belt from his pants and I struggled to free myself. He swung the belt high into the hair and sent it flying back down against my wet cunt. The pain was so bad that I saw stars. He hit me over and over again between my legs until he got tired. I cried myself to sleep.

Ass pound

Ass rape porn is my boyfriend’s favorite. He loves to watch it with me and loves to use me and starts fucking me like a piece of meat. I love when he pounds me raw and doesn’t give a damn about if he is hurting me. He will tie me up and begin to paddle me and straddle himself on me; I love to feel the burn against my skin. I’ve never been one to like anal, but ever since he took my asshole and made it his, I learn to enjoy it. I guess pain and pleasure to come to play hand in hand when you are subjected to it. I love being his little bitch* and giving him everything he wants, whatever he says goes and if I have an issue I will have more consequences.