Tag: Sadistic phone sex

Big Bad Kinky Wolf

Sadistic phone sexYou are such a big bad kinky wolf! I love the way you have me hog-tied up like a stupid animal. You push your body weight down on me and show me the knife inches away from my face. I know I should be scared but I am too fucking turned on to be scared. I can feel my cunt leaking. You start to drag my body across the cold floor and throw me up on the bed. You take the knife and plunge it into fleshy tits. I try to scream but the ball gag muffles my sound. My fake tit pops and a mixture of my blood and silicone gush down my body. You put the knife between my cunt lips and see how fucking wet I am. You start to stab me over and over with the knife. Blood pouring out everywhere. The pain is intense and my cunt won’t stop squirting.

Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornAss rape porn is more vicious with women. I double crossed this bitch by fucking her man. It was just sex. I needed coke and he had some, but he wasn’t giving it to me for free. Nothing in life is free, right? She found me and what she did to me was not pretty. She drugged me when I was going into my house. I never made it inside. I woke up in some damp basement tied spread eagle with a pissed off bitch standing over me. She gave me the not fucking married men speech as she fisted my ass. Dry fisting hurts, especially when the bitch fisting you has a large hand and lots of rings on her fingers. She wasn’t going to be satisfied until my ass was ruined. I thought her fist fucking hurt, but that was nothing compared to the baseball bat she used on me next. I could feel the splinters going into my anal wall. She fucked my ass harder than a man would with his dick. She was tweaking. Being high as a kite made her more sadistic. She didn’t think she was damaging me enough, so she shoved both fists up my ass at the same time. I didn’t think my ass would go that wide. Well, it didn’t. She tore my asshole. I felt blood running out my ass. I was screaming in pain. He hands were covered in shit and blood. She just laughed and told me she was going to ensure I couldn’t fuck anyone’s husband ever again.


everyone has to die

sex with dead bodiesHalloween is my fucking favorite. My boyfriend and I rage all of October and November. I slip some sluts roofies and get the in their most vulnarble state and its on. This year I invited a dozen dumb college coeds for a Halloween party. I promised them coke and cock. Well a promise is a promise and I keep mines. I invited some special friends to get these whores to open sesame. Once they had their fun it was time to punish them. Whores must die! My boyfriend had fantasies of sex with dead bodies and I am the best girlfriend ever so I had to do that for him. I dressed up as an evil cheerleader and I got my halloween fix fisting them and leaving them all bloody and used. I let my boyfriend fuck them till they took their last breath. One by one they all had to die. I like seeing how petrified they are. They can barely move and once the coke wears off its a pain like no other.

Not Going Anywhere

Snuff phone sex


Aww.  She thought we were going to let her go.  She is so cute yet so fucking stupid.  Those big eyes, with big tears, asking for her Mommy.  Poor little thing.  So trusting, so young and so ready to leave.  We did tell her if that if she was a good girl and did every thing we asked that we would let her go.  You knew we were lying, I knew we were lying, but she actually thought we were telling the truth.  Ooops.

All those pretty purple, yellow and red spots marking her skin.  The huge bruise on her cheek, her split lip, her torn up cunt, she withstood it all just because of hope.  It is amazing what one can go through if you only have that one single thing.  She must of been imaging being in her Mommy’s arms, safe and warm.  She clung to that imagine, and she lasted.

Now she is standing by the door, waiting to leave.  Should you tell her, or should I? Better yet, why don’t we pretend to call her Dear Dear Mommy, you hand her the phone, and I will be on the other end.  I want you to watch her face as I tell her that she can’t come home because I didn’t love her anymore, that I never wanted her, she had been a mistake and her Daddy and I are so much more happier without her.  I bet she cries again.  Then we will start the whole process over again, but this time her hope will be gone so I wonder what she will do and how she will react.  Our very own little scientific study.

I think that is exactly what we will do, first destroy her little heart, then destroy what ever is left over of her hope and flesh.

Halloween Brings About Torture Sex

Torture sex

Halloween is just a few days away. It is my favorite time of the year. You and I don’t have to go looking for victim. They just show up on our door step looking for candy. All the different ages and races, just thinking about it makes my cunt hot and juicy. My cunt thrives off of sadistic torture sex. Watching a little girl scream and beg for mercy as you hold her down for me only makes my cunt wetter. I smoother her face with my hot wet cunt feeling her screams vibrating on my clit as you fuck her young tight virgin pussy. I reach down and pinch her little pink nipples. I lean over and bite her nipple making sure to get blood all over my tongue. Then I lean forward and French kiss you my love. Intertwining our tongues together and sharing her young pure blood with you. You reach up and wrap your hands around her throat as you continue to kiss me. Just as you start to blew your load, you choke the life out of her little body. We throw her lifeless body down in the basement and wait for the next trick or treater.

Snuff movies are so fun to make

snuff moviesSnuff movies are so much fun to make… especially when the victim is so young and innocent. This particular victim came with a bonus, I got her mommy too and I made that bitch watch her daughter lose all that innocence and die in a very gruesome way. I had the mom tied up and cut off her eyelids so that she was forced to see every moment of her daughter’s suffering, she begged me the entire time not to hurt her but her pleas just fell on deaf ears cus I was way too into it to stop! I tortured that little girl for hours, fucked every hole with all kinds of fun toys, by the time I was done with her she was torn to pieces. Then it was mommy’s turn to suffer, I let all my furry friends fuck her and tear her to pieces with their sharp teeth, it was so hot to watch her basically be eating alive right in front of me!

Snuff: Have It Your Way

Snuff phone sex

I would like to ask you all something.  If you could snuff someone in anyway you would want and you know you would completely get away with it … How would you do it. I actually really want to know, even if we never have spoken before email me, or comment on it.  You of course do not have to use your real name.  I want you to feel free to just get it out there without any sort of repercussions.  

Mine would be the following: Janice D., a stupid cunt from my school days.  I really hated her, but I loved her body.  She was a bitch, but a hot bitch.  Now you might be thinking she was popular, one of those “mean girls”, but nope.  She wasn’t popular at all.  She was just always on the rag or something.  Not once do I recall seeing her smile, or laughing.  She would just mope around, and if someone tried to talk to her she would just ignore them then look at them like they weren’t even there.  Pretty fucking rude if you ask me.

Maybe she was having problems at home, who the hell knows, and who the hell cares.  Maybe her Daddy was sticking Legos up her pussy for punishment, or her Mom was feeding her shit sandwiches.  I didn’t really care for the why, but anyone that miserable doesn’t deserve to breath.  They are just taking up space, breathing precious oxygen, and just being an eyesore.  

I would take her to a fun house (I have a thing for fun houses, have since I was super young).  One that was in operation.  I would tie that cunt up just like she was about to be drawn and quartered.  I would make sure the ropes were so tight that they dislocated the hips and shoulders before they were tied off.  Just to get the screaming going.  Before doing all that, I would have paid a shit ton of homeless tweekers to show up throughout the night.  Then right there, under those flashing strobe lights, and clacking of the cars she would be fucked over and over.  I would be on the side dripping acid on her tits while she is continually violated. 

Then after the fucking was done, I would get between her legs and splash that acid all over that freshly fucked pussy of hers.  I can almost see the smoke and hear the slight sizzle as it eats into her skin.  Right before I left, I would dump the rest of it down her throat then just leave her there for the people who ran the ride to find.  Yeah I have thought about this a lot, why do you ask? lol 

Now, it’s your turn.  I look forward to hearing about all the delicious details.

Special Night

Tonight was a special night there was another beat me up whore bitch there just like me. One guy who gave us both the name of Dave hired us both. He was going to have a threesome fuck session with us, beat us the fuck up, torture us and when we were half dead he was going to fuck the shit out of us again. The other bitch was really fucking hot and had a young tight sweet body. I did enjoy her body and even I got a little sadistic on her. Dave had a knife hidden under the mattress and he had me turn around on all fours and told me he was going to fuck me up the ass. The surprise was that he was going to fuck me up the ass with that knife. He jammed that knife fast and hard deep into my ass. I yelped and my whole body jerked feeling the knife my fleshy ass up. I began to squirt across the room begging for more ofAss rape porn that sweet knife.

My Good Deed of The Day

Sadistic phone sex

They say, “Boys will be boys.” As if that is an excuse for some sort of fucked up behavior.  Fuck that shit.  I was at a gas station and this chick was in tears talking on her phone.  A young pretty thing, crying, my pussy started to get a little bit damp.  I stopped pumping my gas so that I could hear the conversation.  She was talking about how her boyfriend cheated on her, she walked in on them.  Oh boo-fucking-hoo right?  I almost started to laugh then I heard her say, “I would pay someone to kill that stupid motherfucker if I could.” I instantly perked up.

I finished pumping my gas then walked around the pump and tapped her on the shoulder.  Now this girl was upset, so she was a bit bitchy to me until I said that I was sorry that she was cheated on.  Sometimes you have to pretend to have empathy for a situation in order to get what you want.  She told the person she would have to call them back.  I told her to pull her car around in front of the store and I would go in and get her a drink and she could tell me what happened.  I even gave her a hug which almost caused me to puke, but I was on a mission.

I brought her out a beer, she told me she wasn’t old enough to drink one.  I laughed and told her I didn’t care and to drink the damn thing.  We sat on the hood of her car and I explained that if she was serious, I could do the deed for her.  I had to make sure she was pretty shit faced to agree to it, so I had to keep buying beer.  She was a light weight when it came to drinking, so I actually didn’t have to buy that much.  I told her to get back in her car and just sleep for a bit that everything would be alright.  She thanked me, gave me ten bucks and I was happily on my way.

What a douche this guy was. He actually told me that he was going to cut my tits off.  I was laughing so hard as I stepped up to him, he tried to back away, but I grabbed his jacket and yanked him back to me.  I licked his lips and told him how much I was going to enjoy this.  He tried to fight me, but again, douche guy with douche moves.  I have seen dust bunnies float more violently across the floor.  His fighting skills were just damn sad.

Before long that smart assed attitude of his was gone.  He was panting beneath me, my full weight on his chest, his arms where extended over his head.  He was begging now, said he was sorry.  I asked him what it was that he was sorry for, he said everything.  I rolled my eyes.  I moved down to sit on his knees while I looked at his little cock.  He was scared so his pathetic fuck stick was all tiny.  I slapped it, and he gasped.  What a pussy this guy was.

I asked him if he was still going to cut my tits off.  He was crying, he managed to sob out a “No.” I smiled, then sliced into his sack, running the knife up between his two testies.  He passed out.  See, pussy through and through.  I waited for him to wake back up then continued.  He was screaming too much, it was actually getting on my nerves, I pulled off my jeans, and my panties then lowered myself down on his open mouth.  The vibration of his screams against my cunt were simply delicious!  After cutting the rest of his junk off, I shoved the knife up his ass and fucked him with it, his mouth was working my pussy so well.  I came, turned around quickly then stuck the knife into his throat, stood up, and stomped on the top of the hilt.  The sound was beautiful.

Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is bloody good fun for me. Nothing gives me more pleasure than chopping off nuts. There are a lot of reasons a man might need his nuts whacked off. Some men are douche bags who shouldn’t reproduce. Some men have tiny dicks and shouldn’t be allowed to procreate and give the world more tiny dicked losers. Some guys just piss me off. Hell, some men even beg for their nuts to be taken. If some fucking loser is that pathetic, I will take his money and his nuts. It is a free world and if a man wants a sadistic bitch like me to mutilate his genitals, I won’t deny him. Patrick found my torture sex ad on the Dark Net. He has been trying to make himself a eunuch for years but can’t seem to do it for himself. He paid me $5,000 cash to take his balls. Fuck yes. Easy money for something I enjoy. I had him meet me in my little castration shack in the woods. It is an old hunting cabin I inherited from my grandpa when he died. My grandpa worked at the old prison in town before it was shut down. He was the executioner. He managed to snag me a few items before the prison was torn down to build a new one. One of my favorite pieces is an old execution chair that I embellished into a castration chair. I strapped Patrick in, just like an inmate facing death would be, but I added a plank to separate the cock and balls. I separated his cock from his balls, then I used a castration band around his nuts until the blood flow stopped. I used my newly sharpened big ass knife and made a clean cut. There was a lot of blood. I let him bleed for a bit for shits and giggles, then I cauterized the wound. Then I let him go. Easiest money ever. Fun too.